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Anum Afzal

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team  last modified Jul 18 by Anum Afzal.    staff sebis computer vision nlp deep learning

-up] /Sebis Public Website/Team/Anum Afzal Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide computer vision,deep learning,nlp,sebis,staff Team Member Position Research /anumafzal1994/ E-Mail Room 01.12.055 Twitter Xing Skype Image File Fax /Sebis Public Website/Team

Wessel Poelman

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni     staff sebis natural language processing nlp deep learning

Semantic Parsing /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni/Wessel Poelman Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide deep learning,natural language processing,nlp,sebis E-Mail Skype Secretary Image File Position Research Associate Phone +49 89 289 17139 Fax /Sebis Public Website/Team/Alumni

Juraj Vladika

Team Member in /Sebis Public Website/Team     staff sebis nlp deep learning

Comillas in Madrid. Before joining sebis, he gained work experience as a student researcher and a teaching . Association for Computational Linguistics. [Link] Vladika, J.; Matthes, F. Sebis at SemEval-2023 Task 7 Computational Linguistics. [Link] Vladika, J.; Meisenbacher, S.; Matthes, F. 2022. TUM sebis at for Computational Linguistics. /Sebis Public Website/Team/Juraj Vladika Not template related Show to the right of the text Show below the text Hide deep learning,nlp,sebis,staff Team Member E-Mail