% "a4" document style option % [merge of "a4wide" and "a4"] % F. Matthes, 27.6.1990 % updated for Sun 7.Sept. 1990 % % "a4wide" document style option. % Jean-Francois Lamy, July 86 % % Redefines the margins so that they are more in line with % what we are used to see. % % "a4" document style option. % John Pavel, May 1987 % % Redefines the \textheight and \topmargin for A4 paper, as opposed to US paper. % \textwidth is not altered because A4 is narrower than US paper. % % \textheight is the height of text (including footnotes and figures, % excluding running head and foot). % % Adjusting \textheight will adjust position of the bottom of the page. % Must preserve "(\textheight - \topskip) divides \baselineskip". % \topskip always appears to be 10pt. % % % Following Lamport's change to other style files on 24 Jun 86, % changed to explicitly compute \textheight to avoid roundoff. The % value of the multiplier was calculated as the floor of the old % \textheight minus \topskip, divided by \baselineskip for % \normalsize. % % % \topmargin -1.6cm % seems to be necessary ??? \ifcase \@ptsize % mods for 10 pt \textheight 53\baselineskip \or % mods for 11 pt \textheight 46\baselineskip \or % mods for 12 pt \textheight 42\baselineskip \fi \advance\textheight by \topskip \ifcase \@ptsize % mods for 10 pt \oddsidemargin 0.15 in % Left margin on odd-numbered pages. \evensidemargin 0.35 in % Left margin on even-numbered pages. \marginparwidth 1 in % Width of marginal notes. \oddsidemargin 0.25 in % Note that \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin \evensidemargin 0.25 in \marginparwidth 0.75 in \textwidth 5.875 in % Width of text line. \or % mods for 11 pt \oddsidemargin 0.1 in % Left margin on odd-numbered pages. \evensidemargin 0.15 in % Left margin on even-numbered pages. \marginparwidth 1 in % Width of marginal notes. \oddsidemargin 0.125 in % Note that \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin \evensidemargin 0.125 in \marginparwidth 0.75 in \textwidth 6.125 in % Width of text line. \or % mods for 12 pt \oddsidemargin -10 pt % Left margin on odd-numbered pages. \evensidemargin 10 pt % Left margin on even-numbered pages. \marginparwidth 1 in % Width of marginal notes. \oddsidemargin 0 in % Note that \oddsidemargin = \evensidemargin \evensidemargin 0 in \marginparwidth 0.75 in \textwidth 6.375 true in % Width of text line. \fi