@string{kaufmann = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.}} @string{springer = {Springer Verlag}} @string{hbg-info = {Universit"at Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik}} @string{vieweg = {Vieweg \& Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH}} @string{gmd = {Ges. f"ur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung}} @string{sigmod87={Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Francisco, California}} ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{CGHLP95, author={David Chess and Benjamin Grosof and Colin Harrison and David Levine and Colin Paris}, title={{Itinerant Agents for Mobile Computing}}, institution={IBM}, year={1995}, month={Feb} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{ToVi91, author={Mark Torrance and Paul Viola}, title={The {A}gent0 {M}anual}, institution={Stanford University}, year={1991}, month={Apr} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{Sho90, author={Yoav Shoham}, title={{Agent-Oriented Programming}}, institution={Stanford University}, year={1990}, month={Oct} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{Tol93, author={Robert Tolksdorf}, title={{Alice - Basic Model and Subtyping Agents}}, institution={TU-Berlin}, year={1993}, number={7} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{Tol92, author={Robert Tolksdorf}, title={{Laura: A Coordination Language for Open Distributed Systems}}, institution={TU-Berlin}, year={1992}, number={35} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @misc{CoHa95, author={William R. Cook and Warren H. Harris}, title={{The Open Scripting Architecture: Automating, Integrating, and Customizing Applications}}, howpublished={Internet WWW}, year={1995} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @misc{Ros93, author={Marshall T. Rose}, title={{MIME Extensions for Mail-Enabled Applications: application/Safe-Tcl and multipart/enabled-mail}}, howpublished={Internet WWW}, year={1993}, note={working draft} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{Cour95, author={Antony Courtney}, title={{Phantom: An Interpreted Language for Distributed Programming}}, institution={Trinity College Dublin, Ireland}, year={1995} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @article{Way94, author={Peter Wayner}, title={Agents {A}way}, journal={Byte}, year={1994}, month={May}, pages={113-118} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @article{Way95, author={Peter Wayner}, title={Free {A}gents}, journal={Byte}, year={1995}, month={Mar}, pages={105-114} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @article{Rei94, author={Andy Reinhardt}, title={The {N}etwork with {S}marts}, journal={Byte}, year={1994}, month={Oct}, pages={51-64} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 ;article{cw2995, ; author={}, ; title={Middleware to go mobile}, ; journal={Computerworld}, ; year={1995}, ; month={Jan}, ; volume={29}, ; number={4} ;} ; added 08 Jul 1995 @misc{MIME93, author={N. Borenstein and N. Freed}, title={{MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)}}, howpublished={Internet RFC 1521}, year={1993} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @techreport{CHK94, author={D.M. Chess and C.G. Harrison and A. Kershenbaum}, title={{Mobile Agents: Are they a good idea?}}, institution={IBM}, year={1994}, month={Oct}, type={IBM Research Report}, number={RC 19887} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @article{Cho94, author={S. Chokhani}, title={{Toward a national public key infrastructure}}, journal={IEEE Communications Magazine}, year={1994}, month={Sep}, volume={32}, number={9}, pages={70-74} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @article{Coh87, author={F. Cohen}, title={{Computer viruses: Theory and experiment}}, journal={Computers \& Security}, year={1987}, volume={6} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @book{Hoff90, editor={L. Hoffman}, title={{Rogue