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Ma11c - Wiki4EAM - Using Hybrid Wikis for Enterprise Architecture...

Publication in Sebis Public Website  last modified Mar 1, 2013 by Christian Neubert.    wiki4eam wikis eam e2.0 hybrid wiki 2011 hybrid wiki publication

Hybrid Wikis for Enterprise Architecture... Not template related Show to the right of the text Show ,wiki,wiki4eam,wikis Publication Type Other Publications File Ma11c - Wiki4EAM Using Hybrid Wikis - Wikis for collaborative Enterprise Architecture Management Citation Matthes F.; Neubert C.: Wiki4EAM : Using Hybrid Wikis for Enterprise Architecture Management. In: 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (WikiSym), Mountain View California, 2011 Type of publication Address

Article on structuring contents in enterprise wikis accepted at ECKM 2011

Text Page in Sebis Research News  last modified Jul 11, 2011 by Christian Neubert.    enterprise 2.0 wikis collaboration e2.0 web2.0 social software hybrid wiki hybrid wiki web 2.0 e20 tricia

Enterprise Wikis", the author team (Florian Matthes and Christian Neubert) introduce concepts and wikis accepted at ECKM 2011 Not template related Hide Hide Hide collaboration,e2.0,e20,enterprise 2.0 ,hybrid,hybrid wiki,social software,tricia,web 2.0,web2.0,wiki,wikis Text Page /Sebis Research News/_

Bu09f - A Wiki-based Approach to Enterprise Architecture Documentation...

Article in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 information modeling 2009 wikis eam article modeling e2.0 inproceedings enterprise architecture web 2.0 publication

.0,wikis Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian Neubert Dr. Christian M. Schweda , Italy, p. 1476-1487, 2009. Research project Wiki4EAM - Wikis for collaborative Enterprise