% File: florian.bib % Author: Florian Matthes % Date: 26.3.1997 % Purpose: Private literature database, requires 'florian-macros.bib' % Copyright: Florian Matthes, duplicaton & distribution only by permission % % ## to do: get FIDE reports list & add selected items to FM bib (with % ## keywords) @inproceedings{A*89, key= {A*89}, author= {Albano, A. and Dearle, A. and Ghelli, G. and Martin, C. and Morrison, R. and Orsini, R. and Stemple, D.}, title= {A Framework for Comparing Type Systems for Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {203--212} } @article{ABCCM83, key= {ABCCM83}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Bailey, P.J. and Chisholm, K.J. and Cockshott, W.P. and Morrison, R.}, title= {An approach to persistent programming}, journal= {Computer Journal}, volume= 26, number= 4, year= {1983}, month= nov } @techreport{ABDGOR94, author= {Albano, A. and Brasini, C. and Diotallevi, M. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R. and Rossi, R.}, title= {A Guided Tour of the {Fibonacci} System}, type= fiderep, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/94/103}, year= 1994, month= jul, } @techreport{ABGO93, key= {ABGO93}, author= {Albano, A. and Bergamini, R. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R.}, title= {An Introduction to the Database Programming Language {Fibonacci}}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/64}, year= {1993}, keywords= {Classes, Roles} } @inproceedings{ABGO93b, key= {ABGO93b}, author= {Albano, A. and Bergamini, G. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R.}, title= {An object data model with roles}, booktitle= vldb93, pages= {39--51}, year= {1993}, keywords= {Fibonacci, Objects, Roles, Messages} } @incollection{ABLV81, key= {ABLV81}, author= {Atzeni, P. and Batini, C. and Lenzerini, M. and Vallanelli, F.}, title= {INCOD: A System for Conceptual Design of Data and Transactions in the Entity-Relationship Model}, pages= {379--414}, editor= {Chen, P.P.S.}, booktitle= {Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis}, publisher= {ER Institute}, year= {1981} } @book{ABM88, key= {ABM88}, editor= {Atkinson, M.P. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {Binding, type systems, transactions, recovery requirements} } @incollection{ABW*90, key= {ABW*90}, author= {M. Atkinson and F. Bancilhon and D. De Witt and K. Dittrich and D. Maier and S. Zdonik}, title= {The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto}, booktitle= {Deductive and Object-oriented Databases}, publisher= elsevier, year= {1990} } @incollection{ABW88, key= {ABW88}, author= {K. R. Apt and H. A. Blair and A. Walker}, title= {Towards a Theory of Declarative Knowledge}, booktitle= {Foundations of Deductive Databases}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988}, editor= {J. Minker}, pages= {89--148}, } @article{ACC81a, key= {ACC81a}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Chisholm, K.J. and Cockshott, W.P.}, title= {{PS-algol}: An Algol with a Persistent Heap}, journal= sigplan, volume= 17, number= 7, month= jul, year= {1981} } @techreport{ACC81b, key= {ACC81b}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Chisholm, K.J. and Cockshott W.P.}, title= {The New Edinburgh Persistent Algorithmic Language}, institution= {University of Edinburgh, Department of Computer Science}, number= {CSR-90-81}, month= aug, year= {1981} } @techreport{ACCL90, key= {ACCL90}, author= {Abadi, M. and Cardelli, L. and Curien, P.-L. and L{\'e}vy, J.-J.}, title= {Explicit Substitutions}, institution= src, number= 54, month= feb, year= {1990}, keywords= {Quest, De Bruijn notation, lambda calculus, second order type systems, appeared in a journal} } @techreport{ACCP89, key= {ACCP89}, author= {Alfo, L. and Coluccini, S. and Corte, P. and Presenza, D.}, title= {Manuale del Sistema Sidereus}, institution= {Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit\`a di Pisa, Italy}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Galileo design editor (SunView)} } @inproceedings{ACM93, key= {ACM93}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Cluet, S. and Milo, T.}, title= {Querying the File}, booktitle= vldb93, year= {1993}, keywords= {file, interoperability, iteration abstraction, external server, grammar} } @inproceedings{ACM95, key= {ACM95}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Cluet, S. and Milo, T.}, title= {Updating the File}, booktitle= vldb95, year= {1995}, keywords= {file, interoperability, iteration abstraction, external server, grammar} } @article{ACO85, key= {ACO85}, author= {Albano, A. and Cardelli, L. and Orsini R.}, title= {Galileo: A Strongly-Typed, Interactive Conceptual Language}, journal= tods, volume= 10, number= 2, year= {1985}, pages= {230--260} } @techreport{ACPP90, key= {ACPP90}, author= {Abadi, M. and Cardelli, L. and Pierce, B. C. and Plotkin, G.D.}, title= {Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language}, institution= src, number= 47, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {Quest, Operational Semantics, Denotational Semantics, Persistent Storage} } @inproceedings{ACPR92, key= {ACPR92}, title= {Dynamic Typing in Polymorphic Languages}, author= {Abadi, M. and Cardelli, L. and Pierce, B. and R\'emy, D.}, month= jun, year= {1992}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML and its Applications}, keywords= {explicit and implicit polymorphism and abstract data types.} } @inproceedings{ACPV95, author= {Andries, M. and Cabibbo, L. and Paredaens, J. and {Van den Bussche}, J.}, title= {Applying an update method to a set of receivers}, booktitle= pods95, year= {1995}, keywords= {updates, query processing, bulk types, side-effects, commutativity, conflict}, } @TechReport{ADH93, author= {R. Adomeit and W. Deiters and B. Holtkamp}, title= {Work Coordination Support in Kernel/2r}, institution= {Frauenhofer--Einrichtung f\"ur Software-- und Systemtechnik}, year= {1993}, type= {ISST--Berichte}, number= {14/93}, month= jul, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW}, } @unpublished{ADPT94, author= {Agostini, A. and De Michelis, G. and Patriarca, S. and Tinini, R.}, title= {A prototype of an Integrated Coordination Support System}, note= {International Journal on CSCW, (to appear)}, year= {1994}, keywords= {cscw}, } @article{AEL88, key= {AEL88}, author= {Appel, A.W. and Ellis, J.R. and Li, K.}, title= {Real-time Concurrent Garbage Collection on Stock Multiprocessors}, journal= sigplan, volume= 23, number= 7, month= jul, year= {1988}, keywords= {Refinement of Baker's algorithm} } @book{AFS89, key= {AFS89}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Fischer, P.C. and Schek, H.J.}, title= {Nested Relations and Complex Objects in Databases}, series= lncs, volume= 361, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, keywords= {NF2, collection of all relevant models} } @techreport{AGMS88, key= {AGMS88}, author= {Abrial, J.-R. and Gardiner, P. and Morgan, C. and Spivey, M.}, title= {Abstract Machines, Part 1--4}, institution= {26 Rue des Plantes, Paris 75014}, month= jun, year= {1988}, keywords= {B-Tool} } @inproceedings{AGO89, key= {AGO89}, author= {Albano, A. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R.}, title= {Types for Databases: The Galileo Experience}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989} } @inproceedings{AGO91, key= {AGO91}, author= {Albano, A. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R.}, title= {A Relationship Mechanism for a Strongly Typed Object-Oriented Database Programming Language}, booktitle= vldb91, pages= {565--575}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Fibonacci, Relationships, Associations, Objects, Roles?} } @techreport{AGO94, key= {AGO94}, author= {Albano, A. and Ghelli, G. and Orsini, R.}, title= {Fibonacci Reference Manual: A Preliminary Version}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/94/102}, year= {1994}, } @techreport{AGOO88, key= {AGOO88}, author= {Albano, A. and Ghelli, G. and Occhiuto, M.E. and Orsini, R.}, title= {Galileo Reference Manual, Version 2.0}, institution= {Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit\`{a} di Pisa}, month= feb, year= {1988} } @article{AKN89, key= {AKN89}, author= {A{\"i}t-Kaci, H. and Nasr, R.}, title= {Integrating logic and functional programming}, journal= {Lisp and Symbolic Computation}, volume= 2, pages= {51--89}, year= {1989}, keywords= {is there a better reference on Life? Ask Hassan} } @inproceedings{ALPR91, key= {ALPR91}, author= {Atkinsion, M.P. and L{\'e}cluse, C. and Philbrow, P. and Richard, P.}, title= {Design Issues in a Map Language}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= {1991}, keywords= {maps, equality, ordering, variadicity, type checking, constancy, bulk types} } @inproceedings{AMG*93, author= {Agostini, G. and De Michelis, M.A. and Grasso, S. and Patriarca, P.}, title= {Reengineering a Business Process with an Innovative Workflow Management System: a Case Study}, booktitle= coocs93, pages= {154--165}, year= {1993}, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {action workflow, cscw, workflow} } @inproceedings{AMP94, author= {Agostini, A. and De Michelis, G. and Petruni, K.}, title= {Keeping Workflow Models as Simple as Possible}, booktitle= {CSCW, Petri Nets and Related Formalisms. A Workshop of the 15h International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets}, year= {1994}, owner= {Oberquelle}, } @techreport{AMSV88, key= {AMSV88}, author= {Abrial, J.-R. and Morgan, C. and Spivey, M. and Vickers, T.N.}, title= {The Logic of `B'}, institution= {26 Rue des Plantes, Paris 75014}, month= sep, year= {1988} } @InProceedings{ANR92, author= {M. Ansari and L. Ness and M. Rusinkiewicz and A. Sheth}, title= {Using Flexible Transactions to Support Multi-System Telecommunication Applications}, booktitle= vldb92, year= {1992}, address= {British Columbia, Canada}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination}, } @InProceedings{ARNS92, author= {M. Ansari and M. Rusinkiewicz and L. Ness and A. Sheth}, title= {Executing Multidatabase Transactions}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Systems Sciences}, year= {1992}, address= {Haiwaii}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination}, } @inproceedings{ART91, key= {ART91}, author= {Atkinson, M. and Richard, P. and Trinder, P.}, title= {Bulk Types for Large Scale Programming}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, keywords= {type quarks, set comprehensions, bulk types} } @book{ASU87, key= {ASU87}, author= {Aho, A.V. and Sethi, R. and Ullmann, J.D.}, title= {Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1987}, keywords= {compiler, scanner, parser, attribute grammars} } @book{ASU88, key= {ASU88}, author= {Aho, A.V. and Sethi, R. and Ullmann, J.D.}, title= {Compilerbau}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1988}, keywords= {translation of ASU87} } @techreport{ATI90, key= {ATI90}, title= {Essentials of Workflow Management Technology}, institution= {Action Technologies Inc. Emeryville, California}, year= {1990}, keywords= {CSCW, Business Design Language (based on Winograd Action/Language perspective)} } @manual{ATI94, title= {What is Action Workflow: A Primer}, organization= {Action Technologies}, year= {1994}, keywords= {CSCW, Language / Action Perspective, Workflow}, owner= {FM Manual}, } @techreport{ATW93, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Trinder, P.W. and Watt, D.A.}, title= {Bulk Type Constructors}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/93/61}, year= {1993}, keywords= {bulk type survey of FIDE work, comprehensions, iterators} } @techreport{AbBe88, key= {AbBe88}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Beeri, C.}, title= {On the Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Objects}, institution= inria, year= {1988}, month= may, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= 846, keywords= {summary and comparison of data models for complex objects, powerset operator, nesting, unnesting, NF2} } @article{AbBi86, key= {AbBi86}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Bidoit, N.}, title= {Non first normal form relations: An algebra allowing data restructuring}, journal= jcss, year= {1986}, keywords= {NF2, complex objects} } @techreport{AbCa94, key= {AbCa94}, author= {Abadi, M. and Cardelli, L.}, title= {A Theory of Primitive Objects}, institution= src, note= {(In preparation.)}, month= feb, year= {1994}, keywords= {method override, object subsumption, good description of existing models and subtleties, operational semantics, encoding of lambda calculus, equational theories, denotational semantics, second-order type system} } @inproceedings{AbCa95, author= {Abadi, M. and Cardelli, L.}, title= {On {Subtyping} and {Matching}}, booktitle= ecoop95, year= 1995, publisher = springer, }} @article{AbGr91, key= {AbGr91}, title= {A Rule-Base Language With Functions and Sets}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Grumbach, S.}, journal= tods, volume= 16, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1991}, keywords= {COL, datalog, recursion, stratification, sets, functions} } @article{AbHu87, key= {AbHu87}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Hull, R.}, title= {IFO: A Formal Semantic Database Model}, journal= tods, volume= 12, number= 4, year= {1987}, keywords= {semantic models, standard reference} } @inproceedings{AbKa89, key= {AbKa89}, author= {Abiteboul, S. and Kanellakis, P.C.}, title= {Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive}, booktitle= sigmod89, year= {1989}, pages= {159--173}, keywords= {object creation vs. value creation} } @incollection{Abri74, key= {Abri74}, author= {Abrial, J.-R.}, title= {Data Semantics}, editor= {Klimbie, J.W. and Koffeman, K.L.}, booktitle= {Data-Base Management}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1974}, keywords= {binary relationship model, standard reference} } @techreport{Abri80, key= {Abri80}, author= {Abrial, J.-R.}, title= {The Specification Language Z}, institution= {Oxford University Programming Research Group}, address= {Oxford UK}, month= apr, year= {1980} } @proceedings{Adva88, key= {Adva88}, title= {Advances in Object-oriented Database Systems}, year= {1988}, editor= {Dittrich, K.R.}, number= {334}, series= lncs, month= sep, publisher= springer, keywords= {object stores, persistence} } @inproceedings{AgGh89, key= {AgGh89}, author= {Agrawal, R. and Gehani, N.H.}, title= {ODE (Object Database and Environment): The Language and the Data Model}, booktitle= sigmod89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {36--45}, keywords= {O++ and ODE, C++ extension, persistence} } @inproceedings{AgGh89b, key= {AgGh89b}, author= {Agrawal, R. and Gehani, N.H.}, title= {Rationale for the Design of Persistence and Query Processing Facilities in the Database Programming Language {O++}}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {O++ and ODE, C++, persistence} } @inproceedings{AhUl79, key= {AhUl79}, author= {Aho, A.V and Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Universality of Data Retrieval Languages}, booktitle= popl79, month= jan, year= {1979}, keywords= {relational completeness} } @techreport{Alag88, key= {Alag88}, author= {Alagic, S.}, title= {Object-Oriented Database Programming in a Relational Environment Extended with Modules}, institution= {Dept. of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Sarajevo, 71000 Sarajevo - Lukavica, Yugoslavia}, year= {1988}, month= may, keywords= {primitive Modula-2 Extension, Modulex} } @book{Alag89, key= {Alag89}, author= {Alagic, S.}, title= {Object-Oriented Database Programming}, series= tmcs, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, keywords= {Modulex, object schemata} } @inproceedings{Alba83, key= {Alba83}, author= {Albano, A.}, title= {Type Hierarchies and Semantic Data Models}, booktitle= {ACM SIGPLAN '83: Symposium on Programming Language Issues in Software Systems}, address= {San Francisco}, pages= {178--186}, year= {1983} } @techreport{AmCa90, key= {AmCa90}, author= {Amadio, R.M. and Cardelli, L.}, title= {Subtyping Recursive Types}, institution= src, number= 62, month= aug, year= {1990}, keywords= {Quest, infinite trees, subtyping, recursion, implicit coercions}, comments= {prefer \[AmCa93]} } @article{AmCa93, key= {AmCa93}, author= {Amadio, R.M. and Cardelli, L.}, title= {Subtyping Recursive Types}, journal= toplas, volume= 15, number= 4, month= sep, year= {1992}, keywords= {coercions, lambda-calculus, partial-equivalence relations, recursive types, regular trees, tree orderings, type equivalence, typechecking algorithm}, comments= {prefer \[AmCa93]} } @inproceedings{AnHa87, key= {AnHa87}, author= {Andrews, T. and Harris, C.}, title= {Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object Oriented Development Environment}, booktitle= oopsla87, month= oct, year= {1987}, keywords= {vbase, object-oriented database system} } @unpublished{App*92, key= {App*92}, title= {Interoperable Informationssysteme: Dienste f\"ur verteilte, datenintensive Anwendungen}, author= {Appelrath, H.-J. and Lockemann, P.C. and Neuhold, E. and Reuter, A. and Schek, H.-J. and Schweppe, H.}, year= {1992}, month= may, note= {(unver"offentlicht)}, keywords= {interoperability, open systems, geographic information systems} } @InProceedings{App89, author= {Appel, A. W.}, title= {Continuation-Passing, Closure-Passing Style}, booktitle= popl89, month= jan, year= 1989, pages= {293--302}, keywords= {Compiler, Object Code, Transformation, Intermediate Language, Front End, Back End, Ordering Calls, Code Improvements, Environments, Continuation Passing} } @book{Appe92, key= {Appe92}, author= {Appel, A.}, title= {Compiling with Continuations}, publisher= cambridge-press, year= {1992}, keywords= {closures, Standard ML, compiling, higher-order functions, continuations, cps} } @incollection{Apt90, key= {Apt90}, author= {Apt, K.R.}, title= {Logic Programming}, editor= {{van Leeuwen}, J.}, booktitle= {Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science}, volume= {B}, publisher= elsevier, year= {1990}, pages= {493--574}, keywords= {syntax and proof theory, negation, herbrand universe, SLD resolution, closed world assumption, stratification} } @article{AtBu86, key= {AtBu86}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Bunemann, P.}, title= {Types and Persistence in Database Programming Languages}, journal= acmcs, year= {1987}, month= jun, volume= {19}, number= 2, keywords= {classical overview article. type algebra, type completeness, bulk data types} } @incollection{AtMo85, key= {AtMo85}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Types, Bindings and Parameters in a Persistent Environment}, editor= {Atkinson, M.P. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {Napier, delayed bindings, environments, name spaces} } @article{AtMo85a, key= {AtMo85a}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Morrison, R.}, title= {First class persistent procedures}, journal= toplas, volume= 7, number= 4, month= oct, year= {1985}, keywords= {PS-algol, higher-order functions, persistent functions} } @inproceedings{AtMo88, key= {AtMo88}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Polymorphic Names and Iterations}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {bindings, records, environments, scoping, first-class names} } @techreport{AtSc89, key= {AtSc89}, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Tutorium: Datenbanksprachen}, institution= {Deutsche Informatik Akademie}, year= {1989}, month= feb, type= {{Datenbank Tutorientage, DBT '89, Z\"urich}}, keywords= {DBPL, PS-algol tutorial notes} } @techreport{Atk*93, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Bailey, P.J. and Christie, D. and Cropper, K. and Jackson, N. and Philbrow, P.C.}, title= {An Organization for {Napier88} Libraries}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/93/77}, year= {1993}, keywords= {bulk type library, naming conventions, modules, libraries} } @techreport{Atk*93b, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Bailey, P.J. and Christie, D. and Cropper, K. and Philbrow, P.C.}, title= {Towards Bulk Type Libraries for {Napier88}}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/93/78}, year= {1993}, keywords= {bulk type library, naming conventions, modules, libraries} } @techreport{Atk92, key= {Atk92}, author= {Atkinson, M.P.}, title= {Persistent Foundations for Scalable Multi-Paradigmal Systems}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/51}, year= {1992}, keywords= {Architectural proposal for FIDE systems} } @book{Atki96, title= f2booktitle, author= f2editor, publisher= f2publisher, year= {1996}, note= {(to appear)} } @inproceedings{AvHH94, author= {Aalst, W.M.P. and {van Hee}, K.M and Houben, G.J}, title= {Modeling and Analysing Workflows using a Petri-Net Based Approach}, booktitle= {CSCW, Petri Nets and Related Formalisms. A Workshop of the 15h International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets}, year= {1994}, owner= {Oberquelle}, } @article{B*88, key= {B*88}, title= {Common Lisp Object System Specification}, author= {Bobrow, D.G. and De Michiel, L.G. and Gabriel, R.P. and Keene, S.E. and Kiczales, G. and Moon, D.A.}, journal= sigplan, volume= 23, month= sep, year= {1988}, keywords= {CLOS, multiple inheritance, generic functions, meta-object protocol} } @techreport{B*91, key= {B*91}, author= {Brown, A.L. and Mainetto, G. and Matthes, F. and M{\"u}ller, R. and McNally, D.J.}, title= {An Open System Architecture for a Persistent Object Store}, year= {1991}, month= sep, institution= st-andrews, type= {Persistent Programming Research Report}, number= {CS/91/9}, keywords= {Napier, Staple, Galileo, P-Quest}, comment= {prefer \cite{B*92}} } @inproceedings{B*92, key= {B*92}, author= {Brown, A.L. and Manietto, G. and Matthes, F. and M{\"u}ller, R. and McNally, D.J.}, title= {An Open System Architecture for a Persistent Object Store}, booktitle= hicss92, volume= 2, year= {1992}, month= jan, pages= {766--776}, keywords= {Napier POS, object store, layered architecture, P-Quest, Persistent Galileo} } @inproceedings{BBKV87, key= {BBKV87}, author= {Bancilhon, F. and Briggs, T. and Khoshafian, S. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {FAD, a Simple and Powerful Database Language}, booktitle= vldb87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {standard reference for FAD, nested sets} } @inproceedings{BBMR89, key= {BBMR89}, author= {Borgida, A. and Brachman, R.J. and McGuiness, D.L. and Resnick, L.A.}, title= {CLASSIC: A Structural Data Model for Objects}, booktitle= sigmod89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {59--67}, keywords= {classic, types, semantic data models} } @inproceedings{BBO89, key= {BBO89}, author= {Breazu-Tannen, V. and Buneman, P. and Ohori, A.}, title= {Can Object-Oriented Databases be Statically Typed?}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {Static typing and mutable nested class extents are incompatible} } @book{BBO95, author= {Bach, V. and Brecht, L. and {\"O}sterle, H.}, title= {Marktstudie: Softwaretools f\"ur das Business Process Redesign}, publisher= {FBO-Verlag, Wiesbaden (Bertelsmann Fachinformation)}, year= {1995}, keywords= {Aeneis, Aris, BDF, Bonapart, BusinessSpecs, Business Improvement facility, CAIPLAN-process, cosa, design/IDEF, Extend, FlowMark, INCOME, ithink, Leu, Maxim, Process Weaver, ProcessWise Work Bench, Proplan, RADitor, Sparks, Structware Top-ix analysis system, Workflow Analyzer, workflow, CSCW, tools}, comments= {FM hat Kopie} } @article{BBSGZ95, author= {B{\"a}umer, D. and Budde, R. and Sylla, K.-H. and Gryczan, G. and Z{\"u}llighoven, H.}, title= {Objektorientierte Konstruktion von Software-Werkzeugen und -Materialien}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, year= {1995}, volume= {18}, number= {4}, pages= {203--210}, month= aug, keywords= {leitmotiv, design metaphor, design pattern, object-oriented construction, interactive systems. Klassen unterschieden in Werkzeug-, Behälter-, Material-, Aspektklassen}, } @techreport{BCC*95, author= {Bruce, K.B. and Cardelli, L. and Castagna, G. and {The Hopkins Object Group} and G.T. Leavens and Pierce, B.}, title= {On binary methods}, institution= {DEC SRC Research Report}, year= {1995}, } @techreport{BCCDM88, key= {BCCDM88}, author= {Brown, A.L. and Connor, R.C.H. and Carrick, R. and Dearle, A. and Morrison, R.}, title= {The Persistent Abstract Machine}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {59-88}, month= mar, year= {1988}, keywords= {Napier target machine, PHOLAM} } @inproceedings{BCD89, key= {BCD89}, author= {Bancilhon, F. and Cluet, S. and Delobel, C.}, title= {A Query Language for the O$_2$ Object-Oriented Database System}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {O2SQL, O2 Query Lanugage: Violate Encapsulation, embedded query languages} } @inproceedings{BCM*93a, key= {BCM*93a}, author= {K.B. Bruce and J. Crabtree and T.P. Murtagh and R. {van Gent} and A. Dimock and R. Muller}, title= {Safe and decidable type checking in an object-oriented language}, booktitle= oopsla93, pages= {29--46}, month= oct, year= {1993}, keywords= {Toople, object-oriented type systems} } @book{BCN92, key= {BCN92}, editor= {Batini, C. and Ceri, S. and Navathe, S.}, title= {Conceptual database design: an entity-relationship approach}, publisher= benjamin-cummings, year= {1992}, keywords= {View design, view integragion, relational database schema, functional analysis, dataflow model, logical design, design tools}, comments= {bei JWS} } @article{BDG*88, title= {Common Lisp Object System Specification}, author= {Bobrow, D.G. and De Michiel, L.G. and Gabriel, R.P. and Keene, S.E. and Kiczales, G. and Moon, D.A.}, journal= sigplan, volume= 23, month= sep, year= {1988}, keywords= {CLOS, multiple inheritance, generic functions, meta-object protocol} } @book{BDK92, key= {BDK92}, author= {Bancilhon, F. and Delobel, C. and Kanellakis, P.}, title= {Building an Object-Oriented Database System: The Story of {O$_{2}$}}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1992}, keywords= {O2, object-oriented database system, persistence, storage manager, client-server architecture}, comment= {most chapters are reprints of articles} } @incollection{BDRZ83, key= {BDRZ83}, author= {Br{\"a}gger, R.P. and Dudler, A. and Rebsamen, J. and Zehnder, C.A.}, title= {Gambit: An Interactive Database Design Tool for Data Structures, Integrity Constraints and Transactions}, pages= {65--96}, editor= {Zehnder, C.A.}, booktitle= {Database Techniques for Professional Worskstations}, publisher= eth, month= sep, year= {1983}, keywords= {database transaction generator, database design, graphical notation to control propagation of triggerd updates} } @article{BDSSW93, key= {BDSSW93}, title= {Merging Application-centric and Data-centric Approaches to Support Transaction-oriented Multi-system Workflows}, author= {Breibart, Y. and Deacon, A. and Schek, H.-J. and Sheth, A. and Weikum, G.}, month= sep, journal= sigmodrec, year= {1993}, volume= {12}, number= {3}, pages= {23--30}, abstract= {Workflow management is primarily concerned with dependencies between the tasks of a workflow, to ensure correct control flow and data flow. Transaction management, on the other hand, is concerned with preserving data dependencies by preventing execution of conflicting operations from multiple, concurrently executing tasks or transactions. In this paper we argue that many applications will be served better if the properties of transaction and workflow models are supported by an integrated architecture. We also present preliminary ideas towards such an architecture.} } @inproceedings{BFS87a, key= {BFS87a}, author= {Baker, D.A. and Fisher, D.A. and Shultis, J.C.}, title= {A Practical Language To Provide Persistence and a Rich Typing System}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {PRISM, some ideas about integrated persistent software- engineering environments, no hard implementation facts} } @inproceedings{BFS87b, key= {BFS87b}, author= {Baker, D.A. and Fisher, D.A. and Shultis, J.C.}, title= {Persistence and Type Integrity in a Software Development Environment}, booktitle= pos87, month= aug, year= {1987} } @article{BGL83, key= {BGL83}, author= {Bernstein, P.A. and Goodman, N. and Lai, M.-Y.}, title= {Analyzing Concurrency Control when User and System Operations differ}, journal= tose, pages= {233--239}, volume= 9, number= 3, month= may, year= {1983} } @incollection{BGM85, key= {BGM85}, author= {Borgida, A. and Greenspan, S. and Mylopoulos, J.}, title= {Knowledge Representation as a Basis for Requirements}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W. and Thanos, C.}, booktitle= {Foundations of Knowledge Base Management}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, keywords= {Telos} } @techreport{BGV92, author= {Bussche, J. {Van den and Gucht}, D. and Vossen, G.}, institution= {Justus-Liebig-Universit\"at Giessen}, number= {9210}, title= {Reflective Programming in the Relational Algebra}, year= {1992}, comment= {Signatur UHH R24972} } @techreport{BGW93, author= {P.A. Bernstein and P.O. Gyllstrom and T. Wimberg}, title= {{STDL: A Portable Language for Transaction Processing}}, institution= {Digital Equipment Cooperation, Cambridge Research Lab (CRL)}, year= {1993}, number= {CRL 93/5}, month= mar, owner= {km}, keywords= {Coordination}, } @book{BHG87, key= {BHG87}, author= {Bernstein, P.A. and Hadzilacos, V. and Goodman, N.}, title= {Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1987}, keywords= {excellent material for lectures} } @article{BHJLC87, key= {BHJLC87}, author= {Black, A. and Hutchinson, N. and Jul, N. and Levy, H. and Carter, L.}, title= {Distribution and Abstract Types in {E}merald}, journal= ieeese, volume= 13, number= 1, month= jan, year= {1987}, pages= {65--76}, keywords= {Distributed object programming language, see also conformance checking.} } @techreport{BHM90, key= {BHM90}, author= {Bliss, C. and Hosking, A.L. and Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Design of an Object Faulting Persistent Smalltalk}, institution= {University of Massachusetts at Amherst}, year= {1990}, month= may, number= {90-45}, type= {COINS Technical Report}, keywords= {Mneme persistent object store, interpreter} } @inproceedings{BHR82, key= {BHR82}, author= {Bunemann, P. and Hirschberg, J. and Root, D.}, title= {A {Codasyl} Interface to {Pascal} and {Ada}}, booktitle= bncod82, year= {1982}, publisher= cambridge-press, keywords= {Preprocessor- and Library-based DBMS interface, exploit generic modules of Ada to capture polymorphic DBMS operations} } @incollection{BJMSV89, key= {BJMSV89}, author= {Borgida, A. and Jarke, M. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W. and Vassiliou, Y.}, title= {The Software Development Environment as a Knowledge Base Management System}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W. and Thanos, C.}, booktitle= {Foundations of Knowledge Base Management}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, keywords= {DAIDA Overview, ConceptBase} } @inproceedings{BJS86, key= {BJS86}, author= {B{\"o}ttcher, S. and Jarke, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Adaptive Predicate Managers in Database Systems}, booktitle= vldb86, year= {1986}, keywords= {DBPL, CPMS, integration of optimistic and pessimistic concurrency control} } @techreport{BJW88, key= {BJW88}, author= {Birell, A.D. and Jones, M.B. and Wobber, E.P.}, title= {A Simple and Efficient Implementation for Small Databases}, institution= src, number= {24}, month= jan, year= {1988}, keywords= {Modula-2+ (also Modula-3), pickling, dynamic typing, savepoints, recovery} } @techreport{BKMS89, key= {BKMS89}, author= {Borgida, A. and Koubarakis, M. and Mylopoulos, J. and Stanley, M.}, title= {Telos: A Knowledge Representation Language for Requirements Modeling}, institution= {Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {KRR-TR-89-4}, month= feb, year= {1989}, keywords= {Telos language report} } @techreport{BM88, key= {BM88}, author= {Bancilhon, F. and Maier, D.}, title= {Multilanguage Object-Oriented Systems: New Answers to Old Database Problems?}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport Technique}, number= {21-88}, month= apr, year= {1988}, keywords= {OODBMS solve binding problem between database objects methods in multiple languages} } @book{BMS84, key= {BMS84}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {On Conceptual Modelling, Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages}, publisher= springer, year= {1984}, } @incollection{BMS93, key= {BMS93}, author= {Borgida, A. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.}, title= {The {TaxisDL} Software Description Language}, pages= {65--84}, editor= {Jarke, M.}, booktitle= {Database Application Engineering with {DAIDA}}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, keywords= {The purpose of the TaxisDL language is to express the conceptual design of an information system. The focus of the design process includes the data classes of the proposed system, the functions and transactions manipulating them, and the larger conceptual groupings of these actions into long-term activities, which we call scripts. The design of the language is based on ideas from semantic data models and formal specification languages.} } @inproceedings{BMSU86, key= {BMSU86}, author= {F. Bancilhon and D. Maier and Y. Sagiv and J.D. Ullman}, title= {Magic sets and other strange ways to implement logic programs}, booktitle= pods86, month= mar, year= {1986} } @inproceedings{BMSW89, key= {BMSW89}, author= {Borgida, A. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, title= {Support for Data-Intensive Applications: Conceptual Design and Software Development}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {B-Tool, DAIDA mapping assistant} } @incollection{BMW84, key= {BMW84}, author= {Borgida, A. and Mylopoulos, J. and Wong, H.K.T.}, title= {Generalization / Specialization as a Basis for Software Specification}, booktitle= {On Conceptual Modelling}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W.}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1984}, pages= {87-117}, keywords= {Introduction to TAXIS} } @inproceedings{BNOW93, key= {BNOW93}, author= {Birell, A. and Nelson, G. and Owicki, S. and Wobber, E.}, title= {Network Objects}, booktitle= {14th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles}, pages= {217--230}, month= jun, year= {1993}, keywords= {Modula-3, remote procedure call, dynamic binding, dynamic type checking}, } @proceedings{BRS91, key= {BRS91}, title= ecscw91, editor= {Bannon, L. and Robinson, M. and Schmidt. K.}, publisher= kluwer, year= {1991}, keywords= {CSCW} } @inproceedings{BSW88, key= {BSW88}, author= {Beeri, C. and Schek, H.-J. and Weikum, G.}, title= {Multi-Level Transaction Management, Theoretical Art or Practical Need?}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 303, year= {1988}, pages= {134--154}, keywords= {multi-level concurrency control and recovery} } @inproceedings{BTBN91, key= {BTBN91}, author= {Breazu-Tannen, V. and Buneman, P. and Naqvi, S.}, title= {Structural Recursion as a Query Language}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= {1991}, keywords= {bulk types, structural recursion on sets, optimization, algebra, commutativity, idempotence, aggregate operators} } @incollection{BWW90, key= {BWW90}, author= {Backus, J. and Williams, J.J. and Wimmers, E.L.}, title= {An Introduction to the Programming Language {FL}}, pages= {219--247}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {pure functional language, lazy evaluation, heavy optimization} } @inproceedings{BaBu84, key= {BaBu84}, author= {Batory, D. and Buchmann, A.}, title= {Molecular Objects, Abstract Data Types, and Data Models: A Framework}, booktitle= vldb84, year= {1984}, keywords= {ADTs in databases, complex objects} } @proceedings{BaBu87, key= {BaBu87}, editor= {Bancilhon, F. and Buneman, P.}, title= dbpl87, publisher= altair, year= {1987}, comments= {not published as a book} } @article{BaHoBo90, key= {BaHoBo90}, author= {Batra, D. and Hoffer, J.A. and Bostrom, R.P.}, title= {Comparing Representations with Relational and EER Models}, journal= cacm, volume= 33, number= 2, year= {1990}, month= feb, keywords= {ER, entity-relationship, data model} } @article{BaKa91, key= {BaKa91}, author= {Barghouti, N.S. and Kaiser, G.E.}, title= {Concurrency control in advanced database applications}, journal= acmcs, volume= 23, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1991}, pages= {269--317}, keywords= {Advanced Lock Modes, Activity Managment}, comments= {get copy again} } @article{BaKi85, key= {BaKi85}, author= {Batory, D. and Kim, W.}, title= {Modelling Concepts for VLSI CAD Objects}, journal= tods, volume= 10, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1985}, pages= {322--346} } @inproceedings{BaKi87, key= {BaKi87}, author= {Banerjee, J. and Kim, W. and Kim, H.-J. and Korth, H.F.}, title= {Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases}, booktitle= sigmod87, year= {1987}, keywords= {Orion?, characterization of invariants in OO systems with multiple inheritance, avoid recompilation wherever possible} } @article{BaMc83, key= {BaMc83}, author= {Bayer, R. and McCreight, E.}, title= {Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes}, journal= actainf, pages= {173--189}, volume= 1, number= 3, year= {1972}, keywords= {B-Trees} } @techreport{BaMy91, key= {BaMy91}, title= {International Workshop on the Develpment of Intelligent Information Systems}, author= {Balzer, R. and Mylopoulos, J.}, institution= {University of Southern California and University of Toronto}, month= apr, year= {1991} } @inproceedings{BaOz91, key= {BaOz91}, author= {Barker, K. and \"Ozsu, M.T.}, title= {Reliable Transaction Execution in Multidatabase Systems}, year= {1991}, booktitle= wims91 } @inproceedings{BaRe88, key= {BaRe88}, title= {Syntactic Closures}, author= {Bawden, A. and Rees, J.}, year= {1988}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, pages= {86--95}, keywords= {hygienic macro expansion, rewriting, naming, binding, variable capture problems} } @book{Baas88, key= {Baas88}, author= {Sara Baase}, title= {Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and Analysis}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1988}, edition= {2nd}, comments= {suitable for introductory courses} } @book{Baek93, editor= {Baecker, R.}, title= {Readings in Groupware and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Assisting Human-Human Collaboration}, publisher= kaufmann, keywords= {CSCW, Coordination}, owner= {fbibib}, year= {1993} } @inproceedings{Banc88, key= {Banc88}, author= {Bancilhon, F.}, title= {Object-Oriented Database Systems}, booktitle= pods88, month= mar, year= {1988}, keywords= {survey of existing OODBMS} } @inproceedings{Banc91, key= {Banc91}, author= {Bancilhon, F.}, title= {A Classification of Object-Oriented Database Systems}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, pages= {3--19}, keywords= {Distinction: Language Oriented Database Systems, Persistent Programming Languages, Engineering Databases, Object-Oriented Databases} } @book{Baren84, key= {Baren84}, author= {Barendregt, H.P.}, title= {The Lambda Calculus, Its Syntax and Semantics}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1984}, note= {revised edition} } @phdthesis{Bark90, key= {Bark90}, author= {Barker, K.}, title= {Transaction Management on Multidatabase Systems}, school= {Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada}, year= {1990}, note= {available as Technical Report TR90-23} } @article{Bat*88, key= {Bat*88}, author= {Batory, D. and Barnett, J. and Garza, J. and Smith, K. and Tsukuda, K. and Twichell, B. and Wise, T.}, title= {Genesis: An Extensible Database Management System}, journal= tods, volume= 14, number= 11, pages= {1711--1729}, month= nov, year= {1988}, keywords= {Genesis, extensible DBMS} } @inproceedings{Bato86, key= {Bato86}, author= {Batory, D.S.}, title= {GENESIS: A Project to Develop an Extensible Database Management System}, booktitle= iwoods86, month= sep, year= {1986}, pages= {207--208}, keywords= {Genesis, extensibility} } @techreport{Baye85, key= {Baye85}, author= {Bayer R.}, title= {Query Evaluation and Recursion in Deductive Database Systems}, institution= {Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universit\"at, M\"unchen}, month= jan, year= {1985} } @techreport{BeDe90, key= {BeDe90}, author= {Benzaken, V. and Delobel, C.}, title= {Enhancing Performance in a Persistent Object Store: Clustering Strategies in O$_{2}$}, institution= altair, year= {1990}, month= aug, number= {50-90}, type= {Rapport Technique} } @book{BeGr92, key= {BeGr92}, author= {Bell, D. and Grimson, J.}, title= {Distributed Database Systems}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1992}, keywords= {Good for education, good annotated references, better than Ceri, Pelagatti} } @inproceedings{BeKo90, key= {BeKo90}, author= {C. Beeri and Y. Kornatzky}, title= {Algebraic Optimizations of Object-Oriented Query Languages}, booktitle= icdt90, series= lncs, volume= {470}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {S. Abiteboul and P.C. Kanellakis}, pages= {72--88}, comments= {There is a new version Oct. 1991, see private FM copies} } @inproceedings{BeKo90a, key= {BeKo90a}, author= {C. Beeri and Y. Kornatzky}, title= {The Many Faces of Query Monotonocity}, booktitle= edbt90, series= lncs, volume= {416}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {F. Bancilhon and C. Thanos and D. Tsichritzis}, pages= {120 - 135}, } @article{BeLo88, key= {BeLo88}, author= {Bernstein, P.A. and Lomet, D.B.}, title= {CASE Requirements for Extensible Database Systems}, editor= {Carey, M.}, journal= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1987}, keywords= {non-standard applications, case requirements, software engineering, persistent type representations}, comment= {very extensive bibliography} } @inproceedings{BeTa94, key= {BeTa94}, author= {Beeri, C. and Ta-Shma, P.}, title= {Bulk data types, a theoretical approach}, booktitle= dbpl93, editor= {Beeri, C. and Ohori, A. and Shasha, D.E.}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, publisher= springer, month= feb, year= 1994, keywords= {algebra, b-morphisms, category theoretical structures} } @inproceedings{Bee93, key= {Bee93}, author= {Beeri, C.}, title= {Query languages for models with object-oriented features}, booktitle= {Nato ASI summer school on object-oriented database systems}, year= 1993, month= aug, publisher= springer, keywords= {GIF reference} } @techreport{Beer88, key= {Beer88}, author= {Beeri, C.}, title= {Data Models and Languages for Databases}, institution= {Dept. of Comp. Science, The Hebrew Univeristy}, address= {Jerusalem, Israel}, year= {1988} } @article{Beer90, key= {Beer90}, author= {Beeri, C.}, title= {A Formal Approach to Object-Oriented Databases}, journal= {Data and Knowledge Engineering}, volume= 5, year= {1990}, pages= {352--382}, publisher= north-holland } @inproceedings{Beer92a, key= {Beer92a}, author= {Beeri, C.}, title= {New Data Models and Languages -- the Challenge}, booktitle= pods92, year= {1992} } @article{Bern90, key= {Bern90}, author= {Bernstein, P.A.}, title= {Transaction Processing Monitors}, journal= cacm, volume= 3, number= 11, year= {1990}, pages= {75--86}, keywords= {TP monitors, distributed transaction processing} } @TechReport{Bern93, key= {Bern93}, author= {Bernstein, P.A.}, title= {Middleware: An Architecture for Distributed System Services}, institution= {Digital Equipment Corporation, Cambridge Research Lab}, year= {1993}, type= {CRL}, number= {93/6}, month= mar, keywords= {middleware, frameworks, verneer, interoperability, distribution, platform-independence} } @article{Bert94, author= {Bertram, M.}, title= {Data Modeling in the Large}, journal= sigmodrec, year= {1994}, volume= {23}, number= {4}, pages= {8--12}, month= dec, keywords= {semantic data modeling, schema library, schema patterns, cost of building and maintaining the library as investment, the library is an asset}, } @article{BiKr92, author= {Bischoff, R. and Krallmann, H.}, title= {Reengineering -- Mit alten Zutaten zu neuen Konzepten}, journal= {Wirtschaftsinformatik}, year= {1992}, volume= {34}, number= {2}, pages= {125--245}, keywords= {workflow, CSCW}, owner= {infbib}, } @book{BiWa88, key= {BiWa88}, author= {Bird, R. and Wadler, P.}, title= {Introduction to Functional Programming}, publisher= prentice, year= {1988}, comments= {suitable for introductory courses} } @techreport{Bish77, key= {Bish77}, author= {Bishop, P.B.}, title= {Computer Systems With a Very Large Address Space and Garbage Collection}, institution= {MIT}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {MIT/LCS/TR-178}, month= may, year= {1977}, keywords= {early work on garbage collection in virtual memory} } @book{Bish86, key= {Bish86}, title= {Data Abstraction in Programming Languages}, editor= {Bishop, J.}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1986}, keywords= {Modelling, Aggregates, Type Checking, Iterators, Generators, Ada, CLU, Modula-2, Data Protection, Exception Handling} } @article{BlGu82, key= {BlGu82}, author= {A. Blass and Y. Gurevich}, title= {On the Unique Satisfiability Problem}, journal= {Information and Control}, volume= {55}, year= {1982}, pages= {80--88}, keywords= {definition of the complexity class US} } @techreport{BlHu90, key= {BlHu90}, author= {Black, A.P. and Hutchinson, N.C.}, title= {Typechecking Polymorphism in {E}merald}, institution= {Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {TR-90-34}, month= dec, year= {1990}, keywords= {Emerald, types, conformity, equality, subtyping, typeobject, dynamic types, f-bounded polymorphism, type conformity, type inspection, view types} } @proceedings{Blas90, key= {Blas90}, title= {Database Systems of the 90s}, editor= {Blaser, A.}, series= lncs, volume= 466, month= nov, year= {1990}, comment= {M\"uggelsee} } @inproceedings{BoAr92, key= {BoAr92}, title= {A Confluent Calculus of Macro Expansion and Evaluation}, author= {Bove, A. and Arbilla, L.}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, year= {1992}, pages= {278--287}, keywords= {Macros, notational definitions, explicit substitutions}, comment= {formal treatment} } @article{BoBe85, key= {BoBe85}, author= {B{\"o}hm, C. and Berarducci, A.}, title= {Automatic synthesis of typed lambda-programs on term algebras}, journal= {Theoretical Computer Science}, volume= 39, pages= {135-154}, year= {1985}, keywords= {each free algebra with only total functions (numbers, lists, trees) can be encoded uniformly with type operators} } @mastersthesis{Bolt93, author= {Bernhard Boltzen}, title= {Studienarbeit: Projekt AdFinder, Konzept und Entwurf einer Bilddatenbank f{\"u}r Werbeanzeigen auf CD-ROM}, school= hbg-info, month= may, year= {1993} } @article{Booc86, key= {Booc86}, author= {Booch, G.}, title= {Object-Oriented Development}, journal= tose, volume= {SE-12}, number= 2, pages= {211--221}, month= feb, year= {1986}, keywords= {Characterisaton of oo programming} } @book{Booc94, key= {Booc94}, author= {Booch, G.}, title= {Object-Oriented Design with Applications}, publisher= benjamin-cummings, year= {1994}, edition= {second}, keywords= {Booch method, class diagrams, operation templates, object diagrams, state transition diagrams, timing diagrams, module diagrams, process diagrams}, comments= {Signatur: P BOO 18747,} } @inproceedings{Borg88, key= {Borg88}, author= {Borgida, A.}, title= {Modeling class hierarchies with contradictions}, booktitle= sigmod88, year= {1988}, keywords= {inheritance and exceptions in Taxis} } @incollection{Borg88b, key= {Borg88b}, author= {Borgida, A.}, title= {Class Hierarchies in Information Systems: Sets, Types, or Prototypes}, editor= {Atkinson, M. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {non-strict class hierarchies, exceptional data} } @unpublished{Borg92, key= {Borg92}, author= {Borgida, A.}, title= {Towards the systematic development of terminological reasoners: CLASP reconstructed}, address= {Dept.~of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ089-4, USA}, note= {(submitted for publication)}, month= apr, year= {1992}, keywords= {Classic, types, deduction, modularity} } @phdthesis{Bott88, key= {Bott88}, author= {B{\"o}ttcher, S.}, title= {Pr{\"a}dikative Selektion als Grundlage f{\"u}r Transaktionssynchronisation und Datenintegrit{\"a}t}, school= ffm-info, year= {1988} } @inproceedings{Bott90, key= {Bott90}, author= {B{\"o}ttcher, S.