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Oliver Wardas

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uses, and infrastructures. More here... /Sebis Public Website/Team/Oliver Wardas Not template ,sebis,staff,team Team Member E-Mail Phone +49 89 289 17142 Skype Position Twitter Image File Secretary /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Faculty of Informatics Chair of Informatics 19 Software Engineering for Business related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide legaltech,mitarbeiter,nlp,people,person

Tim Schopf

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team     staff person mitarbeiter knowledge graphs sebis nlp tim schopf team people

the right of the text Hide knowledge graphs,mitarbeiter,nlp,people,person,sebis,staff,team,tim schopf /Sebis Public Website/Team/Tim Schopf Not template related Show to the right of the text Show to Associate LinkedIn Xing Room 01.12.057 Twitter Phone +49 89 289 17105 Image File Tim.JPG /Sebis Public Website/Team Team Member Department of Computer Science Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information by engineers at the push of a button. More here... Knowledge4Retail (K4R) The sebis chair is part