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JetBrains Night @ TUM, 10.07.2015, 5 pm

We are inviting you to the next JetBrains Night at TUM (Campus Garching), where our guest speakers from JetBrains will talk about functional programming and code review practices. The event takes place on the 10th of July (Friday) at 5:00 pm, room HS 3 (MI-Building, 00.06.011). After the talks all participants are invited to have some snacks and beer outside of the lecture hall.

Find out more information and register for the event on Facebook:

We are looking forward to meeting you!

JetBrains Night @ TUM, 11.12.2014, 6 pm

The well-known producer of modern IDEs - JetBrains is going to hold an event at TUM (Campus Garching) on the 11th of December (Thursday) at 6:00 pm, room HS 3 (MI-Building, 00.06.11).

 Guest speakers would like to present the following three topics:

1) Contemporary tools for software development, JetBrains approach.  

2) Continuous integration, deployment and delivery. Concepts, trends and tools.

3) Evolution of software design patterns in Scala. 

Moreover, after talks (8:00 pm) all participants are invited for snack and discussion to the buffet outside of the lecture hall.

Find out more about the event on Facebook: