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Entrepreneurship for small software-oriented enterprises (Gründung und Führung kleiner softwareorientierter Unternehmen)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course lehrveranstaltung seminar teaching gfsu gründung

Course GFSU SS2024 NEWS: Intermediate presentations on 18.06.2024. See the course page on TUMonline above the text Hide Hide course,gfsu,gründung,lehrveranstaltung,seminar,teaching Course Acronym GFSU course dates. Access links to the course materials will be distributed to the participants shortly : Via TUMonline, opening date 11.03.2024 (registration closed). See course page. Important: The -BWL, WI, etc. GFSU ist not a "Hauptseminar" or "Proseminar", it's a cool seminar though Seminar