}, title= {Improving the Concurrency of Integrity Checks and Write Operations}, booktitle= icdt90, series= lncs, volume= {470}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {S. Abiteboul and P.C. Kanellakis} } @InProceedings{BrGr93, author= {Gilad Bracha and David Griswold}, title= {{Strongtalk:} Typechecking {Smalltalk} in a Production Environment}, booktitle= {Proceedings OOPSLA'93}, pages= {215--230}, month= oct, year= {1993}, keywords= {olit oopsla93}, comment= {Published as Proceedings OOPSLA'93, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 28, number 10}, } @techreport{BrKa84, key= {BrKa84}, title= {A Specification of the {OSI} Transport Service in {LOTOS}}, author= {Brinksma, E. and Karjoth, G.}, institution= {Twente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands}, year= {1984}, number= {26}, keywords= {Lotos}, comments= {Michael Merz} } @unpublished{BrMi91, key= {BrMi91}, title= {PER models of subtyping, recursive types and higher-order polymorphism (Extended Abstract)}, author= {Bruce, K. and Mitchell, J.}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Categorical models}, note= {Luca Cardelli has copy} } @techreport{BrMo91, key= {BrMo91}, author= {Brown, A.L. and Morrison, R.}, title= {A Generic Persistent Object Store}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {2-91}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Open Architecture for Persisten Object Stores Napier, Staple, Galileio, P-Quest} } @incollection{BrMy86, key= {BrMy86}, author= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J.}, title= {Knowledge Bases vs.\ Data Bases}, booktitle= {On Knowledge Base Management Systems}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J.}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1986}, keywords= {Semantic model in KBMS vs. computational model in DBMS} } @incollection{BrRi84, key= {BrRi84}, author= {Brodie, M.L. and Ridjanovic, D.}, title= {On the Design and Specification of Database Transactions}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W.}, booktitle= {On Conceptual Modelling}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1984}, keywords= {object schemata, analogy between data structuring and transaction structuring abstractions} } @techreport{BrRi84b, key= {BrRi84b}, author= {Brodie, M.L. and Ridjanovic, D.}, title= {Functional Specification and Verification of Database Transactions}, institution= {Computer Corporation of America, Cambridge}, volume= 26, number= 4, year= {1984}, month= oct, keywords= {object schemata} } @inproceedings{BrRo90, key= {BrRo90}, author= {Brown, A.L. and Rosenberg, J.}, title= {Persistent Object Stores: An Implementation Technique}, booktitle= pos90, publisher= kaufmann, month= jan, year= {1991}, keywords= {Napier POS, stable heap, stable store, stability, checkpointing, pointer swizzling, object addressing} } @article{BrSc82, key= {BrSc82}, author= {M. Brodie and J.W. Schmidt}, title= {Final Report of the ANSI/X3/SPARC DBS-SG Relational Database Task Group}, journal= sigmodrec, volume= 12, number= 4, year= {1982}, } @article{BrSc85, key= {BrSc85}, author= {Brachmann, R.J. and Schmolze, J.G.}, title= {An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System}, journal= {Cognitive Sciences}, volume= 9, number= 2, year= {1985}, keywords= {knowledge representation, concepts, classification, subsumption in AI} } @inproceedings{BrSi88, key= {BrSi88}, author= {Breibart, Y. and Silberschatz, A.}, title= {Multidatabase Update Issues}, year= {1988}, booktitle= sigmod88, month= jun } @mastersthesis{BrWa95, key= {BrWa95}, author= {Gerd Bremer and Jens Wahlen}, title= {Objektorientierte Datenmodellierung: Strukturierte Generatoren zur Codeerzeugung}, school= hbg-info, month= feb, year= {1995} } @inproceedings{BrWe87, key= {BrWe87}, author= {Bruce, K.B. and Wegner, P.}, title= {An Algebraic Model of Subtype and Inheritance}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {type algebra, subtypes are subalgebras, behavioral compatibility} } @incollection{Brod84, key= {Brod84}, author= {Brodie, M.L.}, title= {On the Development of Data Models}, booktitle= {On Conceptual Modelling}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W.}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1984}, comments= {Historic introduction text, outdated} } @techreport{Brow89, key= {Brow89}, author= {Brown, A.L.}, title= {Persistent Object Stores}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {71-89}, month= mar, year= {1989}, keywords= {PhD thesis about Napier Object Store Design} } @book{Broy88, key= {Broy88}, title= {Constructive Methods in Computing Science}, author= {Broy, M.}, series= {NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series}, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {Marktoberdorf 1988, Boyer, Moore, Dijkstra, Hoare, Broy, Lampson, logic, specification, type theory, proofs}, comments= {Signature: D COR 16280} } @inproceedings{Bruc93, key= {Bruc93}, author= {Bruce, K.}, title= {Safe type checking in a statically typed object-oriented language}, booktitle= popl93, year= 1993, keywords= {Toople, first-order type system, rather complicated, but good type rules} } @article{Bruc94, key= {Bruc94}, author= {Kim B. Bruce}, title= {A Paradigmatic Object-Oriented Programming Language: Design, Static Typing and Semantics}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, volume= {4}, number= {2}, month= apr, year= {1994}, } @inproceedings{Bruc95, author= {Bruce, K.B. and Schuett, A. and van Gent, R.}, title= {{PolyTOIL:} a type-safe polymorphic object-oriented language}, booktitle= ecoop95, year= 1995, publisher = springer, }} @inproceedings{BuAt86, key= {BuAt86}, author= {Buneman, P. and Atkinson, M.}, title= {Inheritance and Persistence in Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= sigmod86, month= may, year= {1986}, pages= {4--15} } @inproceedings{BuLa84, key= {BuLa84}, author= {Burstall, R. and Lampson, B.}, title= {A kernel language for abstract data types and modules}, booktitle= {Semantics of Data Types}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 173, year= {1984}, keywords= {Bindings and Signatures, Binding augmented with type, ADT, modules (Pebble?)} } @techreport{BulkType-Deliverable, key= {BulkType-Deliverable}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Bulk Type Report, Deliverable, ID2}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug} @incollection{Bun90, key= {Bun90}, author= {Buneman, P.}, title= {Functional Programming and Databases}, pages= {155--169}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {Problems in the database area: Records, Sets, Ordering on Types, List Comprehensions} } @inproceedings{Butl87, key= {Butl87}, author= {Butler, M.H.}, title= {Storage Reclamation in Object Oriented Database Systems}, booktitle= sigmod87, year= {1987}, keywords= {Object store implementation, garbage collection, OODBMS} } @article{C*76, key= {C*76}, author= {Chamberlin, D.D. and others}, title= {SEQUEL2: A Unified Approach to Data Definition, Manipulation and Control}, journal= ibmjrd, volume= 20, year= {1976}, pages= {560--575}, keywords= {origins of SQL} } @inproceedings{C*86, key= {C*86}, author= {Carey, M. and others}, title= {The Architecture of the {EXODUS} Extensible {DBMS}}, booktitle= iwoods86, month= sep, year= {1986}, pages= {52--65} } @book{CAB*94, author= {Coleman, D. and Arnold, P. and Bodoff, S. and Dollin, C. and Gilchrist, H. and Hayes, F. and Jeremaes, P.}, title= {Object-Oriented Development: The Fusion Method}, publisher= prentice, year= {1994}, series= {Prentice Hall Object-Oriented Series}, keywords= {analysis, design, implementation, software development, object model, system object model, interface model, life-cycle model, object interaction graphs, visibility graphs, class descriptions, inheritance graphs, object identity, error handling, object lifetime, Comparison: OMT, Booch, Objectory, Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC), Reuse} } @inproceedings{CACS94, key= {CACS94}, author= {Christophides, V. and Abiteboul, S. and Cluet, S. and Scholl, M.}, title= {From Structured Documents to Novel Query Facilities}, booktitle= sigmod94, year= {1994}, keywords= {file, interoperability, iteration abstraction, external server, grammar} } @inproceedings{CCHO89, key= {CCHO89}, author= {Canning, P.S. and Cook, W.R. and Hill, W.L. and Olthoff, W.}, title= {F-Bounded Polymorphism for Object-Oriented Programming}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Proramming Languages and Computer Architecture, Imperial College, London}, year= {1989}, month= sep, pages= {273--280}, comments= {there should be a better reference} } @inproceedings{CCK*94, author= {Connor, R. and Cutts, Q. and Kirby, G.N.C. and Moore, V.S. and Morrison, R.}, address= {Ambleside, Cumbria}, booktitle= {2nd International Workshop on User Interfaces to Databases}, pages= {185--200}, title= {Unifying Interaction with Persistent Data and Programs}, year= {1994}, keywords= {hyper-programming, Napier88}, } @inproceedings{CDJS86, key= {CDJS86}, author= {Carey, M. and DeWitt, D. and Richardson, J. and Sheikta, E.}, title= {Object and file management in the {EXODUS} extensible database system}, booktitle= vldb86, month= aug, year= {1986} } @article{CDKK85, key= {CDKK85}, author= {Chou, H.T. and DeWitt, D.J. and Katz, R.H. and Klug, A.C.}, title= {Design and Implementation of the Wisconsin Storage System}, journal= {Software-Practice and Experience}, year= {1985}, volume= {15}, number= {10}, month= oct, keywords= {WiSS kernel} } @techreport{CDL91, key= {CDL91}, author= {Hewlett-Packard Company, Sun Microsystems Inc.}, title= {Class Definition Language Specification}, institution= {OMG}, type= {Document}, number= {}, year= {1991}, keywords= {DOMF, DOE, CDL Syntax, Future Directions, C language Mapping}, comments= {out of date?} } @techreport{CDL91a, key= {CDL91a}, author= {Hewlett-Packard Company, Sun Microsystems Inc.}, title= {Object Request Broker, RFP Joint Response}, institution= {OMG}, type= {Document}, number= {, Part No: 800-6274-01}, year= {1991}, keywords= {DOMF, DOE, Architecture, DOMF Core & Object Model Overview}, comments= {out of date?} } @inproceedings{CDMB90, key= {CDMB90}, author= {Connor, R. and Dearle, A. and Morrison, R. and Brown, F.}, title= {Existentially Quantified Types as a Database Viewing Mechanism}, booktitle= edbt90, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {416}, year= {1990}, pages= {301--315}, keywords= {Napier, ADT, Views, access rights, stable store} } @incollection{CDRS89, key= {CDRS89}, author= {Carey, M.J. and De Witt, D.J. and Richardson, J.E. and Shekita, E.J.}, title= {Storage Management for Objects in {EXODUS}}, booktitle= {Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications}, publisher= acm-press, year= {1989}, editor= {Kim, W. and Lochovsky, F.H.}, series= {Frontier Series}, keywords= {Exodus, storage management}, comments= {Signatur P OBJ 15348} } @article{CDeW88, key= {CDeW88}, author= {Carey, M.J. and DeWitt, D.J .}, title= {An Overview of the {EXODUS} Project}, editor= {Carey, M.}, journal= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1987}, keywords= {Toolset approach, DBI (database implementator), comparison with Probe, Postgres, Starburst} } @techreport{CFH*82, key= {CFH*82}, author= {Cram, D.L. and Freytag, J.C. and Hampton, I. and Mall, M. and Schmidt, J.W. and Schwinghammer, T.}, title= {The Evaluation of Acoustics Survey Data from the First BIOMASS Experiment -- Report on an Interdisciplinary Data Management Project}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Bericht}, number= 87, month= mar, year= {1982}, keywords= {FIBEX Report, Pascal/R, scientific databases} } @inproceedings{CFH*83, key= {CFH*83}, author= {Cram, D.L. and Freytag, J.-C. and Hampton, I. and Schmidt, J.W. and Mall, M. and Schwinghammer, T.}, title= {The Management of Acoustics Survey Data from the First BIOMASS Experiment}, booktitle= {Symposium on Fisheries Acoustics, FAO Fisheries Report No.~300}, month= jun, year= {1982}, keywords= {FIBEX Report, Pascal/R, scientific databases} } @book{CGT90, key= {CGT90}, author= {S. Ceri and G. Gottlob and L. Tanca}, title= {Logic Programming and Databases}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, } @inproceedings{CHC90, key= {CHC90}, author= {Cook, W.R. and Hill, W.L. and Canning, P.S.}, title= {Inheritance Is Not Subtyping}, booktitle= popl90, year= {1990}, pages= {125--135}, keywords= {recursive types for objects and classes, record types, inheritance, subtyping} } @techreport{CK94, author= {Cooper, R. and Kirby, G.N.C.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/94/108}, title= {Type-Safe Linguistic Run-time Reflection: A Practical Perspective}, type= fiderep, year= {1994}, keywords= {reflection, Napier} } @article{CKO92, key= {CKO92}, author= {Curtis, B. and Kellner, M.I. and Over, J.}, title= {Process Modelling}, journal= cacm, year= {1992}, volume= {35}, number= {9}, month= sep, keywords= {CSCW, process modeling, workflow management} } @book{CLR91, key= {CLR91}, author= {Cormen, T. H. and Leiserson, C.E. and Rivest, R.L.}, title= {Introduction to Algorithms}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1992}, comments= {very nice overview about algorithms and data structures} } @inproceedings{CMA94, key= {CMA94}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Matthes, F. and Abadi, M.}, title= {Extensible Grammars for Language Specialization}, booktitle= dbpl93, editor= {Beeri, C. and Ohori, A. and Shasha, D.E.}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, documentdirectory= {1994/CMA94}, publisher= springer, pages= {11--31}, month= feb, year= 1994, keywords= {hygienic macros, static scoping, compile-time reflection, syntactic sugar, name clashes, SQL, binding}, abstract= {A frequent dilemma in the design of a database programming language is the choice between a language with a rich set of tailored notations for schema definitions, query expressions, etc., and a small, simple core language. We address this dilemma by proposing extensible grammars, a syntax-definition formalism for incremental language extensions and restrictions based on an initial core language. \\ The translation of programs written in rich object languages into a small core language is defined via syntax-directed patterns. In contrast to macro-expansion and program-rewriting tools, our extensible grammars respect scoping rules. Therefore, we can introduce binding constructs while avoiding problems with unwanted name clashes. \\ We develop extensible grammars and illustrate their use by extending the lambda calculus with let-bindings, conditionals, and SQL-style query expressions. We then give a formal description of the underlying parsing, transformation, and substitution rules. Finally, we sketch how these rules are exploited in the implementation of a generic, extensible parser package.} } @techreport{CMA94a, key= {CMA94a}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Matthes, F. and Abadi, M.}, title= {Extensible Syntax with Lexical Scoping}, institution= src, number= 121, month= feb, year= 1994, documentdirectory= {1994/CMA94a}, abstract= {A frequent dilemma in programming language design is the choice between a language with a rich set of notations and a small, simple core language. We address this dilemma by proposing extensible grammars, a syntax-definition formalism for incremental language extensions and restrictions. \\ The translation of programs written in rich object languages into a small core language is defined via syntax-directed patterns. In contrast to macro-expansion and program-rewriting tools, our extensible grammars respect scoping rules. Therefore, we can introduce binding constructs while avoiding problems with unwanted name clashes. \\ We develop extensible grammars and illustrate their use by extending the lambda calculus with let-bindings, conditionals, and constructs from database programming languages, such as SQL query expressions. We then give a formal description of the underlying rules for parsing, transformation, and substitution. Finally, we sketch how these rules are exploited in the implementation of a generic, extensible parser package.\\ This text is a revised and expanded version of [CMA94]} } @incollection{CMMS91, key= {CMMS91}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Martini, S. and Mitchell, J.C. and Scedrov, A.}, title= {An Extension of System {F} with Subtyping}, pages= {750--770}, editor= {Ito, T. and Meyer, A.R.}, booktitle= tacs91, series= lncs, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, keywords= {System F, types, Fsub, encoding booleans, natural numbers} } @inproceedings{CMMSS94, author= {Connor, R.C.H. and Morrison, R. and Munro, D.S. and Stemple, D. and Scheuerl, S. }, title= {Concurrent Shadow Paging in the Flask Architecture}, booktitle= pos94, publisher= springer, month= sep, year= {1994}, pages= {16--37}, } @inproceedings{CMR91, key= {CMR91}, author= {Connor, R. and McNally, D. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Subtyping and Assignment in Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, pages= {363--382}, keywords= {polymorphism, mutability, subtyping, assignment} } @proceedings{COOCS93, key= {COOCS93}, editor= {Kaplan, S.}, title= coocs93, publisher= acm-press, year= {1993}, keywords= {CSCW, computer-supported cooperative work} } @techreport{CORBA91, key= {CORBA91}, author= {Object Management Group}, title= {The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification}, institution= {OMG}, type= {Document}, number= {91.12.1, Rev. 1.1}, month= dec, year= {1991}, keywords= {Object Model, CORBA Architecture, IDL (Interface Definition Language) Syntax and Semantics, C Language Sub mapping, Dynamic Invocation Interface, The Interface Repository, ORB Interface, The Basic Object Adapter, Interoperability, Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, HyperDesk Corporation, NCR Corporation, Object Design Inc., SunSoft Inc.} } @article{CPT92, key= {CPT92}, author= {S. Cabasino and P.~S. Paolucci and G. M. Todesco}, title= {Dynamic Parsers and Evolving Grammars}, journal= sigplan, volume= 27, number= 11, year= {1992}, pages= {39--48}, keywords= {Syntax extensions, compiler compiler} } @inproceedings{CRBM88, key= {CRBM88}, author= {Chung, L.K. and Rios-Zertuche, D. and Nixon, B. and Mylopoulos, J.}, title= {Process Management and Assertion Enforcement for a Semantic Data Model}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {303}, year= {1988}, pages= {469--487}, keywords= {TAXIS semantic ICs, maintenace of ICs via triggers (generated by static compilation), Taxis references} } @inproceedings{CRR91, key= {CRR91}, author= {Chrysanthis P.K. and Raghuram, S. and Ramamritham, K.}, title= {Extracting Concurrency from Objects: A Methodology}, booktitle= sigmod91, month= may, year= {1981}, pages= {108--117}, keywords= {locality, side-effects, repository, update semantics, object graph} } @proceedings{CSCW88, key= {CSCW88}, title= {Proceedings of the Second Conference on CSCW, Portland, Oregon}, publisher= acm-press, month= sep, year= {1988}, keywords= {CSCW} } @techreport{CaLe90, key= {CaLe90}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Leroy, X.}, title= {Abstract Types and the Dot Notation}, institution= src, number= 56, month= mar, year= {1990}, keywords= {Quest, Mitchell Plotkin ADT vs. record dot notation, generalization to type parameters} } @techreport{CaLo90, key= {CaLo90}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Longo, G.}, title= {A semantic basis for Quest}, institution= src, number= 55, month= mar, year= {1990}, keywords= {Quest, impredicativity, coercion, subsumption, kinds, operators, partial equivalence model, PER}, comments= {Many errata fixed in later publication CaLo91} } @article{CaLo91, key= {CaLo91}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Longo, G.}, title= {A semantic basis for Quest}, journal= {Journal of Functional Programming}, year= {1991}, volume= {1}, number= {4}, pages= {417--458}, month= oct, comments= {Also appeared as DEC SRC TR #55} } @inproceedings{CaMcQu88, key= {CaMcQu88}, author= {Cardelli, L. and MacQueen, D.}, title= {Persistence and Type Abstraction}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, publisher= springer, series= tis, year= {1988}, keywords= {three alternatives for the semantics of extern-intern operations on ADTs, pickling} } @techreport{CaMi89, key= {CaMi89}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Mitchell, J.C.}, title= {Operations on Records}, institution= src, number= 48, month= aug, year= {1989}, keywords= {Subtyping, records, record type variables, type checking, record extension, row variables} } @article{CaWe85, key= {CaWe85}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Wegner, P.}, title= {On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism}, journal= acmcs, volume= 17, number= 4, month= dec, pages= {471--522}, year= {1985}, keywords= {existentially, universally quantified types}, comments= {excellent introductory text} } @article{Card83, key= {Card83}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {The functional abstract machine}, journal= {Polymorphism}, volume= 1, number= 1, year= {1983}, keywords= {description of a closure-based implementation of ML for the VAX}, commnents= {This is not an official journal but was distributed from Bell Labs. See also Card84b} } @inproceedings{Card84, key= {Card84}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance}, booktitle= {Semantics of Data Types}, editor= {Kahn, G. and MacQueen, D.B. and Plotkin, G.}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 173, year= {1984}, pages= {51--67}, comment= {prefer Card88}, keywords= {taxonomical vs. mathematical type systems, structural subtyping} } @inproceedings{Card84b, key= {Card84b}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Compiling a functional language}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, Texas}, month= aug, year= {1984}, pages= {208--217}, keywords= {description of a closure-based implementation of ML for the VAX} } @inproceedings{Card86, key= {Card86}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Amber}, booktitle= {Combinators and Functional Programming Languages}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 242, year= {1986}, keywords= {Multiple inheritance, persistence, first-class modules, proposal for recursive values, multi-font program text, Mac implementation} } @inproceedings{Card86b, key= {Card86b}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {The Amber Machine}, booktitle= {Combinators and Functional Programming Languages}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 242, year= {1986}, keywords= {Stack machine for Amber}, comments= {very clear description} } @article{Card87, key= {Card87}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Basic Polymorphic Typechecking}, journal= {Science of Computer Programming}, volume= 8, pages= {147--172}, year= {1987}, keywords= {Modula-2 implementation of a type checker and a type inference algorithm for a simple language with parameteric polymorphism} } @techreport{Card88, key= {Card88}, author= {Cardelli, L. and Donahue, J. and Glassman, L. and Jordan, M. and Kalsow, B. and Nelson, G.}, title= {Modula-3 Report}, institution= {Olivetti Research Center}, address= {2882 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California}, number= {ORC-1}, year= {1988}, comments= {(Replaced by Nels91.)} } @article{Card88a, key= {Card88a}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {A semantics of multiple inheritance}, journal= {Information and Computation}, volume= 76, pages= {138--164}, year= {1988}, keywords= {revised version of C³ard84} } @inproceedings{Card88b, key= {Card88b}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Types for Data-Oriented Languages}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {303}, year= {1988}, pages= {1--15}, keywords= {values, types, kinds, meta types, types of tyes} } @inproceedings{Card88c, key= {Card88c}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Structural Subtyping and the Notion of Power Type}, booktitle= popl88, year= {1988}, keywords= {dependent types, subtypes, kinds, power type, second-order type system} } @techreport{Card89, key= {Card89}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Typeful Programming}, institution= src, number= 45, month= may, year= {1989}, keywords= {Quest language report, second-order type system} } @techreport{Card90, key= {Card90}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {The {Quest} Language and System (Tracking Draft)}, institution= src, year= {1990}, note= {(shipped as part of the Quest V.12 system distribution)}, keywords= {Quest System Report}, comments= {final release} } @techreport{Card92a, key= {Card92a}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Extensible Records in a Pure Calculus of Subtyping}, institution= src, number= 81, month= jan, year= {1992}, keywords= {row variables, subtyping, Fsub, record operations, extensible records} } @techreport{Card93, key= {Card93}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {An Implementation of F$_{<:}$}, institution= src, number= 97, year= {1993}, month= feb, keywords= {Fsub System Report, Syntax extensions, Macros} } @techreport{Card94, key= {Card94}, author= {Cardelli, L.}, title= {Obliq: A Language with Distributed Scope}, institution= src, month= jun, year= {1994}, keywords= {statically scoped, untyped, object-oriented, higher-order, imperative, concurrent, distributed, local state, migrating distribution, Modula-3 network objects}, } @techreport{Cast94, Author= {G. Castagna}, Title= {Covariance and contravariance: conflict without a cause}, Institution= {LIENS}, Year= {1994}, Number= {liens-94-18}, Month= oct, comments = {Available by anonymous ftp from {\tt ftp.ens.fr} in file {\tt /pub/dmi/users/castagna/covariance.dvi.Z}} } @book{Cate94, key= {Cate94} , editor= {Catell, R.G.G.}, title= {The Object Database Standard: ODMG-93}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1994}, keywords= {standard, object-oriented databases, systems, O2, Ontos, ObjectStore, data models} } @article{Catt91, key= {Catt91}, author= {Cattell, R.G.G.}, title= {Next-Generation Database Systems}, journal= cacm, volume= 34, number= 10, month= oct, year= {1991}, keywords= {ObjectStore, GemStone, O2, Postgres, Starburst; superseded by Catt94} } @book{Catt94, key= {Catt94}, title= {Object Data Management}, editor= {Cattell, R.G.G.}, year= {1994}, edition= {second}, publisher= addison-wesley, keywords= {Gutes Buch: Need for Object Data Management, CASE Requirements, Traditional DBMS, Object Data Management Concepts, Implementation Issues (Swizzling), ODMG, ODMG C++, SQL3, OMG, OMG ORB, ONTOS, ObjectStore, O2, GemStone, ORION, ITASCA, Objectivity, VERSANT, PET, POSTGRES, Starburst, Montage, UniSQL, IRIS, OpenODB, PROBE, IRIS, Kala, Mneme, ...} } @book{CePe85, key= {CePe85}, author= {Ceri, S. and Pelagatti, G.}, title= {Distributed Databases: Principles and Systems}, publisher= {McGraw-Hill}, series= {Science Series}, year= {1985}, comments= {Signatur: P CER 14138} } @inproceedings{ChHa82, key= {ChHa82}, author= {Chandra, A.K. and Harel, D.}, title= {Horn Clauses and the Fixpoint Query Hierarchy}, booktitle= pods82, year= {1982}, pages= {158--163} } @inproceedings{ChLe92, author= {Chroust, G. and Leymann, F.}, title= {Interpretable Process Models for Software Development and Administration}, booktitle= {Proceedings 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research EMCR92}, year= {1992}, pages= {271--278}, address= {Vienna, Austria}, month= apr, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW, workflow management}, } @inproceedings{ChLe94, key= {ChLe94}, title= {Typechecking and modules for multi-methods}, author= {Chabers, C. and Leavens, G.T.}, year= {1994}, booktitle= ooplsa94, keywords= {multiple inheritance, dispatching on method arguments, good starting points for further work in this area} } @article{ChMe88, key= {ChMe88}, author= {Chang, A. and Mergen, M.F.}, title= {801 storage: Architecture and programming}, journal= tocs, volume= 6, number= 1, month= feb, year= {1988}, pages= {28--50}, keywords= {Garbage collection, object store implementation} } @inproceedings{ChRa90, author= {P.K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham}, title= {{ACTA: A Framework for Specifying and Reasoning about Transaction Structure and Behaviour}}, booktitle= sigmod90, year= {1990}, pages= {194--203}, organization= {ACM}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination}, } @Incollection{ChRa91, author= {P.K. Chrysanthis and K. Ramamritham}, title= {{ACTA: The SAGA Continues}}, booktitle= {Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, editor= {A.K. Elmagarmid}, pages= {349--397}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination} } @inproceedings{ChUn91, author= {Chambers, C. and Ungar, D.}, title= {Making Pure Object-Oriented Languages Practical}, booktitle= oopsla91, month= oct, year= 1991, pages= {1--15}, abstract= { }} @techreport{ChWa84, key= {ChWa84}, author= {Chang and Walker}, title= {PROSQL: A Prolog Programming Interface with SQL/DS}, institution= {IBM Research Center, San Jose, California}, month= may, type= {Research Report}, number= {RJ4314}, year= {1984}, keywords= {relational DBMS, inference engine} } @article{Cham81, key= {Cham81}, author= {Chamberlin, D.D and others}, title= {Support for Repetitive Transactions and ad hoc Queries in System R}, journal= tods, volume= 6, number= 1, year= {1981}, pages= {70--94} } @inproceedings{Cham92, author= {Chambers, C.}, title= {Object-Oriented Multi-Methods in {Cecil}}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ECOOP'92 Conference, Uetrecht, the Netherlands}, month= jul, pages = {33--56}, year= 1993, publisher = springer, } @techreport{Cham93, key= {Cham93}, author= {C. Chambers}, title= {The {Cecil} language -- Specification and Rationale}, institution= {Deptartment of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington}, number= {TR 93-03-05}, month= mar, year= 1993, comments= {Ask KM for copy ##} } @article{Chen76, key= {Chen76}, author= {Chen, P.P.S.}, title= {The Entity-Relationship Model -- Toward a Unified View of Data}, journal= tods, volume= 1, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1976}, pages= {9--36}, keywords= {ER model, standard reference} } @book{Chen80, key= {Chen80}, editor= {Chen, P.P.S.}, title= {Entity-Relationship Approach to System Analysis and Design}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1980}, keywords= {in-depth presentation of ER model and its use}, comments= {663 pages} } @book{Chen85, key= {Chen85}, author= {Chen, P.P.S.}, title= {Entity-Relationship Approach: The Use of the ER Concept in Knowledge Representation}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1985} } @article{Chim87, key= {Chim87}, author= {Chimenti, D. and O'Hare, T. and Krishnamurthy, R. and Naqvi, S. and Tsur, S. and West, C. and Zaniolo, C.}, title= {An Overview of the LDL System}, journal= {Special Issue on Databases and Logic, IEEE -- Data Engineering}, volume= 10, number= 4, month= dec, year= {1987}, keywords= {LDL, datalog, stratification} } @article{Chri90, key= {Chri90}, author= {H. Christiansen}, title= {A Survey of Adaptable Grammars}, journal= sigplan, volume= 25, number= 11, year= {1990}, pages= {25--44}, keywords= {proposes generative clause grammars, cites Wegbreit et al., extensible grammars} } @book{ClMe81, key= {ClMe81}, author= {Clocksin, W.F. and Mellish, C.S.}, title= {Programming in PROLOG}, publisher= springer, year= {1981} } @incollection{ClMo95, title= {Optimising Nested Queries}, author= {Cluet, S. and Moerkotte, G.}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, publisher= f2publisher, year= {1995}, } @inproceedings{ClRe91, key= {ClRe91}, title= {Macros That Work}, author= {Clinger, W. and Rees, J.}, month= jan, year= {1991}, booktitle= popl91, pages= {155--162}, keywords= {hygienic macro expansion, naming, binding, introduction of local variables, binding to global variables, variable capture problems} } @techreport{CoHu85, key= {CoHu85}, author= {Coquand, T. and Huet, G.}, title= {Constructions: a higher order proof system for mechanizing mathematics}, institution= inria, type= {Technical Report}, number= 401, month= may, year= {1985}, keywords= {calculus of constructions, higher-order type theory} } @techreport{CoHu86, key= {CoHu86}, title= {The Calculus of Constructions}, author= {Coquand, T. and Huet, G.}, institution= {INRIA}, year= {1986}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {530}, keywords= {Calculus of Constructions, intuitionistic type theory, dependent types}, comments= {See Coqu89 for up-to-date report} } @inproceedings{CoMa84, key= {CoMa84}, author= {Copeland, G. and Maier, D.}, title= {Making Smalltalk a database system}, booktitle= sigmod84, month= jun, year= {1984}, pages= {316--325}, keywords= {GemStone, OPAL, Smalltalk, seamless integration, impedance mismatch, computational completeness} } @techreport{CoMo92, key= {CoMo92}, author= {Connor, R. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Subtyping Without Tears}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/34}, year= {1992}, keywords= {Napier-9X, type variables, subtyping and assignment, exact types, kinds} } @inproceedings{CoPa83, key= {CoPa83}, author= {S. Cosmadakis and C. H. Papadimitriou}, title= {Updates of Relational Views}, booktitle= pods83, year= {1983}, month= mar, comments= {classical text} } @techreport{CoQi89, key= {CoQi89}, author= {Cooper, R.L. and Qin, Z.}, title= {An implementation of the IFO data model in PS-algol}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {89}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Run-time reflection, code generation, translation, data modeling, programming workbench} } @book{CoYo91, author= {Coad, P. and Yourdon, E.}, title= {Object-Oriented Analysis}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1991}, edition= {second}, keywords= {Analysis, Modeling} } @book{CoYo91b, author= {Coad, P. and Yourdon, E.}, title= {Object-Oriented Design}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Design, Modeling} } @article{Codd70, key= {Codd70}, author= {Codd, E.F.}, title= {A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Databanks}, journal= cacm, volume= 13, number= 6, month= jun, year= {1970}, pages= {377--387} } @incollection{Codd72, key= {Codd72}, author= {Codd, E.F.}, title= {Relational completeness of database sublanguages}, booktitle= {Data Base Systems}, editor= {Rustin, R.}, publisher= prentice, year= {1972}, keywords= {relational completeness} } @article{Codd79, key= {Codd79}, author= {Codd, E.F.}, title= {Extending the Relational Database Model to Capture More Meaning}, journal= tods, volume= 4, number= 4, month= dec, year= {1979} } @article{Cohe81, key= {Cohe81}, author= {Cohen, J.}, title= {Garbage Collection of Linked Data Structures}, journal= acmcs, volume= 13, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1981}, keywords= {early garbage collection techniques, contains a survey} } @techreport{Conn88, key= {Conn88}, author= {Connor, R.}, title= {The {Napier} Type-Checking Module}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {58-88}, month= mar, year= {1988}, keywords= {Type checker, parametric polymorphism, dynamic type checking} } @techreport{Conn91, key= {Conn91}, author= {Connor, R.}, title= {Types and Polymorphism in Persistent Programming Systems}, institution= st-andrews, type= {Research Report}, number= {CS/91/3}, month= jun, year= {1990}, keywords= {Napier88, type representation, type checking second-order type abstraction, recursive types, subtyping, data representations} } @mastersthesis{Conr90, key= {Conr90}, author= {Uwe Conradt}, title= {Eine systemnahe Schnittstelle f"ur ein portables Objektverwaltungssystem}, school= ffm-info, month= aug, year= {1990}, } @book{Cons86, key= {Cons86}, title= {Implementing Mathematics with the NuPRL Proof Development System}, publisher= prentice, year= {1986}, author= {Constable, R.L. and others}, keywords= {NuPRL theorem prover, intuitionistic type theory} } @incollection{Cons91, key= {Cons91}, author= {Constable, R.L.}, title= {Type Theory as a Foundation for Computer Science}, pages= {226--243}, editor= {Ito, T. and Meyer, A.R.}, booktitle= {Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, TACS'91}, series= lncs, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, keywords= {Constructive Logics, Set Theory, Type Theory, Specifications, Universes, Logic Variables, Lego, Nuprl} } @inproceedings{Coo89, key= {Coo89}, author= {Cook, W.}, title= {A Proposal for Making Eiffel Type-Safe}, booktitle= {ECOOP 90 Proc. European Conference on Object Oriented Programming}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Eiffel, covariance, mutability, updates, subtyping} } @incollection{Copp85, key= {Copp85}, author= {Coppo, M.}, title= {A completeness theorem for recursively defined types}, booktitle= {Automata, Languages and Programming, 12th Colloquium}, editor= {Goos, G. and Hartmanis, J.}, series= lncs, volume= {194}, pages= {120--129}, publisher= springer, month= jul, year= {1985}, keywords= {representing recursive types as regular trees} } @techreport{Coqu89, key= {Coqu89}, author= {Coquand, T. and others}, title= {The Calculus of Constructions, Documentation and User's Guide}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport Technique}, number= 110, month= aug, year= {1989}, keywords= {Calculus of Constructions, intuitionistic type theory, dependent types, COC} } @book{Corb91, key= {Corb91}, title= {The Art of Distributed Applications}, author= {Corbin, J.R.}, series= {Sun Technical Reference Library}, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, keywords= {Easy introduction, RPC, XDR, Sun RPC, Protocols, Remote Procedure Call, External Data Representation}, comments= {Signature D COR 16280} } @article{Cour83, key= {Cour83}, author= {Courcelle, B.}, title= {Fundamental properties of infinite trees}, journal= tcs, volume= 25, pages= {95--169}, year= {1983}, keywords= {key reference for regular trees} } @book{Cox86, key= {Cox86}, author= {Cox, B.J.}, title= {Object-Oriented Programming, An Evolutionary Approach}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1986}, keywords= {Early attempt to define an object-Oriented Methodology, Characterization of object oriented programming languages} } @incollection{CuGh91, key= {CuGh91}, author= {Curien, P.-L. and Ghelli, G.}, title= {Subtyping + Extensionality: Confluence of $\beta\eta$top reduction in F$_{\leq}$}, pages= {731--749}, editor= {Ito, T. and Meyer, A.R.}, booktitle= tacs91, series= lncs, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, keywords= {Polymorphism, Subtyping, Fsub} } @techreport{Curt90, key= {Curt90}, author= {Curtis, P.}, title= {Constrained Quantification in Polymorphic Type Analysis}, institution= {Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Calif.}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {CSL-90-1}, year= {1990}, keywords= {bounded parametric polymorphism, subtyping} } @phdthesis{Cutt92, author= {Cutts, Q.I.}, school= {University of St.~Andrews}, title= {Delivering the Benefits of Persistence to System Construction and Execution}, year= {1992}, keywords= {persistence, programming environments, type representation, callable compiler, Napier88}, } @mastersthesis{CzOt86, key= {CzOt86}, author= {Czerny, J. and Ott, S.}, title= {Entwuf eines Datenbankkernsystems zur Speicherung nicht-normaliserter Relationen}, school= ffm-info, month= nov, year= {1986} } @inproceedings{D*85, key= {D*85}, author= {Deppisch, U. and Obermeit, V. and Paul, H.-B. and Schek, H.-J. and Scholl, M. and Weikum, G.}, title= {Ein Subsystem zur stabilen Speicherung versionenbehafteter, hierarchisch strukturierter Tupel}, booktitle= {GI-Fachtagung: Datenbanksysteme f\"ur B\"uro, Technik und Wissenschaft}, editor= {Blaser, A. and Pistor, P.}, publisher= springer, year= {1985}, pages= {421--440} } @inproceedings{D*86, key= {D*86}, author= {Dadam, P. and Kuespert, K. and Andersen and others}, title= {A DBMS Prototype to Support Extended NF2 Relations: An Integrated View on Flat Tables and Hierarchies}, booktitle= sigmod86, monty= may, year= {1986}, pages= {356--367} } @techreport{D*89, key= {D*89}, author= {Deux, O. and others}, title= {The Story of O$_2$}, institution= altair, year= {1989}, month= oct, number= {37-89}, comments= {Appeared as an article, use key O90!} } @inproceedings{DAG93, key= {DAG93}, author= {Dar, S. and Agrawal, R. and Gehani, N.}, title= {The O++ Database Programming Language: Implementation and Experience}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (Vienna)}, month= jun, publisher= ieee, year= {1993}, keywords= {O++ and ODE, C++ extension, persistence for C++ objects} } @techreport{DAIDA1, key= {DAIDA1}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Eckhardt, H. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Extensions to {DBPL}: Towards A Type-Complete Database Programming Language}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/IMP 3.1}, month= apr, year= {1988} } @techreport{DAIDA2, key= {DAIDA2}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Bittner, M. and Klein, H. and Eckhardt, H. and Matthes, F.}, title= {{DBPL} System: The Prototype and its Architecture}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/IMP 3.2}, month= nov, year= {1988} } @techreport{DAIDA3, key= {DAIDA3}, author= {Wetzel, I. and Niebergall, P. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {A Mapping Assistant for Database Program Development}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/IMP 1.d}, month= mar, year= {1989} } @techreport{DAIDA4, key= {DAIDA4}, author= {Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Data- and Rule-Based Database Programming in {DBPL}}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/IMP 3.b}, month= mar, year= {1989} } @techreport{DAIDA5, key= {DAIDA5}, author= {DAIDA}, title= {Final Version on TDL Design}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/DES 1.2}, year= {1987}, } @inproceedings{DAIDA88, key= {DAIDA88}, author= {DAIDA-Team}, title= {Towards KBMS for Software Development: An Overview of the DAIDA Project}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {303}, year= {1988}, pages= {572--577}, keywords= {DAIDA project, references to Telos, SML, TDL} } @article{DBTG78, key= {DBTG78}, author= {CODASYL}, title= {Data Description Language Commitee Report}, journal= {Information Systems}, volume= 3, number= 4, pages= {247--320}, year= {1978}, keywords= {DBTG network database model} } @inproceedings{DCBM89, key= {DCBM89}, author= {Dearle, A. and Connor, R. and Brown, F. and Morrison, R.}, title= {{Napier88} -- A Database Programming Language?}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {Napier type system description, polymorphism} } @book{DCE93, key= {DCE93}, title= {OSF DCE Administration Guide -- Core Components}, author= {OSF}, year= {1993}, publisher= prentice, keywords= {Standard, Threads, Open Computing, Middleware} } @book{DCE93b, key= {OSF93}, author= {{Open Software Foundation}}, publisher= prentice, title= {OSF DCE Application Development Guide}, year= {1993}, keywords= {distributed systems, RPC, OSF}, comment= {Kay hat das Buch} } @inproceedings{DCK90, editor= {Rosenberg, J. and Koch, D.M.}, author= {Dearle, A. and Cutts, Q.I. and Kirby, G.N.C.}, booktitle= {Persistent Object Systems}, pages= {56--69}, publisher= springer, title= {Browsing, Grazing and Nibbling Persistent Data Structures}, year= {1990}, keywords= {Napier88, browsing, reflection} } @proceedings{DE87, key= {DE87}, editor= {Carey, M.}, title= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, month= jun, year= {1987}, } @article{DGHKS93, author= {U. Dayal and H. Garcia--Molina and M. Hsu and B. Kao and M. Shan}, title= {{Third Generation TP--Monitors: A Database Challenge}}, journal= {SIGMOD RECORD}, year= {1993}, volume= {22}, number= {2}, pages= {393--397}, month= jun, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Transactions, Coordination}, } @inproceedings{DGW85, key= {DGW85}, author= {Deppisch, U. and G\"unauer, J. and Walch, G.}, title= {Speicherungsstrukturen und Adressierungstechniken f\"ur komplexe Objekte des NF$^{2}$-Relationenmodells}, booktitle= {GI-Fachtagung: Datenbanksysteme f\"ur B\"uro, Technik und Wissenschaft}, editor= {Blaser, A. and Pistor, P.}, publisher= springer, year= {1985}, pages= {441--459} } @inproceedings{DHL90, author= {U. Dayal and M. Hsu and R. Ladin}, title= {Organizing Long--Running Activities with Triggers and Transactions}, booktitle= sigmod90, pages= {204--214}, month= may, year= {1990}, owner= {km}, } @inproceedings{DHL91, author= {U. Dayal and M. Hsu and R. Ladin}, title= {A Transactional Model for Long--Running Activities}, booktitle= vldb91, pages= {113-122}, month= sep, year= {1991}, owner= {km}, keywords= {Coordination}, } @article{DHW88, key= {DHW88}, author= {Detlefs, D.D. and Herlihy, M.P. and Wing, J.M.}, title= {Inheritance of Synchronization and Recovery Properties in Avalon/C++}, journal= ieeetc, volume= 21, number= 12, month= dec, year= {1988}, pages= {57--69}, keywords= {C++ extension with transactions} } @techreport{DMFV90, key= {DMFV90}, author= {DeWitt, D.J. and Futtersack, P. and Maier, D. and Velez, F.}, title= {A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems}, institution= altair, year= {1990}, month= oct, number= {42-90}, type= {Rapport Technique}, keywords= {object server, page server, file server}, comments= {Appeared in VLDB / SIGMOD ...} } @article{DMG93, key= {DMG93}, author= {De~Michelis, G. and Grasso, M.A.}, title= {Conversations and Routines}, journal= {Structured Programming}, year= {1993}, keywords= {CSCW, process modeling, ## fill in missing details} } @inproceedings{DRV91, key= {DRV91}, author= {Dearle, A. and Rosenberg, J. and Vaughan, F.}, title= {A Remote Execution Mechanism for Distributed Homogeneous Stable Stores}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= {1991}, keywords= {Napier88, remote execution, execution engines}, } @article{DSW90, key= {DSW90}, author= {Droege, G. and Schek, H.J. and Wolf, A.}, title= {Erweiterbarkeit in DASDBS}, journal= {Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung}, volume= 5, number= 4, year= {1990}, pages= {162--176}, keywords= {ADT, R-tree, Gridfile, Geo applications} } @techreport{DaMN90, key= {DaMN90}, author= {Davie, A.J.T. and McNally, D.J.}, title= {Statically Typed Applicative Persistent Language Environment (STAPLE) Reference Manual}, year= {1990}, institution= st-andrews, type= {Research Report}, number= {CS/90/14}, keywords= {persistent language, Napier88 object store, persistent store} } @inproceedings{DaMi82, key= {DaMi82}, author= {Damas, L. and Milner, R.}, title= {Principal type-schemes for functional programs}, booktitle= popl82, year= {1982}, pages= {207--212}, keywords= {ML type inference and parametric polymorphism} } @article{DaNy66, key= {DaNy66}, author= {Dahl, O. and Nygaard, K.}, title= {Simula, an Algol-based simulation language}, journal= cacm, volume= 9, number= 9, month= sep, year= {1966}, pages= {671--678} } @article{DaTo88, key= {DaTo88}, author= {Danforth, S. and Tomlinson, C.}, title= {Type Theories and Object-Oriented Programming}, journal= acmcs, volume= 20, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1988}, comments= {not too good} } @techreport{DaVa88, key= {DaVa88}, author= {Danforth, S. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {The Data Model of FAD, a Database Programming Language}, institution= {MCC}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {ACA-ST-059-88}, month= jun, year= {1988}, keywords= {FAD, functional database language} } @article{DaWa84, key= {DaWa84}, author= {Dayal, U. and Wang, H.Y.}, title= {View Definition and Generalization for Database System Integration in a Multidatabase System}, journal= tose, month= nov, volume= {SE-10}, number= 6, year= 1984, pages= {628--645} } @inproceedings{Date80, key= {Date80}, author= {Date, C.J.}, title= {An Introduction to the Unified Database Language UDL}, booktitle= vldb80, month= oct, year= {1980}, pages= {15--32} } @book{Date81, key= {Date81}, author= {Date, C.J.}, title= {An Introduction to Database Systems}, publisher= addison-wesley, volume= {I, II}, edition= {fifth}, year= {1990} } @article{Date84, key= {Date84}, author= {Date, C.J.}, title= {Some Principles of Good Language Design with Special Reference to the Design of Database Languages}, journal= {ACM SIGMOD Record}, volume= 14, number= 3, month= nov, year= {1984}, pages= {1--7}, keywords= {SQL, orthogonality, criticism} } @book{Date89, key= {Date89}, author= {Date, C.J.