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EAMKON 2011 Stuttgart

Zum 4. Mal veranstalten die NetAcad am 25./26. Mai 2011 zusammen mit Prof. Florian Matthes von der TU München das jährlichen Branchenevent zum Thema Unternehmensarchitektur den EAMKON.

Unter anderem berichten folgende Unternehmen: Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & CoKG, METRO SYSTEMS GmbH, Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB, Siemens Financial Services, Schenker AG, Porsche AG.

Themen sind unter anderem: Inventarisierung der Applikationslandschaft auf Basis Business Capabilities, Einbettung der Architektur in das IT-Veränderungsmanagement, Nutzen von Business Architektur Management, Wie EAM bei der Identifizierung von Einsparpotenzialen hilft, Konkrete Nutzung von TOGAF als Planungsinstrument, Messung der Komplexität globaler Applikationslandschaften, Zusammenspiel von EAM mit Portfoliomanagement und IT-Governance.

Bei Buchung von mindestens zwei Kongresstagen bis zum 30. März 2011 erhalten Sie einen Frühbucherrabatt von Euro 150,-!

Das Programm der EAMKON können Sie hier einsehen.

  eam events

Article on building block-based development of EA modeling languages...

The article A method to develop EA modeling languages using practice-proven solutions has been accepted for publication at the EEWC 2011. In the article the author team (Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, and Christian M. Schweda) introduce the idea of language building blocks for defining the syntax, the semantics, and the notation of EA modeling languages. These building blocks are derived from practice-proven solutions and are complemented by techniques to facilitate their consistent integration.

Article on Modeling Enterprise Architecture Transformations accepted at...

The article Modeling Enterprise Architecture Transformations has been accepted for publication at the IWEI 2011. In the article the author team (Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, Ivan Monahov, and Christian M. Schweda) discuss different EA planning perspectives, for which numerous models and modeling techniques have been developed and examined over the last few years. The paper presents ways in which the different perspectives can be modeled as add-ons for EA models and the ways they interrelate.

Article on the state of the art in EA management accepted at WI2011

The article Charting the landscape of enterprise architecture management - An extensive literature analysis has been accepted for publication at the Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011 (WI2011). In the article the author team (Mariana Mykhashchuk, Sabine Buckl, Thomas Dierl, and Christian M. Schweda) provide an overview about the state of the art in EA management and the major research groups active in the area..

Articles on EAM published in EAM practice book

The invited articles EAM-Werkzeuge and Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft von EAM were published in the book Enterprise Architecture Management in der Praxis - Wandel, Komplexität und IT-Kosten im Unternehmen beherrschen of symposion Verlag. In the first article, the author team (J.H.Keuntje, S.Buckl, F.Matthes, C.M.Schweda) discusses on the different approaches taken by today's EAM tools. Revisiting the state-of-the-art, the team provides a framework of three essential dimensions of typical tooling approaches, and explains how these characteristics may be used to find the best-suited tool. In the second article, the author team (F.Matthes, S.Buckl, C.M.Schweda) travels through past and present of the discipline of EAM, providing an overview on well-known approaches as well as the development history of the field. An outlook on future topic concludes the article, pointing towards topics possibly await in the discipline's near future.