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Automated extraction of semantic information from german legal documents

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

Publication Abstract Based on a collaborative data science environment, and a large document corpus the right of the text Show below the text Hide german laws,inproceedings,legal informatics,publication ,rechtsinformatik Publication Research project Semantic Analysis of Legal Texts Authors Dr german legal documents Type of publication Conference /Sebis Public Website/_

Modeling, Execution and Analysis of Formalized Legal Norms in Model Based Decision Structures

Publication in Sebis Public Website     rechtsinformatik legal informatics inproceedings german laws publication

Publication Abstract This paper describes a decision support system to represent the semantics of informatics,publication,rechtsinformatik Publication File Wa17f.pdf Citation Waltl, B.; Reschenhofer, T , 2017 Key Wa17f Type of publication Conference Address Research project Lexalyze - Interdisciplinary

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