}, title= {A Guide to the SQL Standard}, publisher= addison-wesley, edition= {second}, year= {1989}, keywords= {limitations of SQL, many detailed examples} } @inproceedings{Daya89, key= {Daya89}, author= {Dayal, U.}, title= {Queries and Views in an Object-Oriented Data Model}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {OODAPLEX Draft Report} } @techreport{DeBr87, key= {DeBr87}, author= {Dearle, A. and Brown, A.L.}, title= {Safe Browsing in a Strongly Typed Persistent Environment}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {33-87}, month= apr, year= {1987}, keywords= {Run-time reflection, Napier, Browser} } @techreport{DeDo79, key= {DeDo79}, author= {Demers, A. and Donahue, J.}, title= {Revised Report on Russel}, institution= {Computer Science Department, Cornell University}, type= {TR}, number= {79--389}, year= {1979}, keywords= {based on a novel view of the meaning of data type as a set of named operations that provide an interpretation of the values of a single universal value space common to all types. Types are values of their own. Principles of type completeness and declaration correspondence. Parametric Polymorphism.} } @article{DeGr94, author= {Deiters, W. and Gruhn, V}, title= {The FUNSOFT Net Approach to Software Process Management}, journal= {Software Engineering and Systems Engineering}, year= {1994}, volume= {4}, number= {2}, month= jun, keywords= {cscw, process modeling, workflow}, owner= {Oberquelle}, } @book{DeSm90, key= {DeSm90}, author= {Dewar, R.B.K. and Smosna, M.}, title= {Microprocessors: A Programmers View}, publisher= {McGraw-Hill}, year= {1990}, keywords= {RISC, CISC, good overview, Sparc}, comments= {DBIS-private copy} } @inproceedings{Dea89, key= {Dea89}, author= {Dearle, A.}, title= {Environments: a flexible binding mechanism to support system evolution}, booktitle= {Proc. HICSS-22, Hawaii}, volume= {II}, month= jan, year= {1989}, pages= {46--55}, keywords= {Napier Type System, environment, dynamic binding, dynamic typing} } @phdthesis{Dear88, author= {Dearle, A.}, school= {University of St.~Andrews}, title= {On the Construction of Persistent Programming Environments}, year= {1988}, month= mar, keywords= {persistence, programming environments, callable compiler, Napier88 }, } @book{Deit90, key= {Deit90}, author= {Deitel, H.M.}, title= {Operating Systems}, publisher= addison-wesley, edition= {second}, year= {1990}, keywords= {including case studies of Unix, OS/2, MS-DOS, Macintosh, VM}, comments= {Signatur: P DEI 15341} } @book{DiSc89, author= {Dijkstra, E.W. and Scholten, C. S.}, title= {Predicate Calculus and Program Semantics}, publisher= springer, year= {1989} } @article{Diam93, author= {Diamond, S.}, title= {Reengineering Standards}, journal= {IEEE Micro}, year= {1993}, volume= {13}, number= {6}, pages= {8--81}, keywords= {CSCW, Standard, Survey}, owner= {infbib}, } @mastersthesis{Diek83, key= {Diek83}, author= {Diekelmann, P.}, title= {Alternativen der Implementation und der {\"U}bertragung von Spracherweiterungen}, school= hbg-info, month= aug, year= {1983} } @manual{Digi79, key= {Digi79}, title= {VAX-11 Architecture Handbook}, organization= {Digital Equipment Corporation}, year= {1979}, } @book{Dijk76, key= {Dijk76}, author= {Dijkstra, E.W.}, title= {A Discipline of Programming}, publisher= prentice, year= {1976} } @techreport{Dowe90, key= {Dowe90}, author= {Dowek, G.}, title= {Naming and Scoping in a Mathematical Vernacular}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= {1283}, month= aug, year= {1990}, keywords= {Unification mathematical notation for publication and for reasoning. Abstraction, scoping, locality, naming, syntax extensions} } @inproceedings{DuEl89, key= {DuEl89}, author= {Du, W. and Elmagarmid, A.}, title= {Quasi-Serializability: A Correctness Criterion for Global Concurrency Control in InterBase}, year= {1989}, booktitle= vldb89, month= aug } @book{Dumm77, key= {Dumm77}, author= {Dummet, M.}, title= {Elements of Intuitionism}, publisher= {Clarendon Press, Oxford}, year= {1977}, keywords= {Classical Introduction into intuitionistic mathematics} } @inproceedings{Dunh91, key= {Dunh91}, author= {Dunham, R.}, title= {Business Design Technology: Software Development for Customer Satisfaction}, booktitle= hicss91, year= {1991}, keywords= {CSCW, process diagram: relationship customer to service provider} } @techreport{EEKM85, key= {EEKM85}, author= {Eckhardt, H. and Edelmann, J. and Koch, J. and Mall, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Draft Report on the Database Programming Language {DBPL}}, institution= ffm-info, type= {DBPL-Memo}, number= {091-85}, year= {1985}, comments= {Outdated!} } @article{EGLT76, key= {EGLT76}, author= {Eswaran, K.P. and Gray, J.N. and Lorie, R.A. and Traiger, I.L.}, title= {The Notion of Consistency and Predicate Locks in Database Systems}, journal= cacm, pages= {624--633}, number= 11, volume= {19}, month= nov, year= {1976}, keywords= {phantom problem, predicate locking, concurrency control} } @article{EGR91, author= {Ellis, C.A. and Gibbs, S.J. and Rein, G.L.}, title= {Groupware: Some Issues and Experiences}, journal= cacm, year= 1991, volume= 34, number= 1, month= jan, keywords= {groupware, taxonomy, perspective, concepts and example; same/different place, same/different time, CSCW}, owner= {dbisbib}, } @inproceedings{EM82, key= {EM82}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Nested Transactions and Reliable Distributed Computing}, booktitle= {Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems}, year= {1982}, pages= {33--39}, keywords= {open nested transactions} } @inproceedings{ERMS91, key= {ERMS91}, author= {Eder, J. and Rudloff, A. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Data Construction with Recursive Set Expressions in {DBPL}}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, documentdirectory= {1991/ERMS91}, keywords= {constructors, DBPL, stratification, deductive DB, database programming} } @techreport{ESQL90, key= {ESQL90}, title= {{INGRES} Embedded {SQL} Companion Guide for {C}}, author= {{Ingres Corporation}}, number= {INGRES UNIX Release 6.3}, month= dec, institution= {Ingres Corporation, 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Almeda, CA 94501}, year= {1990}, } @inproceedings{ESTZ94, author= {Eifrig, J. and Smith, S. and Trifonov, V. and Zwarico, A.}, title= {Application of {OOP} Type Theory: State, Decidability, Integration}, booktitle = {Proceedings OOPSLA'94}, pages = {16--30}, month = oct, year = {1994}, comment = {Published as Proceedings OOPSLA'94, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 29, number 10}, } @techreport{ESW88, key= {ESW88}, author= {Erbe, R. and S{\"u}dkamp, N. and Walch, G.}, title= {Advanced Information Management Prototype, Application Program Interface User Manual}, institution= {Heidelberg Scientific Center, IBM West Germany}, year= {1988}, month= oct, type= {Technical Note}, number= {TN 88.03}, keywords= {Cursor-based interface to AIM-P, NF2, complex objects} } @manual{EXPRESS, key= {ISO10303}, title= {Standard ISO 10303, Part1: Industrial Automation Systems -- Product Data Representation and Exchange, Overview and Fundamental Principles}, organization= {ISO}, year= {1992}, keywords= {SDAI, EXPRESS, Neutral Repository, Data Exchange Format, linear data representation, STEP tools}, } @book{East93, author= {Easterbrook, S.}, title= {CSCW: Cooperation or Conflict?}, publisher= springer, year= 1993, series= {Computer Supported Cooperative Work}, keywords= {conflicts in organizations, }, } @techreport{ElJa92, author= {Ellis, C. and Jarke, M.}, title= {Distributed Cooperation in Integrated Information Systems, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems}, institution= {RWTH Aachen, Fachgruppe Informatik}, address= {Dagstuhl, Germany}, year= {1992}, comment= {FM has copy}, keywords= {distribution, workflow, analyis, system architecture} } @book{ElNa89, key= {ElNa89}, author= {Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S.}, title= {Fundamentals of Database Systems}, publisher= benjamin-cummings, year= {1989}, keywords= {ER diagrams, relational data model}, comments= {good for introductory course} } @inproceedings{ElNu93, author= {Ellis C.A. and Nutt, G.J.}, title= {Modeling and Enactment of Workflow Systems}, booktitle= {Application and Theory of Petri Nets, 14th Intl. Conference, Chicago, Illinois}, publisher= springer, month= mar, year= {1993}, editor= {Marsan, M.A.}, keywords= {cscw, workflow, business process}, owner= {fbibib, Oberquelle}, } @book{ElSt90, key= {ElSt90}, author= {Ellis, M.A. and Stroustrup, B.}, title= {The Annotated C++ Reference Manual}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {ANSI base document}, comments= {Signatur: P ELL # 16942 Projekt ASL 58702, Name mangling} } @book{Elma91, editor= {A.K. Elmagarmid}, title= {Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, owner= {km-p}, } @techreport{FDK*92, author= {Farkas, A. and Dearle, A. and Kirby, G. N. C. and Cutts, Q. I. and Morrison, R. and Connor, R. C. H.}, institution= {University of St.~Andrews}, number= {CS/92/52}, title= {Persistent Program Construction through Browsing and User Gesture with some Typing}, year= {1992}, } @article{FGHW88, key= {FGHW88}, author= {Flores, F. and Graves, M. and Hartfield, B. and Winograd, T.}, title= {Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction}, journal= {ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems}, year= {1988}, volume= {6}, number= {2}, pages= {153--172}, keywords= {action/language perspective on CSCW} } @unpublished{FSS92, key= {FSS92}, author= {Fegaras, L. and Sheard, T. and Stemple, D.}, title= {Uniform Traversal Combinators}, year= {1992}, note= {(submitted for publication)}, keywords= {TRPL, patterns of recursion assist theorem proving by eliminating the need for induction} } @inproceedings{FaDe93, author= {Farkas, A. and Dearle, A.}, title= {Octopus: A Reflective Language Mechanism for Object Manipulation}, booktitle= dbpl93, editor= {Beeri, C. and Ohori, A. and Shasha, D.E.}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, publisher= springer, pages= {50--64}, month= feb, year= 1994, keywords= {Napier88, bindings, rebinding, dynamic type checking, referential closure, migration}, } @inproceedings{FaDe94, author= {Farkas, A. and Dearle, A.}, title= {The {Octopus} model and its implementation}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 17th Annual Computer Science Conference, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand}, year= 1994, keywords= {Napier88, bindings, rebinding, dynamic type checking, referential closure, migration}, } @incollection{Fair88, key= {Fair88}, author= {Fairbairn, J.}, title= {A New Type-Checker for a Functional Language}, editor= {Atkinson, M.P. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, pages= {69--87}, keywords= {Ponder type system, type quantification, type inference, no general recursive types} } @inproceedings{FeSh93, key= {FeSh93}, author= {Shapiro, M. and Ferreira, P.}, title= {Distribution and Persistence in Multiple and Heterogeneous Address Spaces}, booktitle= {In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Object-Orientation in Operating Systems, Asheville, NC (USA)}, month= dec, year= {1993}, keywords= {SOS, Migration of (data, code?, thread?) ## BM fragen} } @inproceedings{Fega94, author= {Fegaras, L.}, title= {Efficient Optimization of Iterative Queries}, booktitle= {Database Programming Languages, New York City, 1993}, year= {1994}, editor= {Beeri, C. and Ohori, A. and Shasha, D.E.}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, pages= {200--225}, keywords= {fold, bulk data types, recursion}, } @book{FiHa88, key= {FiHa88}, author= {Field, A.J. and Harrison, P.G.}, title= {Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1988}, keywords= {many programming examples in HOPE, comparison with MIRANDA, FP, LISP, basics of lambda-calculus, type checking, type inference, environment-based implementation (eager, lazy), graph-based implementation (G-machine, ...), introduction to program transformation, overview garbage collection, appendix: basic domain theory}, comments= {Signatur: P FIE 13164} } @inproceedings{FiTh83, key= {FiTh83}, author= {P. Fischer and S. Thomas}, title= {Operators for non-first-normal-form relations}, booktitle= {Proceedings 7th COMPSAC, Chicago}, month= nov, year= {1983}, keywords= {NF2, complex objects, algebra, nest, unnest} } @incollection{Fowl94, author= {Fowler, M.}, title= {A Comparison of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods}, booktitle= {Object Development Methods}, editor= {Carmichael, A.}, year= {1994}, publisher= {SIGS Books, New York City, NY}, keywords= {good article, FM had a copy, GS? lost it, ## find again, modeling} } @article{FrGo89, key= {FrGo89}, title= {On the Translation of Relational Queries into Iterative Programs}, author= {Freytag, J.C. and Goodman, N.}, journal= tods, volume= 14, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1989}, keywords= {query evaluation, query optimization, algebra, calculus, iterators, generators} } @book{Frey87, title= {Translating Relational Queries into Iterative Programs}, author= {Freytag, J.C.}, publisher= springer, year= 1987, keywords= { Freytag investigated the problem of translating relational queries into iterative programs that are quite effectively simplified using a set of transformation rules. Queries are rewritten into nested applications of stream operators that are similar to our polymorphic higher-order iterator functions. The transformation process is based on pure algebra-based relational query specifications that may neither contain embedded (user-defined) function calls nor side effects. } } @incollection{FuCa85, key= {FuCa85}, author= {A. L. Furtado and M. A. Casanova}, title= {Updating Relational Views}, booktitle= {Query Processing in Database Systems}, publisher= springer, year= {1985}, editor= {W. Kim and D. Reiner and D. Batory}, } @article{FuMi90, key= {FuMi90}, author= {Fuh, Y.-C. and Mishra, P.}, title= {Type Inference with Subtypes}, journal= tcs, year= {1990}, volume= 73, pages= {155--175}, publisher= elsevier, keywords= {subtyping based on type transformation, good description of type matching algorithms as extension of classical unification algorighm} } @book{GHG*93, author= {J.V. Guttag and J.J. Hornig and S.J. Garland and K.D. Jones and A. Modet and J.M. Wing}, title= {Larch: Languages and Tools for Formal Specification}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, owner= {fbi-bib P GUT 18808}, keywords= {specification, theorem prover}, } @book{GHJV95, author= {Gamma, E. and Helm, R. and Johnson, R. and Vlissades, J.}, title= {Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1995}, keywords= {analysis, modeling} } @article{GHK95, author= {Gall H. and Hauswirth, M. and Kl{\"o}sch, R.}, title= {Objektorientierte Konzepte in Smalltalk, C++, Objective-C, Eiffel und Modula}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, year= {1995}, volume= {18}, number= {4}, pages= {195--202}, month= aug, keywords= {typing, polymorphism, overview, class, object, inheritance, dynamic binding}, } @article{GHS95, author= {Georgakopoulos, D. and Hornick, M. and Sheth, A.}, title= {An overview of workflow management: From process modeling to infrastructure for automation}, journal= {Journal on Distributed and Parallel Database Systems}, year= {1995}, volume= 3, number= 2, pages= {119--153}, month= apr, keywords= {CSCW, workflows, databases, enactment, distributed, migration}, } @inproceedings{GKB87, key= {GKB87}, author= {Ulrich G{\"u}ntzer and Werner Kiessling and Rudolf Bayer}, title= {On the Evaluation of Recursion in (Deductive) Database Systems by Efficient Differential Fixpoint Iteration}, booktitle= dataeng87, year= {1987}, month= feb, pages= {120--129}, keywords= {semi-naive evaluation strategy} } @inproceedings{GLP75, key= {GLP75}, author= {Gray, J.N. and Lorie, R.A. and Putzolu, G.R.}, title= {Granularity of Locks in a Shared Data Base}, booktitle= vldb75, month= sep, year= {1975}, keywords= {MGL, multi-granularity locking, hierarchical locking} } @article{GMN84, key= {GMN84}, author= {H. Gallaire and J. Minker and J. M. Nicolas}, title= {Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach}, journal= acmcs, month= jun, year= {1984}, volume= {16}, number= {2}, pages= {154--185}, keywords= {datalog} } @inproceedings{GMS87, key= {GMS87}, author= {Garcia-Molina, H. and Salem, K.}, title= {Sagas}, booktitle= sigmod87, month= may, year= {1987}, pages= {249--259}, keywords= {long transactions, transaction models} } @proceedings{GN88, key= {GN88}, editor= {Gressing, S. and Nygaard, K.}, title= ecoop88, month= aug, year= {1988}, series= lncs, volume= 322, publisher= springer, keywords= {BETA, object-oriented programming} } @book{GOP90, key= {GOP90}, author= {Gorlen, K.E. and Orlow, S.A. and Plexico, P.S.}, title= {Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++}, publisher= wiley, year= {1990}, keywords= {libraries, genericity, polymorphism, encapsulation, C++, specification, astract data types, NIH Class Library, NICL, Bulk Data Types, good C++ intro}, comments= {Signatur: P GOR 15613} } @inproceedings{GaKo88, key= {GaKo88}, author= {Garcia-Molina, H. and Kogan, B.}, title= {Node Autonomy in Distributed System}, year= {1988}, address= {Austin, Texas}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems}, month= dec } @techreport{GaMa94, key= {GaMa94}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {The {Tycoon} Machine Language {TML}: An Optimizable Persistent Program Representation}, type= {FIDE Technical Report}, number= {FIDE/94/100}, institution= hbg-info, year= 1994, month= aug, documentdirectory= {1994/GaMa94}, abstract= { This document provides a brief overview of the Tycoon Machine Language TML which is used as a persistent intermediate program representation within the Tycoon system. TML representations of Tycoon programs provide the basis for extensive tree analysis and rewriting aiming at various optimizations which are independent of source languages and target machines. \\ TML representations are used for both static (compile-time) and dynamic (runtime) optimizations. Dynamic optimizations are of particular importance for performance improvement of large and modular programs. \\ TML is based on Continuation Passing Style (CPS), a powerful yet simple program representation technique developed as a framework for optimizing compilers. The advantage of CPS lies in the significant reduction in number of program constructs to be handled by the Tycoon static and dynamic (reflective) optimizer. \\ We propose that in modern persistent data-intensive applications traditional database query optimization be integrated into a more generalized framework for extensive program analysis and transformation.} } @techreport{GaMa95a, key= {GaMa95a}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {TooL: A Persistent Language Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/95/135}, year= 1995, documentdirectory= {1995/GaMa95a}, abstract={This paper presents the type system of the TooL persistent programming language that captures much of the flavor of Smalltalk within a safe static typing discipline. Following the spirit of Smalltalk providing a highly flexible and extensible programming environment based on a small set of expressive language primitives, TooL provides only few built-in type concepts with rich semantics that achieve power through systematic use and orthogonality. The paper focuses on the language design issues that arise in the course of integrating type concepts that are well-understood in isolation like object types, subtyping, type matching, and type quantification into a practical database programming language. We illustrate these issues by code samples taken from the TooL generic bulk data library. }} @incollection{GaMa95b, key= {GaMa95b}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Integrating Query and Program Optimization Using Persistent {CPS} Representations}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/GaMa95b}, abstract= { To overcome the limitations resulting from the traditional separation between program and query optimization, the Tycoon system integrates the analysis and rewriting of queries and programs using a common persistent intermediate representation (TML). TML is a continuation passing style (CPS) language which excels in its explicit, high-level representation of control and data dependencies. We describe Tycoon's innovative reflective system architecture that integrates program and query optimization and that supports modular compile-time as well as global run-time optimizations. We formally define TML and its core rewrite rules that unify many well-known optimizing transformations. Moreover, we describe how optimizations across abstraction barriers are performed in Tycoon and we report on our experience with optimizing large modular persistent applications. }} @inproceedings{GaMa96a, key= {GaMa96a}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Exploiting Persistent Intermediate Code Representations in Open Database Environments}, booktitle= edbt96, address= {Avignon, France}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 1057, year= 1996, month= mar, documentdirectory= {1996/GaMa96a}, abstract= { Modern database environments have to execute, store, analyze, optimize and generate code at various levels of abstraction (queries, views, triggers, query execution plans, methods, 4GL programs, etc.). We present TML, an abstract persistent intermediate code representation developed in the Tycoon project to fully integrate static and dynamic code analysis and rewriting. TML is a continuation passing style (CPS) language which excels in its explicit, high-level representation of control and data dependencies. We formally define TML and its core rewrite rules that unify many well-known optimizing transformations. We also present Tycoon's innovative reflective system architecture that supports modular compile-time as well as global runtime optimizations. Moreover, we describe how this architecture enables optimizations across abstraction barriers in large modular persistent applications including embedded declarative queries. }} @unpublished{GaMa96b, key= {GaMa96b}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification:\\ A Practical Perspective}, address= hbg-info, note= {(submitted for publication)}, year= 1996, documentdirectory= {1996/GaMa96b}, abstract= { We report on our experience gained in designing, implementing and using a strongly-typed persistent programming language (TooL) which integrates object types, subtyping, type matching, and type quantification. Our work complements recent type-theoretical studies of subtyping and type matching by focusing on the issue of how to integrate both concepts into a practical, orthogonal programming language. We also shed some light on the subtle typing issues which we encountered during the construction of a substantial bulk data library where it was necessary to trade-off subtyping against type matching. Our practical experience suggests that the benefits of an integration of subtyping and type matching are achieved at the expense of a significant increase in modeling complexity.}} @unpublished{GaMa96b, key= {GaMa96b}, author= {Gawecki, A. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Integrating Subtyping, Matching and Type Quantification: A Practical Perspective}, address= hbg-info, note= {(submitted for publication)}, year= 1996, documentdirectory= {1996/GaMa96b}, abstract= { We report on our experience gained in designing, implementing and using a strongly-typed persistent programming language (TooL) which integrates object types, subtyping, type matching, and type quantification. Our work complements recent type-theoretical studies of subtyping and type matching by focusing on the issue of how to integrate both concepts into a practical, orthogonal programming language. We also shed some light on the subtle typing issues which we encountered during the construction of a substantial bulk data library where it was necessary to trade-off subtyping against type matching. Our practical experience suggests that the benefits of an integration of subtyping and type matching are achieved at the expense of a significant increase in modeling complexity.}} @book{GaMi78, key= {GaMi78}, author= {Gallaire, H. and Minker, J.}, title= {Logic and Data Bases}, publisher= {Plenum Press}, year= {1978} } @book{Gait83, author= {Gaitanides, M.}, title= {Proze{\ss}organisation: Entwicklung, Ans\"atze und Programme proze{\ss}orientierter Organisationsgestatltung}, publisher= {Valen, M\"unchen}, year= {1983}, keywords= {Workflow, Business Process, Modeling, CSCW}, owner= {Pressmar}, } @article{Gall74, key= {Gall74}, author= {B. Galler}, title= {Extensible languages}, journal= {Information Processing}, year= {1974}, pages= {313--316} } @techreport{Gall91, key= {Gall91}, author= {Gallier, J.}, title= {Constructive Logics. A Tutorial on Proof Systems and Typed Lambda-Calculi}, institution= prl, type= {Research Report}, number= 8, volume= 1, month= may, year= {1991}, keywords= {constructive logics, intuitionistic logic, proof theory, Gentzen calculus, Curry-Howard isomorphism} } @techreport{Gawe92, author= {A. Gawecki}, title= {{Ein} optimierender { \"Ubersetzer } f\"ur {Smalltalk}}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Bericht}, number= {FBI-HH-B-152/92}, month= sep, year= 1992 } @techreport{Gawe92a, author= {A. Gawecki}, title= {An Optimizing Compiler for {Smalltalk}}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Bericht}, number= {FBI-HH-B-152/92}, month= sep, year= 1992, note= {(In German)} } @article{GeCa92, author= {D. Gelernter and N. Carriero}, title= {Coordination Languages and their Significance}, journal= cacm, year= {1992}, volume= {35}, number= {2}, pages= {97--107}, month= feb, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW}, } @mastersthesis{Geis95, key= {Geis95}, author= {Andreas Geisler}, title= {Basisdienste zur Gestaltung einer reflektiven grafischen Entwicklungsumgebung f\"ur eine persistente Programmiersprache}, school= hbg-info, month= jun, year= {1995}, documentdirectory= {1995/Geis95}, keywords= {Hyper-Programming, StarView, Drag and Drop, Reflection, Dynamic Types, Type Representations, Workbench}, abstract= { In der Arbeit werden folgende Beitr\"age zur Implementierung einer reflektiven grafischen Software-Konstruktionsumgebung f\"ur die persistente polymorphe Programmiersprache Tycoon geleistet: \begin{itemize} \item Entwicklung eines generischen Gateway-Generator zur Integration externer, in C++ implementierter Dienste (insbesondere zur GUI-Programmierung); \item Erweiterung des Tycoon Language-Compilers um dynamische Typen, die eine typsichere reflektive Programmierung erm"oglichen; \item Bereitstellung einer typsicheren Schnittstelle zum Tycoon-Compiler, die von TL-Programmen aus aufrufbar ist. \item Realisierung von Environments als Werte erster Klasse. Environments k\"onnen einerseits dynamisch konstruiert und dem aufrufbaren Compiler als Parameter "ubergeben werden, andererseits dienen sie der Strukturierung von Benutzersichten auf den persistenten Objektspeicher. \end{itemize} Die Nutzung der entwickelten Dienste wird anhand konkreter systemnaher Anwendungen (Modulverwaltung, grafischer Tycoon Top Level) illustriert. } } @article{Geno91, key= {Geno91}, title= {Special Issue on the Human Genome Project}, journal= cacm, volume= 34, number= 11, month= nov, year= {1991} } @phdthesis{Geor90, key= {Geor90}, author= {Georgakopoulos, D.}, title= {Transaction Management on Multidatabase Systems}, school= {Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, Texas}, year= {1990} } @inproceedings{Geor91, key= {Geor91}, author= {Georgakopoulos, D.}, title= {Multidatabase Recoverability and Recovery}, year= {1991}, booktitle= wims91 } @phdthesis{Ghel90, key= {Ghel90}, author= {Ghelli, G.}, title= {Proof Theoretic Studies about a Minimal Type System Integrating Inclusion and Parametric Polymorphism}, school= {Universit\`a di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica}, month= mar, year= {1990}, comments= {False proof of Fsub type checker termination } } @inproceedings{Ghel91, key= {Ghel91}, author= {Ghelli, G.}, title= {A Static Type System for Message Passing}, pages= {129--145}, booktitle= oopsla91, year= {1991}, keywords= {Typing, Records, Functions, Recursion, Multiple Inheritance}, comments= {FM has copy} } @incollection{Ghell90, key= {Ghell90}, author= {Ghelli, G.}, title= {A Class Abstraction for a Hierarchical Type System}, pages= {56--71}, editor= {Abiteboul, S. and Kanellakis, P.C.}, booktitle= icdt90, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, series= lncs, volume= 470, keywords= {classes as inhomogeneous sets, support for change of position within inheritance hierarchy, distinghuish between proper and creation-time type} } @inproceedings{GiLu86, author= {David K. Gifford and John M. Lucassen}, title= {Integrating Functional and Imperative Programming}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Cambridge, Massachusetts}, year= 1986, pages= {28--38}, keywords= {side effects, effect classes, memoization, parallelism } } @inproceedings{GoLo85, author= {Gotthard, W. and Lockemann, C.}, booktitle= {Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Entwicklung von Programmsystemen}, pages= {185--210}, title= {Datenbanksysteme f"ur Software-Produktionsumgebungen -- Anforderungen und Konzepte}, year= {1985}, keywords= {CASE, software environments, data models}, comment= {Signatur: K MET 9985} } @book{GoRo83, key= {GoRo83}, author= {Goldberg, A. and Robson, D.}, title= {Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1983} } @book{GoRo89, author= {Goldberg, Adele and Robson, David}, publisher= addison-wesley, title= {Smalltalk-80: The Language}, year= {1989}, keywords= {OO, software environments}, comment= {P GOL 14501} } @incollection{Gogu90, key= {Gogu90}, author= {Goguen, J.A.}, title= {Higher-Order Functions Considered Unnecessary for Higher-Order Programming}, pages= {309--351}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {claim: parameterized programming replaces higher-order functions; OO programming does not need second-order semantics; introduction to OBJ, OBJ2, some history} } @book{Gord88, key= {Gord88}, author= {Gordon, M.J.C.}, title= {Programming Language Theory and its Implementation}, publisher= prentice, year= {1988}, comments= {Signatur: P GOR 15549}, keywords= {Hoare's Logic for program correctness proofs, Floyd-Hoare Logic, Mechanizing proofs, introduction to the lambda calculus, combinators, a theorem prover in Lisp} } @inproceedings{GrJo90, key= {GrJo90}, author= {Graver, J.O. and Johnson, R.E.}, title= {A Type System for Smalltalk}, booktitle= popl90, year= {1990}, pages= {136--150}, keywords= {Inheritance of Implementation and not specification, used in Typed-Smalltalk (TS) code generator} } @book{GrRe93, key= {GrRe93}, author= {Gray, J. and Reuter, A.}, title= {Transaction Processing -- Concepts and Techniques}, series= {The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1993}, keywords= {ACID, transactions, transaction monitors, CICS, TP monitor, LU5.2, OSI-TP, X/Open DTP, N version programming, fault model, transaction models, predicate locks, phantoms, granular locks, nested transactions, locking, semaphores, log manager, archiving, transactional file systems, tuple-oriented file systems, access paths, IMS, CICS, Guardian 90, DECdta, ADABAS, TPF, Universal Transaction Manager (UTM), Encina, Tuxedo} } @book{Grah94, author= {Graham, I.}, title= {Object Oriented Methods}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1994}, keywords= {Rundumschlag: Geeignet als Ueberblick. Sonst eher schwach. Basic concepts, benefits of oo programming and methods, object-oriented and object-based programming languages, applications, database technology, object-oriented databases, object-oriented design, object-oriented analysis, managing object-oriented methods, the future of object-oriented methods}, comments= {GS hat Kopie} } @book{Graha91, key= {Graha91}, title= {Object-Oriented Methods}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1991}, author= {Graham, J.} } @incollection{Gray78, key= {Gray78}, author= {Gray, J.}, title= {Notes on Database Operating Systems}, booktitle= {Operating Systems -- An Advanced Course}, series= lncs, volume= 60, publisher= springer, year= {1978}, keywords= {Unification of operating systems and databases} } @book{Grei88, editor= {Greif, I.}, title= {Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988}, keywords= {CSCW, Coordination}, owner= {fbibib}, } @inproceedings{Griff88, key= {Griff88}, author= {Griffin, T.}, title= {Notational definition -- A formal account}, booktitle= {Proceedings Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, year= {1988}, pages= {372--383}, keywords= {Binding, Macros, Expansion, Substitution, Rewriting, Nuprl} } @article{Grud91, author= {Grudin, J.}, title= {CSCW}, journal= cacm, year= 1991, volume= 34, number= 12, month= dec, keywords= {Cooperation, Coordination}, } @book{Gunt93, key= {Gunt93}, author= {Gunther, C.}, title= {Semantics of Programming Languages}, publisher= mit-press, year= {1993}, comment= {Ask for copy for teaching} } @inproceedings{Gutm84, key= {Gutm84}, author= {Gutman, A.}, title= {R-trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching}, booktitle= sigmod84, month= jun, year= {1984}, keywords= {geographic databases, CAD} } @inproceedings{HABJ*92, author= {Y. Halabi and M. Ansari and R. Batra and W. Jin and G.Karabatis and P. Krychniak and M. Rusinkiewicz and L. Suardi}, title= {Narada: An Environment for Specification and Execution of Multi--System Applications}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Systems Integration ICSI '92}, year= {1992}, pages= {680--690}, organization= {IEEE}, month= jun, owner= {km}, keywords= {Coordination, Transaction}, } @inproceedings{HFLP89, key= {HFLP89}, author= {Haas, L.M. and Freytag, J.C. and Lohmann, G.M. and Pirahesh, H.}, title= {Extensible Query Processing in {Starburst}}, booktitle= sigmod89, year= {1989}, pages= {377--388}, keywords= {Starburst, Extensibility, ADT, Query Optimization} } @inproceedings{HHP82, key= {HHP82}, author= {Hansen, B. and Hansen, M. and Pistor, P.}, title= {Formal Specification of the Syntax and Semantics of a High Level Interface to an Extended NF2 Data Model}, booktitle= sigmod82, month= jun, year= {1982} } @techreport{HKM86, key= {HKM86}, author= {Hood, R. and Kennedy, K. and M{\"u}ller, H.A}, title= {Efficient Recompilation of Module Interfaces in a Software Development Environment}, institution= {University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada}, number= {DCS-59-IR}, year= {1986}, month= dec, keywords= {dependency checking, libraries, modules} } @techreport{HKMN93, author= {Horning, J. and Kalsow, J. McJones, P. and Nelson, G.}, title= {Some Useful {Modula-3} Interfaces}, institution= src, month= dec, year= 1993, keywords= {Threads, Libraries, Modules, Intern / Extern / Pickling, Weak References} } @book{HKS94, author= {Hasenkamp and Kirn and Syring}, title= {CSCW}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1994}, address= {Bonn}, keywords= {cscw, workflow}, owner= {pressmar}, } @inproceedings{HM90, key= {HM90}, author= {Hosking, A.L. and Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Towards Compile-Time Optimisations for Persistence}, booktitle= pos90, publisher= kaufmann, month= jan, year= {1991}, keywords= {pointer swizzling, object addressing, Mneme, Modula-3} } @proceedings{HSM89, key= {HSM89}, editor= {Hull, R. and Stemple, D. and Morrison, R.}, title= dbpl89, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1989}, keywords= {DBPLs, PPLs, object stores} } @inproceedings{HaBe80, key= {HaBe80}, author= {Hammer, M. and Berkowitz, P.}, title= {DIAL: A Programming Language for Data Intensive Applications}, booktitle= sigmod80, month= may, year= {1980}, pages= {75--92} } @book{HaBe90, key= {HaBe90}, editor= {Hall, M. and Barry, J.}, title= {The Sun Technology Papers}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, keywords= {Sun, SPARC, Compiler, code generator, optimizer} } @book{HaCh93, key= {HaCh93}, author= {Hammer, M. and Champy, J.}, title= {Reengineering the Cooperation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution}, year= {1993}, publisher= {Harper, New York}, keywords= {CSCW, Workflow Management} } @book{HaCh94, key= {HaCh93}, author= {Hammer, M. and Champy, J.}, title= {Business Reengineering: Die Radikalkur f"ur das Unternehmen}, edition= {2nd}, year= {1994}, publisher= {Campus Verlag, Frankfurt}, keywords= {CSCW, Workflow Management} } @book{HaLa91, key= {HaLa91}, editor= {Hales, K. and Lavery, M.}, title= {Workflow Management Software: The Business Opportunity}, year= {1991}, publisher= {Ovum Ltd., London}, keywords= {CSCW} } @unpublished{HaLi92, key= {HaLi92}, title= {Explicit Polymorphism and CPS Conversion}, author= {Harper, R. and Lillibridge, M.}, month= jul, year= {1992}, note= {to appear in POPL92?}, keywords= {Call by name and call by value semantics} } @article{HaMc81, key= {HaMc81}, author= {Hammer, M. and McLeod, D.}, title= {Database Description with SDM: A Semantic Database Model}, journal= tods, volume= 6, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1981}, pages= {351--386} } @inproceedings{HaPi91, key= {HaPi91}, title= {A Record Calclulus Base on Symmetric Concatenation}, author= {Harper, R. and Pierce, B. C.}, month= jan, year= {1991}, booktitle= popl91, pages= {131--142}, keywords= {record extension, positive, negative information, record field restriciton, replace F-bounded quantification by negative information and traditional recursive types} } @inproceedings{HaRe83a, key= {HaRe83a}, author= {H{\"a}rder, T. and Reuter, A.}, title= {Database Systems for Non-Standard Applications}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium}, address= {Erlangen, West Germany}, month= mar, year= {1983}, publisher= teubner } @inproceedings{HaRe83b, key= {HaRe83b}, author= {H{\"a}rder, T. and Reuter, A.}, title= {Concepts for Implementing a Centralized Database Management System}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Computing Symposium}, address= {Erlangen, West Germany}, month= mar, year= {1983}, publisher= teubner, pages= {28--59} } @inproceedings{HaRe85, key= {HaRe85}, author= {H{\"a}rder, T. and Reuter, A.}, title= {Architektur von Datenbanksystemen f\"ur Non-Standard-Anwendungen}, booktitle= {GI-Fachtagung: Datenbanksysteme f\"ur B\"uro, Technik und Wissenschaft}, editor= {Blaser, A. and Pistor, P.}, publisher= springer, year= {1985}, pages= {253--286} } @inproceedings{HaSc90, key= {HaSc90}, author= {Halasz, F.G. and Schwartz, D.}, title= {The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model}, booktitle= {Proceedings of NIST Hypertext Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD}, year= 1990, month= jan, keywords= {CSCW, Hypertext, standard}, comments= {Ask Finkelstein [COOCS93] for details, get copy} } @article{Hamm90, key= {Hamm90}, author= {Hammer, M.}, title= {Reeingeneering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate}, journal= {Harvard Business Review}, year= 1990, pages= {104--111}, month= jul # aug, keywords= {CSCW, business processes, workflow managment}, owner= {fbi-bib Preprint} } @incollection{Hard87, key= {Hard87}, author= {H{\"a}rder, T.}, title= {Realisierung von operationalen Schnittstellen}, editor= {Lockemann, P.C. and Schmidt, J.W}, chapter= 3, booktitle= {Datenbank-Handbuch}, publisher= springer, year= {1987} } @book{Hare84, key= {Hare84}, author= {Harel, D.}, title= {Algorithmics, The Spirit of Computing}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1987}, keywords= {Algorithms, Computation, Tractability, complexity theory}, comments= {nice for students, signatur: T HAR 12713} } @book{Harl84, key= {Harl84}, author= {Harland, D.M.}, title= {Polymorphic Programming Languages, Design and Implementation}, publisher= {Ellis Horwood Limited, a division of John Wiley \& Sons}, year= {1984}, keywords= {POLY, language rationale, ontology diagrams from denotational semantics, parametric polymorphism, mainly dynamic type checking} } @incollection{Harp85, key= {Harp85}, author= {Harper, R.}, title= {Modules and Persistence in {Standard ML}}, editor= {Atkinson, M.P. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {environments, modules in ML}, comments= {See Dave MacQueen in dbpl89} } @techreport{Harp86, key= {Harp86}, author= {Harper, R.}, title= {Introduction to {Standard ML}}, institution= {Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh}, type= {LFCS Report Series}, number= {ECS-LFCS-86-14}, month= nov, year= {1986}, comments= {FM has private copy from St. Andrews} } @book{Harr93, author= {Harrison, R.}, title= {Abstract data types in {Standard ML}}, publisher= wiley, year= 1993, keywords= {SML, ML, libraries, data abstraction, lists, stacks, queues, binary tress, ordered binary trees, 2-3 trees, sets, graphs, a library of standard ML functions}, owner= {infbib P HAR 20547} } @book{HeKa94, key= {HeKa94}, title= {Multimedia/Hypermedia in Open Distributed Environments}, editor= {Herzner, W. and Kappe, F. (eds.)}, year= {1994}, publisher= springer, keywords= {BERKOM, MHEG Standard, PREMO, HyTime, COOLIS, } } @article{HeLi82, key= {HeLi82}, author= {Herlihy, M. and Liskov, B.}, title= {A value transmission method for abstract data types}, journal= toplas, volume= 4, number= 4, month= oct, year= {1982}, pages= {527--551}, keywords= {marshalling, unmarshalling, RPC} } @article{HeNa84, key= {HeNa84}, author= {Henschen, L.J. and Naqui, S.A.}, title= {On Compiling Queries in Recursive First-Order Databases}, journal= jacm, volume= 31, number= 1, month= jan, year= {1984}, pages= {47--85} } @inproceedings{HeZd90, key= {HeZd90}, author= {Heiler, S. and Zdonik, S.}, title= {Object Views: Extending the Vision}, year= {1990}, booktitle= dataeng90 } @book{Hehn84, key= {Hehn84}, author= {Hehner, E.C.R.}, title= {The Logic of Programming}, publisher= prentice, year= {1984}, comments= {Signatur: T HEH 9478} } @book{Heilxx, author= {Heilmann, H.}, title= {Workflow Management: Integration von Organisation und Informationsverarbeitung}, publisher= {xx}, year= {19xx}, volume= {176}, series= {Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung}, keywords= {Workflow, Business Process, CSCW ## complete entry}, owner= {Pressmar}, } @mastersthesis{Hein88, key= {Hein88}, author= {Thomas Heine}, title= {Auswertung rekursiver Anfragen im relationalen Datenbanksystem DBPL}, school= ffm-info, month= dec, year= {1988} } @book{Henn90, key= {Henn90}, author= {Hennessy, M.}, title= {The Semantics of Programming Languages}, publisher= wiley, year= {1990}, keywords= {An elementary introduction using structural operational semantics; evaluation semantics, computation semantics, denotational semantics, updates, local variables, global variables} } @book{Heue92, author= {Heuer, Andreas}, publisher= addison-wesley, title= {Objektorientierte Datenbanken}, year= {1992} } @article{Hewi77, author= {Hewitt, C.}, title= {Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages}, journal= {Artificial Intelligence}, volume= 8, year= 1977, pages= {323--364}, } @article{Heym91, key= {Heym91}, author= {Heymann, J.}, title= {A Comprehensive Analytical Model for Garbage Collection Algorithms}, journal= sigplan, volume= 26, number= 8, month= aug, year= {1991}, pages= {50--59}, keywords= {Space overhead, CPU time overhead, mark&sweep, parallel mark&sweep, parallel copy, reference counting}, comment= {good model} } @incollection{Ho80, key= {Ho80}, author= {Howard, W.A.}, title= {The formulae-as-types notion of construction}, booktitle= {To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalisms}, year= {1980}, publisher= academic-press, editor= {Seldin, J.P. and Hindley, J.R.}, pages= {479-490}, keywords= {Curry-Howard-Isomorphism} } @inproceedings{HoMo93, key= {HoMo93}, author= {A.L. Hosking and J.E.B. Moss}, title= {Object Fault Handling for Persistent Programming Languages: {A} Performance Evaluation}, booktitle= oopsla93, pages= {288--303}, month= oct, year= {1993}, keywords= {Mneme, object store, object faulting} } @book{HoUl79, key= {HoUl79}, author= {Hopcroft, J. E. and Ullmann, J.D.}, title= {Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1979}, keywords= {context-free languages, decidability, complexity} } @techreport{HoWe93, author= {B. Holtkamp and H. Weber}, title= {Kernel/2r--A Software Infrastructure for Building Distributed Applications}, institution= {Frauenhofer--Einrichtung f\"ur Software-- und Systemtechnik}, year= {1993}, type= {ISST--Berichte}, number= {15/93}, month= jul, owner= {km}, } @incollection{Hoar68, key= {Hoar68}, author= {Hoare, C.A.R.}, title= {Record Handling}, editor= {Genuys, F.}, booktitle= {Programming Languages}, publisher= academic-press, pages= {291--347}, year= {1968} } @article{Hoar69, key= {Hoar69}, author= {Hoare, C.A.R.}, title= {An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming}, journal= cacm, volume= 12, year= {1969}, pages= {576--581}, keywords= {pre- and post conditions} } @article{Hoar75, key= {Hoar75}, author= {Hoare, C.A.R.}, title= {Recursive Data Structures}, journal= {International Journal of Computer and Information Science}, volume= 4, number= 2, year= {1975}, pages= {105--132}, keywords= {Recursive Data Types}, comments= {see also Lame83} } @phdthesis{Hoel94, author= {{H\"olzle}, U.}, title= {Adaptive Optimization for {Self}: Reconciling high performance with Exploratory Programming}, school= {Stanford University}, month= aug, year= 1994 } @article{Hsu93, key= {Hsu93}, author= {Hsu, M.}, title= {Special Issue on workflow and extended transaction systems}, journal= {Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering (IEEE Computer Society)}, volume= 16, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1993}, keywords= {coordination, workflows, CSCW} } @inproceedings{HuCo87, key= {HuCo87}, author= {Hughes, J.G. and Connolly, M.}, title= {RAPP: A Modular Multiprocessing Database Programming Language}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {Relational data model, Pascal Plus, modules are called envelopes, concurrent programming with monitors} } @inproceedings{HuJa87, key= {HuJa87}, author= {Hull, R. and Jacobs, D.}, title= {Towards a Formalism for Module Interconnection and Version Selection}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {library management, import / export dependencies} } @article{HuKi87, author= {Hull, R. and King, R.}, title= {Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, and Research Issues}, journal= acmcs, volume= 19, number= 3, year= {1987}, keywords= {semantic models} } @inproceedings{HuSu90, key= {HuSu90}, author= {Hull, R. and Su, J.}, title= {On Bulk Data Type Constructors and Manipulation Primitives: A Framework for Analyzing Expressive Power and Complexity}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {396--410}, keywords= {iterators, for each loops, comparison of expressive power for different models of side-effects during loop execution} } @article{HuWa92, key= {HuWa92}, author= {Hudak, P. and Wadler, P.}, title= {Report on the Programming Language {Haskell} Version 1.2}, journal= sigplan, year= {1986}, volume= {21}, number= {7}, pages= {219--233}, month= jul, keywords= {Haskell Report (Glasgow & Yale University), lazy, oerloading, pattern-matching list comprehensions, class system, functional IO, separate compilation} } @article{Hudak89, key= {Hudak89}, author= {Hudak, P.}, title= {Conception, Evolution, and Application of Functional Programming Languages}, journal= acmcs, volume= 21, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1989}, pages= {359--411}, keywords= {Haskell, ML}, comments= {good overview article} } @book{Huges91, key= {Huges91}, author= {Huges, J.G.}, title= {Object-Oriented Databases}, publisher= prentice, series= {International Series in Computer Science}, year= {1991}, keywords= {OODBMS, GemStone, PS algol, Orion} } @inproceedings{Hugh85, key= {Hugh85}, author= {Hughes, J.}, title= {A Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm}, editor= {Jouannaud, J.P.}, booktitle= {Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture}, series= lncs, volume= 201, year= {1985}, pages= {256--272} } @book{Hugh88, key= {Hugh88}, title= {Database Technology: A Software Engineering Approach}, publisher= prentice, year= {1988}, author= {Hughes, J.}, } @incollection{Hugh90, key= {Hugh90}, author= {Hughes, J.