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Demonstation on HybridWikis4EAM at WikiSym 2011

Christian Neubert demonstates Hybrid Wikis at 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration 2011 (WikiSym 2011), Mountain View, CA, USA.

Best paper award for article on Hybrid Wikis - Empowering Users to...

The article Hybrid Wikis: Empowering Users to Collaboratively Structure Information was selected as the best paper at the International Conference on Software and Data Management 2011 (ICSOFT 2011), Sevilla, Spain. In this article the author team (Florian Matthes, Christian Neubert, and Alexander Steinhoff) introduce the concepts of Hybrid Wikis, a new approach for structuring contents in enterprise wikis, and show how business users benefit from this approach.

Article on structuring contents in enterprise wikis accepted at ECKM 2011

In the paper titled "Enabling Knowledge Workers to Collaboratively Add Structure to Enterprise Wikis", the author team (Florian Matthes and Christian Neubert) introduce concepts and mechanisms facilitating the evolution of information structures in an enterprise wiki and explain how business user benefit from them.

Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey 2010

The results of the Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey 2010 are online available now.

The survey 2010 originated from the Bachelor Thesis Review and Extension of the sebis Enterprise 2.0 Tool Survey in which Andreas Mirbeth evaluated the tools Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Tricia.

The evaulation of more tools is in progess and the results will be made available as soon as possible.