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Software Engineering for Business Applications - Bachelor's Course (SEBA Bachelor)

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course seba lecture teaching seba bachelor bachelor ws1213

text Hide Hide bachelor,course,lecture,seba,seba bachelor,teaching,ws1213 Course Exam Written Rhythm Course News Latest announcements for the winter term 24/25: The lecture will take place onsite (in for Business Applications - Bachelor's Course (SEBA Bachelor) Not template related Show above the

SEBA Lab Course

Course in /Sebis Public Website/Teaching     course hauder teaching lab course webanwendungen webapp ws1213 play web applications master

applications,webanwendungen,webapp,ws1213 Course Module No. IN2106, 2129, 4077 Maximum number of Course News Preliminary Discussion time is set below. Contact For questions or any feedback on the course, please contact Felix Hoops or Jonas Gebele, who is co-organizing. Registration Registration SEBA Lab course is listed as "Entwicklungspraktikum Software Engineering für betriebliche program at the time of the course. Content and teaching goals The Master Lab Course Web Applications is