}, title= {Why Functional Programming Matters}, pages= {17--42}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {A pamphlet for lazy evaluation} } @incollection{Hugh90b, key= {Hugh90b}, author= {Hughes, J.}, title= {Compile-time Analysis of Functional Programs}, pages= {117--154}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {Abstract interpretation of functional programs using syntax trees. Propagation of partial information through programs} } @phdthesis{Hut87, key= {Hut87}, author= {N.C. Hutchinson}, title= {{Emerald}: An Object-Based Language for Distributed Programming}, school= {University of Washington}, month= sep, year= 1987, comments= {object types, processes, location, mutability, multiple implementations (global, local, direct), location transparence, dynamic type inspection?} } @phdthesis{Hutc87, author= {Norman C. Hutchinson}, title= {{Emerald}: An Object-Based Language for Distributed Programming}, school= {University of Washington}, month= sep, year= 1987, abstract= { Objects: ... + optional process, location, mutable/immutable (assertion by the programmer, no check by system), type conformity, object constructor, Single OM for distributed and private entities: Compiler generates multiple implementations for Objects from the same source code (--> Hermes): 1. global (movable, exportable, indirect reference, runtime alloc), 2. local (never exported, pointer ref, compile time alloc), 3. direct (= local, but allocated in enclosing object). primitives for placement and movement, location independent invocation: locate, move, fix, unfix, refix call-by-move (== move + call-by-reference [+ return]) Emerald Types: 1. define the interface to objects, but no implementation information, 2. Types are Objects: Signature predifined abstract type: getSignature --> type contructors }} @book{Hype88, key= {Hype88}, title= {HyperCard Script Language Guide: The HyperTalk Langauge}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1988}, author= {Apple Computer Inc.}, keywords= {Hypertext, Multimedia, Scripts}, comments= {Official Apple Reference Manual} } @techreport{I*83, key= {I*83}, author= {Ichbiah and others}, title= {The Programming Language {Ada}: Reference Manual}, institution= {ANSI}, number= {MIL-STD-1815A-1983}, year= {1983} } @manual{IBM94, key= {IBM94}, title= {Object-Oriented Programming using {SOM} and {DSOM}}, organization= {IBM Corporation, Publication No. {SR28-5570}}, year= {1994}, month= aug, keywords= {SOM, DSOM}, } @manual{IEEE85, key= {IEEE85}, title= {ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985 for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic}, organization= {IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA}, year= {1985}, } @inproceedings{IKG92, key= {IKG92}, author= {Ishii, H. and Kobayashi, M. and Grudin, J.}, title= {Integration of inter-personal space and shared workspace: ClearBoard design and experiments}, booktitle= cscw92, publisher= acm-press, editor= {Turner, J. and Kraut, R.}, year= {1992}, pages= {33--42}, keywords= {CSCW, ClearBoard cooperative communication system}, comments= {ClearBoard seems to be one of the better systems} } @manual{INMO87, key= {INMO87}, title= {The transputer instruction set --- a compiler writer's guide}, organization= {INMOS}, address= {INMOS GmbH, 8057 Eching}, month= nov, year= {1987} } @techreport{ISOASN92, key= {ISOASN92}, title= {{Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)}, Draft International Standard}, author= {ISO / IEC JTC 1 / DIS 8824}, year= {1992}, institution= {ISO}, keywords= {Standard, Protocol, Network, Distribution, Types, marshallin} } @techreport{ISORDA91, key= {ISORDA91}, title= {Information Processing Systems -- Open System Interconnection ({OSI}) -- Remote Database Access ({RDA}), Generic Model}, author= {ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC21/ WG 3}, year= {1991}, institution= {ISO 9579}, keywords= {Standard, Protocol, Network, Distribution} } @inproceedings{ImNa88, key= {ImNa88}, author= {Tomasz Imielinski and Shamim Naqvi}, title= {Explicit Control of Logic Programs Through Rule Algebra}, booktitle= pods88, month= mar, year= {1988}, pages= {103--116}, keywords= {Transformation of non-stratified programs with a minimal model into stratified ones} } @inproceedings{Imie86, key= {Imie86}, author= {Imielinski, T.}, title= {Transforming logical rules by relational algebra}, booktitle= {Proc. of Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, address= {Washington, DC}, month= aug, year= {1986}, pages= {338--377}, } @techreport{Infor86, key= {Infor86}, title= {{Informix-4GL} Reference Manual}, author= {{Informix Software Corp.}}, institution= {{Informix Software Corp.}}, adddress= {Menlo Park, California}, year= {1986}, } @techreport{Ing90, key= {Ing90}, title= {Language Reference Manual for INGRES/Windows 4GL for the UNIX and VMS Operating Systems}, author= {{Ingres Corporation}}, number= {INGRES Release 6}, month= aug, institution= {Ingres Corporation, 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Almeda, California}, year= {1990}, } @techreport{Ingb90, key= {Ingb90}, title= {{INGRES ABF/4GL} Reference Manual for the {UNIX} and {VMS} Operating Systems}, author= {{Ingres Corporation}}, number= {INGRES Release 6.3}, month= nov, institution= {Ingres Corporation, 1080 Marina Village Parkway, Almeda, California}, year= {1989}, } @techreport{Interop-Deliverable, key= {Interop-Deliverable}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Interoperability Report, Deliverable, ID4}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug} @article{Iver79, key= {Iver79}, author= {Iverson, K.E.}, title= {Operators}, journal= toplas, volume= 1, number= 2, month= oct, year= {1979}, pages= {161-176}, keywords= {APL definition} } @book{JCJ*92, author= {Jacobson, I. and Christerson, M. and Jonson, P. and {\"O}vergaard, G.}, title= {Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1992}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @inproceedings{JGLR88, key= {JGLR88}, author= {Johannsen, W. and Ge, L. and Lamersdorf, W. and Reinhard, K. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Database Application Support in Open Systems: Language Support and Implementation}, booktitle= dataeng88, month= feb, year= {1988}, keywords= {DURESS} } @article{JKMS82, key= {JKMS82}, author= {Jarke, M. and Koch, J. and Mall, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Query Optimization Research in the Database Programming Languages {(DBPL)} Project}, journal= {IEEE -- Data Engineering}, month= sep, year= {1982}, pages= {11--14}, keywords= {Query optimization} } @article{JLHB88, key= {JLHB88}, author= {Jul, E. and Levy, H. and Hutchinson, N. and Black, A.}, title= {Fine-Grained Mobility in the {E}merald System}, journal= {ACM Transactions of Computer Systems}, year= {1988}, volume= {6}, number= {1}, month= feb, pages= {109--133}, keywords= {Migrating Objects, Migrating Threads, Type System} } @inproceedings{JLRS88, key= {JLRS88}, author= {Johannsen, W. and Lamersdorf, W. and Reinhard, K. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {The {DURESS} Project: Extending Databases into an Open Systems Architecture}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {303}, year= {1988}, pages= {616--620}, keywords= {DURESS, DBPL} } @inproceedings{JLS85, key= {JLS85}, author= {Jarke, M. and Linnemann, V. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Data Constructors: On the Integration of Rules and Relations}, booktitle= vldb85, month= aug, year= {1985} } @techreport{JMSV91, key= {JMSV91}, title= {DAIDA: An Environment for Evolving Information Systems}, author= {Jarke, M. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W. and Vassiliou, Y.}, institution= {RWTH Aachen}, type= {Aachener Informatik-Berichte}, number= {91--18}, year= {1991}, } @article{JMSV91b, key= {JMSV91b}, author= {Jarke, M. and Mylopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W. and Vassiliou, Y.}, title= {Information Systems Development as Knowledge Engineering: A Review of the DAIDA Project}, journal= {Programmirowanie, Software Journal}, address= {Akademia Nauk CCCR, Moscow}, note= {(Also available through Hamburg University)}, month= jan, year= {1991}, abstract= {The development of database-intensive information systems has to consider a rich set of constraints from many different viewpoints: faithful representation of the application domain, good fit into the usage environment, maintainable conceptual organization of a large software system, cost-saving through reuse of existing experiences, efficient handling of massive data amounts, etc. To unify these viewpoints, we propose to treat them formally as interrelated knowledge bases, and to manage their evolution as a knowledge engineering process. The process is guided by design decisions within the constraints of a formal environment model. Experiences in ESPRIT project DAIDA demonstrate advantages of this approach in terms of conceptual flexibility, process support, and quality assurance.} } @inproceedings{JMW*90, key= {JMW*90}, author= {Jeusfeld, M. and Mertikas, M. and Wetzel, I. and Jarke. M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Database Application Development as an Object Modelling Activity}, booktitle= vldb90, month= aug, year= {1990}, keywords= {DAIDA} } @incollection{JRJ93, key= {JRJ93}, author= {Jeusfeld, M. and Rose, T. and Jarke, M.}, title= {ConceptBase: A Telos-Based Software Information System}, pages= {367--388}, editor= {Jarke, M.}, booktitle= {Database Application Engineering with DAIDA}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, keywords= {ConceptBase, CAD0, Object Modeling} } @inproceedings{JaKo83, key= {JaKo83}, author= {Jarke, M. and Koch, J.}, title= {Range Nesting: A Fast Method to Evaluate Quantified Queries}, booktitle= sigmod83, month= may, year= {1983}, pages= {196--206}, keywords= {query evaluation, query optimization} } @article{JaKo84, key= {JaKo84}, author= {Jarke, M. and Koch, J.}, title= {Query Optimization in Database Systems}, journal= acmcs, volume= 16, number= 2, year= {1984}, pages= {111--152}, keywords= {query evaluation, query optimization} } @inproceedings{JaSc82, key= {JaSc82}, author= {Jaeschke, G. and Schek, H.-J.}, title= {Remarks on the Algebra of Non First Normal Form Relations}, booktitle= pods82, month= mar, year= {1982}, pages= {124--138} } @inproceedings{JaSc82b, key= {JaSc82b}, author= {Jarke, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Query Processing Strategies in the {Pascal/R} Relational Database Management System}, booktitle= sigmod82, year= {1982}, } @techreport{Jaes85a, key= {Jaes85a}, author= {Jaeschke, G.}, title= {Nonrecursive Algebra for Relations with Relation Valued Attributes}, institution= {IBM Scientific Center, Heidelberg, West Germany}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {TR 85.03.001}, month= mar, year= {1985} } @techreport{Jaes85b, key= {Jaes85b}, author= {Jaeschke, G.}, title= {Recursive Algebra for Relations with Relation Valued Attributes}, institution= {IBM Scientific Center, Heidelberg, West Germany}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {TR 85.03.002}, month= mar, year= {1985} } @book{Jark93, key= {Jark93}, author= {Jarke, M.}, title= {Database Application Engineering with {DAIDA}}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, keywords= {DBPL, DAIDA, Telos, TDL, SML} } @Misc{Java95, key= {Java95}, title= {Java: The inside story}, howpublished= {http://\-www.sun.com/sunworldonline/swol-07-1995/swol-07-java.html}, year= {1995}, keywords= {Java, Hot Java, migration, mobile code, WWW, Internet, agents} } @nook{Jens92, author= {K. Jensen}, title= {Coloured Petri Nets: Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use}, publisher= springer, year= {1992}, volume= {1}, owner= {fbi-bib T JEN 18174}, keywords= {concurrency, models}, } @article{JoFo88, author= {Johnson, Ralph E. and Foote, Brian}, title= {Designing reusable Classes}, journal= {Journal of Object-Oriented Programming}, volume= 1, number= 2, year= 1988, abstract= {variable access through message passing }} @techreport{Joh75, key= {Joh75}, author= {Johnson, S.C.}, title= {Yacc: Yet another compiler-compiler}, institution= {Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill}, year= {1975}, keywords= {compiler compiler, YACC, grammar, parser} } @mastersthesis{Joha95, key= {Joha95}, author= {Nico Johannisson}, title= {Generische Programmierung typsicherer Kommunikationsdienste}, school= hbg-info, month= may, year= {1995} } @phdthesis{Jul88, author= {Jul, E.}, title= {Object Mobility in a Distributed Object-Oriented System}, school= {Department of Computer Science, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington}, year= {1988}, keywords= {Migrating Objects, Migrating Threads, Type System, Emerald} } @article{Jul89, author= {Jul, E.}, title= {Migration of Light-weight Processes in {E}merald}, journal= {Operation Systems Technical Comittee Newsletter}, year= {1989}, volume= {3}, number= {1}, pages= {25--30}, keywords= {Migrating Objects, Migrating Threads, Type System} } @inproceedings{K*86, key= {K*86}, title= {Hygienic macro expansion}, author= {Kohlbecker, E. and Friedman, D.P. and Felleisen, M. and Duba, B.}, year= {1992}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, keywords= {Lisp, Macros, Syntax, syntactic sugar}} @incollection{KBCG89, key= {KBCG89}, author= {Kim, W. and Ballou, N. and Chou, H. and Garza, J.F.}, title= {Features of the ORION Object-Oriented Database System}, booktitle= {Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications}, publisher= acm-press, year= {1989}, editor= {Kim, W. and Lochovsky, F.H.}, series= {Frontier Series}, keywords= {Orion}, comments= {Signatur: P OBJ 15348} } @techreport{KCC*92, key= {KCC*92}, author= {Kirby, G.N.C. and Connor, R.C.H. and Cutts, Q.I. and Morrison, R. and Dearle, A. and Farkas, A.M.}, title= {Persistent Hyper-Programs}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/53}, year= {1992}, keywords= {static bindings, hyper programming, workbench} } @techreport{KCM94, author= {Kirby, G.N.C. and Connor, R.C.H. and Morrison, R.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/94/96}, title= {START: A Linguistic Reflection Tool Using Hyper-Program Technology}, type= fiderep, year= {1994}, keywords= {reflection, Napier, GUI, generators} } @article{KGBW90, key= {KGBW90}, author= {Kim, W and Garza, J.F. and Ballou, N. and Woelk, D.}, title= {Architecture of the ORION Next-Generation Database System}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, year= {1990}, volume= {2}, number= {1}, month= mar, keywords= {Orion, ObjectStore} } @incollection{KKD89, key= {KKD89}, author= {Kim, W. and Kim, K. and Dale, A.}, title= {Storage Management for Objects in EXODUS}, booktitle= {Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications}, publisher= acm-press, year= {1989}, editor= {Kim, W. and Lochovsky, F.H.}, series= {Frontier Series}, keywords= {Exodus}, comments= {Signatur: P OBJ 15348} } @book{KKL88, key= {KKL88}, title= {Standards for Open Systems Interconnection}, publisher= mcgraw, year= {1988}, author= {Knightson, K. and Knowles, T. and Larmouth, J.}, comments= {Signatur: D KNI #16384 58429} } @article{KKRHPA86, key= {KKRHPA86}, author= {Kranz, D. and Kelsey, R. and Rees, J. and Hudak, P. and Philbin, J. and Adams, N.}, title= {{ORBIT}: An Optimizing Compiler for {Scheme}}, journal= sigplan, volume= 21, number= 7, month= jul, year= {1986}, pages= {219--233}, keywords= {CPS, assignment conversion, cell conversion, code generation, continuation passing style} } @book{KLLM94, editor= {J. L. Knudsen, M. L{\"o}fgren, O. Lehrmann-Madsen, B. Magnusson}, publisher= prentice, series= {Object-Oriented Series}, title= {Object-Oriented Environments: The Mj\"olner Approach}, year= {1994}, keywords= {Chapter 23: Hypertext, syntax-directed editing, browsing, software engineering }, } @inproceedings{KMP82, key= {KMP82}, author= {Koch, J. and Mall, J. and Putfarken, P.}, title= {Modula-2 for the VAX: Description of a System Portation}, booktitle= {Tagungsband Implementierung Pascal-artiger Programmiersprachen}, editor= {Langmaack, H. and Schlender, B. and Schmidt, J.W.}, publisher= teubner, year= {1982}, note= {(In German)} } @inproceedings{KNS89, key= {KNS89}, author= {Klas, W. and Neuhold, E.J. and Schrefl, M.}, title= {Visual Databases need Data Models for Multimedia Data}, editor= {Tosizasu, L. Kunii}, booktitle= {Visual Database Systems --- Proceedings of the IFIP TC 2/WG 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems}, address= {Tokyo, Japan}, month= apr, year= {1989}, keywords= {VODAK, IPSI} } @techreport{KaGo90, key= {KaGo90}, author= {Karge, U. and Gogolla, M.}, title= {Formal Semantics of SQL Queries}, institution= {TU Braunschweig}, type= {Informatik Bericht}, number= {90 - 01}, month= jan, year= {1990} } @inproceedings{KaSa92, key= {KaSa92}, title= {Completely Bounded Quantification is Decidable}, author= {Katiyar, D. and Sankar, S.}, month= jun, year= {1992}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML and its Applications}, keywords= {Fsub, subtyping, disallow unrestricted use of type variables in type terms} } @article{Kas80, key= {Kas80}, author= {Kastens, U.}, title= {Ordered Attribute Grammars}, journal= {Acta Informatica}, volume= 13, number= 3, year= {1980}, keywords= {Orderedness, Attribute Grammars} } @book{KeRi77, key= {KeRi77}, author= {Kernighan, B.W. and Ritchie, D.M.}, title= {The C Programming Language}, publisher= prentice, year= {1977} } @techreport{KeWi91, author= {Kensing, F. and Winograd, T.}, title= {The Language/Action Apprach to the Design of Computer-Support for Cooperative Work: A Preliminary Study in Work Mapping}, institution= {Center for the Study of Language and Information, SRI International}, number= {CSLI-91-152 PCD-2}, address= {333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025}, month= apr, year= 1991, keywords= {CSCW, workflow}, owner= {fbibib}, } @book{Kee91, key= {Kee91}, author= {Keen, P.G.W.}, title= {Shaping the Future: Business Design through Information Technology}, year= {1991}, publisher= harvard, keywords= {CSCW, business re-engineering} } @techreport{Kels89, key= {Kels89}, author= {Kelsey, R.A.}, title= {Compilation By Program Transformation}, institution= {Yale University, Department of Computer Science}, year= {1989}, month= may, keywords= {Compiler, Object Code, Transformation, Intermediate Language, Front End, Back End, Ordering Calls, Code Improvements, Environments, Naming, Binding, Instruction Scheduling, Continuation Passing Style}, comments= {Signatur R 22924} } @book{Kelt85, key= {Kelt85}, author= {Udo Kelter}, title= {Parallele Transaktionen in Datenbanksystemen}, publisher= {Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, Wien, Z"urich}, year= {1985}, series= {Reihe Informatik} } @article{Kent79, key= {Kent79}, author= {Kent, W.}, title= {Limitations of Record-Based Information Models}, journal= tods, volume= 4, number= 1, year= {1979}, pages= {107--131}, keywords= {records, types, normalization, CODASYL} } @proceedings{Kers85, key= {Kers85}, editor= {Kerschberg, L.}, title= {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Expert Database Systems}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1985} } @book{KhBu95, author= {Khoshafian, S. and Buckiewicz, M.}, title= {Introduction to Groupware, Workflow and Workgroup Computing}, publisher= wiley, year= {1995}, keywords= {coordination, workflows, CSCW, ## get for seminars}, } @inproceedings{KhCo86, key= {KhCo86}, author= {Khoshafian, S. and Copeland, G.}, title= {Object Identity}, booktitle= oopsla86, month= oct, year= {1986}, keywords= {object identifiers, addressing, surrogates} } @inproceedings{KhVa88, key= {KhVa88}, author= {Khoshafian, S. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {Sharing, Persistence, and Object Orientation: A Database Perspective}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, pages= {181--195}, keywords= {FAD, concurrency control} } @techreport{KiDe90, author= {Kirby, G.N.C. and Dearle, A.}, institution= {University of St Andrews}, number= {CS/90/16}, title= {An Adaptive Graphical Browser for Napier88}, year= {1990}, keywords= {Napier88, browsing, reflection} } @book{KiLo89, key= {KiLo89}, author= {Kim, W. and Lochowsky, F.H.}, title= {Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications}, publisher= acm-press, year= {1989}, comments= {Signatur: P OBJ 14315} } @mastersthesis{KiMu92, key= {KiMu92}, author= {Kirch, F. and M{\"u}{\ss}ig, S.}, title= {Studienarbeit: Entwicklung eines generischen Datenbankbrowsers in einer polymorphen Programmiersprache}, school= hbg-info, month= apr, year= {1992}, keywords= {Browser, P-Quest, Tycoon, Graphic, Editor} } @inproceedings{King89, key= {King89}, author= {King, K.N.}, title= {The International Standardization of Modula-2}, booktitle= {Computing Trends in the 90's}, month= feb, year= {1989}, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {ISO Modula-2, libraries, standard, references} } @mastersthesis{Kira94, key= {Kira94}, author= {Kiradjiev, P.}, title= {Dynamic optimization in {CPS}-based intermediate languages}, school= hbg-info, year= {1994}, month= dec, note= {(In German)}, keywods= {TML, PTML, dynamic optimization} } @techreport{Kirb92, key= {Kirb92}, author= {Kirby, G.N.C.}, title= {Persistent Programming with Strongly Typed Linguistic Reflection}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/40}, year= {1992}, keywords= {Reflection, Napier88} } @phdthesis{Kirb92a, author= {Kirby, G.N.C.}, school= {University of St.~Andrews}, itle= {Reflection and Hyper-Programming in Persistent Programming Systems}, year= {1992}, keywords= {persistence, programming environments, GUI}, } @article{KlBo95, author= {Klepper, R. and Bock, D.}, title= {Third and Fourth Generation Language Productivity Differences}, journal= cacm, year= {1995}, volume= {38}, number= {9}, pages= {69--79}, month= sep, keywords= {procedural, non-procedural, mixed language development very common}, } @mastersthesis{Klei90, key= {Klei90}, author= {Hanno Klein}, title= {Pr\"adikatevaluation in einem typvollst\"andigen Datenmodell}, school= ffm-info, month= aug, year= {1990}, } @article{Knu68, key= {Knu68}, author= {Knuth, D.E.}, title= {Semantics of Context-Free Languages}, journal= {Math. Syst. Theory}, volume= 2, pages= {127--145}, year= {1968}, keywords= {Attribute grammars, standard reference}, comments= {see also Knu71} } @article{Knu71, key= {Knu71}, author= {Knuth, D.E.}, title= {Semantics of Context-Free Languages (Correction)}, journal= {Math. Syst. Theory}, volume= 5, pages= {95--96}, year= {1971}, keywords= {Attribute grammars, standard reference} } @misc{KoNe93, key= {KoNe93}, author= {Kohl, J. and Neuman, B.C.}, title= {The {K}erberos Network Authentication Service (V5)}, howpublished= {working draft - currently released as Internet Draft}, month= apr, year= {1993} } @inproceedings{KoPa88, key= {KoPa88}, author= {P.G. Kolaitis and C.H. Papadimitriou}, title= {Why not negation by Fixpoint?}, booktitle= pods88, month= mar, year= {1988}, pages= {231--239}, } @phdthesis{Koch80, key= {Koch80}, author= {Koch, J.}, title= {Relationale Anfragen: Zerlegung und Optimierung}, school= hbg-info, month= dec, year= {1984} } @phdthesis{Kohl86, key= {Kohl86}, author= {Kohlbecker, E.E.}, title= {Syntactic extensions in the programming language {LISP}}, school= {Indiana University}, year= {1986}, keywords= {Syntax, macros, hygienic macros, scoping} } @mastersthesis{Kreb88, key= {Kreb88}, author= {Krebs, T.}, title= {Optimierung und Synchronisation von Integrit{\"a}tstests}, school= ffm-info, month= jun, year= {1988} } @article{KuRo81, key= {KuRo81}, author= {Kung, C.H. and Robinson, J.T.}, title= {On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control}, journal= tods, volume= 6, number= 2, year= {1981}, keywords= {optimistic concurrency control, standard reference} } @inproceedings{Kueh93, author= {E. K\"uhn}, title= {{Fehlertolerantes Koordinieren verteilter autonomer Dienste}}, booktitle= {Europ\"aischer Kongre\"s: Architektur von Rechensystemen EuroARCH '93}, year= {1993}, editor= {P. Spies}, publisher= springer, month= oct, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination, Transaction, CSCW}, } @incollection{Kuut91, key= {Kuut91}, author= {Kuutti, K.}, title= {Activity theory and its applications to information systems research and development}, booktitle= {Information Systems Research: Contemporary Approaches and Emergent Traditions}, year= {1991}, publisher= elsevier, keywords= {CSCW, Activity theory: artifacts mediate the activities that people are engaged in. Example: Reference list between librarian and searcher} } @article{L*77, key= {L*77}, author= {Liskov, B. and others}, title= {Abstraction Mechanisms in CLU}, journal= cacm, volume= 20, number= 8, month= aug, year= {1977}, keywords= {CLU, iterators, generic modules, exceptions, ADTs} } @book{L*81, key= {L*81}, author= {Liskov, B. and Atkinson, R. and Bloom, T. and Moss, J.E.B. and Schaffert, J.C. and Scheifler, R. and Snyder, A.}, title= {CLU Reference Manual}, publisher= springer, year= {1981}, keywords= {CLU, iterators, generic modules, exceptions, ADTs} } @inproceedings{L*85, key= {L*85}, author= {Lockemann, P.C. and Adams, M. and Bever, M. and Dittrich, K.R. and Ferkinghoff, B. and Gotthard, W and Kotz, A.M. and Liedtke, R.-P. and L\"uke, B. and M\"ulle, J.A.}, title= {Anforderungen technischer Anwendungen an Datenbanksysteme}, booktitle= {GI-Fachtagung: Datenbanksysteme f\"ur B\"uro, Technik und Wissenschaft}, editor= {Blaser, A. and Pistor, P.}, publisher= springer, year= {1985}, pages= {1--26} } @inproceedings{L*87, key= {L*87}, author= {Lamersdorf, W. and Eckhardt, H. and Effelsberg, W. and Johannsen, W. and Reinhard, K. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Database Programming for Distributed Office Systems}, booktitle= {Proc. IEEE Office Automation Symposium}, address= {Gaithersburg, MD}, year= {1987} } @article{LAB*92, key= {LAB*92}, author= {Lampson, B. and Abadi, M. and Burrows, M. and Wobber, E.}, title= {Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice}, journal= {ACM Transactions on Computer Systems}, year= {1992}, volume= {10}, number= {4}, pages= {265--310}, month= nov, keywords= {Principals, speaks for, delegation, seccurity, networks, model} } @inproceedings{LCDS87, key= {LCDS87}, author= {Liskov, B. and Curtis, D. and Johnson, P. and Scheifler, R.}, title= {Implementation of Argus}, booktitle= {Proc. of the 11th ACM Symp. on Operation System Principles, ACM SIGOPS}, month= nov, year= {1987}, pages= {111--122}, keywords= {fault tolerant, transactions, distributed programming} } @inproceedings{LEERS87, key= {LEERS87}, author= {Lamersdorf, W. and Eckhardt, H. and Effelsberg, W. and Reinhard, K. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Database Programming for Distributed Office Systems}, booktitle= {Proc. Int. Conf. on Office Automation}, address= {Washington}, year= {1987} , keywords= {DURESS} } @techreport{LIMS93, title= {Standard Guide for Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)}, institution= {American Society for Testing and Materials}, address= {1916 Race St., Philadelpha, PA 19103, USA}, year= {1993}, comment= {referenced by Anthony Bonner (U. Toronto) and Steve Rozen}, keywords= {workflow applications, CSCW, example domain, logbook, material, step, human genome project}, } @inproceedings{LKNM84, key= {LKNM84}, author= {Lorie, R. and Kim, W. and McNabb, D. and Plouffe, W. and Meier, A.}, title= {Supporting Complex Objects in a Relational System for Engineering Databases}, editor= {Kim, W. and Reimer, D.S. and Batory, D.S.}, pages= {145--155}, booktitle= {Query Processing in Database Systems}, publisher= springer, year= {1984} } @article{LLOW91, author= {Lamb, C. and Landis, G and Orenstein, J. and Weinreb, D.}, title= {The ObjectStore Database}, journal= cacm, volume= 34, number= 10, month= oct, year= {1991}, pages= {50--63}, keywords= {Persistent, POS} } @article{LLOW92, key= {LLOW92}, author= {Lamb, C. and Landis, G. and Orenstein, J. and Weinreb, D.}, title= {The {ObjectStore} Database System}, journal= cacm, volume= 34, number= 10, year= 1992, pages= {50--64}, keywords= {Object Design, ObjectStore, OODBMS, DML, DDL} } @inproceedings{LMS84, key= {LMS84}, author= {Lamersdorf, W. and M{\"u}ller, G. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Language Support for Office Modelling}, booktitle= vldb84, month= aug, year= {1984}, pages= {280--290} } @inproceedings{LRV88, key= {LRV88}, author= {L{\'e}cluse, C. and Richard, P. and Velez, F.}, title= {O$_2$, an Object-Oriented Data Model}, booktitle= sigmod88, year= {1988}, pages= {424--433}, keywords= {O2 data model} } @inproceedings{LaMa91, key= {LaMa91}, author= {Lanka, S. and Mays, E.}, title= {Fully Persistent B$^{+}$-trees}, booktitle= sigmod91, year= {1991}, month= jun, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {indexing, b-trees, persistence, historic queries} } @techreport{LaSc80, key= {LaSc80}, author= {Lamersdorf, W. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Specification of {Pascal/R}}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Bericht}, number= {73, 74}, month= jul, year= {1980} } @inproceedings{LaSc93, author= {Laasch, C. and Scholl, M.}, title= {Deterministic Semantics of Set-Oriented Update Sequences}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Nineth ICDE, Vienna, Austria}, pages= {4--13}, year= {1993}, month= apr, keywords= {updates, query processing, bulk types, side-effects, commutativity, conflict}, } @article{Laguna, key= {Laguna}, author= {Bernstein, P.A. and others}, title= {Future Directions in DBMS Research}, journal= sigmodrec, year= {1989}, month= mar, volume= 18, number= 1, keywords= {Laguna Beach, deductive databases} } @inproceedings{Lame83, key= {Lame83}, author= {Lamersdorf, W. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Recursive Data Models}, note= {(In German)}, booktitle= {Languages for Databases}, publisher= springer, year= {1983} } @inproceedings{Lame84, key= {Lame84}, author= {Lamersdorf, W.}, title= {Recursive Data Models for Non-Conventional Database Applications}, booktitle= dataeng85, month= apr, year= {1985} } @techreport{Lamp83, key= {Lamp83}, author= {Lampson, B.}, title= {A Description of the Cedar Language}, institution= {Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, California}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {CSL-83-15}, month= dec, year= {1983}, keywords= {Cedar is a superset of Mesa, garbage collection, dynamic types, REF ANY, only for Xerox hardware and Cedar OS environment, Mesa influenced Wirth} } @book{Lamp86, key= {Lamp86}, editor= {Lamport, L.}, title= {LATEX: A Document Preparation System}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1986}, keywords= {Tex, Latex, typesetting, fonts, bibtex}, comments= {bei FM} } @article{Land66, key= {Land66}, author= {Landin, P.J.}, title= {The next 700 programming languages}, journal= cacm, volume= 9, number= 3, year= {1966}, pages= {157--166}, keywords= {Fundamentals of PL, principle of declaration correspondence} } @techreport{Language-Deliverable, key= {Language-Deliverable}, author= {Albano, A.}, title= {Language Design, Progress Report, Deliverable, ID4}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug } @techreport{Larc90, key= {Larc90}, author= {Larchev\^eque, J.M.}, title= {Incremental compilation in the O$_2$ database system}, institution= altair, note= {(technical note)}, month= oct, year= {1990}, keywords= {Optimization of late binding, schema evolution, attribute grammar} } @book{Lau94, key= {Lau94}, author= {Lau, C.}, title= {Object-Oriented Programming using SOM and DSOM}, publisher= {Van Nostrand Reinhold, Thomson Publishing Company, New York}, year= {1994}, keywords= {distributed object models, SOM and DSOM of IBM, ## order} } @techreport{Lave95, author= {Lavery, D.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/95/116}, title= {The Design of Effective Software Visualizations for Persistent Programming Environments}, type= fiderep, year= {1995}, keywords= {visualisation, Napier, programming environments} } @article{LeAl94, author= {F. Leymann and W. Altenhuber}, title= {Managing Business Processes as an Information Resource}, journal= {IBM Systems Journal}, year= {1994}, volume= {33}, number= {2}, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW, workflow management, FlowMark}, } @techreport{LeCh93, author= {G.T. Leavens and Y. Cheon}, title= {{Extending CORBA IDL to Specify Behavior with Larch}}, institution= {IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science}, year= {1993}, number= {TR 93--20}, month= aug, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination, Specification}, } @techreport{LeRi89, key= {LeRi89}, author= {L\'ecluse, C. and Richard, P.}, title= {The O$_2$ Database Programming Language}, institution= altair, type= {Rapport Technique}, number= {26-89}, month= jan, year= {1989}, keywords= {O2 language report} } @inproceedings{LeRo94, author= {F. Leymann and D. Roller}, title= {Business Process Management with {FlowMark}}, booktitle= {Proceedings COMPCON Spring 94}, year= {1994}, organization= {IEEE}, address= {San Francisco, CA}, month= feb, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW, workflow management, FlowMark}, } @techreport{LeSc75, key= {LeSc75}, author= {Lesk, M.E. and Schmidt, E.}, title= {Lex -- a lexical analyzer generator}, institution= {Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill}, year= {1975}, keywords= {scanner, token} } @techreport{LeWe90, key= {LeWe90}, author= {Leroy, X. and Weis, P.}, title= {Polymorphic Type Inference and Assignment}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= {1327}, month= nov, year= {1990}, keywords= {ML-like typing, updates, references, closures, locality control} } @article{LeYa81, key= {LeYa81}, author= {Lehmann, P.L. and Yao, S.B.}, title= {Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on B-Trees}, journal= {ACM Transactions on Database Systems}, pages= {650--670}, number= 4, volume= 6, month= dec, year= {1981}, keywords= {B-Link trees, concurrency control, indexing} } @book{Ledg80, key= {Ledg80}, author= {Ledgard, H.}, title= {ADA, an Introduction -- ADA Reference Manual}, publisher= springer, year= {1980} } @unpublished{Lero92, key= {Lero92}, title= {Polymorphism by name for references and continuations}, author= {Leryoy, X.}, month= jul, year= {1992}, keywords= {Avoid difficulties in typing refs and continuations by replacing polymorphic let binding by a let name binding that is re-evaluated for every instantiation}, note= {## appeared in POPL92?} } @mastersthesis{Lewi90, author= {Norbert Lewitz}, title= {Placement-- und Routingsystem zur Erstellung von Schaltpl{\"a}nen f{\"u}r die Kundendienstunterlagen der Autoelektrik}, school= hbg-info, month= aug, year= {1990} } @inproceedings{Leym92, author= {F. Leymann}, title= {A meta model to support the modelling and execution of processes}, booktitle= {Proceedings 11th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, EMCR92}, year= {1992}, pages= {287--294}, address= {Vienna, Austria}, month= apr, owner= {km}, keywords= {CSCW, workflow management, FlowMark}, } @article{LiAb87, key= {LiAb87}, author= {Litwin, W. and Abdellatif, A.}, title= {An Overview of the Multidatabase Manipulation Language MDL}, journal= {Proc. IEEE}, month= may, volume= 75, number= 5, year= 1987, pages= {621--631} } @inproceedings{LiDeW91, author= {Lieuwen, Daniel F. and DeWitt, David J.}, title= {Optimizing Loops in Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= dbpl91, address= {Nafplion, Greece}, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= 1991, keywods= { Lieuwen and DeWitt have applied loop transformations on queries written in some database programming language (e.g. O++ \cite{AgGh89b}, Pascal/R \cite{jws} or DBPL \cite{jws2}) that provides constructs to iterate through a set in an unspecified order. They focus on the reordering of joins that are expressed via nested set iterations. Iterations may contain embedded function calls and output statements that constrain reorderings. }} @inproceedings{LiDeW92, author= {Lieuwen, Daniel F. and DeWitt, David J.}, title= {A Transformation-Based Apporach to Optimizing Loops in Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= sigmod92, month= june, year= 1992, keywords= {nested iterators, join ordering, optimization }} @book{LiGu86, key= {LiGu86}, author= {Liskov, B. and Guttag, J.}, title= {Abstraction and Specification in Program Development}, publisher= mit-press, series= {The MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Series}, year= {1986}, keywords= {Larch, CLU, abstraction by parameterization, abstraction by specification, iteration abstraction}, comments= {Signatur: P LIS 10784} } @inproceedings{LiWi93, key= {LiWi93}, author= {B. Liskov and J.M. Wing}, title= {Specifications and Their Use in Defining Subtypes}, booktitle= oopsla93, pages= {16--28}, month= oct, year= {1993}, comments= {Read this ##} } @incollection{Lifs88, key= {Lifs88}, author= {V. Lifschitz}, title= {On the Declarative Semantics of Logic Programs with Negation}, booktitle= {Foundations of Deductive Databases}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988}, editor= {J. Minker}, pages= {177--192}, } @techreport{Linn88, key= {Linn88}, author= {Linnemann, V.}, title= {Funktional rekursive Anfragen auf der Basis von geschachtelten Tabellen}, institution= {Heidelberg Scientific Center, IBM West Germany}, year= {1988}, type= {Technical Note}, number= {TN 88.12.016}, month= dec } @techreport{Lisk84, key= {Lisk84}, author= {Liskov, B.}, title= {The ARGUS Language and System}, institution= {MIT, Laboratory of Computer Science}, year= {1984}, type= {Programming Methodology Group Memo}, number= 40 } @inproceedings{Litw80, key= {Litw80}, author= {Litwin, W.}, title= {Linear Hashing: A New Tool for File and Table Adressing}, booktitle= vldb80, month= oct, year= {1980}, keywords= {indexing, comparison with B+-tree and grid file} } @book{LoSc87, key= {LoSc87}, editor= {Lockemann, P.C. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Datenbank-Handbuch}, publisher= springer, year= {1987} } @techreport{LoWa79, key= {LoWa79}, author= {Lorie, R.A. and Wade, B.W.}, title= {The compilation of a High Level Data Language}, institution= {IBM Research Center, San Jose, Calif.}, type= {IBM Research Report}, number= {RJ 2589}, year= {1979} } @manual{Logi86, key= {Logi86}, title= {Modula-2/86 for the IBM PC}, organization= {Logitech SA, CH-1122 Romanel/Morges, Switzerland}, year= {1986}, } @phdthesis{Lohm90, key= {Lohm90}, author= {Lohmann, F.}, title= {Einbettung einer geowissenschaftlichen Datenbanksprache in eine h\"ohere Programmiersprache}, school= {Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult\"at der TU Braunschweig}, year= {1990} } @book{Lumb93, author= {Lumbrecht, J.L.}, title= {SRQ Leitfaden zur Normenreihe SN IN 2900/9000}, publisher= {Bihrs, Hamburg}, year= {1993}, keywords= {Quality Control, ISO 9000}, owner= {Pressmar}, } @inproceedings{LyKe86, key= {LyKe86}, author= {Lyngbaek, P. and Kent, W.}, title= {A Data Modeling Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Information Systems}, booktitle= {Proc. Int. Workshop on Object-oriented Database Systems}, month= sep, year= {1986}, pages= {6--17}, keywords= {Iris object manager} } @inproceedings{MABD88, author= {Morrison, M. and Atkinson, P.T. and Brown, A.L. and Dearle, A.}, title= {Bindings in Persistent Programming Languages}, booktitle= {SIGPLAN Notices}, month= apr, year= {1988}, volume= {23}, number= {4}, pages= {27--34}, } @article{MABD90, key= {MABD90}, author= {Morison, R. and Atkinson, M.P. and Brown, A.L. and Dearle, A.}, title= {On the Classification of Binding Mechanisms}, journal= {Infomation Processing Letters}, year= {1990}, volume= {34}, number= {2}, pages= {51--55}, keywords= {Binding, L-Value, R-Value, Mutability} } @techreport{MAD87, key= {MAD87}, author= {Morrison, R. and Atkinson, M.P. and Dearle, A.}, title= {Flexible Incremental Bindings in a Persistent Object Store}, institution= st-andrews, type= {Persistent Programming Research Report}, number= 38, month= jun, year= {1987}, keywords= {Matrix classification: typing, binding, scoping, l-value binding, r-value binding} } @article{MBC*87, key= {MBC*87}, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A. L. and Carrick, R. and Connor, R.C.H. and Dearle, A. and Atkinson, M.P.}, title= {Polymorphism, Persistence and Software Reuse in a Strongly Typed Object-Oriented Environment}, journal= {Software Engineering Journal}, pages= {199--204}, month= dec, year= {1987}, keywords= {Generic Lookup Table, ADT, Parametric Polymorphism, Napier, Use of Environments}, comments= {FM private copy} } @techreport{MBC*94, key= {MBC*94}, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A.L. and Connor, R.C.H. and Cutts, Q.J. and Dearle, A. and Kirby, G.N.C. and Munro, D.S.}, title= {The {Napier88} Reference Manual (Release 2.0)}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/94/104}, year= {1994}, keywords= {persistence, type completeness, higher-order procedures, parametric polymorphism, abstract data types, collections of bindings (environments), persistent store, graphical data types, threads, semaphores and transactions, reflective programming} } @techreport{MBC*94a, author= {Morrison, R. and Baker, C. and Connor, R.C.H. and Cutts, Q.I. and Kirby, G.N.C. and Munro, D.S.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/94/98}, title= {Delivering the Benefits of Persistence to System Construction and Execution}, type= fiderep, year= {1994}, keywords= {hyper-programming, optimisation} } @techreport{MBCCD88, key= {MBCCD88}, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A.L. and Carrick, R. and Connor, R. and Dearle, A.}, title= {On the integration of Object-Oriented and Process-Oriented computation in persistent environments}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {57-88}, month= jan, year= {1988}, keywords= {Napier, concurrently accessed OO databases} } @techreport{MBCCDA88, key= {MBCCDA88}, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A. and Carrick, R. and Connor, R. and Dearle, A. and Atkinson, M.P.}, title= {The {Napier} Type System}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {69-89}, month= nov, year= {1988}, } @incollection{MBCCDKRS90, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A. L. and Connor, R. C. H. and Cutts, Q. I. and Dearle, A. and Kirby, G. and Rosenberg, J. and Stemple, D.}, title= {Protection in Persistent Object Systems}, booktitle= {Security and Persistence}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {Rosenberg, J. and Keedy, J.L.}, pages= {48--66}, } @techreport{MCC*95, author= {Morrison, R. and Connor, R.C.H. and Cutts, Q.I. and Dunstan, V.S. and Kirby, G.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/95/115}, title= {Exploiting Persistent Linkage in Software Engineering Environments}, type= fiderep, year= {1995}, keywords= {Napier, linking, hyper-programming} } @techreport{MCCK94, author= {Morrison, R. and Connor, R.C.H. and Cutt, Q.I. and Kirby, G.N.C.}, institution= fidecoord, number= {FIDE/94/92}, title= {Persistent Possibilities for Software Environments}, type= fiderep, year= {1994}, keywords= {hyper programming, napier, version control} } @article{MGH93, author= {M. M\"uhlh"auser and W. Gerteis and L. Heuser}, title= {{DOCASE}: A methodic approach to distributed programming}, journal= cacm, year= {1993}, volume= {36}, number= {9}, pages= {127--138}, month= sep, owner= {km}, keywords= {Coordination, Transaction}, } @manual{ML93, author= {Appel, Andrew and George, Lal and MacQueen, David and Reppy, John}, address= {New Jersey}, organization= {AT\&T Bell Laboratories}, title= {Standard {ML} of New Jersey}, year= {1993}, keywords= {ML, callable compiler}, } @techreport{MMM93, key= {MMM93}, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and M{\"u}{\ss}ig, S.}, title= {The Tycoon System and Library Manual}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBIS Tycoon Report}, number= {212-93}, year= 1993, month= dec, documentdirectory= {1993/MMM93}, abstract= {This document provides a practical introduction to the interactive Tycoon system environment and its polymorphic libraries. It explains how to bind external C libraries to Tycoon programs and how to work with persistent stores. Moreover, it proposes formatting und naming guidelines for Tycoon programs.}} @techreport{MMS92, key= {MMS92}, author= {Matthes, F. and M{\"u}ller, R. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Object Stores as Servers in Persistent Programming Environments -- The {P-Quest} Experience}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/48}, year= {1992}, month= jul, documentdirectory= {1992/MMS92}, keywords= {P-Quest, Tycoon, Object Store}, abstract= {A promising approach to improve the quality of next-generation database programming languages is to strictly separate data modeling and data manipulation tasks from data storage issues. This separation greatly simplifies the development of tailor-made database languages and data models based on the generic services of a data model neutral object store protocol that provides efficient, transactional access primitives to persistent, shared and possibly distributed data objects.\\ As a first step towards this goal, this paper investigates the specific services which {\em language clients} require from their supporting object stores. It gives insight into the process of selecting a suitable object store for a polymorphic higher-order programming environment (P-Quest) and sketches the mapping of higher-level language objects like functions, environments and polymorphic aggregates, onto more primitive storage structures. The functionality of three candidate object stores ($O_2$, Mneme and Napier POS) is evaluated based on the requirements imposed by the Quest language.} } @techreport{MMS94, key= {MMS94}, author= {Matthes, F. and M{\"u}{\ss}ig, S. and Schmidt, J.W}, title= {Persistent Polymorphic Programming in {Tycoon}: An Introduction}, type= {FIDE Technical Report}, number= {FIDE/94/106}, institution= hbg-info, year= 1994, month= aug, documentdirectory= {1994/MMS94}, abstract= { This text provides an introduction to Tycoon (Typed Communicating Objects in Open Environments), an open persistent polymorphic programming environment. The Tycoon language TL is based on expressive and orthogonal naming, typing and binding concepts as they are required, for example, in advanced data-intensive applications. The characteristic language mechanisms of TL are first-class functions and modules, parametric and subtype polymorphism extended to a fully higher-order type system. Tycoon programs are statically typed but may include explicit dynamic type variables which can be inspected at run-time.} } @inproceedings{MMS95a, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {On Migrating Threads}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Naharia, Israel}, year= {1995}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/95/136)}, documentdirectory= {1995/MMS95a}, month= jun, keywords= {Migrating Threads, distributed programming, object models, object migration, activity modeling, workflow, scripts, Tycoon}, abstract={Based on the notion of persistent threads in Tycoon, we investigate thread migration as a programming construct for building activity-oriented distributed applications. We first show how astraight-forward extension of a higher-order persistent language can be used to define activities that span multiple (semi-) autonomous nodes in heterogeneous networks. In particular, we discuss the intricate binding issues that arise in systems where threads are first-class language citizens that may access local and remote, mobile and immobile resources. \\ We also describe how our system model can be understood as a promising generalization of the more static architecture of first-order and higher-order distributed object systems. Finally, we give some insight into the implementation of persistent and migrating threads and we explain how to represent bindings to ubiquitous resources present at each node visited by a migrating thread on the network to avoid excessive communication or storage costs. }} @inproceedings{MMS95b, key= {MMS95b}, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Scaling Database Languages to Higher-Order Distributed Programming}, booktitle= dbpl95, year= {1995}, month= sep, documentdirectory= {1995/MMS95b}, publisher= springer, keywords= {Migrating Threads, remote execution engines, remote procedure call, higher-order functions, distributed programming, object models, object migration, activity modeling, workflow, scripts, Tycoon}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/95/137)}, abstract= {We describe the Tycoon approach to scale the successful notion of a uniform, type-safe persistent object store to communication-intensive applications and applications where long-term activities are allowed to span multiple autonomous network sites. Exploiting stream-based data, code and thread exchange primitives we present several distributed programming idioms in Tycoon. These programming patterns range from client-server communication based on polymorphic higher-order remote procedure calls to migrating autonomous agents that are bound dynamically to networkresources present at individual network nodes. Following Tycoon's add-on approach, these idioms are not cast into built-in syntactic forms, but are expressed by characteristic programming patterns exploiting communication primitives encapsulated by library functions. Moreover, we present a novel form of binding support for ubiquitous resources which drastically reduces communication traffic for modular distributed applications. }} @incollection{MMS95c, key= {MMS95c}, author= {Matthes, F. and M{\"u}ller, R. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Towards a Unified Model of Untyped Object Stores: Experience with the {Tycoon} Store Protocol}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/MMS95c}, abstract= { The Tycoon Store Protocol (TSP) specifies a clean interface between the frontend and the backend of fully integrated persistent environments. In contrast to high-level relational or object-oriented database languages, TSP is based on a low level, untyped, but highly flexible store model that is particularly well-suited for the implementation of higher-order persistent polymorphic languages. We describe the TSP operations in some detail and give insight into TSP's design rationale. We also report on the existing set of TSP-compliant backends including TSP adaptors to commercial object stores. A TSP client can choose dynamically between these backends and it is possible to exchange complex object graphs between all TSP-compliant stores via a platform-independent external data representation.}} @manual{MODISO, key= {MODISO}, title= {Interim Version of the 4th Working Draft Modula-2 Standard}, organization= {ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG13}, year= {1991}, } @book{MOP91, author= {Kiczales, G and Rivieres, D and Bobrow, G.}, publisher= mit-press, title= {The Art of the Metaobject Protocol}, year= {1991}, keywords= {dynamic types, Lisp, CLOS, OO}, comment= {Michael hat es} } @inproceedings{MOS91, key= {MOS91}, author= {Matthes, F. and Ohori, A. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Typing Schemes for Objects with Locality}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/91/12)}, documentdirectory= {1991/MOS91}, keywords= {locality, type checking, repositories, side-effects, updates} } @article{MPS86, key= {MPS86}, author= {MacQueen, D.B. and Plotkin, G.D. and Sethi, R.}, title= {An ideal model for recursive polymorphic types}, journal= {Information and Control}, volume= {71}, pages= {95--130}, year= {1986}, keywords= {Recursive types, contractive type expressions} } @incollection{MRS84, key= {MRS84}, author= {Mall, M. and Reimer, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Data Selection, Sharing and Access Control in a Relational Scenario}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Myopoulos, J.L. and Schmidt, J.W.}, booktitle= {On Conceptual Modelling}, publisher= springer, year= {1984} } @techreport{MRSS92, key= {MRSS92}, author= {Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W. and Subieta, K.}, title= {The Database Programming Language {DBPL}: User and System Manual}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/47}, month= jul, year= {1992}, documentdirectory= {1992/MRSS92}, abstract= {The database programming language DBPL is based on the notion of bulk type and iteration abstraction, supports data persistence and transaction procedures, and has Modula-2 as its algorithmic kernel. \\ This fist part of this document is intended for users of the DBPL system and gives an introduction into the DBPL language concepts and illustrates their use in a larger modular database application. \\ The second part gives some insight into the implementation of the DBPL system. As of today, the DBPL system exists in two fully source code compatible implementations, VAX/VMS DBPL and Sun DBPL. Both are written entierly in Modula-2 and consist of a compilation and a run time environment. The multi-user run time system is highly portable and runs under VAX/VMS 6.1, SunOS 4.1, IBM AIX 3.2 and IBM OS/2. Both DBPL systems can be integrated deeply into commercially available software development environments (NSE, SCCS, CMS) and provide optimized transactional multi-user access not only to type-complete DBPL databases but also to external relational databases via a fully transparent SQL gateway.} } @techreport{MRSS92a, key= {MRSS92a}, author= {Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W. and Subieta, K.}, title= {A Gateway from {DBPL} to {Ingres}: {Modula-2}, {DBPL}, {SQL+C}, {Ingres}}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/54}, year= {1992}, month= aug, keywords= {DBPL, Ingres, Gateway}, documentdirectory= {1992/MMS92a}, abstract= {A gateway from DBPL (being a superset of Modula-2) to the commercial Ingres is described. DBPL extends Modula-2 in several ways, in particular, it introduces a new bulk and persitent data type ``relation'', and high-level relational expressions (queries) based on the predicate calculus. The gateway enables the user to write normal DBPL programs addressing Ingres databases. In contrast to typical implementations that embed SQL statements into a programming language, the interface becomes fully transparent to DBPL programmers: they need not to be familiar with SQL and Ingres. In this way the impedance mismatch problem is avoided. DBPL queries and other statements referring to Ingres tables are automatically converted into corresponding SQL statements, and the output from Ingres automatically becomes the property of the DBPL program. The gateway supports queries that refer both, Ingres and DBPL relations. This paper presents design assumptions of the gateway and implementation methods. In addition, we discuss design and implementation difficulties.} } @unpublished{MRSS92aa, key= {MRSS92aa}, title= {Type-Safe FIDE / SQL Server Interfaces (Demonstration Script)}, author= {Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W. and Subieta, K.}, month= sep, year= {1992}, note= {(Available through Hamburg University)} } @inproceedings{MRSS94, key= {MRSS94}, author= {Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W. and Subieta, K.}, title= {A Gateway from {DBPL} to {Ingres}}, booktitle= {Applications of Databases, First International Conference, ADB-94}, series= {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume= 819, editor= {W. Litwin, T. Risch}, publisher= springer, pages= {365--380}, address= {Vadstena, Sweden}, month= jun, year= 1994, documentdirectory= {1994/MRSS94}, abstract= { A gateway from DBPL (being a superset of Modula-2) to the commercial database system Ingres is described. DBPL extends Modula-2 by a new bulk data type constructor ``relation'', persistence, and high-level relational expressions (queries) based on the predicate calculus, thereby maintaining the basic concepts of the language like strong typing and orthogonality. The gateway enables the user to write ``normal'' DBPL programs for accessing Ingres databases. This is in contrast to typical implementations that embed SQL statements into a programming language and results in a fully transparent interface for DBPL programmers. DBPL queries and statements referring to Ingres tables are automatically converted into corresponding SQL statements, are evaluated by the Ingres database server and the results are transferred back under the control of the DBPL program. This procedure also resolves queries referring to both Ingres and DBPL tables. The design assumptions of the gateway and the used implementation methods are presented as well as design and implementation difficulties.} } @inproceedings{MSOP86, key= {MSOP86}, author= {Maier, D. and Stein J. and Otis A. and Purdy, A.}, title= {Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS}, booktitle= oopsla86, month= oct, year= {1986}, keywords= {GemStone, Opal, Smalltalk, persistence} } @techreport{MSS91, key= {MSS91}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schr\"oder, G. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {VAX Modula-2 User's Guide; VAX DBPL User's Guide}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBPL Memo}, number= {121-91}, year= {1991}, month= dec, abstract= {This document describes how to compile, link and execute Modula-2 programs on a VAX under the VMS operating system. The VAX Modula-2 Compiler is based on an implementation of Modula-2 for the PDP-11 developed by a group under the direction of Prof. N. Wirth at the ETH Z\"urich. \\ This document also describes how to compile, link and execute DBPL programs on a VAX under the VMS operating system. DBPL is a relational database programming language that has Modula-2 as its algorithmic kernel. The DBPL Compiler is a fully upward compatible extension of the VAX Modula-2 Compiler.} } @incollection{MSS95, key= {MSS95}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schr{\"o}der, G. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {{Tycoon}: A Scalable and Interoperable Persistent System Environment}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/MSS95}, abstract= {We describe the Tycoon persistent system architecture that achieves a high degree of scalability and interoperability through a full integration of persistent data, programs and threads while maintaining a strict separation of storage, manipulation, modeling and representation tasks into well-defined system layers. For several of these layers alternative implementations with distinct operational support are provided that can be configured dynamically to match best the requirements of a given application. Moreover, we present Tycoon's architectural contributions to enable interoperability with existing generic services like databases, user interface toolkits and C++ program libraries.}} @incollection{MSW95, key= {MSW95}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wahlen, J.}, title= {Using Extensible Grammars to Support Data Modeling}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, publisher= f2publisher, year= {1995}, documentdirectory= {1995/MSW95}, abstract= { We present a systematic approach to the rapid implementation of high-level data models and query languages in the polymorphic higher-order programming language TL. The static semantics of data model constructs are captured by a mapping to polymorphic types and associated data constructor and selector functions. The dynamic semantics of query languages are realized by a mapping to bulk data types and iteration abstractions. Contrary to conventional approaches, these two mappings are specified by user-defined grammar extensions of the target language TL based on user-defined library code and not by separate tools in the programming environment. We give examples of this syntax-directed approach to data modeling and discuss its advantages and limitations.}} @techreport{MTG89, key= {MTG89}, author= {M{\"o}ssenb\"ock, H. and Templ, J. and Griesemer, R.}, title= {Object Oberon}, institution= eth, number= 109, year= {1989}, comments= {Signatur R20082} } @book{MTH90, key= {MTH90}, author= {Milner, R. and Tofte, M. and Harper, R.}, title= {The Definition of {Standard ML}}, publisher= mit-press, year= {1990}, keywords= {formal language report Standard ML}, comments= {Signatur P MIL #15645 54954} } @inproceedings{MWFF92, key= {MWFF92}, author= {Medina-Mora, R. and Winograd, T. and Flores, R. and Flores, F.}, title= {The Action Workflow Approach to Workflow Management Technology}, booktitle= cscw92, pages= {281--288}, publisher= acm-press, editor= {Turner, J. and Kraut, R.}, year= 1992, keywords= {CSCW} } @book{MaBo92, author= {Marca, D. and Bock, G.}, title= {Groupware: Software for Computer-Supported Cooperative Work}, publisher= {IEEE Computer Society Press}, year= {1992}, keywords= {cscw, groups and groupware, conceptual frameworks, design meghods, enabling technologies (system-related), enabling technologies (UI-related), bridging time and space, coordinators}, owner= {fbibib}, } @article{MaDM94, author= {Mattos, N. and DeMichiel, L.G.}, title= {Recent Design Trade-ofss in SQL3}, journal= sigmodrec, year= {1994}, volume= {23}, number= {4}, pages= {84--89}, month= dec, keywords= {substitutability, static type checking, mutablity, specialization via constraints, SQL, type safety (see also Ingrids Dissertation & Subtyping without Tears}, } @inproceedings{MaDa86, key= {MaDa86}, author= {Manola, F. and Dayal, U.}, title= {PDM: An Object-oriented Data Model}, booktitle= iwoods86, month= sep, year= {1986}, pages= {18-25}, keywords= {Probe data model} } @article{MaJa89, key= {MaJa89}, author= {Matos, V.M. and Jalics, P.J.}, title= {An Experimental Analysis of the Performance of {4GL} Tools on {PCs}}, journal= cacm, volume= {32}, number= {11}, year= {1989}, pages= {1340--1352}, keywords= {4GL, Condor 3, PC-Focus, dBase, Oracle, Informix-4GL, Paradox, R:base} } @book{MaOd92, author= {Martin, J. and Odell, J.}, title= {Object-Oriented Analysis and Design}, publisher= prentice, year= {1992}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @inproceedings{MaRa92, key= {MaRa92}, title= {Parsers in ML}, author= {Mauny, M. and Rauglaudre, D.}, year= {1992}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, keywords= {Parsers, Macros, Syntax Extensions} } @inproceedings{MaSc89, key= {MaSc89}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {The Type System of {DBPL}}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {255--260}, documentdirectory= {1989/MaSc89}, keywords= {DBPL type system, relation, transaction, selector and constructor types} } @inproceedings{MaSc91, key= {MaSc91}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Towards Database Application Systems: Types, Kinds and Other Open Invitations}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, documentdirectory= {1991/MaSc91}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/91/14)}, keywords= {Quest, Tycoon} } @inproceedings{MaSc91b, key= {MaSc91b}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Bulk Types: Built-In or Add-On?}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= {1991}, documentdirectory= {1991/MaSc91b}, keywords= {bulk types, iterators, libraries, Tycoon, DBPL}, abstract= {Bulk structures play a central r\^ole in data-intensive application programming. The issues of {\em bulk type} definition and implementation as well as their integration into database programming languages are, therefore, key topics in current DBPL research. \\ In this paper we raise a more general language design and implementation issue by asking whether there should be at all built-in bulk types in DBPLs. Instead, one could argue that bulk types should be realized exclusively as user-definable add-ons to unbiased core languages with appropriate primitives and abstraction facilities. \\ In searching for an answer we first distinguish two substantially different levels on which bulk types are supported. {\em Elementary Bulk} essentially copes with persistent storage of mass data, their identification and update. {\em Advanced Bulk} provides additional support required for data-intensive applications such as optimized associative queries and integrity support under concurrency and failure. \\ Our long-term experience with bulk types in the DBPL language and system clearly shows the limitation of the built-in approach: built-in {\em Advanced Bulk}, as elaborate as it may be, frequently does not cover the whole range of demands of a fully-fledged application and often does not provide a decent pay-off for its implementation effort. On the other hand, restriction to built-in {\em Elementary Bulk} gives too little user-support for most data-intensive applications. \\ We report our current work on open database application systems which favours DBPLs with bulk types as add-ons, and outline some of the technological requirements for highly reusable implementations of languages with advanced user-provided bulk type definitions.} } @techreport{MaSc92a, key= {MaSc92a}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Definition of the {Tycoon} Language {TL} -- A Preliminary Report}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Informatik Fachbericht}, number= {FBI-HH-B-160/92}, year= {1992}, month= nov, documentdirectory= {1992/MaSc92a}, keywords= {Tycoon, type operators, recursive types, recursive type operators, higher-order polymorphism, extensible records, exceptions, library management, imperative programming}, abstract= { This document defines the language TL that is used as the application and system programming language in the Tycoon database environment. The Tycoon project follows an add-on approach to generic database programming that emphasizes type-safe system scalability and extensibility. \\ TL is a polymorphic second-order functional language with imperative features and inductively defined subtyping rules over types and type operator, extended by language constructs motivated by the needs of database programming.} } @incollection{MaSc93a, key= {MaSc93a}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {{DBPL}: The System and its Environment}, pages= {319--348}, editor= {Jarke, M.}, booktitle= {Database Application Engineering with {DAIDA}}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, documentdirectory= {1993/MaSc93a}, abstract= { The DBPL system and its environment support the modular implementation of advanced data-intensive applications based on integrated database and programming language technology. It provides state-of-the-art system support at application compile-, link- and run-time as well as tools for incremental application evolution.} } @inproceedings{MaSc93b, key= {MaSc93b}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, editor= {Spies, P.P.}, title= {System Construction in the {Tycoon} Environment: Architectures, Interfaces and Gateways}, booktitle= {Proceedings of Euro-Arch'93 Congress}, publisher= springer, month= oct, year= {1993}, pages= {301--317}, documentdirectory= {1993/MaSc93b}, comments= {Suitable as brief Tycoon introduction / overview}, abstract= {This paper outlines the basic concepts and the system architecture of the Tycoon environment. Tycoon is designed for the construction of persistent object systems intended to be available on multiple software and hardware platforms.\\ Tycoon's contribution to system portability and scalability is achieved by strictly separating concerns of data modelling, data manipulation, and data storage into three distinct system layers each of which is based on state-of-the-art system technology (polymorphic programming languages, portable code representations, persistent object stores). Much emphasis is being placed on supporting interoperability between Tycoon applications and off-the-shelf tools and systems, such as database systems, user interface managers, and optimizing code generators.\\ We illustrate how higher-order functions, polymorphic typing and transparent persistence management reduce the amount of repetitive and type-unsafe programming in typical persistent object systems.} } @inproceedings{MaSc94, key= {MaSc94}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Persistent Threads}, year= 1994, month= sep, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB}, pages= {403--414}, address= {Santiago, Chile}, documentdirectory= {1994/MaSc94}, abstract= {Persistent threads are a database programming concept particularly well-suited for applications that manage long-term, distributed or cooperative activities. We introduce persistent threads as a novel form of bindings from data in persistent object stores to activated code and relate them to existing binding concepts found in database programming. We also describe the integration of persistent threads into a polymorphically-typed database language and its supporting layered system architecture with particular emphasis on abstractly-defined thread representations which support thread analysis, optimization and portability.}} @techreport{MaSc94b, key= {MaSc94b}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Persistent Threads}, type= {FIDE Technical Report}, number= {FIDE/94/88}, institution= hbg-info, year= 1994, month= aug, note= {(A shorter version of this text appeared as [MaSc94].)}, documentdirectory= {1994/MaSc94b}, abstract= {Persistent threads are a database programming concept particularly well-suited for applications that manage long-term, distributed or cooperative activities. We introduce persistent threads as a novel form of bindings from data in persistent object stores to activated code and relate them to existing binding concepts found in database programming. We also describe the integration of persistent threads into a polymorphically-typed database language and its supporting layered system architecture with particular emphasis on abstractly-defined thread representations which support thread analysis, optimization and portability.}} @incollection{MaSc95a, key= {MaSc95a}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Persistent Threads}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, note= {(Reprint of [MaSc94])}, documentdirectory= {1995/MaSc95a}, abstract= {Persistent threads are a database programming concept particularly well-suited for applications that manage long-term, distributed or cooperative activities. We introduce persistent threads as a novel form of bindings from data in persistent object stores to activated code and relate them to existing binding concepts found in database programming. We also describe the integration of persistent threads into a polymorphically-typed database language and its supporting layered system architecture with particular emphasis on abstractly-defined thread representations which support thread analysis, optimization and portability.}} @incollection{MaSc95b, key= {MaSc95b}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Bulk Types: Built-In or Add-On?}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, note= {(Reprint of [MaSc91b])}, documentdirectory= {1995/MaSc95b}, abstract= { Bulk structures play a central role in data-intensive application programming. The issues of bulk type definition and implementation as well as their integration into database programming languages are, therefore, key topics in current DBPL research.\\ In this paper we raise a more general language design and implementation issue by asking whether there should be at all built-in bulk types in DBPLs. Instead, one could argue that bulk types should be realized exclusively as user-definable add-ons to unbiased core languages with appropriate primitives and abstraction facilities.\\ In searching for an answer we first distinguish two substantially different levels on which bulk types are supported. Elementary Bulk essentially copes with persistent storage of mass data, their identification and update. Advanced Bulk provides additional support required for data-intensive applications such as optimized associative queries and integrity support under concurrency and failure.\\ Our long-term experience with bulk types in the DBPL language and system clearly shows the limitation of the built-in approach: built-in Advanced Bulk, as elaborate as it may be, frequently does not cover the whole range of demands of a fully-fledged application and often does not provide a decent pay-off for its implementation effort. On the other hand, restriction to built-in Elementary Bulk gives too little user-support for most data-intensive applications.\\ We report our current work on open database application systems which favours DBPLs with bulk types as add-ons, and outline some of the technological requirements for highly reusable implementations of languages with advanced user-provided bulk type definitions.}} @incollection{MaSc95c, key= {MaSc95c}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Persistent Support Systems}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/MaSc95c}, keywords= {Introduction to Part 2.} } @incollection{MaSt87, key= {MaSt87}, author= {Maier, D. and Stein, J.}, title= {Development and Implementation of an Object-Oriented DBMS}, booktitle= {Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming}, editor= {Shriver, B. and Wegner, P.}, year= {1987}, publisher= mit-press, pages= {355--392}, keywords= {GemStone, Opal, Smalltalk} } @inproceedings{MacQ86, key= {MacQ86}, author= {MacQueen, D.B.}, title= {Using dependent types to express modular structure}, booktitle= popl86, month= jan, publisher= acm-press, year= {1986}, pages= {277--26} } @unpublished{MacQ88, key= {MacQ88}, author= {MacQueen, D.}, title= {References and weak polymorphism}, note= {Note in Standard ML of New Jersey Distribution Package}, year= {1988} } @incollection{MacQ90, key= {MacQ90}, author= {MacQueen, D.}, title= {A Higher-Order Type System For Functional Programming}, pages= {353--367}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990}, keywords= {Modules of Standard ML, References to Literature on Modules, Manipulation of Environments, Signatures, Functors} } @phdthesis{Mae87, key= {Mae87}, author= {Maes,P.}, title= {Computational Reflection}, school= {Vreije Universiteit Brussel}, year= {1987}, comments= {s. also P. Maes OOPSLA 87, 147--155} } @inproceedings{Maie87, key= {Maie87}, author= {Maier, D.}, title= {Position Paper: Why Database Languages Are a Bad Idea}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {Non-textual program representations, keep programs as abstract objects} } @article{Manifesto90, key= {Manifesto90}, title= {Third-Generation Data Base System Manifesto}, author= {Stonebraker, M. and Rowe, L.A. and Lindsay, B. and Gray, J. and Carey, M. and Brodie, M. and Bernstein, P.}, month= sep, journal= sigmodrec, year= {1990}, volume= {19}, }number= {3}, pages= {31--44}, keywords= {OODBMS has to be a DBMS first} } @article{Mano90, key= {Mano90}, author= {Manola, F.}, title= {Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases -- Parts I and II}, journal= {AI Exepert}, month= mar # " and " # apr, pages= "26--36, 46--57", year= 1990 } @article{Mano92, key= {Mano92}, author= {Manola, F. and Heiler, S. and Georgakopoulos, D. and Hornick, M. and Brodie, M.}, title= {Distributed Object Management}, journal= {International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems}, year= {1992}, month= mar, volume= {1}, number= {1}, } @techreport{Mano93c, key= {Mano93c}, author= {Manola, F. and Heiler, S.}, title= {A "{RISC}" Object Model for Object System Interoperation: Concepts and Applications}, institution= {GTE laboratories Inc., Waltham, MA (USA)}, month= aug, year= 1993, number= {TR-0231-08-93-165}, } @inproceedings{Manth91, key= {Manth91}, author= {Manthey, R.}, title= {Declarative Languages -- Paradigm of the Past or Challenge of the Future?}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, keywords= {competence mismatch, impedance mismatch, problems with integrating logic languages into algorithmically complete languages} } @proceedings{Marc88, key= {Marc88}, editor= {March, S.T.}, title= {Proc. of the 6th Entity-Relationship Conference}, year= {1988}, publisher= north-holland } @article{Mars90, key= {Mars90}, author= {Marshak, R.T.}, title= {Lotus Notes: A Platform for Developing Workgroup Applications}, journal= {Office Computing Report}, year= {1990}, volume= {15}, number= {1}, pages= {2}, keywords= {CSCW, groupware, product} } @incollection{Mars93, author= {Marshak, R.T.}, title= {Action Technologies' Workflow Products}, booktitle= {Workgroup Computing Report}, publisher= {Patricia Seybold Group}, year= {1993}, month= may, keywords= {CSCW, workflow, group communication}, owner= {FM Copy}, } @inproceedings{Mart75, key= {Mart75}, author= {Martin-L\"{o}f, P.}, title= {An intuitionistic theory of types: predicative part}, booktitle= {Logic Colloquium 1973}, year= {1975}, publisher= north-holland, pages= {73--118}, editor= {Rose, H.E. and Sheperdson, J.C.}, keywords= {intuitionistic type theory, standard reference for dependent types} } @incollection{Mart82, key= {Mart82}, author= {Martin-L\"{o}f, P.}, title= {Constructive mathematics and computer programming}, booktitle= {Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, VI}, year= {1982}, publisher= north-holland, editor= {Cohen, L.J. and Los, J. and Pfeiffer, H. and Podewski, K.-P.}, comments= {Interesting? Get a copy! ##} } @book{Mart84, key= {Mart84}, author= {Martin-L\"{o}f, P.}, title= {Intuitionistic Type Theory}, publisher= {Bibliopolis}, year= {1984}, address= {Naples}, comments= {Notes by Giovnni Sambin of a series of lectures given in Padova, June 1980} } @mastersthesis{Math92, key= {Math92}, author= {Mathiske, B.}, title= {{Kodegenerierung} f\"ur {Programmiersprachen} mit {Persistenz}, {Polymorphie} und {Funktionen} h\"oherer {Ordnung}}, school= hbg-info, type= {Diplomarbeit}, year= {1992}, month= dec, } @techreport{Matt85, key= {Matt85}, author= {Matthews, D.C.J.}, title= {Poly Manual}, institution= {Univ. of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory}, type= {Technical Report}, number= 63, month= feb, year= {1985} } @book{Matt86, key= {Matt86}, title= {Pascal mit dem C64}, author= {Matthes, F.}, publisher= {Markt \& Technik Verlag}, year= {1986} } @inproceedings{Matt87, key= {Matt87}, author= {Matthews, D.}, title= {Static and Dynamic Type Checking}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, pages= {43--52}, keywords= {static, dynamic typing and binding, structural type equivalence, type inference, parametric types, conclusion: dynamic typing needs different schema than static typing} } @book{Matt87a, key= {Matt87a}, title= {Pascal mit dem C128}, author= {Matthes, F.}, publisher= {Markt \& Technik Verlag}, year= {1987} } @mastersthesis{Matt88, key= {Matt88}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Typvollst\"andigkeit in Datenbankprogrammiersprachen --- DBPL Sprachentwurf und Implementation}, school= ffm-info, month= nov, year= {1988}, keywords= {DBPL, compiler, VAX/VMS, Modula-2, relation types, transaction procedures, persistent modules} } @techreport{Matt91, key= {Matt91}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {{P-Quest}: Installation and User Manual}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBIS Tycoon Report}, number= {101-91}, year= {1991}, month= oct, documentdirectory= {1991/Matt91}, abstract= {This document explains the installation and use of the P-Quest system (version 14) on Sun-4 hardware platforms \\ P-Quest has been developed at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and adds orthogonal persistence to the programming language Quest developed by Luca Cardelli at DEC SRC, Palo Alto, USA. The implementation of P-Quest has been carried out in the ESPRIT-II basic research project FIDE and utilizes the Napier persistent object store provided by the University of St. Andrews, Sccotland.} } @book{Matt93, key= {Matt93}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Persistente Objektsysteme: Integrierte Datenbankentwicklung und Programmerstellung}, year= {1993}, publisher= springer, note= {(In German)}, abstract= { Unter dem Begriff der Persistenten Objektsysteme werden komplexe Anwendungen zusammengefa\ss t, die aufgrund ihrer langen Lebensdauer, ihrer N\"ahe zu Endbenutzern und ihrer Sicherheitsanforderungen auf ein hohes Ma\ss \ an Unterst\"utzung durch externe Diensterbringer angewiesen sind. Beispiele kommerzieller Diensterbringer sind Objekt\-speicher, Transaktionsmonitore, Datenbanksysteme, Generatoren f\"ur graphische Benutzerschnittstellen oder generische Dienste zur Kommunikation zwischen verteilten Objekten. Bislang sind derartige Diensterbringer weitgehend unabh\"angig voneinander entwickelt worden und k\"onnen nur \"uber historisch gewachsene, schmale Schnittstellen miteinander kommunizieren.\\ Die Qualit\"at zuk\"unftiger persistenter Objektsysteme wird jedoch entscheidend durch die Flexibilit\"at, Effizienz und Korrektheit im Zusammenspiel der Objekte dieser verschiedenartigen generischen Dienste und weniger durch die Leistungsf\"ahigkeit einzelner isolierter Systemkomponenten bestimmt.\\ In diesem Buch wird im Detail die persistente polymorphe Programmierumgebung Tycoon (Typed communicating objects in open environments) beschrieben, die eine Verbesserung der Qualit\"at persistenter Objektsysteme dadurch erreicht, da\ss \ der Anteil der stereotypen, untypisierten Programmiert\"atigkeiten erheblich reduziert werden kann (verglichen etwa mit C, Modula-2 oder C++ L\"osungen).\\ Konkret bietet das Tycoon System spezielle sprachliche und architekturelle Unterst\"utzung f\"ur die vollst\"andig transparente Verwaltung langlebiger Daten- und Programmobjekte, die mengen\-orien\-tierte Verarbeitung (benutzerdefinierter) Kollektionen, die Implementierung ge\-ne\-ri\-scher Bibliotheken und die typsichere Anbindung externer Systemsoftware (z.B. SQL Datenbanken oder Fenstersysteme).\\ Das Buch beschreibt die zentralen Komponenten des Tycoon Systems nicht nur aus der Sicht des programmierenden Anwenders, sondern vermittelt auch Einblicke in die interne Systemarchitektur sowie die Algorithmen und Formalismen zur Analyse und \"Ubersetzung generischer persistenter Programme. Schlie\ss lich enth\"alt der Text substantielle Beispiele f\"ur die Konstruktion generischer Bibliotheken und Beispiele objekt-orientierter, funktionaler und relationaler Programmiertechniken in Tycoon.} } @incollection{Matt95, key= {Matt95}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Higher-Order Persistent Polymorphic Programming in {Tycoon}}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/Matt95}, comment= {Check abstract w.r.t final version ##}, abstract= { This text provides an introduction to the Tycoon language TL which is based on expressive and orthogonal naming, typing and binding concepts as they are required, for example, in advanced data-intensive applications. The characteristic language mechanisms of TL are first-class functions and modules, parametric and subtype polymorphism extended to a fully higher-order type system. Tycoon programs are statically typed but may include explicit dynamic type variables which can be inspected at run-time. } } @incollection{Matt95a, key= {Matt95a}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Bulk Types and Iterators}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/Matt95a}, keywords= {Introduction to Chapter 1.2. }} @incollection{Matt95b, key= {Matt95b}, author= {Matthes, F.}, title= {Interoperability}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, documentdirectory= {1995/Matt95b}, keywords= {Introduction to Chapter 3.3. }} @techreport{Maun91, key= {Maun91}, title= {Functional Programming using {CAML}}, author= {Mauny, M.}, year= {1991}, month= sep, institution= inria, keywords= {Introduction to CAML, YACC parser interface, Dynamic Types, ML, polymorphism} } @inproceedings{McCD89, key= {McCD89}, author= {McCarthy, D.R. and Dayal, U.}, title= {The Architecture of an Active Data Base Management System}, booktitle= sigmod89, pages= {215--224}, year= {1989}, month= jun, keywords= {Active DB} } @techreport{McCP94, author= {Mc Cready, S.C. and Palermo, A.M.}, title= {Lotus Notes: Agent of Change, the Financial Impact of Lotus Notes on Business}, institution= {International Data Corporation}, type= {{IDC Special Report}}, address= {Five Speen Street, Framingham, MA 01701 USA, Tel. 508/872-8200}, year= {1994}, note= {(Available through Lotus)}, keywords= {CSCW, Workflow, Lotus Notes, Business Process Reengineering}, owner= {FM private copy}, } @article{McGe77, key= {McGe77}, author= {W. C. McGee}, title= {The information management system IMS/VS}, journal= {IBM Systems Journal}, year= {1977}, volume= {16}, number= {2}, pages= {84--168} } @article{McPP88, key= {McPP88}, author= {McPherson, J. and Pirahesh, H.}, title= {An Overview of Extensibility in {Starburst}}, editor= {Carey, M.}, journal= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1987}, keywords= {IBM Almaden, extensible DBMS, attachments, trigger, logging, locking, ADT management} } @unpublished{MeLa93, key= {MeLa93}, title= {Generic Interfaces to Remote Applications in Open Systems}, author= {Merz, M. and Lamersdorf, W.}, month= mar, year= {1993}, note= {(To appear in Proc. IFIP Workshop on Interfaces in Industial Systems for Production and Engineering.)}, keywords= {Distributed Systems, Communications Applications, Information Interfaces and Presentation}, } @techreport{MeNa89, key= {MeNa89}, author= {Mehlhorn, K. and N{\"a}her, S.}, title= {LEDA, a Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms}, institution= {FB10, Universit\"at des Saarlandes, Saarbr\"ucken}, type= {TR}, number= {A 04/89}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Stacks, Queues, Lists, Sets, Integer Sets, Priority Queues, Dictionaries, Sorted Sequences, Persistent Dictionaries, Graphs, Graph Algorithms, Two-Dimensional Geometry} } @book{MeSi93, key= {MeSi93}, title= {Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide}, editor= {Melton, Jim and Simon, A.R.}, year= {1993}, publisher= kaufmann, keywords= {SQL, Standard, SQL-89, SQL-92, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL, SQL3 } } @article{Merr77, key= {Merr77}, author= {Merret, T.H.}, title= {Relations as Programming Language Elements}, journal= ipl, volume= 6, number= 1, month= feb, year= {1977}, pages= {29--33}, keywords= {Aldat, relational DBPL} } @book{Merr84, key= {Merr84}, author= {Merrett, T.H.}, title= {Relational Information Systems}, publisher= {Reston Publishing Co., Reston, Virginia}, year= {1984}, keywords= {Aldat, relational programming} } @unpublished{Mey89, key= {Mey89}, title= {Static Typing for Eiffel}, author= {Meyer, B.}, organization= {Interactive Software Engineering, Santa Barbara, California}, year= {1989}, month= jul, note= {(Technical report distributed with Eiffel Release 2)}, } @book{Meye88, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Object-oriented Software Construction}, publisher= prentice, series= {International Series in Computer Science}, year= {1988}, keywords= {Eiffel, description of OO PL concepts} } @book{Meye90, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages}, publisher= prentice, year= {1990}, keywords= {fbibi T MEY 16702 + 5*}, } @book{Meye92, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Eiffel. The Language}, publisher= prentice, year= {1992}, } @book{Meye95, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Object Success. A Manager's Guide to Object Orientation, Its Impact on the Corporation, and its use for reengineering the software process}, publisher= prentice, series= {Object-Oriented Series}, year= {1995}, keywords= {Analysis, Modeling, Design} } @inproceedings{Meyer86, key= {Meyer86}, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Genericity versus Inheritance}, booktitle= oopsla86, month= oct, year= {1986}, pages= {391--405}, keywords= {Inheritance subsumes parametric polymorphism, parametric polymorphism is an important special case that deserves specific notational suppport} } @book{Meyer88, key= {Meyer88}, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Object-oriented Software Construction}, publisher= prentice, series= {International Series in Computer Science}, year= {1988}, keywords= {Eiffel, description of OO PL concepts, see also Meye92} } @article{Meyer90, key= {Meyer90}, author= {Meyer, B.}, title= {Lessons from the Design of the Eiffel Libraries}, journal= cacm, volume= 33, number= 9, month= sep, year= {1990}, pages= {69--88}, keywords= {Classes, Clusters, Invariants, Assertions, Naming, Uniformity of Interfaces, Classifying Data Structures, Bulk Data Structures (Access, Traversal, Storage), Browsing, Evolution of Libraries} } @inproceedings{MiHa88, key= {MiHa88}, author= {Mitchell, J.C. and Harper, R.}, title= {The essence of {ML}}, booktitle= popl88, month= jan, year= {1988}, pages= {28--46}, keywords= {let polymorphism} } @manual{Micr94, key= {Micr94}, title= {{Microsoft Office} Developer's Kit}, organization= {Microsoft Corporation}, year= {1994}, keywords= {OLE}, } @article{Miln78, key= {Miln78}, author= {Milner, R.}, title= {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming}, journal= jcss, volume= 17, year= {1978}, pages= {348--375}, keywords= {foundational work on type inference and parametric polymorphism (ML-style)} } @inproceedings{Miln84, key= {Miln84}, author= {Milner, R.}, title= {A proposal for {Standard ML}}, booktitle= {Proc. ACM symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming}, year= {1984}, comments= {see also \cite{MTH90}} } @book{Mink88, key= {Mink88}, author= {Minker, J.}, title= {Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988} } @incollection{Mit90, key= {Mit90}, author= {Mitchell, J.C.}, title= {Type Systems for Programming Languages}, editor= {{van Leeuwen}, J.}, booktitle= {Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science}, volume= {B}, publisher= elsevier, year= {1990}, pages= {365--458}, keywords= {excellent survey, type theory. polymorphism, data abstraction, semantics, syntax, typed lambda calculus, proof systems} } @phdthesis{Mitc84, key= {Mitc84}, author= {Mitchell, J.C.}, title= {Lambda Calculus Models of Typed Programming Languages}, school= {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year= {1984}, keywords= {Second-order lambda calculus. Higher-order lambda calculus. Higher-order type theory. Type inference models.} } @inproceedings{MoBu81, key= {MoBu81}, author= {Motro, A. and Buneman, P.}, title= {Constructing Superviews}, year= {1981}, booktitle= sigmod81, pages= {56--64} } @inproceedings{MoSi88, key= {MoSi88}, author= {Moss, J.E.B. and Sinofsky, S.}, title= {Managing Persistent Data with Mneme: Designing a Reliable Shared Object Interface}, booktitle= {Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems}, year= {1988}, editor= {Dittrich, K.R.}, number= {334}, series= lncs, month= sep, publisher= springer, keywords= {object stores, Mneme, architecture, design}, comments= {Signatur: K OBJ 13476} } @inproceedings{Moe91, key= {Moe91}, author= {M{\"o}ssenb{\"o}ck, H.}, title= {Object Oberon}, booktitle= {Proc. of the Second International Modula-2 Conference}, month= sep, year= {1991}, comments= {There should be an ETH report, too} } @article{MoeTe89, key= {MoeTe89}, author= {M{\"o}ssenb{\"o}ck, H. and Templ, J.}, title= {Object Oberon -- A Modest Object-Oriented Language}, journal= {Structured Programming}, volume= 10, number= 4, year= {1989}, keywords= {also ETH TR 109 April 1990} } @inproceedings{Moss89, key= {Moss89}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Addressing Large Distributed Collections of Persistent Objects: The {Mneme} Project's Approach}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, pages= {358--374}, keywords= {position paper: non-uniform, structured 32-bit address spaces are required} } @techreport{Moss89b, key= {Moss89b}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {The Mneme Persistent Object Store}, institution= {University of Massachusetts at Amherst}, year= {1989}, month= oct, number= {89-107}, type= {COINS Technical Report}, keywords= {Mneme, architecture} } @misc{Moss89c, key= {Moss89c}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Managing Persistent Data with Mneme: User's Guide to the Client Interface}, howpublished= {Object Oriented Systems Laboratory: Departement of Computer and Information Science University of Massachusetts Amherst}, month= mar, year= {1989}, } @misc{Moss90, key= {Moss90}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Garbage Collecting Persistent Object Stores}, howpublished= {Presented at the OOPSLA/ECOOP `90 Workshop on Garbage Collection}, month= oct, year= {1990}, } @unpublished{Moss91, key= {Moss91}, author= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Pointer Swizzling: Costs and Benefits}, year= {1991}, note= {(VLDB 91 Submission)}, keywords= {Mneme, Object Store} } @inproceedings{MuKl88, key= {MuKl88}, title= {Rigi -- A System for Programming-in-the-large}, author= {M{\"u}ller, H.A. and Klashinsky, K.}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering, Singapore}, month= apr, year= {1988}, keywords= {Rigi, Modules, Import, Export, Dependencies, Documents, Hypertext Editor, Consistency, Versions, Revisions} } @incollection{Much90, key= {Much90}, author= {Muchnick, S.S.}, title= {Optimizing Compilers for the SPARC Architecture}, editor= {Hall, M. and Barry, J.}, booktitle= {The Sun Technology Papers}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, keywords= {Sun, SPARC, Compiler, code generator, optimizer} } @mastersthesis{Mue91, key= {Mue91}, author= {M{\"u}ller, R.}, title= {Sprachprozessoren und {O}bjektspeicher: Schnittstellenentwurf und -implementierung}, school= ffm-info, month= nov, year= {1991}, keywords= {Object stores, interfaces, abstract machine, P-Quest, Napier, O2} } @mastersthesis{Mue91b, key= {Mue91b}, author= {M{\"u}ller, R.}, title= {Language Processors and Object Stores: Interface Design and Implementation}, school= ffm-info, month= nov, year= {1991}, note= {(In German)}, keywords= {Object stores, interfaces, abstract machine, P-Quest, Napier, O2} } @book{Mull90, author= {Mullin, Mark}, publisher= addison-wesley, title= {Rapid Prototyping for Object-Oriented Systems}, year= {1990}, comment= {P MULL 15989, reference by A. Geisler, read ##} } @phdthesis{Munr93, author= {Munro, D.S.}, title= {On the Integration of Concurrency, Distribution and Persistence}, school= {Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St. Andrews, Scotland}, year= {1993}, keywords= {Napier88, persistent object stores}, } @article{MyBeWo80, key= {MyBeWo80}, author= {Mylopoulos, J. and Bernstein, P. and Wong, H.K.T.}, title= {A Language Facility for Designing Database-Intensive Applications}, journal= tods, volume= 5, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1980}, pages= {185--207}, keywords= {TAXIS, conceptual modeling, inheritance for classes and exceptiosn} } @book{MyBr89, key= {MyBr89}, editor= {Mylopoulos, J. and Brodie, M.L.}, title= {Readings in artificial intelligence and databases}, year= {1989}, publisher= kaufmann, keywords= {Conceptual Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, good collection} } @inproceedings{MyWo80, key= {MyWo80}, author= {Mylopoulos, J. and Wong, H.K.T.}, title= {Some features of the Taxis data model}, booktitle= vldb80, month= oct, year= {1980} } @techreport{NFS90, key= {NFS90}, title= {Network File System: Version 2 Protocol Specification}, author= {{Sun Microsystems}}, institution= {Sun Microsystems}, year= {1990}, keywords= {NFS, protocol, standard}, } @techreport{NMM92, key= {NMM92}, author= {Nieder\'ee, C. and M\"u{\ss}ig, S. and Matthes, F.}, title= {{P-Quest} User Manual}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBIS Tycoon Report}, number= {102-92}, year= {1992}, month= feb, note= {(In German)}, documentdirectory= {1992/NMM92}, abstract= {This document provides a smooth intorduction into the language concepts of P-Quest and the underlying persistence model.} } @techreport{NSE89, key= {NSE89}, author= {Courington, W.}, title= {The Network Software Environment}, institution= {Sun Microsystems, Inc.}, type= {Sun Technical Report}, year= {1989} } @article{NWM93, author= {Nicol, J. and Wilkes, T. and Manola, F.}, title= {Object Orientation in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems}, publisher= {IEEE Computer Society Press}, journal= {Special Issue on Heterogeneous Processing}, year= {1993}, month= jun, } @book{NaTs89, key= {NaTs89}, author= {Naqvi, S. and Tsur, S.}, title= {A Logical Language for Data and Knowledge Bases}, publisher= {Computer Science Press}, year= {1989}, keywords= {LDL, good examples for teaching} } @book{Nagl90, key= {Nagl90}, author= {Nagl, M.}, title= {Softwaretechnik: Methodisches Programmieren im Grossen}, publisher= springer, series= {Springer Compass}, year= {1990}, keywords= {in German: Modellierung, Erstellung, Wartung, Module, Teilsysteme, Generik, Objektorientierung} } @techreport{NapierRep, key= {NapierRep}, author= {Morrison, R. and Brown, A.L. and Connor, R. and Dearle, A.}, title= {The {Napier88} Reference Manual}, institution= {Universities of Glasgow and St Andrews}, type= {PPRR}, number= {77-89}, year= {1989} } @inproceedings{Naqv89, key= {Naqv89}, author= {Naqvi, S.A.}, title= {Stratification as a Design Principle in Logical Query Languages}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {LDL und Stratification sehr schoen erlaeutert.} } @techreport{NeWS90, key= {NeWS90}, title= {{NeWS} 2.1 Programmer's Guide}, author= {{Sun Microsystems}}, number= {800-4888-10}, institution= {Sun Microsystems}, year= {1992}, } @phdthesis{Nels81, author= {Nelson, B.J.}, title= {Remote Procedure Call}, school= {Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University}, year= {1981}, keywords= {RPC standard reference}, } @article{Nels89, author= {Nelson, G.}, title= {A Generalization of {Dijkstra's} Calculus}, journal= toplas, year= {1989}, volume= {11}, number= {4}, month= oct, pages= {517--561} } @book{Nels91, key= {Nels91}, editor= {Nelson, G.}, title= {Systems programming with Modula-3}, publisher= prentice, series= {Series in innovative technology}, year= {1991}, keywords= {(Revised) Modula-3 Report, Standard Interfaces, Floating Point, Pickles, Concurrent Programming with Threads, Thread Synchroinzation [Spec a la Larch], I/O Sterams: Abstract Types, Real Programs, Trestle Window System Tutorial, Discussion=Language Rationale} } @book{NiHa89, key= {NiHa89}, editor= {Nijssen, G.M. and Halpin, T.A.}, title= {Conceptual Schema and Relational Database Design}, publisher= prentice, year= {1989}, keywords= {NIAM methodology, anlaysis, design, step-by-step guide, alternative to entity relationshio model} } @inproceedings{NiMy87, key= {NiMy87}, author= {Nixon, B. and Myopoulos, J.}, title= {Integration Issues in Implementing Semantic Data Models}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {Analysis of problems that arise in coupling of DB, PL and CASE concepts} } @techreport{NiSc89, key= {NiSc89}, author= {Niebergall, P. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Integrated DAIDA Environment, Part 2: {DBPL-Use}: A Tool for Language-Sensitive Programming}, institution= ffm-info, type= {DAIDA Deliverable}, number= {WP/IMP-2.c}, year= {1987} } @techreport{Nieb91, key= {Nieb91}, author= {Niebergall, P.}, title= {Language-Sensitive Technology for Database Program Development}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBPL-Memo}, number= {108-91}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Synthesizer Generator, DBPL, language sensitive editing} } @mastersthesis{Nied92, key= {Nied92}, author= {Nieder\'ee, C.}, title= {Generic services for data-intensive applications: Iteration abstraction, integrity checking and recovery}, school= hbg-info, month= nov, year= {1992}, note= {(In German)}, keywords= {Iterators, Tycoon, TL, IC, constraints} } @inproceedings{Nier93, key= {Nier93}, author= {O. Nierstrasz}, title= {Regular Types for Active Objects}, booktitle= oopsla93, pages= {1--15}, month= oct, year= {1993} } @inproceedings{Niev91, key= {Niev91}, title= {XYZ: A project in experimental geometric computation}, author= {Nievergelt, J. and Schorn, P. and {De Lorenzini}, C. and Ammann, A.}, editor= {Bieri, H. and Noltemeier, H.}, booktitle= {Computational Geometry -- Methods, Algorithms and Applications '91 Proceedings}, year= {1991}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 553, pages= {171--186}, keywords= {Geographic, two-dimensional, data structures, spatial} } @inproceedings{Nikh85, key= {Nikh85}, author= {Nikhil, R.S.}, title= {Functional Databases, Functional Languages}, editor= {Atkinson, M.P. and Buneman, P. and Morrison, R.}, booktitle= {Data Types and Persistence}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1988}, keywords= {FDBPL (functional DBPL)} } @article{O90, key= {O90}, author= {O. Deux et al.}, title= {The Story of O$_{2}$}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, year= {1990}, volume= {2}, number= {1}, month= mar, keywords= {O2, architecture} } @inproceedings{OBBT89, key= {OBBT89}, author= {Ohori, A. and Buneman, P. and Breazu-Tannen, V.}, title= {Database Programming in {Machiavelli} -- a Polymorphic Language with Static Type Inference}, booktitle= sigmod89, year= {1989}, pages= {46--57}, keywords= {record join, polymorphic field selection, record types} } @techreport{OMG91b, key= {OMG91b}, author= {Hewlett-Packard Company, Sun Microsystems Inc.}, title= {Distributed Object Management Facility Core Specification}, institution= {OMG}, type= {Document}, number= {}, year= {1991}, keywords= {Object Management, System Architecture, DOMF Core Operations, HP Implementation of Object Location Service} } @book{ONei94, key= {ONei94}, title= {Database Principles, Programming, Performance}, editor= {O'Neil, P.}, year= {1994}, publisher= kaufmann, keywords= {RDM, Algebra, Calculus, SQL, Embedded SQL, C SQL, Database Design, E-R Diagrams, Integrity, Views, Security and Catalogs, Indexing, Query Processing, TCP-A Benchmark} } @manual{OS93, key= {OS93}, title= {ObjectStore Release 3 for Unix Systems: Reference Manual}, organization= {Object Design Inc., Burlington, MA}, year= {1993}, } @book{OST83, key= {OST83}, editor= {Olle, T.W. and Sol, H.G. and Tully, C.J.}, title= {Information Systems Design Methodologies: A Feature Analysis}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1983}, keywords= {system design, conceptual modeling, functional modeling} } @book{OSVS82, key= {OSVS82}, editor= {Olle, T.W. and Sol, H.G. and Verrijin-Stuart, A.A.}, title= {Information Systems Design Methodologies: A Comparative Review}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1982} } @book{OSVS86, key= {OSVS86}, editor= {Olle, T.W. and Sol, H.G. and Verrijin-Stuart, A.A.}, title= {Information Systems Design Methodologies: Improving the Practice}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1986} } @inproceedings{OTCP90, author= {Ohori, A. and Tabkha, I. and Connor, R. and Philbrow, P.}, title= {Persistence and Type Abstraction Revisited}, booktitle= {Implementing Persistent Object Bases, Principles and Practice}, year= {1990}, editor= {Dearle, A. and Shaw, G.M. and Zdonik, S.B.}, pages= {141--153}, keywords= {ADT, dynamic type checking, name equivalence, intern/extern, persistence, abstract data types}, } @book{Odio80, author= {Odiorne, G.S.}, title= {Management by Objectives}, publisher= {Verlag Moderne Industrie}, year= {1980}, address= {M\"unchen}, keywords= {Management, Objectives, Fuehrung}, owner= {Uni der Bundeswehr, BWL 073, I0059 + 02}, } @inproceedings{OhBu88, key= {OhBu88}, author= {Ohori, A. and Buneman, P.}, title= {Type Inference in a Database Programming Language}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, address= {Snowbird, Utah}, year= {1988}, pages= {174--183}, keywords= {ML style polymorphism for record types, Machiavelli, inheritance} } @inproceedings{OhBu89, key= {OhBu89}, author= {Ohori, A. and Buneman, P.}, title= {Static Type Inference for Parametric Classes}, booktitle= oopsla89, year= {1989}, pages= {445--456}, keywords= {Extended Machiavelli with classes, type inference} } @phdthesis{Ohor89, key= {Ohor89}, author= {Ohori, A.}, title= {A Study of Semantics, Types and Languages for Databases and Object-Oriented Programming}, school= {University of Pennsylvania}, year= {1989}, keywords= {ML Polymorphism, regular trees, machiavelli, unificaton on trees, database domains, set types, conditional type schemes, type inference, parametric classes, object identity} } @inproceedings{Ohor90, key= {Ohor90}, author= {Ohori, A.}, title= {Representing object identity in a pure functional language}, booktitle= icdt90, series= lncs, volume= {470}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {S. Abiteboul and P.C. Kanellakis}, keywords= {OID, references, updates, functional programming, state} } @book{Ooi90, key= {Ooi90}, author= {Ooi, Beng Chin}, title= {Efficient Query Processing in Geographic Information Systems}, series= lncs, volume= {471}, year= {1990}, publisher= springer, keywords= {geoql, Quad Trees, Access Structures, Optimizations, Spatial kd-Trees, Performrance Analysis, Queery Optimization}, comments= {Signatur: A OOI 16176} } @techreport{Orac90, key= {Orac90}, title= {{PL/SQL} User's Guide and Reference, Version 1.0}, author= {{Oracle Corporation}}, number= {Part No.~800-V1.0}, month= jun, institution= {Oracle Corporation}, year= {1991}, } @book{OzVa91, key= {OzVa91}, author= {{\"O}zsu, M.T. and Valduriez, P.}, publisher= prentice, year= {1991}, title= {Principles of Distributed Database Systems}, } @incollection{OzVa93, key= {OzVa93}, author= {{\"O}zsu, M.T. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {Distributed Data Management: unsolved problems and new issuses}, booktitle= {Readings in Distributed Computing}, editor= {Casavant, T. and Singhal, M.}, year= {1993}, publisher= ieee-press, } @inproceedings{P*87, key= {P*87}, author= {Paul, H.-B. and Schek, H.-J. and Scholl, M.H. and Weikum, G. and Deppisch, U.}, title= {Architecture and Implementation of the Darmstadt Database Kernel System}, booktitle= sigmod87, pages= {196--207}, month= may, year= {1987} } @techreport{PAS-Deliverable, key= {PAS-Deliverable}, author= {Welland, R.}, title= {Persistent Programming Environments Report, Deliverable, ID5}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug } @techreport{PCTE93, title= {Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE)}, institution= {European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA)}, type= {Standard}, number= {ECMA 149}, month= jun, year= {1993}, keywords= {CASE, object store, data model, architecture, OODBMS, repository, standard}, } @techreport{PHOLAM-Deliverable, key= {PHOLAM-Deliverable}, author= {Atkinson, M.P.}, title= {PHOLAM Design Report, Deliverable, ID5}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug } @book{POS90, key= {POS90}, editor= {Dearle, A. and Shaw, G. and Zdonik, S.}, title= {Implementing Persistent Object Bases: The Fourth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1990} } @techreport{POSIX, key= {POSIX}, title= {Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments ({POSIX})}, institution= {National Bureau of Standards}, type= {Federal information processing standards publication}, number= {NBS-FIPS-PUB-151-1}, year= {1990}, keywords= {Standard, Threads} } @techreport{PPRG87, key= {PPRG87}, author= {Persistent Programming Research Group}, title= {PS-algol Reference Manual}, institution= glasgow, type= {PPRR}, number= {12-87}, year= {1987} } @inproceedings{Pale72, key= {Pale72}, author= {Palermo, F.P.}, title= {A Data Base Search Problem}, booktitle= {Proceedings 4th Computer and Information Science Symposium}, address= {Miami Beach}, pages= {67--101}, year= {1972} } @book{Papp91, key= {Papp91}, title= {Datenbankzugriff in offenen Rechnernetzen}, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, author= {S. Pappe}, keywords= {ISO, RDA, ASN.1, databases, distribution} } @article{Parn76, key= {Parn76}, author= {Parnas, D.L.}, title= {On the Design and Development of Program Families}, journal= ieeese, volume= 2, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1976} } @inproceedings{Paul88, key= {Paul88}, author= {Paul, H.-B.}, title= {Erste Beobachtungen zum Leistungsverhalten von DASDBS}, booktitle= {GI/SI-Fachtagung: Datenbanksysteme in B\"uro, Technik und Wissenschaft}, editor= {H{\"a}rder, T.}, publisher= springer, month= mar, year= {1988}, pages= {350--354}, keywords= {CPU bound, data conversion is bottleneck} } @book{PeJo87, key= {PeJo87}, author= {{Peyton Jones}, S. L.}, title= {The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages}, publisher= prentice, year= {1987}, keywords= {focus: graph-reduction (G-machine), source: Miranda, target: enriched lambda-calculus, abstract interpretation}, comments= {Signatur: P PEY 13713} } @article{PeMa88, key= {PeMa88}, author= {Peckham, J. and Maryanski, F.}, title= {Semantic Data Models}, journal= acmcs, volume= 20, number= 3, month= sep, year= {1988}, pages= {153--189} } @manual{Pers94, key= {Pers94}, title= {Persistence User Manual, 1.2 edition}, organization= {Persistence Software Inc., San Mateo, California, USA}, year= {1994}, keywords= {Persistence: C++ class definitions are mapped to tables, exposing data members and spreading nested data structures across tables. Class hierarchies are mapped to (multiple tables or a super table with null values (unclear!)}, } @inproceedings{PiAn86, key= {PiAn86}, author= {Pistor, P. and Andersen, F.}, title= {Designing a Generalized NF$^{2}$ Model with a SQL-Type Language Interface}, booktitle= vldb86, month= aug, year= {1986}, pages= {278--288} } @article{PiTr86, key= {PiTr86}, author= {P. Pistor and R.Traunm{\"u}ller}, title= {A Database Language for Sets, Lists and Tables}, journal= {Information Systems}, year= {86}, volume= {11}, number= {4}, pages= {323--336}, } @inproceedings{PiTu93, key= {PiTu93}, author= {Pierce, B. and Turner, D.}, title= {Object-Oriented Programming without Recursive Types}, booktitle= popl93, year= {1993}, pages= {299--312}, keywords= {object typing, self, fixed-point} } @techreport{PiTu93b, key= {PiTu93b}, author= {Pierce, B.C. and Turner, D.N.}, title= {Statically typed friendly functions via partially abstract types}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= {1899}, month= may, year= {1993}, keywords= {extend objects with friendly functions, idea: encapsulated classes export rep() function that exposes representation, friend functions an class representation (without rep function) is wrappedn in an abstract data type. Appendix contains F-omega-sub} } @inproceedings{Pier92, key= {Pier92}, title= {Bounded Quantification is Undecidable}, author= {Pierce, B. C.}, month= jan, year= {1992}, booktitle= popl92, pages= {305--315}, keywords= {Fsub, subtyping, bounded second-order polymorphism} } @inproceedings{Pier93, key= {Pier93}, author= {Pierce, B.C. and Turner, D.N.}, title= {Object-Oriented Programming without recursive types}, booktitle= popl93, year= 1993, comments= {## keep copy} } @article{Pier94, title= {Bounded Quantification is Undecidable}, author= {Pierce, B. C.}, journal = {Information and Computation}, year = {1994}, volume = {112}, number = {1}, pages = {131--165}, month= jul, note = {Also in~ Carl A. Gunter and John C. Mitchell, editors, {\em Theoretical Aspects of Object-Oriented Programming: Types, Semantics, and Language Design} (MIT Press, 1994).}, keywords= {Fsub, subtyping, bounded second-order polymorphism} } @mastersthesis{Piza92, key= {Piza92}, author= {Piza, B.}, title= {Termsubsumption mit Typkonstruktoren}, school= hbg-info, month= apr, year= {1992}, keywords= {IFO, CLASSIC, inference} } @article{Plac91, key= {Plac91}, author= {Placer, J.}, title= {The Multiparadigm Language G}, journal= {Computer Languages}, volume= 16, number= {3/4}, pages= {235--258}, year= {1991}, keyword= {Integration functional and imperative programming} } @techreport{Plot81, key= {Plot81}, author= {Plotkin, G.D.}, title= {A structural appraoch to operational semantics}, institution= {Computer Science Department, Aarhus University}, year= {1981}, number= {19}, type= {DIAMI FN}, keywords= {standard reference for operational semantics; deduction rules} } @inproceedings{PoBa92, key= {PoBa92}, author= {Posner, I.R. and Baecker, R.M.}, title= {How People Write Together}, booktitle= hicss92, organization= {IEEE}, year= {1992}, keywords= {CSCW, multi-author groupware software, text editor} } @article{PoBu92, key= {PoBu92}, author= {Ponder, C. and Bush, B.}, title= {Polymorphism Considered Harmful}, journal= sigplan, volume= 27, number= 6, month= jun, year= {1992}, pages= {76--79}, keywords= {dynamic binding, subclass definitions, modularity, understandability, number of redeclarations, number of types receiving.} } @inproceedings{PoSm94, author= {Poulovassilis, A. and Small, C.}, title= {Investigation of Algebraic Query Optimisation for Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= vldb94, month= sep, year= 1994, abstract= { Algebraic query optimization techniques for database programming languages are investigated in the context of a purely declarative functional language that supports sets as first-class objects. Within the language, it is possible to use user-defined functions as query predicates and as target expressions. Since the language is computationally complete, the possibility of non-termination and the construction of infinite data structures must be taken into account, whilst problems concerning side-effects are avoided. As in our framework, all optimizations can be fully exploited for all subexpressions of a query since no distinct languages are used to represent query trees and programming language expressions. } } @book{PrSh88, key= {PrSh88}, author= {Preparata, F.P. and Shamos, M.I.}, title= {Computational Geometry}, series= {Texts and Monographs in Computer Science}, edition= {2nd}, year= {1988}, publisher= springer, comments= {Signatur: M PRE 13759}, keywords= {Geometric Searching, Convex Hull, Proximity Search, Intersections, Geometry of Rectangles} } @book{Pree95, author= {Pree, W.}, title= {Design Patterns for Object-Oriented Software Development}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1995}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @incollection{Przy88, key= {Przy88}, author= {T. C. Przymusinski}, title= {On the Declarative Semantics of Deductive Databases and Logic Programs}, booktitle= {Foundations of Deductive Databases}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988}, editor= {J. Minker}, pages= {193--216}, } @article{Pyra90, key= {Pyra90}, author= {{Pyramid Technology Corporation}}, title= {Generation and Recognition of Formal Languages by Modifiable Grammars}, journal= sigplan, volume= 25, number= 12, year= {1993}, pages= {45--61}, abstract= {In this article the formal definition of modifiable grammars are presented and the equivalence between classes of modifiable grammars and Turing machines is proved. Some criteria for reducing modifiable grammars for context-free grammars and an algorithm for constructiong a LR(1) parser for modifiable grammars are discussed.}, comments= {GS has copy} } @article{R*80, key= {R*80}, author= {Rothnie, J.B. and others}, title= {Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)}, journal= tods, volume= 5, number= 1, year= {1980} } @inproceedings{RBK88, key= {RBK88}, author= {R. Ramakrishnan and C. Beeri and R. Krishnamurty}, title= {Optimizing existential Datalog queries}, booktitle= pods88, month= mar, year= {1988} } @article{RCS93, author= {Richardson, J.E. and Carey, M. J. and Schuh, D.T}, title= {The design of the E Programming Language}, journal= toplas, volume= 15, number= 3, month= Jul, year= {1993}, pages= {494--534}, keywords= {Parameterized (generator) classes, iterators (like CLU plus advance & break), allocation-based persistence vs. reachability-based persistence, persistence limited to DB types (Persistent Modula-3, ObjectStore), criticises flat global name space a la C++}} @incollection{RHBMM90, author= {Rosenberg, John and Henskens, Frans and Brown, Fred and Morrison, Ron and Munro, David}, title= {Stability in a Persistent Store Based on a Large Virtual Memory}, booktitle= {Security and Persistence}, publisher= springer, year= {1990}, editor= {Rosenberg, J. and Keedy, J.L.}, keywords= {Napier Object Store}, pages= {229--245}, } @article{RHW93, author= {Rein, G.L. and Holsapple, C.W. and Whinston, A.B.}, title= {Computer Support of Organization Design and Learning}, journal= {Journal of Organizational Computing}, year= {1993}, volume= {3}, number= {1}, pages= {87--120}, keywords= {cscw}, owner= {Oberquelle}, } @techreport{RLW85, key= {RLW85}, author= {Rovner, P. and Levin, R. and Wick, J.}, title= {On Extending {Modula-2} for Building Large, Integrated Systems}, institution= src, number= 3, month= jan, year= {1985}, keywords= {Modula-2 Language Report, style guide, exceptions, REFANY} } @inproceedings{RMS95, author= {Rudloff, A. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Security as an Add-On Quality in Persistent Object Systems}, booktitle= {Second International East/West Database Workshop, Klagenfurt, Austria}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, publisher= springer, year= 1995, pages= {90--108}, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/95/138)}, keywords= {Tycoon, authorization, authentication, security}, documentdirectory= {1995/RMS95}, abstract= {System security services like authentication, access control and auditing are becoming increasingly critical for information systems particularly in distributed heterogeneous environments. Since information system architectures are moving rapidly from centralized, grand unifying architectures towards open, service-oriented and communication-based environments (``Persistent Object Systems'') constructed with well-organized component technologies it is essential that such structural changes are reflected adequately in the architecture of system security services.\\ In this paper we present an open, library-based approach to the security of Persistent Object Systems which generalizes and unifies the protection mechanisms that traditionally come bundled with database, communication or operating system services. More specifically, we illustrate how polymorphic typing can be exploited to abstract from particular commercially available security services, such as Kerberos, and how higher-order functions allow the user to add value to existing security services. Furthermore, we demonstrate how higher-order functions, first-class modules and reflection provide a technical framework for the realization of domain-specific security policies and for the systematic construction of security-enhanced activities.} } @book{RND77, key= {RND77}, author= {Edward M. Reingold and Jurg Nievergelt and Narsingh Deo}, title= {Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory and Practice}, publisher= prentice, year= {1977}, } @inproceedings{RRUZ83, key= {RRUZ83}, author= {Rebsamen, J. and Reimer, M. and Ursprung, P. and Zehnder, C.A. and Diener, A.}, title= {LIDAS -- The Database System for the Personal Computer Lilith}, booktitle= {Proc. INRIA Workshop on Relational DBMS Design / Implementation / Use on Micro-Computers}, address= {Toulouse}, month= feb, year= {1983}, keywords= {Modula/R} } @inproceedings{RS79, key= {RS79}, author= {Rowe, L. and Shoens, K.}, title= {Data Abstraction, Views and Updates in RIGEL}, booktitle= sigmod79, year= {1979}, pages= {71--81} } @article{RTL*91, key= {RTL*91}, author= {R. Ray and E. Tempero and H. Levy and A. Black and N. Hutchinson and E. Jul}, title= {{Emerald}: A General Purpose Programming Language}, journal= {Software Practice and Experience}, year= {1991}, volume= {21}, number= {1}, pages= {91--118}, month= jan, keywords= {Emerald, distributed programming, objec types}, comments= {## get copy} } @mastersthesis{Rac87, key= {Rac87}, author= {Racky, R.}, title= {Semantische Integrit\"atsbedingungen in DBPL}, school= ffm-info, month= oct, year= {1987} } @mastersthesis{Rack87, author= {Racky, R.}, title= {Semantische Integrit\"atsbedingungen in DBPL}, school= ffm-info, month= oct, year= {1987} } @inproceedings{Rama88, key= {Rama88}, author= {R. Ramakrishnan}, title= {Magic templates, a spellbinding approach to logic evaluation}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Logic Programing Conference}, month= aug, year= {1988}, } @techreport{ReDi83, key= {ReDi83}, author= {Reimer, M. and Diener A.}, title= {The {Modula/R} Compiler for the {Lilith}}, institution= eth, type= {LIDAS Memo}, number= {051-83}, year= {1983} } @book{ReTe88, key= {ReTe88}, author= {Reps, T.W. and Teitelbaum, T.}, title= {The Synthesizer Generator: A System For Constructing Language-Based Editors}, publisher= springer, series= tmcs, year= {1988}, keywords= {attribute grammars, compiler compiler} } @book{ReTe89, key= {ReTe89}, author= {Reps, T.W. and Teitelbaum, T.}, title= {The Synthesizer Generator Reference Manual}, publisher= springer, edition= {third}, series= tmcs, year= {1989}, keywords= {attribute grammars, compiler compoiler} } @book{Read89, key= {Read89}, author= {Reade, C.}, title= {Elements of Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, series= {International Computer Science Series}, year= {1989}, keywords= {introduction to functional programming, Polymorphism, ADT, Modules, Denotational Semantics, Lazy Evaluation, Lambda Calculus, Combinators, Type Inference, Standard ML} } @inproceedings{Rei84, key= {Rei84}, author= {Reiter, R.}, title= {Towards a Logical Reconstruction of Relational Database Theory}, editor= {Brodie, M.L. and Myopoulos, J. and Schmidt, J.W.}, chapter= 8, pages= {191-233}, booktitle= {On Conceptual Modelling, Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages}, publisher= springer, year= {1984} } @techreport{Reim81, key= {Reim81}, author= {Reimer, M. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Transaction Procedures with Relational Parameters}, institution= eth, number= {45}, month= oct, year= {1981}, keywords= {Modula/R} } @techreport{Reim83, key= {Reim83}, author= {Koch, J. and Mall, M. and Putfarken, P. and Reimer, M. and Schmidt, J.W. and Zehnder, C.A.}, title= {{Modula/R} Report, Lilith Version}, institution= eth, month= feb, year= {1983} } @phdthesis{Reim84, key= {Reim84}, author= {Reimer, M.}, title= {Transaktionen in DB-Programmiersprachen: Semantische Integration und pr{\"a}dikative Implementierungsstrategien}, school= eth, year= {1984} } @book{Rein93, author= {Reinwald, B.}, title= {Entwurf und Betrieb geregelter arbeitsteiliger Anwendungssysteme}, publisher= {Teubner}, year= {1993}, address= {Stuttgart, Leipzig}, keywords= {Workflow, Business Process, CSCW}, owner= {Pressmar}, } @inproceedings{Remy89, key= {Remy89}, author= {R\'{e}my, D.}, title= {Typechecking records and variants in a natural extension of {ML}}, editor= {MacQueen, D.}, booktitle= popl89, year= {1989}, keywords= {polymorphic records}, comments= {see also revised version Remy91} } @techreport{Remy91, key= {Remy91}, author= {R{\'e}my, D.}, title= {Type Inference for Records in a Natural Extension of ML}, institution= inria, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= {1431}, month= may, year= {1991}, keywords= {Record extensions [no concatenation]. Types sorted modulo equations} } @techreport{Repp90, key= {Reppy90}, author= {Reppy, H. J.}, title= {Asynchronous Signals in {Standard} {ML}}, institution= {Computer Science Department, Cornell University}, type= {TR}, number= {90--1144}, year= {1990}, keywords= {exception handling, signals, callcc} } @phdthesis{Reps83, key= {Reps83}, author= {Reps, T.}, title= {Generating Language-Based Environments}, school= {Cornell University, Ithaca}, year= {1983}, keywords= {Synthesizer Generator, Attribute Grammars} } @incollection{Reut87, key= {Reut87}, author= {Reuter, A.}, title= {Ma{\ss}nahmen zur Wahrung von Sicherheits- und Integrit{\"a}tsbedingungen}, chapter= 4, editor= {Lockemann, P.C. and Schmidt, J.W}, booktitle= {Datenbank-Handbuch}, publisher= springer, year= {1987} } @inproceedings{Reut89, key= {Reut89}, author= {Reuter, A.}, title= {{ConTracts}: A Means for Extending Control Beyond Transaction Boundaries}, booktitle= {Third International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Cooperative Activities, Transactions, Scheduling} } @inproceedings{Reyn72, key= {Reyn72}, author= {Reynolds, J.C.}, title= {Definitional interpreters for higher order programming languages}, booktitle= {Proc. ACM 25th National Conference}, address= {Boston}, volume= 2, year= {1972}, pages= {717--740}, keywords= {Proof: reflection is impossible without referring to a lower-level technology} } @inproceedings{Reyn74, key= {Reyn74}, author= {Reynolds, J.C.}, title= {Towards a theory of type structure}, booktitle= {Colloquium sur la programmation}, series= lncs, volume= {19}, publisher= springer, year= {1974}, pages= {408--423} } @article{RiBr82, key= {RiBr82}, author= {Ridjanovic, D. and Brodi, M.}, title= {Defining Database Dynamics with Attribute Grammars}, journal= {Information Processing Letters}, volume= 14, number= 3, year= {1982}, keywords= {Attribute Grammar, Semantics} } @inproceedings{RiCa87, key= {RiCa87}, author= {Richardson, J. and Carey, M.}, title= {Programming Constructs for Database System Implementation in EXODUS}, booktitle= sigmod87, month= may, year= {1987}, keywords= {E, DBPLs, EXODUS C extension} } @techreport{Rich89, key= {Rich89}, author= {Richardson, J.E.}, title= {E: A Persistent Systems Implementation Language}, institution= {Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison}, type= {Technical Report}, number= 868, month= aug, year= {1989} } @book{RoKo89, key= {RoKo89}, editor= {Rosenberg, J. and Koch, D.}, title= pos89, publisher= springer, series= wics, year= {1989}, month= jan, keywords= {persistence, object stores, monads, capabilities}, comments= {Signatur: K PER 15930} } @inproceedings{RoSt87, key= {RoSt87}, author= {Rowe, L. and Stonebraker M.}, title= {The {POSTGRES} Data Model}, booktitle= vldb87, month= sep, year= {1987}, pages= {83--96} } @book{Rose90, key= {Rose90}, title= {The Open Book}, author= {Rose, M.T.}, publisher= prentice, year= {1990}, keywords= {OSI, protocol, network, distribution, p. 225-336 about ASN.1, p. 337-375 about presentation services in OSI reference model} } @incollection{Roso91, key= {Roso91}, author= {Rosolini, G.}, title= {An exper model for Quest}, booktitle= {Proc.\ 7th International Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics}, series= lncs, volume= 598, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, keywords= {Quest}, comments= {Dubious semantics} } @book{Rumb*91, key= {Rumb*91}, editor= {Rumbaugh, J. and Blaha, M. and Premerlani, W. and Eddy, F. and Lorensen, W.}, title= {Object-Oriented Modeling and Design}, publisher= prentice, year= {1991}, keywords= {OMT, Object Modeling, Dynamic Modeling, Functional Modeling, Methodology, State Diagrams, Scenarios, Event Traces, Class Diagrams, Associations, Analysis, Object Design, System Design}, comments= {Signatur: P OBJ 18280} } @book{Rumb*93, key= {Rumb*93}, editor= {Rumbaugh, J. and Blaha, M. and Premerlani, W. and Eddy, F. and Lorensen, W.}, title= {Objektorientiertes Modellieren und Entwerfen}, publisher= {Hanser Verlag, M\"unchen}, year= {1993}, keywords= {OMT, Object Modeling, Dynamic Modeling, Functional Modeling, Methodology, State Diagrams, Scenarios, Event Traces, Class Diagrams, Associations, Analysis, Object Design, System Design}, comments= {Signatur: P OBJ 19998 65844} } @article{Rupi92, author= {Rupietta, W.}, title= {Organisationsmodellierung zur Unterst\"utzung kooperativer Vorgangsbearbeitung}, journal= {Wirtschaftsinformatik}, year= {1992}, volume= {34}, number= {1}, month= feb, keywords= {cscw, workflow, cooperation, modeling}, } @inproceedings{S*86, key= {S*86}, author= {Schaffert, C. and Cooper, T. and Bullis, B. and Kilian, M. and Wilpolt, C.}, title= {An Introduction to Trellis/Owl}, booktitle= oopsla86, month= oct, year= {1986}, pages= {9--16}, keywords= {Trellis/Owl} } @techreport{S*88, key= {S*88}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Bittner, M. and Klein, H. and Eckhardt, H. and Matthes, F.}, title= {{DBPL System}: The Prototype and its Architecture}, institution= ffm-info, type= {DBPL Memo}, number= {111-88}, month= nov, year= {1988} } @techreport{S*92, key= {S*92}, author= {Stemple, D. and Stanton, R.B. and Sheard, T. and Philbrow, P. and Morrison, R. and Kirby, G.N.C. and Fegaras, L. and Cooper, R.L. and Connor, R.C.H. and Atkinson, M.P. and Alagic, S.}, title= {Type-Safe Linguistic Reflection: A Generator Technology}, year= {1992}, month= jul, institution= st-andrews, type= {Research Report}, number= {CS/92/6}, keywords= {TRPL, Napier88, PS-algol, run-time reflection, compile-time reflection} } @inproceedings{SAB*89, key= {SAB*89}, author= {M. Scholl and S. Abiteboul and F. Bancilhon and N. Bidoit and S. Gamerman and D. Plateau and P. Richard and A. Verroust}, title= {VERSO: A Database Machine Based On Nested Relations}, booktitle= {Nested Relations and Complex Objects in Databases}, editor= {S. Abiteboul and P. C. Fischer and H.-J. Schek}, series= lncs, volume= {361}, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, pages= {27--49} } @article{SAH88, key= {SAH88}, author= {Stonebraker, M. and Anton, J. and Hirohama, M}, title= {Extendability in POSTGRES}, editor= {Carey, M.}, journal= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1987} } @inproceedings{SAM89, key= {SAM89}, author= {Stein, J. and Anderson, T.L. and Maier, D.}, title= {Mistaking Identity}, booktitle= dbpl89, month= jun, year= {1989}, keywords= {re-invention of keys, object identity, referential integrity, surrogates} } @techreport{SAP94, key= {SAP94}, title= {Funktionen im Detail: ABAP/4 Development Workbench}, author= {{SAP AG}}, month= sep, institution= {SAP AG, Neurottstrasse 16, 69190 Walldorf, Germany}, keywords= {ABAP/4, R/3, 4GL}, year= 1994 } @techreport{SAP94a, key= {SAP94a}, title= {Funktionen im Detail: SAP R/3 Software Architektur}, author= {{SAP AG}}, month= jun, institution= {SAP AG, Neurottstrasse 16, 69190 Walldorf, Deutschland}, keywords= {R/3, Software Architecture}, year= 1994 } @techreport{SAP95, key= {SAP95}, title= {ABAP/4 Development Workbench}, author= {Curran, T. A.}, month= jan, institution= {TCManagement Inc., Oderstrasse 28, 81677 Munich, Germany}, note= {Also available through SAP AG, Neurottstrasse 16, 69190 Walldorf, Germany}, keywords= {ABAP/4, 4GL, in English}, year= 1995 } @book{SBGK94, key= {SBGK94}, title= {Internet: Werkzeuge und Dienste}, editor= {Scheller, M. and Boden K.-P. and Geenen, A. and Kampermann, J.}, year= {1994}, publisher= springer, keywords= {Internet, Telnet, FTP, E-Mail, Mime, SMTP, X.400, Usenet News, Finger, Whois, X.500, Gopher, WAIS, World-Wide-Web, WWW, HTML, Netfind, Alex, Prospero, HyTelnet, Archie} } @book{SBGL*91, key= {SBGL*91}, author= {Strom, R.E. and Bacon, D.F. and Goldberg, A.P. and Lowry, A. and Yellin, D.M. and Yemini, S.A.}, title= {Hermes: A Language for Distributed Computing}, publisher= prentice, year= {1991}, keywords= {Yorktown Heights, Watson Center, Typestate, Distribution, CSP, Dynamic Types, Type Checking, Language Definition, Communication, Optimistic Recovery, Communicating Processes, High Level Languages, Exceptions, Tables, Sets, Bulk Types, HERMES, NIL} } @techreport{SBMS95, key= {SBMS95}, author= {Subieta, K. and Beeri, C. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {A Stack-Based Approach to Query Languages}, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/95/134}, institution= fidecoord, year= 1995, documentdirectory= {1995/SBMS95}, abstract= {Scoping, naming and binding are central concepts in the definition and understanding of programming languages. With the introduction of sophisticated data models, these issues become important for query languages as well. Additionally, the goal of integrating query and programming languages requires a common basis for their operational semantics. We offer here an approach to the definition of the operational semantics of query languages based on an abstract machine, in which names, their bindings, and scopes defined by query and data structure are central. The machine has own simple data model for its store, and has a stack for dealing with scopes. We argue for the generality of the approach and illustrate it by defining the semantics of many query language primitives. Finally, we briefly consider how assignment and procedures can be neatly added.}} @techreport{SCWA94, author= {Sj{\o}berg, D.I.K. and Cutts, Q.I. and Welland, R. and Atkinson, M.P.}, institution= {University of St.~Andrews}, number= {CS/94/109}, title= {Analysing Persistent Language Applications}, year= {1994}, keywords= {thesaurus} } @book{SDD*86, key= {SDD*86}, author= {Schwartz, J.T. and Dewar, R.B.K. and Dubinski, E. and Schonberg, E.}, title= {Programming with Sets: An Introduction to SETL}, publisher= springer, series= tmcs, year= {1986}, keywords= {bulk types, sets, maps, iterators, exceptions, backtracking, data representation, high-level languages} } @techreport{SEM88, key= {SEM88}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Eckhardt, H. and Matthes, F.}, title= {{DBPL Report}}, institution= ffm-info, type= {DBPL-Memo}, number= {112-88}, year= {1988}, comments= {Outdated, see \cite{ScMa92a}} } @techreport{SFL83, key= {SFL83}, author= {Smith, J.M. and Fox, S. and Landers, T.}, title= {ADAPLEX: Rationale and Reference Manual (2nd ed.)}, institution= {Computer Corporation of America, Cambridge, Mass.}, year= {1983} } @unpublished{SFMM91, key= {SFMM91}, title= {FIDE Tycoon Environment Demonstration Script}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Kirch, F. and Matthes, F. and M{\"}{\ss}ig, S.}, month= sep, year= {1991}, note= {(Available through Hamburg University)} } @inproceedings{SFSS90, key= {SFSS90}, author= {Stemple, D. and Fegaras, L. and Sheard, T. and Socorro, A.}, title= {Exceeding the Limits of Polymorphism in Database Programming Languages}, booktitle= edbt90, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {416}, year= {1990}, pages= {269--285}, keywords= {Reflection (statically bound and type checked), Natural Join, good references, ADABTPL} } @incollection{SGLJ89, key= {SGLJ89}, author= {Schmidt, J.W and Ge, L. and Linnemann, V. and Jarke, M.}, title= {Integrated Fact and Rule Management Based on Database Technology}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W. and Thanos, C.}, booktitle= {Foundations of Knowledge Base Management}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1989}, keywords= {Constructors, rules, views, relational programming} } @inproceedings{SGM89, author= {Shapiro, M. and Gautron, P. and Mosseri, L.}, title= {Persistence and Migration for {C}++ Objects}, booktitle= {In Proceedings of the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Nottingham, GB}, month= jul, year= {1989}, keywords= {SOS} } @inproceedings{SKW92, author= {Singhal, V. and Kakkad, S.V. and Wilson, P.R.}, title= {Texas: An Efficient, Portable Persistent Store}, booktitle= pos92, year= {1992}, keywords= {Texas Object Store, Similar to ObjectStore}, } @inproceedings{SMA91, key= {SMA91}, author= {Stemple, D. and Morrison, R. and Atkinson M.}, title= {Type-safe Linguistic Reflection}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, pages= {357--362} } @inproceedings{SMRS93, key= {SMRS93}, title= {Viewers: A Data-World Analogue of Procedure Calls}, author= {Subieta, K. and Matthes, F. and Rudloff, A. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, month= aug, year= {1993}, booktitle= vldb93, documentdirectory= {1993/SMRS93}, keywords= {viewer, inheritance, references}, abstract= {A viewer is a reference-valued datum with a special meaning: a value of the data pointed by the viewer becomes a virtual part of data where the viewer is placed; the value virtually substitutes the viewer. Viewers are considered to be a data-world analogue of procedure calls. They possess a large conceptual and pragmatic potential as a result of new data semantics on which we can base a variety of well-organized data structures. Various applications of viewers, related to DBPLs and object-oriented data modelling, are presented: importing common attributes, inheritance and multi-inheritance, stored selections, projections and joins, viewing a single relational structure as several hierarchical structures, etc. Methodological and formal aspects of the concept are discussed and a method of incorporating viewers into a query language is presented.} } @inproceedings{SMV93, key= {SMV93}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {Building Persistent Application Systems in Fully Integrated Data Environments: Modularization, Abstraction and Interoperability}, booktitle= {Proceedings of Euro-Arch'93 Congress}, publisher= springer, month= oct, year= {1993}, pages= {270--287}, documentdirectory= {1993/SMV93}, abstract= {Research and development in the FIDE project on Fully Integrated Data Environments has led to the concept of Persistent Object Systems (POS) which generalize database systems by re-interpreting schemas as type definitions and databases as typed variables in addition to treating lifetime as a type-independent property. Furthermore, FIDE develops uniform linguistic interfaces for data modelling, computation and communication, and extends database, programming and communication technology to enable integrated application development based on interoperating POSs.\\ As a consequence of such an integrated view, formerly disjoint concepts such as databases, program and module libraries, files or repositories can now be treated uniformly as POSs differentiated essentially by the types of objects they contain and by the operational abstractions they provide. \\ Based on state-of-the-art database technology, this paper outlines FIDE results in extending databases and providing the integrated technology considered necessary for the construction and maintenance of Persistent Application Systems. Since our main goal is to improve substantially a system's capability of persisting successfully over time in changing environments, particular emphasis will be placed on systems scalability and its consequences for POS interoperability.} } @article{SNG90, key= {SNG90}, author= {Santo, M. and Nigro, L. and Russo, W.}, title= {Programmer-Defined Control Abstractions in {Modula-2}}, journal= {Computer Languages}, month= oct, volume= 15, number= 3, year= {1990}, keywords= {iterators, recursion, continuations}, coments= {not too good} } @article{SNP91, key= {SNP91}, author= {S.K. Shrivastava and G.D. Nixon and G.D. Parrington}, title= {An overview of the {Arjuna} distributed programming system}, journal= {IEEE Software}, year= {1991}, volume= {8}, number= {1}, pages= {66--73}, month= jan, } @inproceedings{SNS88, key= {SNS88}, author= {Steiner, J.G. and Neumann, B.C. and Schiller, J.I.}, title= {{K}erberos: An authentication service for open network systems}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the Winter 1988 Usenix Conference}, year= {1988}, month= feb, keywords= {security, authentication, distribution, network services} } @manual{SQLISO, key= {SQLISO}, title= {Standard ISO 9075, Information processing systems - Database language SQL}, organization= {ISO}, number= {First Edition 1987-06-15}, year= {1987}, keywords= {SQL Standard}, } @article{SRH90, key= {SRH90}, author= {Stonebreaker, M. and Rowe, L.A. and Hirohama, M.}, title= {The Implementation of POSTGRES}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, year= {1990}, volume= {2}, number= {1}, month= mar, keywords= {postgres, architecture} } @inproceedings{SSB86, key= {SSB86}, author= {Stemple, D. and Sheard, T. and Bunker, B.}, title= {Abstract Data Types in Databases: Specification, Manipulation and Access}, booktitle= dataeng86, month= feb, year= {1986}, pages= {590--597}, keywords= {description of ADABTPL, theorem prover, code modification for integrity checking} } @inproceedings{SSF92, key= {SSF92}, author= {Stemple, D. and Sheard, T. and Fegaras, L.}, title= {Linguistic Reflection: A Bridge from Programming to Database Languages}, booktitle= hicss92, year= {1992}, pages= {46--55}, keywords= {TRPL, Macros, Optimizing Queries, natural join, compile-time reflection} } @inproceedings{SSS88, key= {SSS88}, author= {Stemple, D. and Socorro, A. and Sheard, T.}, title= {Formalizing Objects for Databases using ADABTPL}, booktitle= {Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems}, year= {1988}, month= sep, pages= {110--172}, keywords= {ADABTPL, transaction specification, abstract data types, inheritance, object identity} } @techreport{SSSTW92, key= {SSSTW92}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Stemple, D. and Thalheim, B. and Wetzel, I.}, title= {A Reflective Approach to Method Generation in Object Oriented Databases}, institution= ros-info, type= {Rostocker Informatik Berichte}, number= {Nr. 13}, year= {1992}, } @techreport{SSU90, key= {SSU90}, author= {Silberschatz, A. and Stonebraker, M. and Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities, Report of the NSF Invitational Workshop on the Future of Database Systems Research}, institution= {Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin, TX}, year= {1990}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {TR-90-22} } @techreport{SSW*91, key= {SSW*91}, title= {Abstract Machines Revisited}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I. and Bidoit, N. and Castelli, D. and Meghini, C.}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/91/11}, month= mar, year= {1991}, } @incollection{SSW80, key= {SSW80}, author= {Scheuermann, P. and Schiffner, G. and Weber, H.}, title= {Abstraction Capabilities and Invariant Properties Modelling within the Entity-Relationship Approach}, pages= {121--140}, editor= {Chen, P.P.S.}, booktitle= {Entity-Relationship Approach to System Analysis and Design}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1980} } @inproceedings{SSW91a, key= {SSW91a}, title= {Towards a Structured Specification Language for Database Applications}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, month= jul, year= {1991}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Specifications of Database Systems, Glasgow)}, publisher= springer, series= wics } @inproceedings{SSW91b, key= {SSW91b}, title= {Specification and Refinement in an Integrated Database Application Environment}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, month= oct, year= {1991}, booktitle= {Proc. VDM Conference 1991, Noordwijkerhout}, publisher= springer, series= lncs } @inproceedings{SSW92, key= {SSW92}, title= {Identification, Genericity and Consistency in Object-Oriented Databases}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, booktitle= icdt92, editor= {Biskup, J. and Hull, R.}, series= lncs, volume= {646}, publisher= springer, month= oct, year= {1992}, pages= {341--356} } @inproceedings{STSW92, key= {STSW92}, title= {Integrity Enforcement in Object-Oriented Databases}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. and Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I.}, booktitle= {Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, Volkse, Germany, October 19--22}, editor= {U. Lipeck}, year= {1992}, abstract= {In contrast to the relational model methods in OODBs must enforce structurally defined constraints such as inclusion and referential constraints. It has been shown that this is possible for basic generic update operations that are determined by the schema. However, such operations only exist for value-representable classes.\\ In this paper we generalize this result and show that integrity enforcement is always possible. Given some arbitrary method $S$ and some static or transition constraint $\cal I$ there exists a greatest consistent specialization (GCS) $S_{\cal I}$ of $S$ with respect to $\cal I$. Such a GCS behaves nice in that it is compatible with the conjunction of constraints, inheritance and refinement.\\ Moreover, it is possible to derive simple representations of GCSs for basic update operations with respect to distinguished classes of explicitly stated static constraints. For the GCS construction of a user-defined operation, however, it is in general not sufficient to replace the involved primitive update operations by their GCSs.} } @techreport{STW92, key= {STW92}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. and Wetzel, I.}, title= {Foundations of Object-Oriented Database Concepts}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Informatik Fachbericht}, number= {FBI-HH-B-157/92}, year= {1992}, month= nov, abstract= {Mit der Entwicklung objektorientierter Datenbanken (OODBn) sollen die vielfach bemerkten Restriktionen des relationalen Datenmodells \"uberwunden werden. Im Gegensatz zu diesem fehlt den Konzepten objektorientierter Datenbanken bisher aller\-dings sowohl eine zufriedenstellende formale Grundlage als auch ein allgemein akzeptiertes Datenmodell. \\ Ziel unserer gemeinsamer Forschungsarbeiten in Hamburg und Rostock ist die Entwicklung eines formal abgesicherten objektorientierten Datenmo\-dells (OODM) als Beitrag zu einer einheitlichen mathematischen Theorie f\"ur OODBn. \\ Grundlegend f\"ur das OODM ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Werten und Objekten. Erstere werden durch Typen, letztere durch Klassen strukturiert. Ein zentrales Problem ist dabei die Bereitstellung eindeutiger Identifikationsmechanismen f\"ur Objekte. Wir l\"osen dieses Problem f\"ur Klassen, deren Objekte durch Werte vollst\"andig repr\"asentiert werden k\"onnen. Solche Klassen werden dann als werterepr\"asentierbar bezeichnet. Da eine Datenbank zu jedem Zeitpunkt nur endlich viele Objekte enthalten kann, ist Werterepr\"asentierbarkeit unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen entscheid\-bar, n\"amlich, wenn endlich repr\"asentierbare rekursive Typen existieren und alle benutzerdefinierten Integrit\"atsbedingen sog. uniqueness constraints sind.