Programs: Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses}}, publisher={Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York}, year={1990} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @inproceedings{FFMM94, key={FFMM94}, author={T. Finin and R. Fritzson and D. McKay and R. McEntire}, title={{KQML as an Agent Communication Language}}, booktitle={The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 94)}, year={1994}, month={Nov}, series={ACM Press} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @techreport{OMG91, key= {OMG91}, author= {Object Management Group}, title= {The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification}, institution= {OMG}, type= {Document}, number= {91.12.1, Rev. 1.1}, month= dec, year= {1991}, keywords= {Object Model, CORBA Architecture, IDL (Interface Definition Language) Syntax and Semantics, C Language Sub mapping, Dynamic Invocation Interface, The Interface Repository, ORB Interface, The Basic Object Adapter, Interoperability, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, HyperDesk Corporation, NCR Corporation, Object Design Inc., SunSoft Inc.} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @techreport{Hai93, author={L. J. Haisting}, title={{EDI: A New Way of Doing Business}}, institution={St. Paul Software}, year={1993}, address={St. Paul, MN} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @book{Ous94, author={J. K. Ousterhout}, title={{Tcl and the Tk toolkit}}, publisher={Addison Wesley Publication Company}, year={1994} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @article{Riv78, author={R. Rivest and A. Shamir and L. Adleman}, title={{A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems}}, journal={CACM}, year={1978}, volume={21}, number={2} } ; added 08 Jul 1995 @techreport{Whi94, author={J. E. White}, title={{Telescript Technologie - The Foundation for the Electronic Marketplace}}, institution={General Magic, Inc.}, year={1994} } ; added 13 Jul 1995 @book{OH92, author={R. Orfali and D. Harkey}, title={{Client Server Programming with OS/2 2.0}}, publisher={Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York}, year={1992}, edition={2}, keywords={SOM} } ; added 13 Jul 1995 @inproceedings{AH87, key={AH87}, author={G. Agha and C. Hewitt}, title={{Actors: A Conceptual Foundation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming}}, booktitle={Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming}, year={1987}, editor={B. Shriver and P. Wegner}, publisher={MIT Press} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @book{EMS91, author={Eppinger and Mummert and Spector}, title={{ Camelot and Avalon (A Distributed Transaction Facility}}, publisher=kaufmann, year={1991} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @TechReport{Bern93, key= {Bern93}, author= {Bernstein, P.A.}, title= {{Middleware: An Architecture for Distributed System Services}}, institution= {Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Lab}, year= {1993}, type= {CRL}, number= {93/6}, month= mar, keywords= {middleware, frameworks, verneer, interoperability, distribution, platform-independence} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @book{Matt93, key= {Matt93}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {{Persistente Objektsysteme: Integrierte Datenbankentwicklung und Programmerstellung}}, year= {1993}, publisher= springer, note= {(In German.)} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @techreport{MMM93, key= {MMM93}, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and M{\"u}{\ss}ig, S.