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Paper on EA documentation challenges accepted at TEAR 2012

A paper on EA documentation challenges has been accepted at the 7th Workshop on Trends in Enterprise Architecture Research (TEAR 2012). The author team (Matheus Hauder, Florian Matthes, and Sascha Roth) presents major challenges for an automated EA documentation based on 1) a practical example from a global acting enterprise, 2) a literature review, and 3) a survey among 123 EA practitioners. The identified challenges are synthesized to four categories and constitute the foundation for future research efforts and pose new questions not yet considered.

Article on Technology Surveillance based on Web 2.0 Tools accepted at...

In the paper titled "Using Web 2.0 Technologies to Support Technology Surveillance in a University Context " the author team (Florian Matthes, Marta Beatriz Infante Abreu and Alexander Steinhoff) a theoretical model of a Web 2.0 supported Technology Surveillance (TS) process is developed. The model specifies how Web 2.0 technologies can replace traditional tools, support the actors in the TS process and how they transform the TS process itself. This means, that the roles of the people participating in the process change and that previously separate activities are partially integrated. It is further demonstrated how this approach can be applied in practice using an existing commercial web based collaboration platform.

Article on the application of web analytics tools in the context of...

In the paper titled "Applying Web Analytics Tools in the Context of Enterprise Social Software", the author team (Alexander Schneider and Alexander Steinhoff) explore how the mature tools that have been developed primarily for public commercial web sites can be used to support the different stakeholders of social software systems in enterprises. It is particularly examined how the fulltext search capabilites of such platforms can be improved using web analytics data. The paper will be presented at the 12th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2011).

Article on an an agile design of the enterprise architecture management...

In the paper titled "Towards an agile design of the enterprise architecture management function" the author team (Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, Sascha Roth, Christopher Schulz, and Christian M. Schweda) explore to which extent agile methods can be applied to EA management, derive challenges for an agile EA management approach, and revisit current approaches regarding their agility. Finally, the paper outlines how agile EA management can be implemented based on the method of Scrum.

Article on Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns for...

Article on Enterprise Architecture Management Patterns for Enterprise-wide Access Views on Business Objects  accepted at EuroPLoP 2011. The Author team (Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, Sascha Roth, Christopher Schulz, and Christian M. Schweda) focuses on the enterprise-wide availability of business objects. Motivated by case studies from industry, the paper describes patterns to analyze and justify an enterprise-wide access matrix. Respective viewpoints are presented facilitating a business object access management on enterprise level. The method and information model concepts are further substantiated by means of case studies.