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Paper titled Recurring Concerns and Best Practices of Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters at PLoP 2019

Ever since the release of the agile manifesto in 2001, agile methods have received widespread interest in industry and academia. Agile methods have transformed and brought unique changes to software development practices by strongly emphasizing team collaboration, change tolerance, and active customer involvement. Their proven benefits have also inspired organizations to apply them in large-scale settings. However, the adoption of agile methods at scale entails unique challenges such as coordinating and aligning multiple large-scale agile activities, dealing with internal silos, and establishing an agile culture & mindset throughout the organization. In particular, agile coaches and scrum masters are confronted with unprecedented concerns in large-scale agile development. Notwithstanding their importance for large-scale agile endeavors, extant literature still lacks an overview of their typical concerns and a collection of patterns to address them. Against this backdrop, we provide an overview of typical concerns and present five best practices of agile coaches and scrum masters in large-scale agile development.

Paper titled Documenting Recurring Concerns and Patterns in Large-Scale Agile Development accepted at EuroPLoP 2019

The introduction of agile methods at scale entails unique concerns such as inter-team coordination, dependencies to other organizational units, or distribution of work without a defined architecture. Compared to the rich body of agile software development literature describing typical challenges and best practices, recurring concerns and patterns in large-scale agile development are not yet documented extensively. We aim to fill this gap by presenting a pattern language for large-scale agile software development as part of our larger research initiative in close collaboration with 10 companies. The structure and practical relevance of the proposed language were evaluated by 14 interviews. In this paper, we showcase our pattern language by presenting four patterns.

Paper titled Consumer Protection in the Digital Era - The Potential of Customer-Centered LegalTech published at INFORMATIK 2019

The paper titled "Consumer Protection in the Digital Era: The Potential of Customer-Centered LegalTech" was pusblished at INFORMATIK 2019.


New technologies and tools, often summarised under the term “LegalTech”, are changing the way in which legal professionals work. The digital transformation has changed many aspects of our daily life and democratised access to knowledge and services. In the legal domain, however, consumers rarely benefit from digitisation. On the contrary, they are often overpowered by big corporations and their well equipped legal departments. In this paper, we outline how LegalTech can be used to empower consumers in the digital era, by building tools to support consumers and those who protect them. In order to show the potential of customer-centered LegalTech, we present two prototypes which semantically analyse, assess, and summarise Terms of Services from German web shops.

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Six papers presented at AMCIS 2019

Six sebis papers were presented at the AMCIS conference 2019 in Cancun:


Sebis presents its Blockchain reserach at the Blockchain Day on July 18th

 im Rahmen unseres Blockchain Day am 18. Juli 2019 an der Technischen Universität München stellen der Lehrstuhl für Software Engineering betrieblicher Informationssysteme (Prof. Dr. Florian Matthes) und die Professur für Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Steinhorst) praxisrelevante Ergebnisse aus aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten vor und hoffen auf Feedback, Austausch sowie neue spannende Fragestellungen aus der industriellen Praxis. In diesem Workshop gibt es interessante Vorträge und Austauschmöglichkeiten zum interdisziplinären Themenschwerpunkt Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology und Internet of Things (IoT).


Die Veranstaltung gibt Ihnen auch die Gelegenheit zu fachlichen Diskussionen und zum Networking mit Fachexperten beim anschließenden Get-Together ab 18:00 Uhr.


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