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Dr. Christopher Schulz

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    mergers staff eam sebis schulz team acquisitions christopher

below the text Show below the text acquisitions,christopher,eam,mergers,schulz,sebis,staff,team (to appear). /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Christopher Schulz Not template related Hide Show .0058 Fax +49 89 289-17136 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Matthes, F., Monahov I., Schneider A., Schulz C.: EAM KPI Catalog v 1.0. Technical Report, München EAM function - Evaluation of BEAMS in the automotive industry MT 2012 [Ec11] Eckert, Marie-Lena

Michael Glatz

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff eam sebis michael glatz team

related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,glatz,michael,sebis,staff,team Alumni Position PhD Student /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni reverse chronological order) 2010 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Michael Glatz Not template

Dr. Andreas Freitag

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 26, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    freitag staff eam sebis team andreas

related Hide Show below the text Hide andreas,eam,freitag,sebis,staff,team Team Member Skype Phone ; IDP - Interdisziplinäres Projekt /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Andreas Freitag Not template PhD Student Image File Andreas Freitag.JPG /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Software Engineering of Business Information Systems Freitag worked as a management consultant in the Global Competence Team Enterprise Architecture

Dr. Fatih Yilmaz

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     person mitarbeiter eam sebis fatih yilmaz team

Enterprise Architecture Management Lecture Advisor /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Fatih Yilmaz ,mitarbeiter,person,sebis,team Team Member E-Mail fatih.yilmaz [at] Image File Twitter Phone Fax 01.12.055 Xing /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business business capability maps. Before joining sebis, he worked as a Junior Enterprise Architect at BCG

Sascha Nägele

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     person eam sebis sascha nägele team

Show below the text Hide eam,person,sascha nägele,sebis,team Team Member E-Mail sascha.naegele@tum Nguyen /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Sascha Nägele Not template related Show to the right of the text Xing LinkedIn Twitter Phone +49 89 289-17129 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business Nägele, S., Watzelt, JP., Matthes, F.: Assessing Team Security Maturity in Large-Scale Agile

Dr. Ömer Uludağ

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     person mitarbeiter eam sebis team ömer uludag

Show below the text eam,mitarbeiter,person,sebis,team,ömer uludag Team Member E-Mail oemer.uludag /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Ömer Uludağ Not template related Hide Show below the text Research Associate Fax +49 89 289-17136 Phone +49 89 289-17141 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business plans and heavy documentations. Since agile methods have proved to be successful at the team level

Dr. Ivan Monahov

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    ivan eam performance indicators sebis metrics catalog monahov kpi enterprise team architecture integrated software support management

- Guided Research /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Ivan Monahov Not template related Show to indicators,sebis,team Team Member Secretary Twitter Xing Image Fax +49 89 289-17136 LinkedIn /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Software Engineering of Business Information Systems Ernst Denert -ESA'14, Albi, France, 2014. 2013 [Mo13a] Monahov, I.; Schumaiev, K.; Matthes, F.: Sebis Study: Cloud

Pascal Philipp

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     person eam sebis team pascal philipp

Applications - Master Course Lecture & Projects Advisor /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Pascal Philipp Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,pascal philipp,person,sebis E-Mail Skype Position Fax /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business SAP Commerce Cloud teams. more here ... Teaching Term Level Title Type Role SS 23 Master EAM

Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl)

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    sabine staff eam sebis team buckl

Project; GR - Guided Research EAMPC, System Cartography /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr ,sebis,staff,team Alumni E-Mail Phone +49 89 289 17126 Room 01.12.0055 Position Senior Research Scientist /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni Zukunft von EAM. In: Keuntje, J.H.; Barkow, R. (Hrsg.): Enterprise Architecture Management in der Praxis , p. 21-22, 2010. [Ke10] Keuntje, J.H.; Matthes, F.; Buckl, S.; Schweda, C.M.: EAM-Werkzeuge. In

Dr. Sascha Roth

Alumni in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni  last modified Jun 25, 2018 by Manoj Mahabaleshwar.    staff eam sascha roth sebis team

Not template related Hide Show below the text Show below the text eam,sascha roth,sebis,staff,team Thesis Björn Kirschner Master's Thesis 2013/2014 /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Dr. Sascha Roth Phone +49 89 289-17129 E-Mail /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

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