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Article detailing a practice case of BEAMS accepted at MCIS2011

In the paper titled "Applying the Concept of Building Blocks for Enterprise Architecture Management Solutions in Practice" the author team (Ingrid Prem, Ivan Monahov, Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes) detail how the method building blocks of (BEAMS) can be applied in practice by presenting a case study from the public sector.

Technical report on the state-of-the-art in EAM literature published

In the report titled "On the State-of-the-Art in Enterprise Architecture Management Literature" the author team (Sabine Buckl and Christian M. Schweda) investigate the state-of-the-art in EAM literature. As key part of the investigation, they derive a conceptual framework for EA management functions reflecting both the method and the language aspect. Based on this framework, 22 relevant and prominent EAM approaches are analyzed. A short conclusion summarizes the findings of the analysis and discusses future topics for EAM research.

Article on EA information demands and supplies accepted at EDOC 2011

The article Modeling the supply and demand of architectural information on enterprise level  has been accepted for publication at EDOC 2011. The author team (Sabine Buckl, Andreas Gehlert, Florian Matthes, Christopher Schulz and Christian M. Schweda) discusses the need to focus EA management endeavors in general and the corresponding documentation activities, in particular, on relevant parts of the enterprise. This need is operationalized by a modeling technique to describe the information demands of EA stakeholders. This technique is further applied to make explicit the information supply by different actors in the enterprise. A case study exemplifies the applicability of the techniques and indicates on organizational structures as well as dependencies that can be used for motivating EA actors.

Article on EA analysis accepted at EMMSAD2011

The article A meta-language for enterprise architecture analysis has been accepted for publication at EMMSAD2011.This article results from a joint work of KTH Stockholm and Technische Universität München. The author team (Sabine Buckl, Markus Buschle, Pontus Johnson, Florian Matthes, and Christian M. Schweda) discusses the requirements for a meta-language that supports EA analysis has to fulfill and outline how OMG's MetaObjectFacility (MOF) can be enhanced to satisfy these requirements.

Article on socio-technic dependency modeling for EAM accepted at ONTOSE2011

The article Socio-technic Dependency and Rationale Models for the Enterprise Architecture Management Function has been accepted for publication at ONTOSE 2011. In the article the author team (Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes, and Christian M. Schweda) take a system-perspective on the enterprise and its architecture. Therefore, they combine technical cause-effect modeling with i*-based modeling of intentional dependencies between the stakeholders and actors of certain EA parts. The resulting intertwined set of dependencies provides a basis for model-based control and governance structures.