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Paper Investigating the Establishment of Architecture Principles for Supporting Large-Scale Agile Transformations at EDOC 2019

The widespread use of agile methods shows a fundamental shift in the way organizations try to cope with unpredictable competitive environments. In large-scale agile settings, multiple development activities need to be coordinated to achieve desirable enterprise-wide effects and agility. A powerful instrument to effectively guide and steer large-scale agile endeavors is the formulation and usage of architecture principles.
Despite their raison d'être to guide large organizational transformations, extant studies on how principles can be used to support large-scale agile transformations are still lacking.

Against this backdrop, we present a multiple-case study involving five German companies that aims to shed light on the establishment of architecture principles to support large-scale agile transformations. Based on our results from sixteen semi-structured interviews, we present current practices as well as challenges faced by organizations during the application of architecture principles. In addition, we show a set of principles used to support large-scale agile transformations.

A paper has been accepted for publication at AMCIS 2013


A research paper has been accepted for publication at the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). In the paper entitled "Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation", the author team Sascha Roth, Matheus Hauder, Felix Michel, Dominik Münch, and Florian Matthes present a process for the resolution of conflicts to enable the automated documentation of Enterprise Architecture Models. The proposed solution uses interactive visualizations to resolve conflicts in a collaborative setting and is illustrated using a productive Enterprise Service Bus from a leading organization of the fashion industry. An implementation of this process based on an Enterprise 2.0 collaboration platform is presented and evaluated with expert interviews.