}, title= {{The Tycoon System and Library Manual}}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBIS Tycoon Report}, number= {212-93}, year= 1993, month= dec, documentdirectory= {1993/MMM93} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @techreport{MMS94, key= {MMS94}, author= {Matthes, F. and M{\"u}{\ss}ig, S. and Schmidt, J.W}, title= {{Persistent Polymorphic Programming in {Tycoon}: An Introduction}}, type= {FIDE Technical Report}, number= {FIDE/94/106}, institution= hbg-info, year= 1994, month= aug, documentdirectory= {1994/MMS94} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @inproceedings{MMS95a, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {{On Migrating Threads}}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Naharia, Israel}, year= {1995}, month= jun, keywords= {Migrating Threads, distributed programming, object models, object migration, activity modeling, workflow, scripts, Tycoon}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/95/136)}, } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @techreport{MMS95b, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {{Scaling Database Languages to Higher-Order Distributed Programming}}, year= {1995}, month= mar, note= {(submitted for publication)}, keywords= {Migrating Threads, remote execution engines, remote procedure call, higher-order functions, distributed programming, object models, object migration, activity modeling, workflow, scripts, Tycoon}, } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @inproceedings{MaSc94, key= {MaSc94}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {{Persistent Threads}}, year= 1994, month= sep, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB}, pages= {403--414}, address= {Santiago, Chile}, documentdirectory= {1994/MaSc94} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @article{WaRe90, key= {WaRe90}, author= {W{\"a}chter, H. and Reuter, A.}, title= {{Grundkonzepte und Realisierungsstrategien des ConTract-Modells}}, journal= {Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung}, volume= 5, year= {1990}, pages= {202--212}, keywords= {Script, transactions, activities, steps, persistent processes, fault tolerance, migrating transactions} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @inproceedings{Reu89, key= {Reu89}, author= {Reuter, A.}, title= {{ConTracts: A Means for Extending Control Beyond Transaction Boundaries}}, booktitle= {Third International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Cooperative Activities, Transactions, Scheduling} } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @InCollection{WaRe91, author = {H. W"achter and A. Reuter}, title = {{The ConTract Model}}, booktitle = {{Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications}}, publisher = kaufmann, year = {1991}, editor = {A.K. Elmagarmid}, pages = {219--263}, owner = {km-p}, reg-date = {14.3.94}, keywords= {Coordination, Transaction}, } ; added 29 Aug 1995 @Book{XOP91, key = {XA91}, author = {{X/Open Ltd.}}, title = {{Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification}}, publisher = {Reading}, year = {1991}, address = {Berkshire, England}, owner = {?}, reg-date = {17.3.94}, keywords= {Standard, Transaction, Coordination, Workflow?}, } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @mastersthesis{JO95, key = {JO95}, author={N. Johannisson}, title={{Generische Programmierung typsicherer Kommunikationsdienste}}, year={1995}, school=hbg-info, type={Studienarbeit} } ;added 05 Sep 1995 @book{YT87, key={YT87}, editors={A. Yonezawa and M. Tokoro}, title={{Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming}}, publisher={ The MIT Press, Cambridge}, year={1987}, keywords={ABCL/1} } ; added 05 Sep 1995 @techreport{AS95, author={J.F.P. van den Akker and A.P.J.M Siebes}, title={{A data model for autonomous objects}}, institution={CWI, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica}, year={1995} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @techreport{AGP94, key = {AGP94}, author={Andreoli, Jean-Marc and Gallaire, H. and Pareschi, R.}, title={{Objects Meet Rules: from Communication to Coordination through Declarativity}}, institution= {Rank Xerox Resarch Center}, year={1994} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @inproceedings{KR90, key = {KR90}, author={Klein, J. and Reuter, A.