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Semantic text matching of contract clauses and legal comments in tenancy law

Publication in Sebis Public Website     2018 verträge semantic text matching publication contract drafting mietverträge word embeddings legal informatics mietrecht word2vec information retrieval kommentare contract analysis contracts inproceedings legal comments

Publication Abstract We present an innovative approach to support lawyers in the processes of 2018,contract analysis,contract drafting,contracts,information retrieval,inproceedings,kommentare ,legal comments,legal informatics,mietrecht,mietverträge,publication,semantic text matching,verträge,word embeddings,word2vec Publication Key La18a Research project Address Salzburg Type of publication

Extending Full Text Search for Legal Document Collections using Word Embeddings

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

the right of the text Show below the text Hide german laws,inproceedings,legal informatics,publication Publication Abstract Traditional full text search allows fast search for exact matches. However ,rechtsinformatik Publication Year 2016 Research project Title Extending Full Text Search for La16c Address Sofia Antopolis, France File La16c.pdf Type of publication Conference /Sebis Public Website/_

Ha14a - Agile Enterprise Architecture Management - An Analysis on the Application of Agile Principles

Publication in Sebis Public Website     inproceedings publication

right of the text Hide Hide inproceedings,publication Publication Research project Type of publication Publication Abstract Enterprise Architecture (EA) management has proven to be an efficient

Bu10o - A Design Theory Nexus for Situational Enterprise Architecture...

Article in Sebis Public Website     enterprise architecture management function eam article viable systems model inproceedings design theory nexus situational method engineering publication

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Demystifying Big Data Adoption Beyond IT Fashion and Relative Advantage

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

below the text Hide german laws,inproceedings,legal informatics,publication,rechtsinformatik Publication Abstract Demystifying Big Data Adoption: Beyond IT Fashion and Relative Advantage There Publication Title Demystifying Big Data Adoption Beyond IT Fashion and Relative Advantage Type of publication Workshop Authors Florian Matthes Prof. Dr. Rick Kazman Prof. Dr. Hong-Mei Chen File Ch15a.pdf

Ro13b - Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation

Publication in Sebis Public Website     inproceedings publication

the right of the text inproceedings,publication Publication Title Facilitating Conflict Resolution Publication Abstract Enterprise Architecture (EA) management relies on solid and up to date Matthes Year 2012 Address Chicago, Illinois Research project Type of publication /Sebis Public Website/_

Unveiling References in Legal Texts - Implicit versus Explicit Network Structures

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

,inproceedings,legal informatics,publication,rechtsinformatik Publication Year 2016 Published in 19 Publication Abstract The continuously increasing amount of legal text data demands efficient and Salzburg, Austria Type of publication Conference Authors Dr. Jörg Landthaler Dr. Bernhard Waltl Prof. Dr

Bu10v - A Conceptual Framework for Enterprise Architecture Design

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 21, 2013 by Thomas Büchner.    standards goals principle eam article conceptual framework strategy 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management enterprise architecture publication

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Multi-level Event And Anomaly Correlation Based on Enterprise Architecture Information

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

the text Show below the text Hide german laws,inproceedings,legal informatics,publication Publication Abstract Growing IT landscapes among enterprises face the challenge of increasing ,rechtsinformatik Publication File La16b.pdf Year 2016 Authors Dr. Jörg Landthaler Dr. Martin Kleehaus Prof Information Type of publication Workshop Research project TUM LLCM TP32 Key La16b /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu12 - Automating Enterprise Architecture Documentation using an...

Publication in Sebis Public Website     inproceedings publication

the text inproceedings,publication Publication Title Automating Enterprise Architecture Publication Abstract Currently the documentation of Enterprise Architectures (EA) requires manual , Washington, USA, 2012. Type of publication /Sebis Public Website/_

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