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Article on automated EA documentation published at AMCIS

An article has been published at the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). In the article "Automating Enterprise Architecture Documentation using Models of an Enterprise Service Bus" the author team (Markus Buschle, Mathias Ekstedt, Sebastian Grunow, Matheus Hauder, Sascha Roth, and Florian Matthes) investigate a specific Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) as an information source for automated EA documentation.

Article on Application Landscape Integration Strategies in M&As...

An article has been published at the 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). In the article "Decision Support For Selecting an Application Landscape Integration Strategy in Mergers and Acquisitions", the author team (Marie-Lena Eckert, Andreas Freitag, Florian Matthes, Sascha Roth, and Christopher Schulz) propose four integration profiles enabling a structured decision support for selecting the appropriate application landscape strategy during M&A.

Article on EA planning accepted at EMISA 2011

The article "Towards a More Integrated EA Planning: Linking Transformation Planning with Evolutionary Change" has been accepted for publication at EMISA 2011. In the article, the author team (Stefan Aier, Sabine Buckl, Bettina Gleichauf, Florian Matthes, Christian M. Schweda and Robert Winter) describe how bottom-up change and maintenance processes for the EA can be interlinked both methodically and conceptually with top-down evolutionary planning.

Article detailing a practice case of BEAMS accepted at MCIS2011

In the paper titled "Applying the Concept of Building Blocks for Enterprise Architecture Management Solutions in Practice" the author team (Ingrid Prem, Ivan Monahov, Sabine Buckl, Florian Matthes) detail how the method building blocks of (BEAMS) can be applied in practice by presenting a case study from the public sector.

Technical report on the state-of-the-art in EAM literature published

In the report titled "On the State-of-the-Art in Enterprise Architecture Management Literature" the author team (Sabine Buckl and Christian M. Schweda) investigate the state-of-the-art in EAM literature. As key part of the investigation, they derive a conceptual framework for EA management functions reflecting both the method and the language aspect. Based on this framework, 22 relevant and prominent EAM approaches are analyzed. A short conclusion summarizes the findings of the analysis and discusses future topics for EAM research.