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St10 - Enterprise architecture management from a knowledge management...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Sabine Goldes (Buckl).    future research topics eam article knowledge management 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management empirical study publication

,inproceedings,knowledge management,publication Article Address Tel Aviv, Israel Key St10 Year 2010 text 2010,article,eam,empirical study,enterprise architecture management,future research topics Article Abstract Within the context of EAM numerous approaches proposed by researches exist. Still maintaining process-specific information in an efficient way. This research article addresses the Information Systems (MCIS2010), Tel Aviv, paper, 84, 2010. Title Enterprise architecture management

Bu10m - A Technique for Annotating EA Information Models with Goals

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 4, 2012 by Thomas Büchner.    eam article goal question metric modeling goal modeling modeling language 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management goal question metri enterprise architecture publication

2010,article,eam,enterprise architecture,enterprise architecture management,goal modeling,goal question metri,goal question metric,inproceedings,modeling,modeling language,publication Article Article Abstract Many of today's enterprises experience the need to establish and conduct , p. 113-127, 2010. Year 2010 /Sebis Public Website/_

Bu10v - A Conceptual Framework for Enterprise Architecture Design

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Apr 21, 2013 by Thomas Büchner.    standards goals principle eam article conceptual framework strategy 2010 inproceedings enterprise architecture management enterprise architecture publication

to the right of the text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,conceptual framework,eam Article Abstract An ambiguous terminology as well as a lack of clarity prevail in information present article proposes a conceptual framework for EA design that covers the aforementioned terms in the realm of EA and the corresponding management function. Finally, the article sketches further ,enterprise architecture,enterprise architecture management,goals,inproceedings,principle,publication

Bu10i - Lightweight Approach to Enterprise Architecture Modeling and...

Article in Sebis Public Website  last modified Mar 1, 2013 by Christian Neubert.    article 2010 enterprise architecture management publication

text Show to the right of the text 2010,article,enterprise architecture management,publication Article Abstract Enterprise architecture (EA) management is a challenging task, modern enterprises Article File Bu10i.pdf Published in Electronic Proceedings of Forum of the 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2010) Year 2010 Title Lightweight Approach to Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2010), Hammamet, 2010. Authors Dr. Sabine Goldes (Buckl) Prof. Dr