\\ Ein Vorteil relationaler Datenbanken ist die Existenz eindeutig durch das Datenbankschema definierter generischer Ver\"anderungsoperationen. Wir zeigen, da\ss \ diese Eigenschaft im OODM nur f\"ur werterepr\"asentierbare Klassen gilt. In diesem Fall aber wird sichergestellt, da\ss \ implizit durch das Schema gegebene Referenz- und Inklusions\-integrit\"atsbedingungen automatisch bewahrt werden. Wir geben einen Algorithmus zur Erzeugung dieser generischen Operationen an und zeigen, da\ss \ dieser durch linguistische Reflexion implementierbar ist. \\ Dieses Ergebnis l\"a\ss t sich auf aus\-ge\-zeichnete Klassen statischer Integrit\"atsbedingungen erweitern. Wir zeigen sogar, da\ss \ Integrit\"atserzwingung im allgemeinen durch die Konstruktion gr\"o\ss ter konsistenter Spezialisierungen (GCS) m\"oglich ist. F\"ur eine beliebige Methode $S$ und eine statische oder Transitionsintegrit\"atsbedingung $\cal I$ kann gezeigt werden, da\ss \ die GCS $S_{\cal I}$ immer existiert und bis auf semantische \"Aquivalenz auch eindeutig ist. Mehr noch, GCSn sind mit Konjunktionen von Integrit\"atsbedingungen, Vererbung und Verfeinerung kompa\-tibel. F\"ur benutzerdefinierte Transaktionen ist es allerdings nicht ausreichend, die hier\-in vorkommenden einfachen "Ander\"anderungsoperationen jeweils durch ihre GCSn zu ersetzen.} } @techreport{STWS91, key= {STWS91}, title= {Extensible Safe Object-Oriented Design of Database Applications}, author= {Schewe, K.-D. and Thalheim, B. and Wetzel, I. and Schmidt, J.W.}, institution= {Universit\"at Rostock}, type= {Technical Report}, month= nov, year= {1991}, } @article{SWBM89, key= {SWBM89}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Wetzel, I. and Borgida, A. and Mylopoulos, J.}, title= {Database Programming by Formal Refinement of Conceptual Designs}, journal= {IEEE -- Data Engineering}, month= sep, year= {1989}, keywords= {DAIDA, B-Tool, Abstract Machines} } @article{Salm95, key= {Salm95}, author= {Salminen, A.}, title= {{EDIFACTD} for Business Computers: Has it Succeeded?}, journal= {StandardView}, volume= 3, number= 1, year= {1995}, month= mar, keywords= {EDIFACT, standards, standard components, standardization process, national vs. international standardization, standard messages, american standard X12} } @book{ScBr83, key= {ScBr83}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W. and Brodie, M.L.}, title= {Relational Database Systems}, publisher= springer, year= {1983} } @inproceedings{ScLi85, key= {ScLi85}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Linnemann, V.}, title= {Higher Level Relational Objects}, booktitle= bncod85, publisher= cambridge-press, month= jul, year= {1985} } @inproceedings{ScMa83, key= {ScMa83}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Mall, M.}, title= {Abstraction Mechanisms for Database Programming}, booktitle= {Proc. SIGPLAN Symp. on Programming Language Issues in Software Systems}, address= {San Francisco}, month= jun, year= {1983} } @inproceedings{ScMa89, key= {ScMa89}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Advances in Database Programming: On Concepts, Languages and Methodologies}, booktitle= {Proc. 16th SOFSEM'89}, address= {\v{Z}diar, High Tatra, \v{C}SSR}, note= {Available through Hamburg University}, month= dec, documentdirectory= {1989/ScMa89}, year= {1989} } @techreport{ScMa90, key= {ScMa90}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {{DBPL} Language and System Manual}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {MAP 2.3}, month= apr, year= {1990} } @inproceedings{ScMa90a, key= {ScMa90a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Language Technology for Post-Relational Data Systems}, booktitle= {Database Systems of the 90s}, editor= {Blaser, A.}, series= lncs, volume= 466, month= nov, year= {1990}, documentdirectory= {1990/ScMa90a}, pages= {81--114} } @inproceedings{ScMa90b, key= {ScMa90b}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Naming Schemes and Name Space Management in the {DBPL} Persistent Storage System}, booktitle= pos90, publisher= kaufmann, month= jan, year= {1991}, documentdirectory= {1990/ScMa90b}, keywords= {Marthas Vineyard, Keys, Associative Naming, System Architecture} } @techreport{ScMa91a, key= {ScMa91a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Modular and Rule-Based Database Programming in {DBPL}}, year= {1991}, month= feb, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/91/15}, comment= {Reprint of \cite{ScMa93a}}, documentdirectory= {1991/ScMa91a}, abstract= {DBPL is the target language for the implementation of data-intensive applications in the DAIDA project. This paper illustrates how DBPL supports the construction of correct, modular and efficient database programs integrating well-developed compilation and database technology. \\ After an introduction to the language concepts of DBPL, two methodoligical aspects central to the implementation of database applications are discussed. The first task is the representation of the classical abstraction principles of Conceptual Modelling (classification, aggregation, generalization, and association) by typed data structures and data derivation rules in DBPL. The second aspect is the decomposition of application systems consisting of multiple interacting programs into managable, shared modules using a novel abstraction mechanism for bulk data access. \\ By presenting the use of DBPL in some detail, we intend to support our claim that a set- and predicate-oriented view of database modelling resolves the traditional mismatch between declarative database languages and their general-purpose imperative counterparts.} } @inproceedings{ScMa91c, key= {ScMa91c}, title= {Relational Database Programming: Naming, Typing and Binding}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 16th Programming School'91, Sofia, Bulgaria}, year= {1991}, documentdirectory= {1991/ScMa91c}, month= apr } @inproceedings{ScMa91d, key= {ScMa91d}, title= {The Rationale behind {DBPL}}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, month= may, year= {1991}, booktitle= {3rd Symposium on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database and Knowledge Base Systems}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 495, documentdirectory= {1991/ScMa91d}, abstract= {The DBPL language orthogonally integrates sets and first-order predicates into a strongly and statically typed programming language, and the DBPL system supports the language with full database functionality including persistence, query optimization and transaction management. The application of modern language technology to database concepts results in new insights into the relationship between types and schemas, expressions/iterators and queries, selectors and views, or functions and transactions. Furthermore, it allows the exploitation of type theory and formal semantics of programming languages and thus connects database application development with results from program specification and verification.} } @article{ScMa92, key= {ScMa92}, title= {Datenbankprogrammiersprachen}, author= {Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, volume= {15}, number= {4}, month= aug, year= {1992}, documentdirectory= {1992/ScMa92}, keywords= {survey, database programming, type systems, persistence, iteration abstraction, reflection}, comments= {## check number} } @techreport{ScMa92a, key= {ScMa92a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {The Database Programming Language {DBPL}: Rationale and Report}, institution= fidecoord, type= fiderep, number= {FIDE/92/46}, year= {1992}, month= jul, documentdirectory= {1992/ScMa92a}, keywords= {DBPL, database programming, final report}, abstract= {The database programming language DBPL is based on notion of bulk type and iteration abstraction, supports data persistence and transaction procedures, and has Modula-2 as its algorithmic kernel. This document describes the rationale behind DBPL and defines the elements of the language.}, comments= {identical to \cite{ScMa92b}} } @techreport{ScMa92b, key= {ScMa92b}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {The Database Programming Language {DBPL} - Rationale and Report}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Informatik Fachbericht}, number= {FBI-HH-B-158/92}, year= {1992}, month= nov, documentdirectory= {1992/ScMa92b}, keywords= {DBPL, database programming, final report}, abstract= {The database programming language DBPL is based on notion of bulk type and iteration abstraction, supports data persistence and transaction procedures, and has Modula-2 as its algorithmic kernel. This document describes the rationale behind DBPL and defines the lements of the language.}, comments= {identical to \cite{ScMa92a}} } @inproceedings{ScMa93, key= {ScMa93}, title= {Lean Languages and Models: Towards an Interoperable Kernel for Persistent Object Systems}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, year= {1993}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering}, pages= {2--16}, month= apr, keywords= {Tycoon, DBPL, Modules, Signatures, Bindings, Gateway}, documentdirectory= {1993/ScMa93}, abstract= {Reliable interoperation between independently developed systems frequently requires type-safe access to persistent data objects and generic services while today's system architectures and interoperation tools still focus primarily on store-level access to volatile data and simple monomorphic or untyped services. \\ In this paper, we summarize our experience gained in a long-term project that provides persistence abstractions and generic database support in a strongly typed database environment which includes optimizing gateways to commercial relational database servers and module-based distributed programming tools. To keep the presentation focussed, we make use of a uniform language model based on higher-order polymorphic types to capture the essential interoperation semantics including classical cross-language calling mechanisms, remote procedure call models as well as relational and object-based database gateways. \\ This uniform language model is also the conceptual core of the Tycoon database environment being developed at Hamburg University. Tycoon lifts Persistent Object System interoperability to a higher level of genericity and precision while further reducing overall system complexity by a lean approach to languages and models for data, execution and storage. \\ Since it is central to the concept of lean production to substantially reduce production penetration by importing and reusing external services, interoperability is crucial to our approach.} } @incollection{ScMa93a, key= {ScMa93a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Modular and Rule-Based Database Programming in {DBPL}}, pages= {85--124}, editor= {Jarke, M.}, booktitle= {Database Application Engineering with DAIDA}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, comments= {identical to \cite{ScMa91a}}, documentdirectory= {1993/ScMa93a}, abstract= {DBPL is the target language for the implementation of data-intensive applications in the DAIDA project. This paper illustrates how DBPL supports the construction of correct, modular and efficient database programs integrating well-developed compilation and database technology. \\ After an introduction to the language concepts of DBPL, two methodoligical aspects central to the implementation of database applications are discussed. The first task is the representation of the classical abstraction principles of Conceptual Modelling (classification, aggregation, generalization, and association) by typed data structures and data derivation rules in DBPL. The second aspect is the decomposition of application systems consisting of multiple interacting programs into managable, shared modules using a novel abstraction mechanism for bulk data access. \\ By presenting the use of DBPL in some detail, we intend to support our claim that a set- and predicate-oriented view of database modelling resolves the traditional mismatch between declarative database languages and their general-purpose imperative counterparts.} } @article{ScMa94, key= {ScMa94}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {The {DBPL} Project: Advances in Modular Database Programming}, journal= {Information Systems}, volume= {19}, number= {2}, pages= {121--140}, year= 1994, documentdirectory= {1994/ScMa94}, abstract= {In the DBPL project we tackled the problem of supporting data-intensive applications in a single framework, clean and simple in its conceptual foundation and free of technical mismatches. Conceptually, we based the DBPL language on Modula-2 with three built-in extensions which, at that time, were considered necessary (and sufficient) for data-intensive applications: \begin{itemize} \item a parametric bulk type constructor for ``keyed sets'' or relations; \item a module concept which supports sharing across programs and implies persistence; \item a procedure concept with transactional semantics, i.e., serializability and recovery. \end{itemize} In implementing the DBPL system we adopted a rather strict approach by aiming for \begin{itemize} \item full orthogonality in our relationally extended type space; \item type-complete persistence, i.e. longevity of data from Booleans to relations; \item functional abstraction for relational expressions including recursion. \end{itemize} As a consequence, the DBPL project covers in a quite natural way approaches otherwise considered disjoint as, for example, complex objects, multibases and data deduction.\\ In this paper, besides reporting on project achievements and spin-offs, we also present our insight in good-quality project design and its dependency on conceptual simplicity and implementational strictness. This also includes early recognition of the essential project ``terminator'' which, in our project, was Modula-2's monomorphic type system and its intrinsic restrictions on systems extensibility.\\ The DBPL project results in a mature product for modular database application programming and a follow-up project based on polymorphic types and other higher-order concepts}} @incollection{ScMa95a, key= {ScMa95a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, title= {The {DBPL} Project: Advances in Modular Database Programming}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, note= {(Reprint of [ScMa94])}, documentdirectory= {1995/ScMa95a}, abstract= { In the DBPL project we tackled the problem of supporting data-intensive applications in a single framework, clean and simple in its conceptual foundation and free of technical mismatches. Conceptually, we based the DBPL language on Modula-2 with three built-in extensions which, at that time, were considered necessary (and sufficient) for data-intensive applications: \begin{itemize} \item a parametric bulk type constructor for ``keyed sets'' or relations; \item a module concept which supports sharing across programs and implies persistence; \item a procedure concept with transactional semantics, i.e., serializability and recovery. \end{itemize} In implementing the DBPL system we adopted a rather strict approach by aiming for \begin{itemize} \item full orthogonality in our relationally extended type space; \item type-complete persistence, i.e. longevity of data from Booleans to relations; \item functional abstraction for relational expressions including recursion. \end{itemize} As a consequence, the DBPL project covers in a quite natural way approaches otherwise considered disjoint as, for example, complex objects, multibases and data deduction.\\ In this paper, besides reporting on project achievements and spin-offs, we also present our insight in good-quality project design and its dependency on conceptual simplicity and implementational strictness. This also includes early recognition of the essential project ``terminator'' which, in our project, was Modula-2's monomorphic type system and its intrinsic restrictions on systems extensibility.\\ The DBPL project results in a mature product for modular database application programming and a follow-up project based on polymorphic types and other higher-order concepts}} @incollection{ScMa95b, key= {ScMa95b}, title= {Lean Languages and Models: Towards an Interoperable Kernel for Persistent Object Systems}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Matthes, F.}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, publisher= f2publisher, year= {1995}, note= {(Reprint of [ScMa93])}, documentdirectory= {1995/ScMa95b}, abstract= { Reliable interoperation between independently developed systems frequently requires type-safe access to persistent data objects and generic services while today's system architectures and interoperation tools still focus primarily on store-level access to volatile data and simple monomorphic or untyped services.\\ In this paper, we summarize our experience gained in a long-term project that provides persistence abstractions and generic database support in a strongly typed database environment which includes optimizing gateways to commercial relational database servers and module-based distributed programming tools. To keep the presentation focussed, we make use of a uniform language model based on higher-order polymorphic types to capture the essential interoperation semantics including classical cross-language calling mechanisms, remote procedure call models as well as relational and object-based database gateways.\\ This uniform language model is also the conceptual core of the Tycoon database environment being developed at Hamburg University. Tycoon lifts Persistent Object System interoperability to a higher level of genericity and precision while further reducing overall system complexity by a lean approach to languages and models for data, execution and storage.\\ Since it is central to our concept of lean software production to substantially reduce the depth of manufacturing penetration by importing and reusing external services, interoperability is crucial to our approach.} } @inproceedings{ScPi82, key= {ScPi82}, author= {Schek, H.-J. and Pistor, P.}, title= {Data Structures for an Integrated Data Base Management and Information Retrieval System}, booktitle= vldb82, month= sep, year= {1982}, pages= {197--207} } @techreport{ScSc84, key= {ScSc84}, author= {Schek, H.-J. and Scholl, M.}, title= {An Algebra for the Relational Model with Relation-Valued Attributes}, institution= {Technische Universit\"at Darmstadt, West Germany}, type= {TR DSVI}, number= {1984-T1}, year= {1984} } @techreport{ScSo81, key= {ScSo81}, author= {Schkolnick, M. and Sorenson, P.}, title= {The Effects of Denormalization on Database Performance}, institution= {IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, California}, type= {Research Report}, number= {RJ3082}, month= mar, year= {1981} } @book{ScTh89, key= {ScTh89}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W. and Thanos, C.}, title= {Foundations of Knowledge Base Management}, series= tis, publisher= springer, year= {1989} } @article{ScYu90, key= {ScYu90}, author= {Scheuermann, P. and Yu, C.}, title= {Report of the Workshop on Heterogeneous Database Systems}, journal= {IEEE Quarterly Bulletin Database Engineering}, month= dec, volume= {13}, number= {4}, pages= {3--11}, year= {1990} } @inproceedings{ScZe93, author= {Schael, T. and Zeller, B.}, title= {Workflow Management Systems for Financial Services}, booktitle= coocs93, pages= {142--153}, year= {1993}, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {action workflow, cscw, workflow} } @book{SchB83, key= {SchB83}, editor= {J. W. Schmidt and M. L. Brodie}, title= {Relational Database Systems: Analysis and Comparison}, publisher= springer, year= {1983}, } @techreport{SchMa92, key= {SchMa92}, author= {Schr\"oder, G. and Matthes, F.}, title= {Using the {Tycoon} Compiler Toolkit}, institution= hbg-info, type= {DBIS Tycoon Report}, number= {061-92}, year= {1992}, month= may, documentdirectory= {1992/SchMa92}, keywords= {Tycoon, compiler generator, lexical analyzer, scanner, parser}, abstract= {This document explains the structure and the use of the Tycoon compiler toolkit, a library of generic modules in the Tycoon system library implemented in P-Quest including a strongly-typed LL(1) parser generator.} } @incollection{Sche81, key= {Sche81}, author= {Schek, H.-J.}, title= {Methods for the administration of textual data in database systems}, editor= {Oddy and Robinson and Van Rijsbergen and Williams}, booktitle= {Information Retrieval Research}, publisher= {Buttersworth, London}, year= {1981}, pages= {218--235} } @article{Sche88, key= {Sche88}, author= {Schek H.-J.}, title= {DASDB: A Kernel DBMS and Application Specific Layers}, editor= {Carey, M.}, journal= {Database Engineering, Special Issue on Extensible Database Systems}, volume= 10, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1987}, keywords= {DASDBS project review, good references, extensibility aspects, multi-level transactions} } @book{Sche94, author= {Scheer, A.-W.}, title= {Wirtschaftsinformatik, Referenzmodelle f\"ur industrielle Gesch\"aftsprozesse}, publisher= springer, year= {1994}, note= {(4. Auflage)}, keywords= {workflow, coordination, ARIS toolset, business process, modeling, object-oriented??}, owner= {Pressmar, A SCH #20340 66818}, } @phdthesis{Sche94b, author= {Schewe, K.-D.}, title= {Specification of Data-Intensive Application Systems}, year= {1994}, school= {Technische Universit\"at Cottbus} } @article{Schi91, author= {A. Schill}, title= {Distributed system and execution model for office environments}, journal= {Computer Communications}, year= {1991}, volume= {14}, number= {8}, pages= {478--488}, month= oct, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {CSCW, workflow management}, } @mastersthesis{Schi94, key= {Schi94}, author= {Bernd Schilder}, title= {Graphische Benutzeroberfl\"ache f\"ur STYLE: Integration von Funktionen zur Datenmodellierung und Codegenerierung}, school= hbg-info, month= dec, year= {1994} } @inproceedings{Schm77a, key= {Schm77a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Some High Level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation}, booktitle= sigmod77, month= aug, year= {1977}, keywords= {Pascal/R}, } @inproceedings{Schm77b, key= {Schm77b}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Some High Level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation}, booktitle= sigmod77, month= aug, year= {1977}, keywords= {Pascal/R}, note= {(Also appeared in ACM TODS, 2(3), September, 1977 and A. Wasserman (editor), IEEE Tutorial on Programming Language Design, and M. Stonebreaker (editor), Readings in Database Systems, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1988 and 1993)} } @incollection{Schm78, key= {Schm78}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Type Concepts for Database Definition}, booktitle= {Databases: Improving Usability and Responsiveness}, editor= {Shneiderman, B.}, publisher= academic-press, year= {1978} } @techreport{Schm80, key= {Schm80}, author= {Schmidt, J.W. and Mall, M.}, title= {{Pascal/R} Report}, institution= hbg-info, type= {Bericht}, number= 66, month= jan, year= {1980} } @book{Schm83a, key= {Schm83a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Sprachen f\"ur Datenbanken}, series= {Informatik Fachberichte 72}, publisher= springer, year= {1983} } @incollection{Schm84, key= {Schm84}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Database Programming: Language Constructs and Execution Models}, editor= {Ammann, U.}, booktitle= {Programmiersprachen und Programmentwicklung}, publisher= springer, year= {1984}, pages= {1--25}, keywords= {Selectors, early DBPL}} } @incollection{Schm87a, key= {Schm87a}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Datenbankmodelle}, chapter= 1, editor= {Lockemann, P.C. and Schmidt, J.W}, booktitle= {Datenbank-Handbuch}, publisher= springer, year= {1987} } @unpublished{Schm87b, key= {Schm87b}, author= {Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Semantics of Selective Set Assignment}, address= ffm-info, note= {(Technical note)}, month= dec, year= {1988} } @mastersthesis{Schr90, key= {Schr90}, author= {Norbert Schramek}, title= {Hierarchische Sperren auf komplexen Objekten}, school= ffm-info, month= aug, year= {1990}, } @mastersthesis{Schr91, key= {Schr91}, author= {Schr\"oder, G.}, title= {Studienarbeit: Die Standardisierung von Modula-2}, school= hbg-info, month= nov, year= {1991}, keywords= {DBPL Compiler, Modula-2, Compiler construction} } @mastersthesis{Schr93, key= {Schr93}, author= {Schr\"oder, G.}, title= {Syntaktische Erweiterbarkeit von Programmiersprachen unter Benennungs-, Bindungs- und Typisierungsinvarianzen}, school= hbg-info, month= aug, year= {1993} } @inproceedings{SeSc83, key= {SeSc83}, author= {Schek, H.-J. and Scholl, M.}, title= {Die NF$^{2}$-Relationenalgebra zur einheitlichen Manipulation externer, konzeptueller und interner Datenstrukturen}, editor= {Schmidt, J.W.}, pages= {113-133}, booktitle= {Sprachen f\"ur Datenbanken}, publisher= springer, month= oct, year= {1983} } @book{Sebe89, key= {Sebe89}, author= {Sebesta, R.W.}, title= {Concepts of Programming Languages}, publisher= benjamin-cummings, series= {Benjamin/Cummings Series in Computer Science}, year= {1989}, keywords= {good examples, binding, typing, naming, implementation, mainly imperative programming languages, nice historic stories}, comments= {Signatur: P SEB 13780} } @inproceedings{Send82, key= {Send82}, author= {Sendberg, D.}, title= {{LITHE:} A language combining a flexible syntax and classes}, booktitle= popl82, year= 1982, pages= {142--145}, keywords= {extensible syntax, macros} } @book{ShMe88, author= {Shlaer, S. and Mellor, S.J.}, title= {Object-Oriented Analyis: Modeling the World in Data}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1988}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @book{ShMe92, author= {Shlaer, S. and Mellor, S.J.}, title= {Object-Lifecycles: Modeling the World in States}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1992}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @book{ShWe86, key= {ShWe86}, title= {Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming}, editor= {Shriver, B. and Wegner, P.}, year= {1987}, publisher= mit-press, comments= {Signatur: K OBJ 13714} } @article{Shap86, key= {Shap86}, author= {Shapiro, L.}, title= {Join Processing in Database Systems with Large Main Memories}, journal= tods, month= sep, year= {1986}, keywords= {Hash-Join algorithm} } @techreport{Shap93, author= {Shapiro, M.}, title= {Flexible Bindings for Fine-Grain and Fragmented Objects in Distributed Systems}, institution= inria, year= {1993}, month= aug, type= {Rapport de Recherche}, number= 2007, keywords= {Migration} } @techreport{Shaw87, key= {Shaw87}, author= {Shaw, R.A.}, title= {Improving Garbage Collector Performance in Virtual Memory}, institution= {Stanford University}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {CSL-TR-87-323}, month= mar, year= {1987}, keywords= {garbage collection} } @mastersthesis{Shen94, key= {Shen94}, author= {Kai Shen}, title= {Zwei Implementierungen von B-B\"aumen im Vergleich}, school= hbg-info, month= apr, year= {1994} } @incollection{Shep88, key= {Shep88}, author= {J. C. Shepherdson}, title= {Negation in Logic Programming}, booktitle= {Foundations of Deductive Databases}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1988}, editor= {J. Minker}, pages= {19--88}, } @article{Ship81, key= {Ship81}, author= {Shipman, D.W.}, title= {The Functional Data Model and the Data Language DAPLEX}, journal= tods, volume= 6, number= 1, year= {1981}, pages= {140--173} } @article{Shop79, key= {Shop79}, author= {Shopiro, J.E.}, title= {Theseus -- A programming language for relational databases}, journal= tods, volume= 4, number= 4, month= dec, year= {1979}, pages= {493--517}, keywords= {Theseus, early relational dbpls} } @inproceedings{Silv95, author= {Mira da Silva, M.}, title= {Automating Type-safe {RPC}}, booktitle= {In Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Distributed Object Management, Taipeh, Taiwan}, month= mar, year= {1995}, series= {IEEE Computer Society Press}, keywords= {RPC, persistent object stores, Napier88}, } @article{SmSm77, key= {SmSm77}, author= {Smith, J.M. and Smith, D.C.P.}, title= {Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization}, journal= tods, volume= 2, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1977}, pages= {105--133} } @inproceedings{Solo78, key= {Solo78}, title= {Type Definitions with Parameters}, author= {Solomon, M.}, month= jan, year= {1978}, booktitle= popl78, pages= {31--38}, keywords= {type checking, type operators, recursive types, decidability} } @inproceedings{Spec87, key= {Spec87}, author= {A.Z. Spector}, title= {Distributed Transaction Processing and the {C}amelot System}, booktitle= {Distributed Operating Systems -- Theory and Practice}, year= {1987}, editor= {Y. Paker and J.-P. Banatre and M. Bozygit}, pages= {331--353}, publisher= springer } @techreport{SrWa92, author= {Srivastava, A. and Wall, D.W.}, title= {A Practical System for Intermodule Code Optimization at Link-Time}, institution= {DEC WRL Research Report}, number= {92/6}, year= {1992}, keywords= {optimization, run-time, abstraction barriers} } @article{StGi90, key= {StGi90}, author= {Stamos, J.W. and Gifford, D.K.}, title= {Remote Evaluation}, journal= toplas, volume= 12, number= 4, year= {1990}, pages= {537--565}, keywords= {remote execution engines, distributed programming, CLU (?), REV as a language construct. Stamos Dissertation.} } @inproceedings{StHa90, key= {StHa90}, author= {Staudt-Lerner, B. and Habermann, A.N.}, title= {Beyond Schema Evolution to Database Reorganization}, booktitle= oopsla90, year= {1990}, pages= {67--76}, keywords= {Declarative Mapping from existing DB to new DB. Formal definition of transformation invariants}, comment= {have a closer look ##} } @inproceedings{StHe87, key= {StHe87}, title= {Tags and Type Checking in LISP: Hardware and Software Approaches}, author= {Steenkiste, P. and Hennessy, J.}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, year= {1987}, pages= {50--59}, keywords= {data representation, tagging, frequency of operations, conclusion: use least significant bits} } @inproceedings{StSh91, key= {StSh91}, author= {Stemple, D. and Sheard, T.}, title= {A Recursive Base for Database Programming Primitives}, booktitle= eastwest91, series= lncs, volume= {504}, month= apr, year= {1991}, keywords= {TRPL, set iteration, bulk types, structural recursion} } @unpublished{Stam95, key= {Stam95}, author= {Stamer, S.}, title= {Position Paper: Workflow Enactment with Tycoon and StP Core}, year= 1995, month= jun, note= {(Unpublished article, available through DBIS, Fachbereich Informatik, Universit\"at Hamburg)}, documentdirectory= {1995/Stam95}, abstract= {We present an overview of our current work with the StP Tool at DBIS and a brief introduction to our research goals. We argue that an extended use of the StP Tool would enable us to implement our newly developed methods for activity-oriented information systems and that these R\&D activities are of considerable interest for the StP user community. Based on the description of our workflow environment we point out the need for expanded access to the StP object mappings. Finally, we present related DBIS projects. }} @article{Stan75, key= {Stan75}, author= {T. A. Standish}, title= {Extensibility in language design}, journal= sigplan, volume= 10, number= 7, year= {1975}, pages= {18--21}, keywords= {extensible syntax, early work} } @phdthesis{Stan86, key= {Stan86}, author= {Stanley, M.T.}, title= {{CML}: A Knowledge Representation Language with Application to Requirements Modelling}, school= {Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto}, month= jan, year= {1986}, keywords= {CML, (basis for SML, Telos, ConceptBase)} } @inproceedings{Stan88, key= {Stan88}, author= {Stansifer, R.}, title= {Type Inference with Subtypes}, booktitle= popl88, year= {1988}, pages= {88--97}, keywords= {Cardelli-like polymorphism with ML-style type inference, record extension} } @manual{Stard93, key= {Stard93}, title= {StarView C++ Class Library, Version 2.0}, organization= {Star Division, Software Development}, address= {Postfach 2830, D-2120 Lueneburg, FRG}, year= 1993, keywords= {GUI, C++, class library} } @techreport{Stee78, key= {Stee78}, author= {Steele, G.L.}, title= {Rabbit: A Compiler for {Scheme}}, institution= {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year= {1978}, month= may, keywords= {compiler optimization, transformation, continuation passing} } @article{Stee86, key= {Stee86}, author= {Steele, {G.L. Jr}}, title= {The Revised$^3$ Report on the Algorithmic Language {Scheme}}, journal= sigplan, volume= 21, number= 12, month= dec, year= {1986}, pages= {37--79}, keywords= {Language report Scheme, statically scoped Lisp} } @book{Stee89, key= {Stee89}, author= {Steele, D.J.}, title= {Golden Common Lisp: A Hands-On Approach}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1989}, keywords= {lisp, introduction, programming} } @book{Stee90, key= {Stee90}, author= {Steele, Jr., G.~L.}, title= {Common Lisp: The Language}, publisher= {Digital Press}, edition= {2nd}, year= {1990}, keywords= {Lisp, language report} } @article{Stei93, author= {Stein, W.}, title= {Objektorientierte Analysemethoden - ein Vergleich}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, year= {1993}, volume= {16}, number= {6?}, pages= {317--332}, keywords= {OOS, OOD, OSA, Booch, Rumbaugh, Martin, Odell, Coad Yourdon, ..., survey, comparison, modeling, analysis, design, not so good} } @book{Ston86, key= {Ston86}, title= {The INGRES Papers: Anatomy of a Relational Database System}, editor= {Stonebraker, M.}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1986}, keywords= {Design, Retrospective, Distribution, User Interfaces, Extended Semantics, Database Design}, comments= {Signatur: P ING 14233} } @article{Ston90, key= {Ston90}, title= {Special Issue on Database Prototype Systems}, author= {Stonebraker, M.}, journal= {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, volume= 2, number= 1, month= mar, year= {1990}, keywords= {excellent collection of papers: DASDBS, Bubba, Gamma, Iris, LDL, O2, ORION, POSTGRES, Starburst, System M}, comments= {FBIHH} } @article{Ston90a, key= {Ston90a}, author= {Stonebraker, M.}, title= {Architecture of Future Data Base Systems}, journal= {IEEE Quarterly Bulletin Database Engineering}, month= dec, volume= 13, number= 4, pages= {18--23}, year= {1990} } @techreport{Store-Deliverable, key= {Store-Deliverable}, author= {Rabitti, F.}, title= {Persistent System Architectures, Deliverable, ID6}, institution= {ESPRIT Basic Research Action 6309, FIDE$_2$}, year= {1993}, month= aug} @book{Stoy77, key= {Stoy77}, author= {Stoy, J.E.}, title= {Denotational semantics: the Scott-Strachey approach to programming language theory}, publisher= mit-press, year= {1977}, keywords= {classic reference for denotational semantics} } @book{Stra67, key= {Stra67}, editor= {Strachey, C.}, title= {Fundamental concepts in programming languages}, publisher= oxford-press, year= {1967}, comments= {Read again ##} } @book{Stro86, key= {Stro86}, author= {Stroustrup, B.}, title= {The C++ Reference Manual}, publisher= addison-wesley , year= {1986} } @inproceedings{Swen93, key= {Swen93}, author= {Swenson, K.D.}, title= {Visual Support for Reengineering Work Processes}, booktitle= coocs93, year= {1993}, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {visual language, collaboration, work flow, process modeling, business process reengineering, scripts, state charts} } @book{Swit93, author= {Switzer, R.}, title= {Eiffel. An Introduction}, publisher= prentice, year= 1993, keywords= {fbibi P SWI 19264}, } @techreport{Szy91, key= {Szy91}, author= {Szyperski, C.A.}, title= {Write -- An Extensible Text Editor for the Oberon System}, number= 151, institution= eth, month= jan, year= {1991} } @techreport{TDF91a, key= {TDF91a}, title= {{TDF} Specification}, author= {{RSRE}}, institution= {Defense Research Agency, RSRE}, address= {St. Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR 14 3PS, UK}, note= {(2 parts)}, year= {1991}, month= oct, keywords= {ANDF, TDF, Architecture Neutral Distribution Format, Intermediate Representaion, Tagging, compiler, front-end, back end, UNCOL, data representation} } @techreport{TDF91b, key= {TDF91b}, title= {Some Examples of Mapping {ANSI C} to {TDF}}, author= {{RSRE}}, institution= {Defense Research Agency, RSRE}, address= {St. Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR 14 3PS, UK}, year= {1991}, month= oct, keywords= {Intermediate representation, UNCOL} } @manual{TRPL90, key= {TRPL90}, author= {Sheard, T.}, title= {A user's guide to {TRPL}: {A} compile-time reflective programming language}, organization= {University of Massachusetts}, year= {1990} } @article{TYF86, key= {TYF86}, author= {Teorey, T.J. and Yang, D. and Fry, J.P.}, title= {A logical design methodology for relational databases using the extended entity relationship model}, journal= acmcs, volume= 18, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1986}, pages= {197--222}, } @book{TaCa93, key= {TaCa93}, editor= {Tapscott, D. and Caston, A.}, itle= {Paradigm Shift -- The New Promise of Information Technology}, year= {1993}, publisher= mcgraw, keywords= {CSCW} } @article{Tars55, key= {Tars55}, author= {Tarski, A.}, title= {A Lattice Theoretical Fixpoint Theorem and its Applications}, journal= {Pacific J. Mathematics}, volume= 5, number= 2, month= jun, year= {1955}, pages= {285--309} } @article{Tayl85, key= {Tayl85}, author= {Taylor, R.}, title= {Information values in decision contexts}, journal= {Information Management Review}, year= {1985}, volume= 1, number= 1, keywords= {CSCW, Information retrieval, composition="value-adding"} } @inproceedings{Tayl87, key= {Tayl87}, author= {Taylor, R.W.}, title= {Data Server Architectures: Experiences and Lessons}, year= {1987}, booktitle= {Proceedings Canadian Information Processing Society Conference, Edmonton}, pages= {334--342} } @article{Tedo91, key= {Tedo91}, author= {Teodosiu, D.}, title= {{HARE}: An Optimizing Portable Compiler for {Scheme}}, journal= sigplan, volume= {26}, number= {1}, month= jan, year= {1991}, pages= {109--120}, keywords= {Assignment Conversion, Cell Conversion, Code Generation, Continuation Passing Style, Abstract Machines, Register Machines} } @techreport{Teit75, key= {Teit75}, author= {Teitelman, W.}, title= {INTERLISP reference manual}, institution= {Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, California}, type= {Technical Report}, year= {1975} } @article{Tes85, key= {Tes85}, author= {Tesler, L.}, title= {Object Pascal Report}, journal= {Structured Language World}, volume= 9, number= 3, year= {1985}, keywords= {Apple Computer, Niklaus Wirth} } @phdthesis{Toft88, key= {Toft88}, author= {Tofte, M.}, title= {Operational Semantics and Polymorphic Type Inference}, school= {Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh}, year= {1988}, keywords= {reduction rules for run time evaluation of functional languages} } @inproceedings{Tolk93, author= {R. Tolksdorf}, title= {{Laura: A Coordination Language for Open Distributed Systems}}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Conference of Distributed Computing Systems}, year= {1993}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {CSCW, Coordination, Transaction}, } @book{TrDa88, key= {TrDa88}, title= {Constructivism in Mathematics - An Introduction}, publisher= north-holland, year= {1988}, author= {Troelstra, A.S. and van Dalen, D.}, volume= {121}, series= {Studies in Logic}, keywords= {A good introduction into the terminology & history, intuitionistic logic, historic overview, Logic, Arithmethic, Non-classical axioms, real numbers} } @book{Trind90, key= {Trind90}, author= {Trinder, P.}, title= {A Functional Database}, publisher= {D.Phil Thesis, Oxford University}, month= dec, year= {1989}, keywords= {query optimization, list comprehension, concurrency control using language construct optimistic if} } @inproceedings{Trind91, key= {Trind91}, author= {Trinder, P.}, title= {Comprehensions, a Query Notation for {DBPLs}}, booktitle= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, month= sep, year= {1991}, keywords= {(list) comprehensions, ringads, monads, quads, brief comparison} } @book{TsLo82, key= {TsLo82}, author= {Tsichritzis, D.C. and Lochovsky, F.H.}, title= {Data Models}, publisher= prentice, year= {1982}, comments= {relevant book despite its age, Signatur: P TSI 7398}, keywords= {Data Modeling, Sets, Abstractions, Relations, Graphs, Relational, Network, Hierarchical, Semantical, Binary Data Models} } @inproceedings{TsZa86, key= {TsZa86}, author= {Tsur, S. and Zaniolo, C.}, title= {LDL: a logic-based data language}, booktitle= vldb86, month= aug, year= {1986} } @proceedings{TuKa92, key= {TuKa92}, title= cscw92, publisher= acm-press, editor= {Turner, J. and Kraut, R.}, year= 1992, keywords= {CSCW} } @inproceedings{Turn85, key= {Turn85}, author= {Turner, D.A.}, title= {Miranda: A non-strict functional language with polymorphic types}, editor= {Jouannaud, J.P.}, booktitle= {Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture}, series= lncs, volume= 201, year= {1985}, pages= {1--16}, keywords= {Miranda is based on SASL, KRC, successors are Haskell and Orwell} } @incollection{Turn90, key= {Turn90}, author= {Turner, D.}, title= {An Overview of Miranda}, pages= {1--16}, editor= {Turner, D.}, booktitle= {Research Topics in Functional Programming}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1990} } @book{Turn93, key= {Turn93}, title= {Using Formal Description Techniques, An Introduction to Estelle, Lotos and SDL}, editor= {Turner, K.}, year= {1993}, publisher= wiley, series= {Wiley series in communication and distributed systems}, keywords= {Activities, Processes, Threads ,...} } @Misc{Tyco92, key= {Tyco92}, title= {{WWW} Home Page for the {Tycoon} Project}, howpublished= {http://\-idom-www.\-informatik.\-uni-hamburg.de/\-Projects/\-Tycoon/\-entry.html}, year= {1992}, keywords= {Tycoon, WWW, Home Page} } @book{Ullm82, key= {Ullm82}, author= {Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Principles of Database Systems}, publisher= {Computer Science Press} , edition= {second}, year= {1982} } @inproceedings{Ullm87, key= {Ullm87}, author= {Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Database Theory --- Past and Future}, booktitle= {6th PODS} , year= {1987}, pages= {1--10} } @book{Ullm88, key= {Ullm88}, author= {Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, vol. 1}, publisher= {Computer Science Press}, year= {1988}, } @book{Ullm89, key= {Ullm89}, author= {Ullman, J.D.}, title= {Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, vol. 2}, publisher= {Computer Science Press}, year= {1989}, keywords= {Signatur: P ULL 15642 Query Optimization, Logic with function symbols, top-down, bottom-up, conjunctive queries, linear recursions, knowledge-base systems} } @inproceedings{UnSm87, key= {UnSm87}, author= {Ungar, D. and Smith, R.B.}, title= {Self: The Power of Simplicity}, booktitle= oopsla87, month= oct, year= {1987}, keywords= {Self, optimization, object-based inheritance, optimization, prototypes} } @techreport{VBD89, key= {VBD89}, author= {Velez, F. and Bernard, G. and Darnis, V.}, title= {The O$_{2}$ Object Manager: an Overview}, institution= altair, year= {1989}, month= feb, number= {27--89}, type= {Rapport Technique}, keywords= {O2, clustering, object stores} } @inproceedings{VKC86, key= {VKC86}, author= {Valduriez, P. and Khoshafian, G. and Copeland, G.}, title= {Implementation Techniques of Complex Objects}, booktitle= vldb86, month= aug, year= {1986}, keywords= {FAD, object stores, NF2} } @inproceedings{Valk95, author= {Valk, R.}, title= {Petri Nets as Dynamical Objects}, booktitle= {Proc. Workshop on Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency, Torino}, month= jun, year= {1995}, keywords= {WFM, workflow, business process, petri nets, modelling, higher level petri nets} } @techreport{Viei86, key= {Viei86}, author= {L. Vieille}, title= {A database complete proof procedure based on SLD resolution}, institution= {ECRC, M"unchen}, year= {1986}, month= nov, number= {Internal Repport IR-KB-40}, } @inproceedings{Viei88, key= {Viei88}, author= {L. Vieille}, title= {From QSQ to QoSaQ: global optimization of recursive queries}, booktitle= {Proceedings Second International Conference on Expert Database Systems}, year= {1988}, editor= {L. Kerschberg} } @techreport{Voda95, title= {VODAK V4.0 User Manual}, institution= {Gesellschaf f\"ur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung}, type= {Technical Report}, number= {910}, address= {Sankt Augustin, Germany}, month= apr, year= {1995}, keywords= {VODAK, OODBMS, Object Oriented, Database System, Prototype, now implemented on top of ObjectStore, public domain, query language with side-effects: ACCESS exp FROM ... WHERE instead of SFW}, } @article{W*81, key= {W*81}, author= {Wasserman, A.L. and Sheretz, D.D. and Kerstin, M.L.}, title= {Revised Report on the Programming Language PLAIN}, journal= sigplan, volume= 16, number= 5, month= may, year= {1981}, pages= {59--80} } @article{WBJ90, key= {WBJ90}, author= {Wirfs-Brock, R. and Johnson, R.}, title= {Current research in object-oriented design}, journal= cacm, year= {1990}, volume= {33}, number= {9}, pages= {105--124}, month= sep } @book{WBWW90, author= {Wirfs-Brock, R. and Wilkerson, B. and Wiener, L.}, title= {Designing Object-Oriented Software}, publisher= prentice, year= {1990}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @Misc{WFMC95, key= {WFMC95}, title= {{WWW} Home Page of the {Workflow Management Coalition}}, howpublished= {http://\-www.www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/WfMC/}, year= {1992}, keywords= {workflow, reference model, standards, business process, RFC, papers published} } @inproceedings{WK92, author= {Wilson, P.R. and Kakkad, S.V.}, title= {Pointer Swizzling at Page Fault Time: Efficiently and Compatibly Supporting Huge Address Spaces on Standard Hardware}, booktitle= {International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems}, year= {1992}, note= {Available at ftp://cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/swizz.ps}, keywords= {Texas Object Store, Similar to ObjectStore}, } @unpublished{WMS93, key= {WMS93}, title= {Elements of Style}, author= {Wetzel, I. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, institution= hbg-info, month= aug, year= {1993}, note= {(Unpublished manuscript)} } @incollection{WMS95, key= {WMS95}, author= {Wetzel, I. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {The {STYLE} Data Modeling Workbench: Systematics of Typed Language Environments}, editor= f2editor, booktitle= f2booktitle, year= {1995}, publisher= f2publisher, note= {(Also appeared as TR FIDE/95/139)}, documentdirectory= {1995/WMS95}, abstract= { STYLE is a method to systematically construct a customized development environment (CDE) for a given high-level data model by exploiting and extending an existing persistent programming environment along three dimensions. \\ On the functional dimension, polymorphic types and higher-order functions are used to extend the system functionality with new generic services and through the integration of external tools. On the operational dimension, orthogonal persistence is provided for application and meta data related to design objects. Finally, on the modal dimension, reflective capabilities of persistent programming environments make it possible to view data as executable code and vice versa. This is used in a CDE to switch dynamically between different modes of a design object. \\ The STYLE approach is illustrated by a concrete CDE implemented for an object-oriented data model exploiting and extending the Tycoon persistent programming environment. This STYLE workbench provides integrated graphical and textual modeling tools, generation support and data model animation.} } @techreport{WNS89, key= {WNS89}, author= {Wetzel, I. and Niebergall, P. