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Semantic Analysis and Structuring of Contracts

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects     project legal informatics laws semantic technologies compliance research

Research Project Motivation Nowadays, many sectors face the obstacle called digitalization. So does digitized legal contracts. Ambition This project shall provide support for this business need by , they have to be modelled properly. Hence one key task of this project is to define suitable models of project, the existing functionality of Lexia, a collaborative legal data science environment, is utilized. Hereby, the software components being developed during this project shall be integrated into

Semantic Analysis of Legal Texts

Research Project in /Sebis Public Website/Research/Completed Research Projects/Completed NLP Projects     project legal informatics laws semantic technologies compliance research

Hide Hide compliance,laws,legal informatics,project,research,semantic technologies Research Project Research Project Motivation Legal compliance is a key factor for all kinds of enterprises. The , Casellas, & Rubino, 2008). Based on the fact, that laws are mostly represented as text, we will (Francesconi, 2010). Research Questions The main research questions within this project address: How adapted to other (and similar) knowledge intensive domains? Acknowledgement This research project is