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Bu08f - Towards simulation-supported enterprise architecture management

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jun 4, 2015 by Florian Matthes.    2008 eam article inproceedings simulation publication

text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2008,article,eam,inproceedings Article Abstract Enterprise architecture management is based on a holistic view on the enterprise interacting (sub–)systems. This article identifies possible techniques to address dynamic complexity in EA ,publication,simulation Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian M. Schweda Prof. Dr

Bu09e - An Information Model Capturing the Managed Evolution of...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 project portfolio management eam article modeling inproceedings temporal modeling enterprise architecture management publication

the text 2009,article,eam,enterprise architecture management,inproceedings,modeling,project portfolio Article Abstract Projects are the executors of organizational change and hence in charge of the management,publication,temporal modeling Article Citation Buckl, S.; Ernst, A.; Matthes, F

LS08 - Using Metrics to Evaluate Failure Propagation in Application...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2008 eam article inproceedings analysis publication

2008,analysis,article,eam,inproceedings,publication Article Title Using Metrics to Evaluate Failure Article Abstract The number of business applications operated by enterprises to provide support for managing an application landscape is maintaining quality levels. This article contributes a set of

Bu10q - Conceptual Models for Cross-cutting Aspects in Enterprise...

Article in Sebis Public Website     eam article modeling 2010 inproceedings publication

the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,eam ,inproceedings,modeling,publication Article Key Bu10q Title Conceptual Models for Cross-cutting Article Abstract The benefit of enterprise architecture (EA) management is directly coupled to the , property, and relationship. Specific aspects relevant in the area of \EAm, such as temporality, property the Enterprise (VORTE 2010) Research project BEAMS - Building Blocks for EAM Solutions /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu10n - A Situated Approach to Enterprise Architecture Management

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Thomas Büchner.    enterprise architecture management function eam article theory nexus viable system inproceedings systemic approach publication

,eam,enterprise architecture management function,inproceedings,publication,systemic approach,theory Article Abstract Today’s enterprises are confronted with a challenging environment that demands Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text article nexus,viable system Article Citation Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Schweda, C.M.: A Situated Approach to Management Research project BEAMS - Building Blocks for EAM Solutions /Sebis Public Website/_

Ai09 - A Survival Analysis of Application Life Spans based on Enterprise...

Article in Sebis Public Website     2009 eam article inproceedings publication

of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,eam,inproceedings,publication Article Article Abstract Modern enterprises face the challenge to survive in an ever changing envi¬ronment

Bu09f - A Wiki-based Approach to Enterprise Architecture Documentation...

Article in Sebis Public Website     enterprise 2.0 information modeling 2009 wikis eam article modeling e2.0 inproceedings enterprise architecture web 2.0 publication

right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2009,article,e2.0,eam Article Abstract Enterprise architecture (EA) management is a challenging task, modern enterprises ,enterprise 2.0,enterprise architecture,information modeling,inproceedings,modeling,publication,web 2 .0,wikis Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr. Christian Neubert Dr. Christian M. Schweda

Bu10c - Interrelating Concerns in EA Documentation - Towards a...

Article in Sebis Public Website     eam article modeling 2010 inproceedings publication

right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,eam ,inproceedings,modeling,publication Article Citation Buckl, S.; Matthes, F.; Schweda, C.M.: Interrelating Article Abstract Over the last years a multitude of approaches and frameworks making prescriptions Paderborn, Germany Research project BEAMS - Building Blocks for EAM Solutions File Bu10c.pdf Title

My11 - Charting the landscape of enterprise architecture management - an...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Jun 12, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    enterprise 2.0 eam article survey 2011 inproceedings enterprise architecture management literature review web 2.0 publication enterprise architectur

right of the text Show to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2011,article,eam Article Abstract Todays enterprises are faced with the challenge of an ever changing environment widely in respect to the proposed methods, models, and languages. The objective of this article references of an article, and the involved authors groups. Thereby the article seeks to give an overview ,enterprise 2.0,enterprise architectur,enterprise architecture management,inproceedings,literature review

Bu10l - Exemplifying a Framework for Interrelating Enterprise...

Article in Sebis Public Website     eam article modeling 2010 inproceedings publication

2010,article,eam,inproceedings,modeling,publication Article Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Dr Article Abstract In recent years, enterprise architecture (EA) management has gained increasing 2010 File Bu10l.pdf Address Hammamet, Tunesia Research project BEAMS - Building Blocks for EAM

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