}, title={{Migrating Transactions}}, booktitle= {IEEE Workshop on the Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems in the 1990s}, year={1988} } @inproceedings{MS87, key= {MS87}, author= {Garcia-Molina, H. and Salem, K.}, title= {Sagas}, booktitle= sigmod87, month= may, year= {1987}, pages= {249--259}, keywords= {long transactions, transaction models} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @article{DHL90, key = {DHL90}, author={Dayal, U. and Hsu, M. and Ladin, R.}, title={{Organizing Long-Running Activities with Triggers and Transactions}}, journal={ACM SIGMOD}, year={1990} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @inproceedings{Win93, key = {Win93}, author={Winckler, A.}, title={{Dezentrale Ablaufsteuerung in Verteilten Systemen}}, booktitle= {{Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, ITG/GI Fachtagung}}, publisher = springer, year={1993} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @techreport{CC95, key = {CC95}, author={ McCabe, F.G. and Clark, K.L.}, title={{APRIL - Agent PRocess Interaction Language}}, institution= {Dept. of Computing, Imperial Collage, London}, year={1995} } ; added 09 Apr 1996 @article{CR90, key = {CR90}, author={Chrysanthis, P.K. and Ramamritham, K.}, title={{ACTA: A Framework for Specifying and Reasoning about Transaction Structure and Behavior}}, journal={ACM SIGMOD}, year={1990} } @article{AnBoPa95, key= {AnBoPa95}, author= {Andreoli, J.-M. and Borghoff, U. M. and Pareschi, R.}, title= {{Constraint Agents for the Information Age}}, journal= {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, volume= 1, number= 12, pages= {762-789}, year= {1995} } ; added 16 APR 1996 @Book{YO95, key = {YO95}, author = {{Yourdon, E. et al.}}, title = {{Mainstream Objects, an Analysis and Design Approach for Business.}}, publisher = {Yourdon Press}, year = {1995}, address = {Upper Saddle River, Nj}, keywords= {OODA, Design}, } ; added 06 Mai 1996 @mastersthesis{Rich97, key = {Rich97}, author={Richtsmeier, Ingo}, title={{ Vergleich objekt- und agentenbasierter verteilter Datenbankprogrammierung am Beispiel der Kopplung autonomer Internet WebSiteProfiler}}, school= hbg-info, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month=jan, year={1997} } ; added 30 Aug 1996 @article{Palaniappan92, author={Murugappan Palaniappan and Nicole Yankelovich and George Fitzmaurice and Anne Loomis and Bernard Haan and James Coombs and Norman Meyrowitz}, title={{The Envoy Framework: An open Architecture for Agents}}, journal={ACM Transactions on Information Systems}, year={1992}, month={7}, volume={10}, number={3}, pages={233-264} } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @book{Had95, author={Afsaneh Haddadi}, title={{Communication} and {Cooperation} in {Agent} {Systems}}, year={1995}, publisher=springer } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @book{Schi90, author={Alexander Schill}, title={{Migrationssteuerung} und {Konfigurationsverwaltung} f"ur verteilte objektorientierte {Anwendungen}}, year={1990}, publisher=springer } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @book{HeHo94, author={Ralf G. Herrtwich and G"unter Hommel}, title={{Nebenl"aufige Programme}}, year={1994}, publisher=springer } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @inproceedings{Hau94, key={Hau94}, author={Franz J. Hauck}, title={{Typisierte Vererbung modelliert durch Aggregation}}, booktitle={{Verteilte Systeme}}, year={1994}, editor={Hartmut Wedekind}, publisher={BI Wissenschaftsverlag} } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @inproceedings{Kir94, key={Kir94}, author={Thomas Kirsche}, title={{Kooperation und Koordination in verteilten Systemen}}, booktitle={{Verteilte Systeme}}, year={1994}, editor={Hartmut Wedekind}, publisher={BI Wissenschaftsverlag} } ; added 21 Oct 1996 @book{Tsch94, author={Volker Tschammer}, title={{Integration Kooperierender Systeme}}, year={1994}, institution= {GMD}, publisher={R. Oldenburg Verlag} } ; added 30 Oct 1996 @book{CePe84, author={S. Ceri and G. Pelagatti}, title={{Distibuted