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {A Mapping Assistant for Database Program Development}, institution= ffm-info, type= {Esprit Project 892}, number= {WP/IMP 1.d}, month= mar, year= {1989} } @incollection{WSSB93, key= {WSSB93}, author= {Wetzel, I. and Schewe, K.-D. and Schmidt, J.W. and Borgida, A.}, title= {Specification and Refinement of Databases}, pages= {283--318}, editor= {Jarke, M.}, booktitle= {Database Application Engineering with {DAIDA}}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, comments= {identical to \cite{SSW91a}}, abstract= {Traditionally, substantial portion of database application semantics are captured through static and dynamic integrity constraints. The work reported in this paper exploits this fact by interpreting such database constraints as invariants and pre- and postconditions in the style of 'Z'.\\ Database applications are specified by a conceptual modelling language close to TAXIS, which has been enriched by constructs for a predicative specification style. Conceptual designs of database applications are formally analyzed for consistency and are refined, step by step, into efficient extended relational implementations. The reification of designs into implementations uses the formal framework of Abrial's Abstract Machines and generalized substitutions.\\ It is shown that a small set of standard refinement rules is sufficient for a wide class of refinements. Furthermore, it is argued that the proposed {\it proof}-based approach has significant advantages over the traditional database technique, which tests constraints expensively at transaction commit time.} } @inproceedings{WWFT88, key= {WWFT88}, author= {Wileden, J.C. and Wolf, A.L. and Fisher, C.D. and Tarr, P.L.}, title= {PGraphite: An Experiment in Persistent Typed Object Management}, booktitle= {Proc. SIGSOFT Symp. on Software Development Environments}, month= nov, year= {1988}, pages= {130--142}, keywords= {ADA extension with persistence, object stores, preprocessor } } @book{WaGo85, key= {WaGo85}, author= {Waite, W.M. and Goos, G.}, title= {Compiler Construction}, publisher= springer, series= tmcs, year= {1985}, keywords= {compiler, scanner, parser, attribute grammars} } @book{WaJo93, author= {Wakeman, L. and Jowett, J.}, title= {PCTE. The Standard for Open Repositories}, publisher= prentice, year= {1993}, keywords= {CASE, object store, data model, architecture, OODBMS, repository, standard}, } @article{WaRe90, key= {WaRe90}, author= {W{\"a}chter, H. and Reuter, A.}, title= {Grundkonzepte und Realisierungsstrategien des ConTract-Modells}, journal= {Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung}, volume= 5, year= {1990}, pages= {202--212}, keywords= {Script, transactions, activities, steps, persistent processes, fault tolerance, migrating transactions} } @InCollection{WaRe91, author= {H. W\"achter and A. Reuter}, title= {{The ConTract Model}}, booktitle= {Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991}, editor= {A.K. Elmagarmid}, pages= {219--263}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination, Transaction}, } @incollection{WaWi93, author= {Wastell, D.G. and White, P.}, title= {Using Process Technology to Support Cooperative Work: Prospects and Design Issues}, booktitle= {CSCW in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies}, publisher= springer, year= {1993}, editor= {Diaper, D. and Sanger, C.}, keywords= {CSCW}, owner= {fbibib, A CSC #19043 63518}, } @inproceedings{Wadl90, key= {Wadl90}, author= {Wadler, P.}, title= {Comprehending Monads}, booktitle= {ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming}, address= {Nice}, month= jun, year= {1990}, comments= {FM has copy}, keywords= {Monads, list comprehensions, arrays in pure / impure functional programming, iterators, bulk structures} } @inproceedings{Wai89, author= {Wai, F.}, title= {Distributed {PS}-algol}, booktitle= {In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Persistent Object Store Systems, Newcastle, NSW}, month= jan, year= {1989}, editor= {Rosenber, R. and Koch, D.}, publisher= springer, pages= {126--140}, keywords= {DPS-algol, remote references}, } @inproceedings{Wand84, key= {Wand84}, author= {Wand, M.}, title= {A types-as-sets semantics for {Milner}-style polymorphism}, booktitle= popl84, month= jan, year= {1984}, pages= {158--164}, keywords= {use regular trees to represent recursive types} } @inproceedings{Wand87, key= {Wand87}, author= {Wand, M.}, title= {Complete Type Inference for Simple Objects}, booktitle= lics87, month= jun, year= {1987}, pages= {37--44}, keywords= {Type Inference for Record Types, Subtyping} } @article{Wass75, key= {Wass75}, author= {A.L. Wasserman}, title= {Issues in programming language design --- an overview}, journal= sigplan, volume= 10, number= 7, month= jul, year= 1975, pages= {10--11} } @inproceedings{Wass79, key= {Wass79}, author= {Wasserman, A.L.}, title= {The Data Management Facilities of PLAIN}, booktitle= sigmod79, year= {1979}, pages= {60--70} } @inproceedings{Wass80, key= {Wass80}, author= {Wasserman, A.L.}, title= {The Design of PLAIN --- Support for Systematic Programming}, booktitle= {Proceedings National Computing Conference}, year= {1980}, pages= {731--740} } @article{Wate91, key= {Wate91}, author= {Waters, R.C.}, title= {System Validation via Constraint Modeling}, journal= sigplan, volume= 26, number= 8, month= aug, year= {1991}, pages= {27--36}, keywords= {types=constraints, type checking=constraint propagation, validation in general=theorem prooving, applications from physics, domain-specific constraints} } @book{Watt90, key= {Watt90}, author= {Watt, D.A.}, publisher= prentice, year= {1990}, title= {Programming language concepts and paradigms}, series= {Prentice Hall international series in computer science}, comments= {better than Sebesta, modern paradigms} } @article{Wayn94, author= {Wayner, P.}, title= {Agents Away}, journal= {BYTE}, year= {1994}, pages= {113--118}, month= may, keywords= {Network Agents, Telescript, Internet, survey}, } @article{WeCr93, key= {WeCr93}, author= {Weise, D. and Crew, R.}, title= {Programmable Syntax Macros}, journal= sigplan, volume= 28, number= 6, year= {1993}, pages= {156--165}, keywords= {Syntax extensions, compiler compiler, macros, context sensitivity, C based, name clashes}, comments= {Microsoft Research Laboratory, GS has copy} } @article{WeLi81, key= {WeLi81}, author= {Weihl, B. and Liskov, B.}, title= {Specification and Implementation of Resilient Atomic Data Types}, journal= sigplan, volume= 16, number= 5, month= may, year= {1981}, keywords= {Argus standard reference} } @inproceedings{WeZd88, key= {WeZd88}, author= {Wegner, P. and Zdonik, S.B.}, title= {Inheritance as an Incremental Modification Mechanism, or What Like is and isn't Like}, booktitle= ecoop88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= 322, year= {1988} } @incollection{Wegn87, key= {Wegn87}, author= {Wegner, P.}, title= {The object-oriented classification paradigm}, editor= {Shriver, B. and Wegner, P.}, booktitle= {Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming}, publisher= mit-press, pages= {479--560}, year= {1987} } @inproceedings{Wegn87b, key= {Wegn87b}, author= {Wegner, P.}, title= {Dimensions of object-based language design}, booktitle= oopsla87, year= {1987}, } @book{Wei88, key= {Wei88}, author= {Weikum, G.}, title= {Transaktionen in Datenbanken: Fehlertolerante Steuerung paralleler Abl\"aufe}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1988}, keywords= {multi-level concurrency control and recover, DASDBS} } @book{Weis91, key= {Weis91}, author= {Weiss, M.A.}, title= {Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis}, publisher= benjamin-cummings, year= {1991}, comments= {Good references, good introduction for lectures}, keywords= {Average / Worst-Case Time, List, Tree, Stack, Binary Tree, Search Tree, AVL Tree, Splay Tree, B-Trees, Open Hashing, Closed Hashing, Collision, Extendible Hashing, Priority Queues, Heaps, Binary Heap, d-Heap, Leftist Heaps, Skew Heaps, Binomial Queues, Sorting, Internal, External, Disjoint Sets, Graph Algorithms, Shortest Path, Network Flow, Minimum Spanning Tree, Undirected Grpahs, Biconnectivity, Euler Circuits, Directed Graphs, Strong Components} } @mastersthesis{Wetz90, author= {Ingrid Wetzel}, title= {Formale Unterst{\"u}tzung bei der Datenbankprogrammierung}, school= ffm-info, month= jan, year= {1990} } @phdthesis{Wetz94, key= {Wetz94}, author= {Wetzel, I.}, title= {Programmieren mit {STYLE}: {\"U}ber die systematische Entwicklung von Programmierumgebungen}, school= hbg-info, month= jul, publisher= {Europ\"aische Hochschulschriften}, year= {1994} } @inproceedings{WhDW94, key= {WhDW94}, author= {White, S. and DeWitt, D.}, title= {A performance study of alternative object faulting and pointer swizzling strategies}, booktitle= vldb92, year= {1992}, keywords= {storage management, preliminaries for QuickStore presented at SIGMOD94?} } @techreport{Whit94, author= {White, J.E}, title= {Telescript Technology: The Foundation for the Electronic Marketplace}, institution= {General Magic Inc.}, address= {Mountain View, California, USA}, year= {1994}, type= {White Paper}, keywords= {Telescript, Agents, Internet, Migrating Threads}, } @book{WiFl86, key= {WiFl86}, editor= {Winograd, T. and Flores, C.F.}, title= {Understanding computers and cognition -- a new foundation for design}, year= {1986}, publisher= {Ablex Publishing Coorporation, Norwood, New Jersey}, keywords= {action/language perspective on CSCW}, owner= {fbibib} } @book{Wiks87, key= {Wiks87}, author= {Wikstr\"om, A.}, title= {Functional Programming using {Standard ML}}, publisher= prentice, year= {1987}, comments= {not the best possible introduction}, keywords= {SML, functional languages} } @inproceedings{Wink93, author= {A. Winckler}, title= {{Dezentrale Ablaufsteuerung in Verteilten Systemen}}, booktitle= {Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen}, year= {1993}, editor= {N. Gerner and H.-G. Hegering and J. Swoboda}, pages= {302--316}, publisher= springer, month= may, note= {ITG/GI--Fachtagung}, owner= {km-p}, keywords= {Coordination, Workflow Management}, } @techreport{Wino87, author= {Winograd, T.A.}, title= {A Language/Action Perspective on the Design of Cooperative Work}, institution= {Stanford University}, number= {Report No. STAN-CS-87-1158}, month= may, year= {1987}, keywords= {cscw}, owner= {fbibib}, } @article{Wino88, key= {Wino88}, author= {Winograd, T.}, title= {Where the action is}, journal= {Byte}, month= dec, year={ 1988}, pages= {256--258}, keywords= {action/language perspective on CSCW} } @article{Wirt71, key= {Wirt71}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {The programming language PASCAL}, journal= acta, volume= 1, number= 1, year= {1971}, pages= {35--63} } @book{Wirt81, key= {Wirt81}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Compilerbau}, publisher= teubner, year= {1981}, keywords= {static link, dynamic link, code generation, Pascal} } @book{Wirt83, key= {Wirt83}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Programming in Modula-2}, publisher= springer, year= {1985} } @book{Wirt83b, key= {Wirt83b}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen}, publisher= teubner, year= {1983} } @book{Wirt85, key= {Wirt85}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Programmieren in Modula-2}, publisher= springer, year= {1985} } @incollection{Wirt85b, key= {Wirt85b}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Report on the Programming Language Modula-2}, booktitle= {Programming in Modula-2}, edition= {3rd}, publisher= springer, year= {1985} } @techreport{Wirt87a, key= {Wirt87a}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {The Programming Language {Oberon}}, institution= eth, year= {1987} } @techreport{Wirt87b, key= {Wirt87b}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {From Modula To Oberon}, institution= eth, year= {1987} } @techreport{Wirt88, key= {Wirt88}, author= {Wirth, N. and Gutknecht, J.}, title= {The Oberon System, System Release 1.2}, institution= eth, number= 138, month= oct, year= {1990} } @techreport{Wirt90, key= {Wirt90}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Die Programmiersprache Oberon}, institution= eth, number= 140, year= {1990}, keywords= {1:1 Uebersetzung von Wirt87a} } @article{Wirth71, key= {Wirth71}, author= {Wirth, N.}, title= {Program Development by Stepwise Refinement}, journal= cacm, volume= 14, number= 4, pages= {221--227}, year= {1971}, keywords= {structured programming standard reference} } @book{Witt93, author= {Wittig}, title= {Qualit\"atsmanagement in der Praxis}, publisher= {Teubner, Stuttgart}, year= {1993}, keywords= {ISO-9000, quality control}, } @techreport{WoKr87, key= {WoKr87}, author= {W{\"o}tzel, G. and Kreifelts, T.}, title= {The Office Procedure Language CoPlan}, number= {WISDOM Research Report FB-GMD-87-34}, institution= {Gesellschaft f\"ur Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, Bonn, St. Augustin}, note= {(In German)}, year= {1987}, comments= {## get copy}, keywords= {CSCW} } @inproceedings{WoVe90, key= {WoVe90}, author= {Wolski, A. and Veijalainen, J.}, title= {2PC Agent Method: Achieving Serializability in Presence of Failures in a Heterogeneous Multidatabase}, year= {1990}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures and their Applications}, address= {Miami Beach, Florida}, pages= {321--330} } @techreport{Wulf73, author= {William A. Wulf and Richard K. Johnsson and Charles B. Weinstock and Steven O. Hobbs}, title= {The Design of an Optimizing Compiler}, institution= {Carnegie Mellon University, Air Force Office of Scientific Research}, number= {AFOSR-TR-74-0096}, year= 1973, keywords= {Compiler, Intermediate Language, Front End, Back End, Code Improvements, Naming, Binding, } } @Book{XOP91, key= {XA91}, author= {{X/Open Ltd.}}, title= {Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification}, publisher= {Reading}, year= {1991}, address= {Berkshire, England}, keywords= {Standard, Transaction, Coordination, Workflow?}, } @book{YWT*95, author= {Yourdon, E. and Whitehead, K. and Thomann, J. and Oppel, K. and Nevermann, P.}, title= {Mainstream Objects: An Analysis and Design Approach for Business}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1995}, keywords= {Analysis, Modeling, Design, developed by SOFTWARE AG, business process modeling, workflow. Why adopt an object-oriented approach? Fundamental OO Concepts and Principles, Selected Object-Oriented Modeling Techniques, Object Structure Modeling, Business Process and Transaction Sequence Modeling, Object Interaction Modeling, Object Life Cycle Modeling, System-Wide Modeling, Managing an object-oriented development initiative, overview of object-oriented project life cycles, planning an object-oriented project, business analysis, system requirements analysis, logical design, physical design, Development of object-oriented applications (Natural-oo), Testing, Acceptance, Cutover and Operation, Thinking Object Oriented -- Analysis and Design Guidelines, Design Patterns. } } @book{Your94, author= {Yourdon, E.}, title= {Object-Oriented Systems Design: An Integrated Approach}, publisher= {Yourdon Press (Prentice Hall)}, year= {1994}, keywords= {analysis, modeling, design} } @inproceedings{YuMy93, key= {YuMy93}, author= {Yu, E.S.K. and Mylopoulos}, title= {An Actor Dependency Model of Organizational Work With Application to Business Process Reengineering}, booktitle= coocs93, year= {1993}, publisher= acm-press, keywords= {dependencies between actors based on goals, these goals need to be captured. Focus on why, not on what.} } @inproceedings{Zamu88, key= {Zamu88}, author= {Zamulin, A.V.}, title= {Data Base Programming Tools in the ATLANT Language}, booktitle= edbt88, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {303}, year= {1988}, pages= {563--566}, keywords= {DBPL, parametric types, persistent variables, procedures as database objects} } @book{ZdMa89, key= {ZdMa89}, author= {Zdonik, S.B. and Maier, D.}, title= {Readings in Object Oriented Database Management Systems}, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1989}, comments= {Good collection, Signatur A REA 15232}, keywords= {object stores, object-oriented data models} } @inproceedings{ZdWe86, key= {ZdWe86}, author= {Zdonik, S.B. and Wegner, P.}, title= {Language and Methodology for Object-Oriented Database Environments}, booktitle= hicss86, year= {1986}, pages= {378--387} } @inproceedings{Zdon87, key= {Zdon87}, author= {Zdonik, S.B.}, title= {Can Objects Change Type? Can Type Objects Change?}, booktitle= dbpl87, month= sep, year= {1987}, keywords= {system evolution} } @book{Zehn87, key= {Zehn87}, editor= {Zehnder, C.A.}, title= {Informationssysteme und Datenbanken}, publisher= teubner, edition= {4th}, year= {1987}, keywords= {database models, Modula/R, ER model, consistency, DML, DDL, integrity, architecture}, comments= {good for students, Signature: P ZEH 12927} } @book{Zelk87, key= {Zelk87}, editor= {Zelkowitz, M.V.}, title= {Selected Reprints in Software}, publisher= {Computer Society of the IEEE}, edition= {3rd}, year= {1987}, keywords= {Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Programming Techniques, Programming Environemnts, Related Areas}, comments= {30 papers, Signatur: P SEL 12014} } @mastersthesis{Zipp89, key= {Zipp89}, author= {Joachim Zippel}, title= {Repr"asentation und Verwaltung rekursiver Anfragen in relationalen Datenbanksystemen}, school= ffm-info, month= may, year= {1989}, } @proceedings{dbpl1, key= {dbpl1}, editor= {Bancilhon, F. and Buneman, P.}, title= dbpl87, publisher= altair, year= {1987} } @proceedings{dbpl2, key= {dbpl2}, editor= {Hull, R. and Morrison, R. and Stemple, D.}, title= dbpl89, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1989} } @proceedings{dbpl3, key= {dbpl3}, editor= {Kanellakis, P. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= dbpl91, publisher= kaufmann, year= {1991} } @proceedings{dbpl4, key= {dbpl4}, title= dbpl93, editor= {Beeri, C. and Ohori, A. and Shasha, D.E.}, series= {Workshops in Computing}, publisher= springer, year= 1994 } @article{deBr72, key= {deBr72}, title= {Lambda-calculus notation with nameless dummies: a tool for automatic formula manipulation with application to the {Church-Rosser} theorem}, author= {{de Bruijn}, N.G.}, journal= {Indag.~Math.}, volume= 34, number= 5, year= {1972}, pages= {381--392}, keywords= {scoping, naming, de Bruijn indices, variable capture} } @incollection{deBr80, key= {deBr80}, author= {{de Bruijn}, N.G.}, title= {A survey of the project {Automath}}, booktitle= {To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda-Calculus and Formalism}, year= {1980}, publisher= academic-press, editor= {Hindley, J.R and Seldin, J.P.}, keywords= {General remarks about mathematics with computers} } %---------- @inproceedings{BhCa95, author= {Bharat, K. and Cardelli, L.}, title= {Migratory Applications}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology '95}, pages= {133--142}, year= {1995}, keywords= {Obliq} } @incollection{LJGS90, author= {Liskov, B. and Johnson, P. and Gruber, R. and Shrira, L.}, title= {A Highly Available Object Repository for Uses in a Heterogeneous Distributed System}, booktitle= {Implementing Persistent Object Bases, Principles and Practice}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, year= {1990}, editor= {Dearle, A. and Shaw, G.M. and Zdonik, S.B.}, pages= {255--266}, } @inproceedings{GADV92, key= {GADV92}, author= {Gruber, O. and Amsaleg, L. and Dayn\`es, L. and Valduriez, P.}, title= {{EOS}, an Envrionment for Object-Based Systems}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 25th Hawaii Internationel Conference on System Sciences}, editor= {Rosenberg, J.}, volume= {I}, year= {1992}, pages= {757--768}, } @phdthesis{Grub92, key= {Grub92}, author= {Gruber, O.}, title= {Eos, an Environment for Persistent and Distributed Applications over a Shared Object Space}, school= {Universit\'e Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris IV}, month= dec, year= {1992}, } @inproceedings{LDS92, author= {Liskov, B. and Day, M. and Shrira, L.}, title= {Distributed Object Management in {Thor}}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Object Management, Edmonton, Canada}, year= {1992}, } @incollection{KSD+90, author= {Koch, B. and Schunke, T. and Dearle, A. and Vaughan, F. and Marlin, C. and Fazakearley, R. and Barter, C.}, title= {Cache Coherence and Storage Management in a Persistent Object System}, booktitle= {Implementing Persistent Object Bases, Principles and Practice}, publisher= {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, year= {1990}, editor= {Dearle, A. and Shaw, G.M. and Zdonik, S.B.}, } @article{DBF+94, author= {Dearle, A. and di Bona, R. and Farrow, J. and Henskens, F. and Lindstr{\"o}m, A. and Rosenberg, J.}, title= {Grasshopper: An Orthogonally Persistent Operating System}, journal= {Computer Systems}, year= {1994}, volume= {7}, number= 3, pages= {289--312}, } @article{ArFi89, author= {Artsy, Y. and Finkel, R.}, title= {Designing a Process Migration Facility}, journal= {IEEE Computer}, year= {1989}, month= sep, pages= {47--56}, } @inproceedings{Rozi92, author= {Rozier, M. et al.}, title= {Overview of the {Chorus} Distributed Operating System}, booktitle= {USENIX Workshop Proceedings - Microkernels and Other Kernel Architectures}, year= {1992}, month= apr, pages= {39-69} } @inproceedings{Milo93, author= {Milojicic, D.S. et al.}, title= {Task Migration on Top of the {Mach} Microkernel}, booktitle= {3rd USENIX Mach Symposium, Santa Fe}, year= {1993}, month= apr, pages= {273--289} } @inproceedings{LiSo92, author= {Litzkow, M. and Solomon, M.}, title= {Supporting Checkpointing and Process Migration Outside the UNIX Kernel}, booktitle= {USENIX Winter Conference, San Francisco}, year= {1992}, month= jan, pages= {283--290} } @book{BGW93b, author= {Barak, A. and Guday, S. and Wheeler, R.G.}, title= {The {MOSIX} Distributed Operating System: Load Balancing for UNIX}, series= lncs, volume= 672, publisher= springer, year= 1993, } @inproceedings{DoOs87, author= {Douglis, F. and Ousterhout, J.}, title= {Process Migration in the Sprite Operating System}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems}, year= {1987}, pages= {18-25} } @article{DoOs91, author= {Douglis, F. and Ousterhout, J.}, title= {Transparent Process Migration: Design Alternatives and the {Sprite} Implementation}, journal= {Software Practice and Experience}, volume= {21}, number= {8}, year= {1991}, month= aug, pages= {757--785} } @book{WoJe95, editor= {Wooldridge, M.J. and Jennings, N.R.}, title= {Agent Theories, Architectures and Languages: A Survey}, series= {Intelligent Agents}, publisher= springer, year= {1995}, } @book{Kern89, author= {Kerner, H.}, title= {Rechnernetze nach ISO-OSI, CCITT}, publisher= {Kerner, H.}, address= {Wolfsgraben ({\"O}stereich)}, year= {1989}, } @manual{ISOOSI83, key= {ISO-OSI}, title= {Information Processing Systems -- Open System Interconnection ({OSI}) -- Basic Reference Model}, organization= {{ISO / IEC 7498}}, year= {1983}, institution= {International Organization for Standardization}, keywords= {OSI} } @manual{ISOCCR90, key= {ISO-CCR}, title= {{Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Protocol Specification for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element}}, organization= {{ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC21 / IS 9805}}, year= {1990}, keywords= {CCR} } @book{AbSu84, title= {Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}, author= {Abelson, H. and Sussman, G.J. and Sussman, J.}, publisher= {The MIT Press}, year= 1984, } @inproceedings{MML94b, author= {M{\"u}ller, K. and Merz, M. and Lamersdorf, W.}, title= {Der TRADE-Trader: Ein Basisdienst offener verteilter Systeme}, booktitle= {Neue Konzepte f{\"u}r die Offene Verteilte Verarbeitung}, series= {Aachener Beitr{\"a}ge zur Informatik}, editor= {Popien, C. and Meyer, B.}, publisher= {Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung}, volume= {7}, year= {1994}, month= sep, pages= {35--44} } @book{X500, editor= {Tietz, Walter}, title= {Verzeichnis Systeme, Serien X.500}, publisher= {R. V. Decker's Verlag, G Schenck}, address= {Heidelberg}, series= {CCITT-Empfehlungen der V-Serie und der X-Serie}, year= {1989}, month= apr } @article{Hoar78, author= {Hoare, C.A.R.}, title= {Communicating Sequential Processes}, journal= acmcs, year= {1978}, month= aug, volume= {21}, number= 8, pages= {666--677}, } @mastersthesis{Goel96, author= {G{\"o}llnitz, M.}, title= {Polymorphe persistente Client/Server-Programmierung mit dynamischer hierarchischer Adre{\ss}aufl{\"o}sung}, school= hbg-info, type= {Studienarbeit}, month= apr, year= {1996}, } @mastersthesis{Breil95, author= {Breilmann, M.}, title= {Portierung des Tycoon-Systems auf das Macintosh-Betriebssystem}, school= hbg-info, type= {Studienarbeit}, month= nov, year= {1995}, } @mastersthesis{Vazi96, author= {Vaziri Pour, N.}, title= {Flexible Bindungstechniken f{\"u}r ubiquit{\"a}re Ressourcen in verteilten Anwendungen}, school= hbg-info, type= {Studienarbeit}, month= mar, year= {1996}, } @mastersthesis{Korn95, author= {Kornacker, M.}, title= {Persistente {S}icherungspunkte f{\"u}r langlebige {A}ktivit{\"a}ten in offenen {U}mgebungen}, school= hbg-info, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month= aug, year= {1995}, note= {(In German.)} } @mastersthesis{Lars92, author= {Larsen, N.E.}, title= {An Object-Oriented Database in {Emerald}}, school= {DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science}, month= jul, year= {1992}, } @article{AtMo95, author= {Atkinson, M. and Morrison, R.}, title= {Orthogonally Persistent Object Systems}, journal= {VLDB Journal}, year= {1995}, volume= {4}, number= 3, } @inproceedings{Shap91, author= {Shapiro, M.}, title= {{Soul:} an Object-Oriented Frameword for Object Support}, booktitle= {Workshop on Operating Systems for the Nineties and Beyond}, publisher= springer, year= {1991}, month= jul, } @inproceedings{AJJ+92, author= {Amaral, P. and Jacquemont, C. and Jensen, P. and Lea, R. and Mirowski, A.}, title= {Transparent Object Migration in {COOL-2}}, booktitle= ecoop92, year= {1992}, month= jun, } @article{LJP93, author= {Lea, R. and Jacquemont, C. and Pillevesse, E.}, title= {COOL: System Support for Distributed Object-Oriented Programming}, journal= cacm, volume= 36, number= 9, pages= {37--46}, year= {1993}, month= sep, } @unpublished{HuJe89, author= {Hutchinson, N. and Jeffery, C.L.}, title= {An Efficient Implementation of Distributed Object Persistence}, institution= {Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona}, year= 1989, month= jul, comment= {Internes Emerald-Dokument, ftp://ftp.diku.dk/pub/diku/dists/emerald/papers.tar.gz}, } @inproceedings{Hut87b, author= {Hutchinson, N.C.}, title= {{Emerald}: A Language To Support Distributed Programming}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Large-Grained Parallelism}, editor= {Barbacci, M.R.}, institution= {Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, month= nov, year= {1987}, pages= {45--47} } @techreport{TLKC95, author= {Thomsen, B. and Leth, L. and Knabe, F. and Chevalier, P.Y.}, title= {Mobile Agents}, institution= {European Computer-Industry Research Centre, Munich, Germany}, year= {1995}, month= jun, number= {ECRC-95-21}, } @phdthesis{Knab95, author= {Knabe, F.}, title= {Language Support for Mobile Agents}, school= {School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University}, year= {1995}, month= dec, } @manual{ISOODP95, key= {ISO-ODP}, title= {ODP Trading Function}, organization= {{ISO / IEC JTC 1 / SC 21 / DIS 13235}}, year= {1995}, month= jun, } @InProceedings{KLMM94, author= {D. Katiyar and D. Luckham and S. Meldal and J. C. Mitchell}, title= {Polymorphism and Subtyping in Interfaces}, booktitle= {ACM Workshop on Interface Definition Languages}, year= 1994, } @techreport{TLP+93, author= {B. Thomsen and L. Leth and S. Prasad and T.-S. Kuo and A. Kramer and F. Knabe and A. Giacalone}, title= {Facile Antigua Release -- Programming Guide}, institution= {European Computer-Industry Research Centre, Munich}, number= {ECRC-93-20}, year= 1993 } @article{Schi92, author= {Schill, A.}, title= {Remote Procedure Call: Fortgeschrittene Konzepte und Systeme - Ein {\"U}berblick}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, volume= {15}, year= {1992} } @book{Schi93, author= {Schill, A.}, title= {DCE: Das OSF Distributed Computing Environment, Einf{\"u}hrung und Grundlagen}, publisher= springer, year= {1993} } @InCollection{TaRe88, author= {A.S. Tanenbaum and R. van Renesse}, title= {A Critique of the Remote Procedure Call Paradigm}, booktitle= {Research into Networks and Distributed Applications}, editor= {R. Speth}, publisher= elsevier, year= 1988, pages= {775--783}, } @phdthesis{Sang93, author= {Sangiorgi, D.}, title= {Expressing Mobility in Process Algebras: First-Order and Higher-Order Paradigms}, school= {Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh}, year= {1993}, month= feb, } @inproceedings{Cour95, author= {Courtney, A.}, title= {Phantom: An Interpreted Language for Distributed Computing}, booktitle= {USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies (COOTS), Monterey, CA}, month= jun, year= {1995}, } @inproceedings{StJu95, author= {Steensgaard, B. and Jul, E.}, title= {Object and Native Code Thread Mobility Among Heterogeneous Computers}, booktitle= {15th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), Copper Mountain Resort, Colorado}, month= dec, year= {1995}, } @phdthesis{Fran94, author= {Franz, M.S.O.}, title= {Code-Generation On-the-Fly: A Key to Portable Software}, school= {Eidgen{\"o}ssische Technische Hochschule Z{\"u}rich, Schweiz}, year= {1994}, number= {ETH Dissertation Nr. 10497}, } @article{NeBi84, author= {Nelson, B. J. and Birrell, A. D.}, title= {Implementing Remote Procedure Calls}, journal= {ACM Transactions on Computer Systems}, year= {1984}, volume= {2}, number= {1}, month= feb, keywords= {RPC} } @book{SlKr88, author= {Sloman, M. and Kramer, J.}, title= {Verteilte Systeme und Rechnernetze}, publisher= {Coedition Carl Hanser Verlag, M\"unchen, Wien und Prentice-Hall International Inc., London}, note= {\"Ubersetzung Kurt Ackermann und Inge Haas-Ackermann}, year= {1988}} } @manual{ISORPC91, key= {ISO-RPC}, title= {{ISO Remote Procedure Call Specification}}, organization= {{ISO / IEC CD 11578-1 / SC 21 / N 6561}}, year= {1991}, month= nov, keywords= {RPC} } @article{ScMo93, author= {Schill, A. and Mock, M.U.}, title= {{DC++}: Distributed Object-Oriented System Support On Top of OSF DCE}, journal= {Distributed Systems Engineering}, year= {1993}, volume= {1}, pages= {112--125}, } @inproceedings{ABB+93, author= {Assenmacher, H. and Breitbach, T, and Buhler, P. and H{\"u}bsch, V. and Schwarz, R.}, title= {{PANDA} - Supporting Distributed Programming in {C++}}, booktitle= {ECOOP 93, Proceedings of the European Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Kaiserslautern}, year= {1993}, month= jul, } @book{Sant93, author= {Santifaller, M.}, title= {TCP/IP und ONC/NFS in Theorie und Praxis}, publisher= addison-wesley, note= {2. Auflage}, year= {1993} } @article{Jabl95, key= {Jabl95}, author= {Jablonski, S.}, title= {{Workflow-Management-Systeme: Motivation, Modellierung, Architektur}}, journal= {Informatik Spektrum}, volume= 18, number= 1, year= {1995}, publisher = springer, pages= {13--24} } @InProceedings{CPS93, author= {S. J. Caughey and G. D. Parrington and S. K. Shrivastava}, title= {{S}hadows - {A} Flexible Support System for Objects in Distributed Systems}, pages= {73--82}, booktitle= {Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Object Orientation and Operating Systems}, year= {199}, address= {Asheville, NC ({USA})}, month = dec, } @InCollection{Lamp81, author= {B. W. Lampson}, title= {Atomic Transactions}, booktitle= {Distributed Systems--Architecture and Implementation}, year= {1981}, publisher= springer, series= lncs, volume= {105}, pages= {246--265}, } @techreport{LSG*79, author= {B. Lindsay and P. Selinger and C. Galtieri and J. Gray and R. Lorie and T. Price and F. Putzolo and I. Traiger and B. Wade}, title= {Notes on Distributed Databases}, institution= {IBM Almaden Research Laboratories}, number= {TR RJ2571}, address= {San Jose, CA}, year= {1979}, } @article{PSS*95, author= {Graham D. Parrington and Santosh K. Shrivastava and Stuart M. Wheater and Mark C. Little}, title= {The Design and Implementation of {Arjuna}}, journal= {Computing Systems}, volume= 8, number= 3, pages= {255--308}, year= 1995, } @InProceedings{CaSh95, author= {S. J. Caughey and S. K. Shrivastava}, title= {Architectural Support for Mobile Objects in Large Scale Distributed Systems}, booktitle= {IWOOOS-95}, year= {1995}, month = aug, } @Misc{GM95a, key= {General Magic}, title= {General Magic's Telescript home page}, howpublished= {\\ http://www.genmagic.com/Telescript/}, year= {1995}, } @Misc{GM95b, key= {General Magic}, title= {Telescript Programming Guide, Version 0.5 (ALPHA)}, howpublished= {http://www.genmagic.com/Telescript/TDE/TDEDOCS\_HTML/developer.html}, year= {1995}, month= oct, } @InProceedings{Shap86, author = {Shapiro, M.}, title = {Structure and Encapsulation in Distributed Systems: The Proxy Principle}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)}, pages = {198--205}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society , Washington, DC}, address = {Cambridge, MA USA}, year = {1986}, } @book{PiRa94, author= {Pietrzyk, D. and Radic, M.}, title= {{ODBC} in der Praxis}, publisher= {{IT}-Verlag}, address= {H{\"o}henkirchen}, year= {1994}, } @techreport{Kepp93, author= {Keppel, D.}, institution= {University of Washington}, title= {Tools and Techniques for Building Fast Portable Threads Packages}, year= {1993}, address= {Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle}, month= may, number= {93-05-06}, } @article{TRS*90, author= {Tanenbaum, A.S. and van Renesse, R. and van Staveren, H. and Sharp, G.J. and Mullender, S.J. and Jansen J. and van Rossum, G.}, title= {Experiences with the {Amoeba Distributed Operating System}}, journal= cacm, volume= 33, number= 12, pages= {46--63}, month= dec, year= 1990, } @manual{Neer95, author= {Neeracher, M.}, title= {Grand Unified Socket Interface - User's Manual, Version 1.55 \\ ftp://ftp.switch.ch/software/mac/src/mw\_c/}, year= {1995}, month= apr, } @article{LeTe91, author= {H. M. Levy and E. D. Tempero}, title= {Modules, Objects and Distributed Programming: Issues in {RPC} and Remote Object Invocation}, journal= {Software Practice and Experience}, volume= {21}, number= {1}, month= jan, year= {1991}, } @mastersthesis{Koeh96, author= {Koehler, H.}, title= {Generische Daten- und Funktionsvisualisierung in einer persistenten Programmierumgebung}, school= hbg-info, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month= mar, year= {1996}, } @InProceedings{Yell95, author= {Frank Yellin}, title= {Low Level Security in Java}, booktitle= {4th International Conference on the World-Wide Web}, address= {Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston}, year= {1995}, month= Dec, } @manual{Sun95b, title= {The Java Virtual Machine Specification}, edition= {1.0 Beta}, year= {1995}, month= aug, organization= {Sun Microsystems}, } @Manual{Sun95c, title= {The Java Language Specification}, edition= {1.0 Beta}, year= {1995}, month= oct, organization= {Sun Microsystems}, } @TechReport{GMcG95, author= {Gosling, J. and {McG}ilton, H.}, title= {The Java Language Environment -- {A} Whitepaper}, month= oct, institution = {Sun Microsystems}, keywords= {java, object oriented, interpreter, virtual machine}, year= {1995}, } @Misc{MOBILE95, title= {Home Page des Projektes {MOBILE}: MOdel Base for an Integrative View of Logistics and Environment}, howpublished= {http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/ASI/MOBILE\_home.html}, year= {1995}, keywords= {MOBILE, WWW, Home Page} } @Misc{Netscape96, title= {Persistent Client State - HTTP Cookies - Preliminary Specification, Netscape Communications Corporation}, howpublished= {http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie\_spec.html}, year= {1996}, } @book{OPM96, author= {Otte, R. and Patrick, P. and Roy, M.}, title= {Understanding CORBA: the Common Object Request Broker Architecture}, publisher= prentice, year= {1996}, } @unpublished{AJDS96, author= {Atkinson, M.P. and Jordan, M.J. and Dayn\`es, L. and Spense, S.}, title= {Design Issues for Persistent Java: a type-safe, object-oriented, orthogonally persistent system}, address= {ftp://dcs.gla.ac.uk/pub/pjava/pos7/pjava-pos7.ps.gz}, note= {(submitted to the 7th Internationl Workshop on Persistent Object Systems)}, month= feb, year= {1996}, } @book{Curr92, author= {Curry, D.}, title= {UNIX System Security}, publisher= addison-wesley, year= {1992}, } @book{Gold91, author= {Goldfarb, C.}, title= {The SGML Handbook}, publisher= {Claredadon Press, Oxford}, year= {1991}, } @article{BST89, author= {Bal, H.E. and Steiner, J.G. and Tanenbaum, A.S.}, title= {Programming Languages for Distributed Systems}, journal= acmcs, volume= {21}, number= {3}, month= sep, year= {1989}, pages= {261--322}, } @Book{AWV93, author= {J. Armstrong and M. Williams and R. Virding}, title= {Concurrent Programming in Erlang}, publisher= prentice, year= {1993}, abstract= {Erlang is a concurrent functional programming language designed for large industrial real-time systems. Erlang is dynamically typed and has a pattern matching syntax. Functions are defined using recursion equations. Erlang provides explicit concurrency, has asynchronous message passing and is relatively free from side effects. Distributed Erlang programs can run transparently on cross-platform multi-vendor systems. The language has primitives for detecting run-time errors and for dynamic code replacement (i.e. changes to code can be made in a running real-time system, without stopping system).}, } @InProceedings{Wiks94, author = {Wikstr{\"o}m, C.}, title = {Distributed Programming in Erlang}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Parallel Symbolic Computation}, address = {Linz, {\"O}sterreich}, year = {1986}, month= sep, } @article{LiSh88, author= {Liskov, B. and Shrira, L.}, title= {Promises: Linguistic Support for Efficient Asynchronous Procedure Calls in Distributed Systems}, pages= {260--267}, journal= sigplan, year= {1988}, month= jul, volume= 23, number= 7, } @techreport{BENOW93, author= {Birell, A. and Evers, D. and Nelson, G. and Owicki, S. and Wobber, E.}, title= {Distributed Garbage Collection for Network Objects}, institution= src, number= 116, month= dec, year= {1993}, } @techreport{WJK96a, title= {Overview of Java and HotJava}, author= {Weiss, M. and Johnson, A. and Kiniry, J.}, institution= {Open Software Foundation Research Institute}, year= {1996}, month= feb, } @techreport{WJK96b, title= {Distributed Computing: Java, CORBA and DCE}, author= {Weiss, M. and Johnson, A. and Kiniry, J.}, institution= {Open Software Foundation Research Institute}, year= {1996}, month= feb, } @techreport{Tsch94, title= {An Introduction to the M{\O} Messenger Language}, author= {Tschudin, C.F.}, institution= {Universit{\"a}t Genf, Schweiz}, type= {Cahier du Centre Universitaire d'Informatique}, number= {No 86}, year= {1994}, month= sep, } @InProceedings{Tsch95, author= {Tschudin, C.F.}, title = {Protokollimplementierung mit Kommunikationsboten}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the KiVS '95 Conference}, address = {Chemnitz}, year = {1995}, month= feb, } @InProceedings{Gray95, author= {Gray, R.S.}, title = {Agent Tcl: A Transportable Agent System}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the CIKM Workshop on Intelligent Information Agents, Fourth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 95)}, address = {Baltimore, Maryland}, editor= {Mayfield, J. and Finin, T.}, year = {1995}, month= dec, } @techreport{KSW95, title= {Informationsmodellierung im Rahmen eines Umweltinformationssystems}, author= {Kutsche, R.D. and Sch"oning, C. and Wa{\ss}erroth, S.}, institution= {Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin, Fachbereich Informatik}, type= {Forschungsbericht}, number= {Nr. 95-17}, year= {1995}, month= apr, } @mastersthesis{Buss96, author= {Busse, S.}, title= {Modellbasiertes Prototyping objektorientierter, heterogener, verteilter Informationssysteme auf der Basis des Tycoon-Systems}, school= {Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin, Fachbereich Informatik}, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month= may, year= {1996}, } @phdthesis{Math96, author= {Mathiske, B.}, title= {Mobility in Persistent Object Systems}, year= 1996, month= may, school= hbg-info, note= {(in German)}, } @mastersthesis{Piel96, author= {Piellusch, A.}, title= {Synchronization of Long-lived Activities}, school= hbg-info, year= {1996}, month= jun, note= {(in German)}, } @manual{Sun88, title= {{Sun} {OS} Reference Manual}, organization= {Sun Microsystems}, year= {1988}, month= may, abstract= {Contains manual for lightweight process system for SunOS 4.x}, } @manual{ISO8879, key= {ISO8879}, title= {Information Processing -- Standard Generalized Markup Language}, organization= {{ISO 8879}}, year= {1986}, institution= {International Organization for Standardization}, address= {Geneva}, keywords= {SGML} } @manual{ISO8613, key= {ISO8613}, title= {Information Processing - Office Document Architecture and Interchange Format}, organization= {{ISO 8613}}, year= {1989}, institution= {International Organization for Standardization}, address= {Geneva}, keywords= {ODA, aehnlich zu SGML} } @Misc{HTML95, key= {HTML95}, title= {HTML 2.0 Proposed Standard Materials}, author= {Berners-Lee, T. and Connolly, D.}, howpublished= {http://\-www.w3.ord/pub/WWW/MarkUp/html-spec/}, year= {1995}, month= nov, keywords= {HTML, standard, markup, SGML} } @article{Fuhr96, author= {Fuhr, N.}, title= {Models for Integrated Information Retrieval and Database Systems}, pages= {3--13}, journal= {Data Engineering Bulletin}, year= {1996}, volume= 19, number= 1, month= mar, keywords= {IR, information retrieval, databases, integration} } @inproceedings{AMGPS95, author= {Agostini, A. and {De Michelis}, G. and Grasso, M. and Prinz, W. and Syri, A.}, title= {Contexts, Work Processes, Work Spaces}, booktitle= {COOP`95: International Workshop on the Design of Cooperative Systems}, journal= {Computer Supported Cooperative Work. An International Journal}, pages= {219--238}, adress= {Juan-le-Pins, France}, year= {1995}, editor= {INRIA}, month= jan, keywords= {shared, disjoint workspaces, CSCW, group collaboration} } @proceedings{DE96, key= {DE96}, editor= {Moss, J.E.B.}, title= {Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Integrating Text Retrieval and Databases}, volume= 19, month= mar, year= {1996}, keywords= {IR, information retrieval, databases, integration, overview} } @inproceedings{BD94, author= {Bernstein, P.A. and Dayal, U.}, title= {An overview of repository technology}, booktitle= vldb94, year= {1994}, keywords= {repositories, meta data, overview} } @manual{Fulc96, key= {Fulc96}, title= {Fulcrum SearchServer Version 3.0}, organization= {Fulcrum Technologies Inc.}, year= {1996}, month= feb, institution= {International Organization for Standardization}, address= {785 Carling Ave., Ottawa, Canada, K1S 5H4}, keywords= {Fulcrum, Information Retrieval, Engine} } @manual{Bona96, key= {Bona96}, title= {Bonapart Systemdokumentation}, year= {1996}, organization= {PRO UBIS GmbH}, address= {Alt-Moabit 98, D-10559 Berlin}, keywords= {Bonapart, Workflow, GPR, Modeling} } @Misc{WAIS-sf95, key= {WAIS-sf95}, title= {The enhanced freeWAIS distribution Edition 0.5}, author= {Pfeiffer, U.}, howpublished= {http://\-ls6.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/ir/projects/freeWAIS-sf/}, year= {1995}, month= oct, keywords= {WAIS, integrated IR and DB engine} } @Misc{UML96, key= {UML96}, title= {The Unified Modeling Language, Version 0.91}, author= {Booch, G. and Jacobson, I. and Rumbaugh, J.}, howpublished= {http://\www.rational.com/ot/uml.html}, year= {1996}, month= sep, keywords= {UML, OMT Nachfolger}, } @phdthesis{Yu95, author= {Yu, E.}, title= {Modeling Strategic Relationships for Process Reengineering}, year= 1995, school= {University of Toronto}, keywords= {Actor's intentsions, requirements modeling} } @Misc{MeDoc96, key= {MeDoc96}, title= {MeDoc, die elektronische Informatikbibliothek}, author= {Kuntz, M.}, howpublished= {http://\medoc.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/}, year= {1996}, month= feb, organization= {Projektb"uro MeDoc, TU M"unchen, Institut f"ur Informatik, Arcisstr. 21, 80290 M"unchen}, keywords= {MeDoc, digital libraries, information retrieval} } @proceedings{DL94, key= {DL94}, title= {Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraires}, month= jun, address= {College Station, Texas, USA}, year= {1994}, } @proceedings{DL95, key= {DL95}, title= {Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on the Theory and Practice of Digital Libraires}, month= jun, address= {Austin, Texas, USA}, year= {1995}, } @proceedings{DL96, key= {DL96}, title= {Digital Libraries'96. First ACM International Conference on Digital Libraires}, month= mar, address= {Bethesda, Maryland, USA}, year= {1996}, } @incollection{DDJ+97, key= {DDJ+97}, author= {Giorgio {De Michelis} and Eric Dubois and Matthias Jarke and Florian Matthes and John Mylopoulos and Mike Papazoglou and Klaus Pohl and Joachim Schmidt and Carson Woo and Eric Yu}, title= {Cooperative Information Systems: A Manifesto}, editor= {Mike P. Papazoglou and Gunther Schlageter}, booktitle= {Cooperative Information System: Trends and Directions}, publisher= {Academic Press}, year= {1997}, keywords= {COOPIS, facets} } @mastersthesis{Joha97, key= {Joha97}, author= {Nico Johannisson}, title= {An environment for mobile agents: agent-oriented distributed databases}, school= hbg-info, month= apr, note= {(In German)}, year= {1997} } @Book{OHE96, author= {Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey and Jeri Edwards}, title= {The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide}, publisher= wiley, year= {1996}, keywords= {CORBA, OLE, OMG, ...} } @mastersthesis{Hoh95, author= {Hohl, Fritz}, title= {{Konzeption eines einfachen Agentensystems und Implementation eines Prototyps}}, school= {Universitaet Stuttgart}, year= {1995}, type= {Diplomarbeit}, month= aug, address= {Abteilung Verteilte Systeme} } @phdthesis{Kna95, author= {Knabe, Frederick Colville}, title= {Language Support for Mobile Agents}, school= {Carnegie Mellon University}, year= {1995}, month= oct, address= {Pittsburgh, PA 15213} } @book{Had95, author= {Afsaneh Haddadi}, title= {Communication and Cooperation in Agent Systems}, year= {1995}, publisher= springer } @misc{Ros93, author= {Marshall T. Rose}, title= {{MIME Extensions for Mail-Enabled Applications: application/Safe-Tcl and multipart/enabled-mail}}, howpublished= {Internet WWW}, year= {1993}, note= {working draft} } @manual{GMI95, key= {GMI95}, organization= {General Magic, Inc.}, title= {Telescript Devloper Environment, Version 1.0 alpha}, year= {1995}, month= oct, note= {Internet WordWideWeb, see General Magic homepage.} } % ## BAPI Referenzen fehlen! @techreport{CBO96, key= {CBO96}, author= {OMB Business Object Domain Task Force}, title= {RFP - 1: Common Business Objects and Business Object Facility }, institution= {Object Management Group}, number= {OMG TC Document CF/96-01-04}, year= 1996 } @techreport{Aust62, author= {Austin, J.}, title= {How to do things with words}, institution= {Oxford University Press}, year= {1962}, address= {Oxford} } @techreport{Sear69, author= {Searle, J.}, title= {Speech Acts}, institution= {Cambridge University Press}, year= {1969}, address= {Cambridge} } @inproceedings{MMS96a, key= {MMS96a}, author= {Matthes, F. and M{\"u}ller, R. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {Towards a Unified Model of Untyped Object Stores: Experience with the {Tycoon} Store Protocol}, booktitle= {Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'96), Proceedings of the Third International Workshop of the Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter}, year= {1996} } @unpublished{MMS96b, key= {MMS96b}, author= {Mathiske, B. and Matthes, F. and Schmidt, J.W.}, title= {On Migrating Threads}, note= {To appear in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems}, year= 1996 } @techreport{MSMQ95, key= {MSMQ95}, institution= {Microsoft Corporation}, title= {{Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ). A White Paper from the Business Systems Technologie Series}}, howpublished= {Internet WWW}, year= {1995}, note= {http://www.microsoft.com/msmq/overview.htm} }