Problem Statement
Application landscapes, i.e. the sum of all information systems in an organization, presents todays IT Managers with a huge challenge. Due to uncontrolled groth the complexity of application landscapes accelerated over the last years, resulting in:
- increased difficulty to change/adapt existing information systems
- increased effort when introducing and integrating new information systems
- increased costs to run the landscape.
In the context of the CALM3 workgroup the sebis chair and practitioners meet the challenges of controlling application landscape complexity. Therefore, the following questions will be answered:
- What does "complexity" or "IT complexity" mean?
- How can complexity be understood?
- What are driving factors?
- How can complexity be quantified?
- Which models are suitable to support EA decision making?
Workgroup participants meet for regular periodic workshops under the auspices of the TU Munich for the exchange of experience. Relevant topics are identified by the participants. In addition to scient contributions regarding complexity, management science and EAM, TU Munich provides a company independend platform for exchange and discussion.
Participants are asked to:
- regularly admit workshops
- feedback of practical impacts
I fyou are interested in participating our workgroup CALM3, please contact Alexander Schneider.
To provide an overview about the effects of IT diversity in practice, a survey has been conducted. The detailed report can be found below. The used questionnaire can be accessed here.
- Schneider, A.W.; Gschwendtner, A.; Matthes F.: IT Standardization Survey 2015. Technical Report. Technische Universität München, 2015.
- Schneider, A.W.; Gschwendtner, A. and Matthes, F.: Using System Dynamics Models to Understand and Improve Application Landscape Design, 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) Osnabrück, Germany, 2015.
- Schneider, A.W.; Reschenhofer, T.; Schütz, A. and Matthes, F.: Empirical Results for Application Landscape Complexity, 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), Kauai, USA, 2015.
- Schneider, A.W., Matthes, F.: Unternehmensarchitekturgestütztes Controlling zur Beherrschung der IT-Komplexität. In Zeitschrift für Controlling, Vol. 26, No. 12, 2014.
- Schneider, A.W. and Matthes, F.: Using Orientor Theory for Coherent Decision Making for Application Landscape Design, Proceedings of the Poster Workshop at the 2014 Complex Systems Design and Management Conference (CSD&M), Paris, France, 2014.
- Schneider, A.W.; Zec, M. and Matthes, F.: Adopting Notions of Complexity for Enterprise Architecture Management, 20th American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Savannah, USA, 2014.