Databases, Principles and Systems}}, year={1984}, institution= {Politecnico di Milano}, publisher={R. Oldenburg Verlag} } ; added 30 Oct 1996 @incollection{CISManifesto97, key= {DDJ+97}, author= {Giorgio {De Michelis} and Eric Dubois and Matthias Jarke and Florian Matthes and John Mylopoulos and Mike Papazoglou and Klaus Pohl and Joachim Schmidt and Carson Woo and Eric Yu}, title= {Cooperative Information Systems: A Manifesto}, editor= {Mike P. Papazoglou and Gunther Schlageter}, booktitle= {Cooperative Information System: Trends and Directions}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= {1997}, keywords= {COOPIS, facets} } ; added 19 Dez 96 @book{GrRe93, key= {GrRe93}, author= {Gray, J. and Reuter, A.}, title= {{Transaction Processing -- Concepts and Techniques}}, series= {The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1993}, keywords= {ACID, transactions, transaction monitors, CICS, TP monitor, LU5.2, OSI-TP, X/Open DTP, N version programming, fault model, transaction models, predicate locks, phantoms, granular locks, nested transactions, locking, semaphores, log manager, archiving, transactional file systems, tuple-oriented file systems, access paths, IMS, CICS, Guardian 90, DECdta, ADABAS, TPF, Universal Transaction Manager (UTM), Encina, Tuxedo} } ; added 29 Dec 1996 @phdthesis{Jul88, author={Juhl, E.}, title={{Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System.}}, school={Department of Computer Science, University of Washington} , year={1988}, month={December} } ; added 29 Dec 1996 @techreport{Card94, author={Cardelli, L.}, title={{Obliq: A Language with Distributed Scope}}, institution={Systems Resarch Center, Digital Equipment}, year={1994}, month={June}, address={Palo Alto, California} } ; added 03 Jan 1997 @inproceedings{HoGa84, key={HoGa84}, author={Hogg, J. and Gamvroulas, S.}, title={{An active mail system}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD}, year={1984}, month={June}, number={14(2)}, series={SIGMOD}, pages={215-222} } ; volume={14}, ; added 03 Jan 1997 @techreport{Aust62, author={Austin, J.}, title={{How to do things with words}}, institution={Oxford University Press}, year={1962}, address={Oxford} } ; added 03 Jan 1997 @techreport{Sear69, author={Searle, J.}, title={{Speech Acts}}, institution={Cambridge University Press}, year={1969}, address={Cambridge} } ; added 03 Jan 1997 @inproceedings{BeWo94, key={BeWo94}, author={Beale, Russel and Wood, Andrew}, title={{Agent-Based Interaction}}, booktitle={People and Computers IX}, year={1994}, month={August}, series={Proceedings of HCI'94}, pages={239-245} } ; added 05 Jan 1997 @manual{tde95, key={GMI95}, organization={General Magic, Inc.}, title={{Telescript Devloper Environment, Version 1.0 alpha}}, year={1995}, month={October}, note={Internet WordWideWeb, see General Magic homepage.} } ; added 27 Jun 1995 @techreport{GM95, key={GMI95}, title={Telescript and {M}agic {C}ap}, institution={General Magic, Inc.}, howpublished={Internet WWW}, year={1995}, note={Online book, see General Magic homepage} } ; added 05 Jan 1997 @mastersthesis{Hoh95, author={Hohl, Fritz}, title={{Konzeption eines einfachen Agentensystems und Implementation eines Prototyps}}, school={Universit"at Stuttgart}, year={1995}, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month={August}, address={Abteilung Verteilte Systeme} } ; added 05 Jan 1997 @phdthesis{Mat96, author={Mathiske, Bernd}, title={{Mobilit"at in persistenten Objektsystemem}}, school={Universit"at Hamburg}, year={1996}, type={Dissertation}, month={Mai}, address={Fachbereich Informatik, Arbeitsbereich DBIS} } ; added 05 Jan 1997 @techreport{Sun95a, key={Sun95a}, institution={Sun Microsystems}, title={{T}he {J}ava {L}anguage: {A} {W}hite {P}aper}, year=1995, howpublished={Internet WordWideWeb}, note={ftp://java.sun.com/1.0alpha3/doc/overview/java/java-whitepaper.ps} } ; added 05 Jan 1997 @techreport{Sun95b, key={Sun95b}, institution={Sun Microsystems}, title={{H}otjava (tm): {T}he {S}ecurity {S}tory}, year=1995, howpublished={Internet WordWideWeb}, note={http://java.sun.com/1.0alpha3/doc/security/security.html} } ; added 06 Jan 1997 @phdthesis{Kna95, author={Knabe, Frederick Colville}, title={{Language Support for Mobile Agents}}, school={Carnegie Mellon University}, year={1995}, month={October}, address={Pittsburgh, PA 15213} } ; added 09 Jan 1997 @book{WL94, author={Lamersdorf, Winfried}, title={{Datenbanken in verteilten Systemen}}, publisher=vieweg, year={1994} } ; added 10 Jan 1997 @article{NV92, author={Neufeld, Gerald and Vuong, Son}, title={{Overview of ASN.1}}, journal={Computer Networks and ISDN Systems}, year={1992}, month={Feb}, volume={23}, number={5}, pages={393-415} } ; added 10 Jan 1997 @misc{POSIX90, author={National Bureau of Standards}, title={{Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments (POSIX)}}, howpublished={NBS-FIPS-PUB-151-1}, year={1990} } ; added 10 Jan 1997 @misc{Sun90, key={Sun90}, title={{SUNOS 4.2. Network Programming Guide}}, howpublished={Sun Microsystems, Inc.}, year={1990} } ; added 10 Jan 1997 @phdthesis{Stam86, author={Stamos, J.W.}, title={{Remote Evaluation}}, school={Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year={1986}, month={Jan}, address={Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Cambridge, Massachusetts} } ; added 10 Jan 1997 @book{Schi93, author={Schill, Alexander}, title={{DCE Das OSF Distributed Computing Environment}}, publisher=springer, year={1993} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @incollection{OezVa94, author = {{\"O}zsu, M.T. and Valduriez, P.}, title = {Distributed {Data} {Management}: Unsolved {Problems} and {New} {Issues}}, booktitle = {Readings in Distributed Computing}, year = {1994}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, editor = {Casavant, T. and Singhal, M.} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @book{Orf96, author= {Orfali, Robert and Harkey, Dan and Edwards, Jeri}, title= {{The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide}}, publisher= {John Wiley \& Sons}, address= {New York}, year=1996 } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @book{Tan95, author= {Tanenbaum, Andrew S.}, title= {Verteilte {Betriebssysteme}}, publisher= {Prentice Hall}, address= {M"unchen}, year=1995 } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @techreport{Wino87, author={Winograd, Terry A.}, title={A {Language/Action} {Perspective} on the {Design} of {Cooperative} {Work}}, number={STAN-CS-87-1158}, institution={Department of {Computer} {Science}, {Stanford} {University}, {Stanford}, {CA 94305}}, year=1987, month=apr, } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @mastersthesis{Piel96, key= {Piel96}, author= {Andreas Piellusch}, title= {Synchronisation langlebiger {Aktivit\"aten} in persistenten {Objektsystemen}}, school= hbg-info, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month= {Juni}, year= {1996}, documentdirectory= {1996/Piel96} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @article{FlWi+88, author={Flores, Fernando and Graves, Michael and Hartfield, Brad and Winograd, Terry}, title={Computer {Systems} and the {Ontologie} of {Organisational} {Interaction}}, journal={ACM {Transaction} on {Office} {Information} {Systems}}, year=1988, month=apr, volume=6, number=2, pages={153-172}, } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @misc{Kabel96, author={{Kabel New Media}}, title={Webtracking -- {Die} 10 wichtigsten {Fragen} und {Antworten}}, howpublished={http://www.kabel.de/KNMantworten.html}, month=sep, year=1996, } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @mastersthesis{Laub97, author={Laub, {Jan T.}}, title={Analyse der {Web-Server-Nutzung}: {Krititerien}, {Protokolldateien} und {Auswertungssoftware}}, year=1997, school=hbg-info, type={Diplomarbeit}, } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @article{Mae94, author={Maes, Pattie}, title={{Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload}}, journal={CACM}, year=1994, month=jul, } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @techreport{BBOO86, author={Baumgarten, B. and Burkhardt, H.