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Master's Thesis Friederike Groschupp

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis ethereum smart contracts blockchain

in Ethereum While blockchain technology promises a new era of transparent and secure distributed . In this work, we propose an identity assertion and verification framework for Ethereum that overcomes framework for Ethereum. /Sebis Public Website/_/Master's Thesis Friederike Groschupp Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide blockchain,ethereum,master's thesis,smart /TLS Zertifikaten zur Identitätsbereitstellung und -verifikation in Ethereum Checklist filled Yes

Master's Thesis Dominik Gerbershagen

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis ethereum smart contracts blockchain

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Master's Thesis Stephan Zumkeller

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis ethereum smart contracts blockchain

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Master's Thesis Bernd Steinkopf

Student Project in Sebis Public Website     master's thesis ethereum smart contracts blockchain

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