-J. and Obermeit, V. and Ochsenschl"ager, P. and Prinoth, R. and Steinmetz, R. }, title={{Datenbank und Kommunikationsorientierte Modellierung mehrseitiger Kooperation - Ein Vergleich auf der Basis von Netzen}}, institution= gmd, year={1986}, number={115}, address={St. Augustin und Darmstadt} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @article{Jab95, author={Jablonski, S.}, title={{Workflow Management Systeme: Motivation, Modellierung, Architektur}}, journal={Informatik Spektrum}, year={1995}, volume={18}, number={1}, pages={13-24} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @techreport{Card89, author={Cardelli, L.}, title={{Typeful Programming}}, institution={Digital Equipment}, year={1989}, month={Mai}, type={Systems Resarch Center Report}, number={45}, address={Palo Alto, California} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @techreport{Har86, author={Harper, Robert and MacQueen, David and Milner, Robin}, title={{Standard ML}}, institution={LFCS}, year={1986}, month={Mar}, type={LFCS Report Series}, number={ECS-LFCS-86-2}, address={University of Edinburgh} } ; added 11 Jan 1997 @techreport{Mil89, author={Milner, Robin and Tofte, Mats and Harper, Robert}, title={{The Definition of Standard ML}}, institution={MIT}, year={1989}, address={Cambridge, MA} } ; added 18 Jan 1997 @article{Sta94a, author={Michael K. Stanko}, title={{Media Einmaleins Teil 3 - {\em Zielgruppen und Affinit"aten}}}, journal={Teleimage}, year={1994}, number={2} } ; added 18 Jan 1997 @article{Sta94b, author={Michael K. Stanko}, title={{Media Einmaleins Teil 2 - {\em Kontaktverteilung}}}, journal={Teleimage}, year={1994}, number={1} } ; added 18 Jan 1997 @article{Sta93, author={Michael K. Stanko}, title={{Media Einmaleins Teil 1 - {\em Reichweite und Kontakte}}}, journal={Teleimage}, year={1993}, number={4} } ; added 20 Feb 1997 @book{Pop96, author={Popien, Claudia and Sch"urmann, Gerd and Wei"s, Karl-Heinz}, title={{Verteilte Verarbeitung in Offenen Systemen}}, publisher={Teubner, Stuttgart}, year={1996}, series={Leitf"aden der Informatik} } ; added 23 Feb 1997 @techreport{Goe96, author={G"ollnitz, Martin}, title={{Polymorphe persistente Client/Server Programmierung mit dynamischer hierarchischer Adressaufl"osung}}, institution=hbg-info, year={1996}, type={{Studienarbeit. Arbeitsbereich DBIS}} } ; added 25 Feb 1997 @techreport{MSMQ95, key={MSMQ95}, institution={Microsoft Corporation}, title={{Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ). A White Paper from the Business Systems Technologie Series}}, howpublished={Internet WWW}, year={1995}, note={http://www.microsoft.com/msmq/overview.htm} } ; added 09 Mar 1997 @misc{ODP1, author={ISO/IEC}, title={{ITU-T X.901 ODP Reference Model. Part 1: Overview}}, year={1995}, note={Draft International Standard} } ; added 09 Mar 1997 @misc{ODP2, author={ISO/IEC}, title={{ITU-T X.902 ODP Reference Model. Part 2: Foundations}}, year={1995}, note={Draft International Standard} } ; added 09 Mar 1997 @misc{ODP3, author={ISO/IEC}, title={{ITU-T X.903 ODP Reference Model. Part 3: Architecture}}, year={1995}, note={International Standard} } ; added 11 Mar 1997 @mastersthesis{Gei95, author={Geisler, Andreas}, title={{Basisdienste zur Gestaltung einer reflektiven graphischen Entwicklungsumgebung f"ur persistente Programmiersprachen}}, school=hbg-info, year={1995}, month={Juni}, type={Diplomarbeit} } ; added 25 Feb 1997 @techreport{Fon93, key={Fon93}, author={Foner, Leonard N.}, institution={MIT Media Lab}, title={{Whats An Agent, Anyway?}}, year={1993}, number={93-01}, note={Memo}, address={20 Ames St, Cambridge} } ; added 17 Mar 1997 @book{KV89, author={Kerner, H. and Vogt, F.}, title={ISO/OSI}, publisher={H. Kerner, Wolfsgraben}, year={1989}, address={Technische Universit"at Wien, Austria} }